House Bill 1795c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999             CS/HB 1795

        By the Committee on Elder Affairs & Long-Term Care and
    Representatives Sobel, Wasserman Schultz, Betancourt and

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to nursing homes and assisted

  3         living facilities; amending ss. 400.23 and

  4         400.441, F.S.; requiring rules adopted by the

  5         Agency for Health Care Administration and the

  6         Department of Elderly Affairs to include

  7         provisions governing cooling of facilities;

  8         providing an effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Subsection (2) of section 400.23, Florida

13  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

14         400.23  Rules; criteria; Nursing Home Advisory

15  Committee; evaluation and rating system; fee for review of

16  plans.--

17         (2)  Pursuant to the intention of the Legislature, the

18  agency, in consultation with the Department of Children and

19  Family Health and Rehabilitative Services and the Department

20  of Elderly Affairs, shall adopt and enforce rules to implement

21  this part, which shall include reasonable and fair criteria in

22  relation to:

23         (a)  The location and construction of the facility;

24  including fire and life safety, plumbing, heating, cooling,

25  lighting, ventilation, and other housing conditions which will

26  ensure the health, safety, and comfort of residents, including

27  an adequate call system.  The agency shall establish standards

28  for facilities and equipment to increase the extent to which

29  new facilities and a new wing or floor added to an existing

30  facility after July 1, 1999, are structurally capable of

31  serving as shelters only for residents, staff, and families of


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  1  residents and staff, and equipped to be self-supporting during

  2  and immediately following disasters.  The Agency for Health

  3  Care Administration shall work with facilities licensed under

  4  this part and report to the Governor and Legislature by April

  5  1, 1999, its recommendations for cost-effective renovation

  6  standards to be applied to existing facilities. In making such

  7  rules, the agency shall be guided by criteria recommended by

  8  nationally recognized reputable professional groups and

  9  associations with knowledge of such subject matters. The

10  agency shall update or revise such criteria as the need

11  arises. All nursing homes must comply with those lifesafety

12  code requirements and building code standards applicable at

13  the time of approval of their construction plans. The agency

14  may require alterations to a building if it determines that an

15  existing condition constitutes a distinct hazard to life,

16  health, or safety. The agency shall adopt fair and reasonable

17  rules setting forth conditions under which existing facilities

18  undergoing additions, alterations, conversions, renovations,

19  or repairs shall be required to comply with the most recent

20  updated or revised standards.

21         (b)  The number and qualifications of all personnel,

22  including management, medical, nursing, and other professional

23  personnel, and nursing assistants, orderlies, and support

24  personnel, having responsibility for any part of the care

25  given residents.

26         (c)  All sanitary conditions within the facility and

27  its surroundings, including water supply, sewage disposal,

28  food handling, and general hygiene which will ensure the

29  health and comfort of residents.

30         (d)  The equipment essential to the health and welfare

31  of the residents.


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  1         (e)  A uniform accounting system.

  2         (f)  The care, treatment, and maintenance of residents

  3  and measurement of the quality and adequacy thereof, based on

  4  rules developed under this chapter and the Omnibus Budget

  5  Reconciliation Act of 1987 (Pub. L. No. 100-203) (December 22,

  6  1987), Title IV (Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Health-Related

  7  Programs), Subtitle C (Nursing Home Reform), as amended.

  8         (g)  The preparation and annual update of a

  9  comprehensive emergency management plan.  The agency shall

10  adopt rules establishing minimum criteria for the plan after

11  consultation with the Department of Community Affairs.  At a

12  minimum, the rules must provide for plan components that

13  address emergency evacuation transportation; adequate

14  sheltering arrangements; postdisaster activities, including

15  emergency power, food, and water; postdisaster transportation;

16  supplies; staffing; emergency equipment; individual

17  identification of residents and transfer of records; and

18  responding to family inquiries.  The comprehensive emergency

19  management plan is subject to review and approval by the local

20  emergency management agency.  During its review, the local

21  emergency management agency shall ensure that the following

22  agencies, at a minimum, are given the opportunity to review

23  the plan:  the Department of Elderly Affairs, the Department

24  of Children and Family Health and Rehabilitative Services, the

25  Agency for Health Care Administration, and the Department of

26  Community Affairs.  Also, appropriate volunteer organizations

27  must be given the opportunity to review the plan.  The local

28  emergency management agency shall complete its review within

29  60 days and either approve the plan or advise the facility of

30  necessary revisions.



