House Bill 1781

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1781

        By Representative Arnall

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the clerk of the circuit

  3         court; amending s. 28.001, F.S.; redefining the

  4         term "official records" to provide that the

  5         official records are a general series of

  6         records; amending s. 28.07, F.S.; providing

  7         that instruments may be accepted and filed at

  8         branch offices for recording in the Official

  9         Records; amending s. 28.222, F.S.; providing

10         that a register of Official Records be made

11         available at branch offices; amending s. 40.32,

12         F.S.; extending the time period for the amount

13         of time to pay a witness or juror; amending s.

14         45.031, F.S.; requiring the successful bidder

15         at a tax deed sale to pay a deposit of 5

16         percent of the final sale price; amending s.

17         55.10, F.S.; exempting a municipality, county,

18         or the state from having to rerecord a lien;

19         amending s. 177.091, F.S.; deleting obsolete

20         language; amending s. 177.111, F.S.; deleting a

21         provision that a filed copy of a drawing be

22         made on cloth; amending s. 215.425, F.S.;

23         providing eligibility for extra compensation to

24         employees of constitutional officers; amending

25         s. 569.11, F.S.; providing that a citation for

26         possession of tobacco by a minor must be paid

27         within a certain time period; amending s.

28         741.09, F.S.; deleting obsolete language;

29         repealing s. 142.17, F.S., relating to the duty

30         of the Comptroller to prepare certain blanks;

31         repealing s. 938.09, F.S., relating to


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1781


  1         additional court costs in cases in which victim

  2         is handicapped or elderly; repealing s. 938.11,

  3         F.S., relating to cases in which victim is

  4         handicapped or elderly; providing an effective

  5         date.


  7  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  9         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 28.001, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         28.001  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

12         (1)  "Official records" means each instrument that the

13  clerk of the circuit court is required or authorized to record

14  in one general the series of books called "Official Records"

15  as provided for in s. 28.222.

16         Section 2.  Section 28.07, Florida Statutes, is amended

17  to read:

18         28.07  Place of office.--The clerk of the circuit court

19  shall keep his or her office at the county seat. If the clerk

20  finds a need for branch offices, they may be located in the

21  county at places other than the county seat. Instruments

22  presented for recording in the Official Records may be

23  accepted and filed for that purpose at any branch office

24  designated by the governing body of the county for the

25  recording of instruments pursuant to s. 1, Art. VIII of the

26  State Constitution.  One or more deputy clerks authorized to

27  issue process may be employed for such branch offices. The

28  Official Records books of the county must be kept at the

29  county seat. Other records and books must be kept within the

30  county but need not be kept at the county seat.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1781


  1         Section 3.  Subsections (2) and (6) of section 28.222,

  2  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  3         28.222  Clerk to be county recorder.--

  4         (2)  The clerk of the circuit court shall record all

  5  instruments in one general series of books called "Official

  6  Records."  He or she shall keep a register in which he or she

  7  shall enter at the time of filing the filing number of each

  8  instrument filed for record, the date and hour of filing, the

  9  kind of instrument, and the names of the parties to the

10  instrument.  The clerk shall maintain a general alphabetical

11  index, direct and inverse, of all instruments filed for

12  record.  The register of Official Records must be available at

13  each office where official records may be filed.

14         (6)  All instruments recorded in the Official Records

15  books shall always be open to the public, under the

16  supervision of the clerk, for the purpose of inspection

17  thereof and of making extracts therefrom; but the clerk shall

18  not be required to perform any service in connection with such

19  inspection or making of extracts without payment of service

20  charges as provided in s. 28.24.

21         Section 4.  Section 40.32, Florida Statutes, is amended

22  to read:

23         40.32  Clerks to disburse money.--All moneys drawn from

24  the treasury under the provisions of this chapter by the clerk

25  of the court shall be disbursed by the clerk of the court as

26  far as needed in payment of jurors and witnesses for the legal

27  compensation for service during the quarterly fiscal period

28  for which said moneys were drawn and for no other purposes.

29  Jurors and witnesses shall be paid by the clerk of the court

30  either in cash or by warrant within 20 10 days of completion

31  of jury service or of completion of service as a witness.


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  1  Whenever the clerk of the court pays a juror or witness by

  2  cash, said juror or witness shall sign the payroll in the

  3  presence of the clerk, a deputy clerk, or some other person

  4  designated by the clerk.  Whenever the clerk pays a juror or

  5  witness by warrant, he or she shall endorse on the payroll

  6  opposite the juror's or witness's name the words "Paid by

  7  warrant," giving the number and date of the warrant.

  8         Section 5.  Subsection (2) of section 45.031, Florida

  9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         45.031  Judicial sales procedure.--In any sale of real

11  or personal property under an order or judgment, the following

12  procedure may be followed as an alternative to any other sale

13  procedure if so ordered by the court:

14         (2)  DEPOSIT REQUIRED.--At the time of the sale, the

15  successful high bidder shall post with the clerk a deposit

16  equal to 5 percent of the final bid or $1,000, whichever is

17  less.  The deposit shall be applied to the sale price at the

18  time of payment. If final payment is not made within the

19  prescribed period, the clerk shall readvertise the sale as

20  provided in this section and pay all costs of the sale from

21  the deposit.  Any remaining funds shall be applied toward the

22  judgment.