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  1         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

  2  400.441, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to

  3  read:

  4         400.441  Rules establishing standards.--

  5         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature that rules

  6  published and enforced pursuant to this section shall include

  7  criteria by which a reasonable and consistent quality of

  8  resident care and quality of life may be ensured and the

  9  results of such resident care may be demonstrated.  Such rules

10  shall also ensure a safe and sanitary environment that is

11  residential and noninstitutional in design or nature.  It is

12  further intended that reasonable efforts be made to

13  accommodate the needs and preferences of residents to enhance

14  the quality of life in a facility. In order to provide safe

15  and sanitary facilities and the highest quality of resident

16  care accommodating the needs and preferences of residents, the

17  department, in consultation with the agency, the Department of

18  Children and Family Services, and the Department of Health,

19  shall adopt rules, policies, and procedures to administer this

20  part, which must include reasonable and fair minimum standards

21  in relation to:

22         (a)  The requirements for and maintenance of

23  facilities, not in conflict with the provisions of chapter

24  553, relating to plumbing, heating, cooling, lighting,

25  ventilation, living space, and other housing conditions, which

26  will ensure the health, safety, and comfort of residents and

27  protection from fire hazard, including adequate provisions for

28  fire alarm and other fire protection suitable to the size of

29  the structure. Uniform firesafety standards shall be

30  established and enforced by the State Fire Marshal in



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  1  cooperation with the agency, the department, and the

  2  Department of Health.

  3         1.  Evacuation capability determination.--

  4         a.  The provisions of the National Fire Protection

  5  Association, NFPA 101A, Chapter 5, 1995 edition, shall be used

  6  for determining the ability of the residents, with or without

  7  staff assistance, to relocate from or within a licensed

  8  facility to a point of safety as provided in the fire codes

  9  adopted herein.  An evacuation capability evaluation for

10  initial licensure shall be conducted within 6 months after the

11  date of licensure.  For existing licensed facilities that are

12  not equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system, the

13  administrator shall evaluate the evacuation capability of

14  residents at least annually. The evacuation capability

15  evaluation for each facility not equipped with an automatic

16  fire sprinkler system shall be validated, without liability,

17  by the State Fire Marshal, by the local fire marshal, or by

18  the local authority having jurisdiction over firesafety,

19  before the license renewal date.  If the State Fire Marshal,

20  local fire marshal, or local authority having jurisdiction

21  over firesafety has reason to believe that the evacuation

22  capability of a facility as reported by the administrator may

23  have changed, it may, with assistance from the facility

24  administrator, reevaluate the evacuation capability through

25  timed exiting drills. Translation of timed fire exiting drills

26  to evacuation capability may be determined:

27         (I)  Three minutes or less: prompt.

28         (II)  More than 3 minutes, but not more than 13

29  minutes: slow.

30         (III)  More than 13 minutes: impractical.



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  1         b.  The Office of the State Fire Marshal shall provide

  2  or cause the provision of training and education on the proper

  3  application of Chapter 5, NFPA 101A, 1995 edition, to its

  4  employees, to staff of the Agency for Health Care

  5  Administration who are responsible for regulating facilities

  6  under this part, and to local governmental inspectors. The

  7  Office of the State Fire Marshal shall provide or cause the

  8  provision of this training within its existing budget, but may

  9  charge a fee for this training to offset its costs. The

10  initial training must be delivered within 6 months after July

11  1, 1995, and as needed thereafter.

12         c.  The Office of the State Fire Marshal, in

13  cooperation with provider associations, shall provide or cause

14  the provision of a training program designed to inform

15  facility operators on how to properly review bid documents

16  relating to the installation of automatic fire sprinklers.