23         Section 6.  Subsection (2) of section 55.10, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         55.10  Judgments, orders, and decrees; lien of all,

26  generally; extension of liens; transfer of liens to other

27  security.--

28         (2)  The lien provided for in subsection (1) may be

29  extended for an additional period of 7 years by rerecording a

30  certified copy of the judgment, order, or decree within the

31  90-day period preceding the expiration of the lien provided


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  1  for in subsection (1) and by simultaneously recording an

  2  affidavit with the current address of the person who has a

  3  lien as a result of the judgment, order, or decree.  The lien

  4  will not be extended unless the affidavit with the current

  5  address is simultaneously recorded.  Any public official or

  6  governmental entity recording a judgment lien on behalf of a

  7  municipality, county, or the state is exempt from this

  8  subsection and the lien will be automatically extended in

  9  accordance with the statute of limitations as provided in s.

10  55.081, unless otherwise satisfied.

11         Section 7.  Subsection (1) of section 177.091, Florida

12  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

13         177.091  Plats made for recording.--Every plat of a

14  subdivision offered for recording shall conform to the

15  following:

16         (1)  It shall be:

17         (a)  An original drawing made with black permanent

18  drawing ink or varitype process on a good grade linen tracing

19  cloth or with a suitable permanent black drawing ink on a

20  stable base film, a minimum of 0.003 inches thick, coated upon

21  completion with a suitable plastic material to prevent flaking

22  and to assure permanent legibility; or

23         (b)  A nonadhered scaled print on a stable base film

24  made by photographic processes from a film scribing tested for

25  residual hypo testing solution to assure permanency.


27  Marginal lines, standard certificates and approval forms shall

28  be printed on the plat with a permanent black drawing ink.  A

29  print or photographic copy of the original drawing shall be

30  submitted with the original drawing.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1781


  1         Section 8.  Section 177.111, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         177.111  Instructions for filing plat.--After the

  4  approval by the appropriate governing body required by s.

  5  177.071, the plat shall be recorded by the circuit court clerk

  6  or other recording officer upon submission thereto of such

  7  approved plat.  The circuit court clerk or other recording

  8  officer shall maintain in his or her office a book of the

  9  proper size for such papers so that they shall not be folded,

10  to be kept in the vault.  A print or photographic copy on

11  cloth shall be filed in a similar book and kept in his or her

12  office for the use of the public.  The clerk shall make

13  available to the public a full size copy of the record plat at

14  a reasonable fee.

15         Section 9.  Section 215.425, Florida Statutes, 1998

16  Supplement, is amended to read:

17         215.425  Extra compensation claims prohibited.--No

18  extra compensation shall be made to any officer, agent,

19  employee, or contractor after the service has been rendered or

20  the contract made; nor shall any money be appropriated or paid

21  on any claim the subject matter of which has not been provided

22  for by preexisting laws, unless such compensation or claim is

23  allowed by a law enacted by two-thirds of the members elected

24  to each house of the Legislature. However, when adopting

25  salary schedules for a fiscal year, a district school board or

26  community college district board of trustees may apply the

27  schedule for payment of all services rendered subsequent to

28  July 1 of that fiscal year. The provisions of this section do

29  not apply to extra compensation given to state employees who

30  are included within the senior management group pursuant to

31  rules adopted by the Department of Management Services; to


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  1  extra compensation given to county, municipal, or special

  2  district employees pursuant to policies adopted by county or

  3  municipal ordinances or resolutions of governing boards of

  4  special districts or to employees of a constitutional officer

  5  by written policy of the office; or to a clothing and

  6  maintenance allowance given to plainclothes deputies pursuant

  7  to s. 30.49.

  8         Section 10.  Subsection (3) of section 569.11, Florida

  9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         569.11  Possession, misrepresenting age or military

11  service to purchase, and purchase of tobacco products by

12  persons under 18 years of age prohibited; penalties;

13  jurisdiction; disposition of fines.--

14         (3)  Any person under 18 years of age cited for

15  committing a noncriminal violation under this section must

16  sign and accept a civil citation indicating a promise to

17  appear before the county court or comply with the requirement

18  for paying the fine and must attend a school-approved

19  anti-tobacco program, if locally available.  If a fine is

20  assessed for a violation of this section or s. 569.12, the

21  fine must be paid within 30 days of the date of the citation

22  or, if a court appearance is mandatory, within 30 days of the

23  date of the hearing.

24         Section 11.  Section 741.09, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         741.09  Record of license and certificate.--The county

27  court judge and clerk of the circuit court shall keep in good

28  and substantially bound books a correct record of all marriage

29  licenses issued, with the names of the parties and the date of

30  issuing, and upon the return of the license and certificate



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  1  shall enter therein the name of the person solemnizing the

  2  marriage and the date of marriage and of the return.

  3         Section 12.  Section 142.17, Florida Statutes, is

  4  repealed.

  5         Section 13.  Section 938.09, Florida Statutes, is

  6  repealed.

  7         Section 14.  Section 938.11, Florida Statutes, 1998

  8  Supplement, is repealed.

  9         Section 15.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

10  law.


12            *****************************************

13                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises provisions of law relating to the clerk of the
15    circuit court. Redefines the term "official records" to
      provide that the records are one general series called
16    Official Records. Provides that instruments may be
      accepted and filed at branch offices for recording in the
17    Official Records and that a register of Official Records
      shall be made available at branch offices. Extends the
18    time period to 20 days for the amount of time to pay a
      witness or juror. Requires a successful bidder at a tax
19    deed sale to pay a deposit of 5 percent of the final sale
      price. Exempts a municipality, county, or the state from
20    having to rerecord a lien. Eliminates a provision of law
      requiring that a filed copy of a drawing be done on
21    cloth. Provides eligibility for extra compensation to
      employees of described constitutional officers. Provides
22    that a citation for possession of tobacco by a minor must
      be paid within 30 days of the date of the citation or, if
23    a court appearance is mandatory, within 30 days of the
      appearance. See bill for details.