17  The Office of the State Fire Marshal shall provide or cause

18  the provision of this training within its existing budget, but

19  may charge a fee for this training to offset its costs.  The

20  initial training must be delivered within 6 months after July

21  1, 1995, and as needed thereafter.

22         d.  The administrator of a licensed facility shall sign

23  an affidavit verifying the number of residents occupying the

24  facility at the time of the evacuation capability evaluation.

25         2.  Firesafety requirements.--

26         a.  Except for the special applications provided

27  herein, effective January 1, 1996, the provisions of the

28  National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code, NFPA

29  101, 1994 edition, Chapter 22 for new facilities and Chapter

30  23 for existing facilities shall be the uniform fire code



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  1  applied by the State Fire Marshal for assisted living

  2  facilities, pursuant to s. 633.022.

  3         b.  Any new facility, regardless of size, that applies

  4  for a license on or after January 1, 1996, must be equipped

  5  with an automatic fire sprinkler system.  The exceptions as

  6  provided in section 22-, NFPA 101, 1994 edition, as

  7  adopted herein, apply to any new facility housing eight or

  8  fewer residents.  On July 1, 1995, local governmental entities

  9  responsible for the issuance of permits for construction shall

10  inform, without liability, any facility whose permit for

11  construction is obtained prior to January 1, 1996, of this

12  automatic fire sprinkler requirement.  As used in this part,

13  the term "a new facility" does not mean an existing facility

14  that has undergone change of ownership.

15         c.  Notwithstanding any provision of s. 633.022 or of

16  the National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 101A, Chapter

17  5, 1995 edition, to the contrary, any existing facility

18  housing eight or fewer residents is not required to install an

19  automatic fire sprinkler system, nor to comply with any other

20  requirement in Chapter 23 of NFPA 101, 1994 edition, that

21  exceeds the firesafety requirements of NFPA 101, 1988 edition,

22  that applies to this size facility, unless the facility has

23  been classified as impractical to evacuate. Any existing

24  facility housing eight or fewer residents that is classified

25  as impractical to evacuate must install an automatic fire

26  sprinkler system within the timeframes granted in this

27  section.

28         d.  Any existing facility that is required to install

29  an automatic fire sprinkler system under this paragraph need

30  not meet other firesafety requirements of Chapter 23, NFPA

31  101, 1994 edition, which exceed the provisions of NFPA 101,


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  1  1988 edition.  The mandate contained in this paragraph which

  2  requires certain facilities to install an automatic fire

  3  sprinkler system supersedes any other requirement.

  4         e.  This paragraph does not supersede the exceptions

  5  granted in NFPA 101, 1988 edition or 1994 edition.

  6         f.  This paragraph does not exempt facilities from

  7  other firesafety provisions adopted under s. 633.022 and local

  8  building code requirements in effect before July 1, 1995.

  9         g.  A local government may charge fees only in an

10  amount not to exceed the actual expenses incurred by local

11  government relating to the installation and maintenance of an

12  automatic fire sprinkler system in an existing and properly

13  licensed assisted living facility structure as of January 1,

14  1996.

15         h.  If a licensed facility undergoes major

16  reconstruction or addition to an existing building on or after

17  January 1, 1996, the entire building must be equipped with an

18  automatic fire sprinkler system.  Major reconstruction of a

19  building means repair or restoration that costs in excess of

20  50 percent of the value of the building as reported on the tax

21  rolls, excluding land, before reconstruction.  Multiple

22  reconstruction projects within a 5-year period the total costs

23  of which exceed 50 percent of the initial value of the

24  building at the time the first reconstruction project was

25  permitted are to be considered as major reconstruction.

26  Application for a permit for an automatic fire sprinkler

27  system is required upon application for a permit for a

28  reconstruction project that creates costs that go over the

29  50-percent threshold.

30         i.  Any facility licensed before January 1, 1996, that

31  is required to install an automatic fire sprinkler system


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  1  shall ensure that the installation is completed within the

  2  following timeframes based upon evacuation capability of the

  3  facility as determined under subparagraph 1.:

  4         (I)  Impractical evacuation capability, 24 months.

  5         (II)  Slow evacuation capability, 48 months.

  6         (III)  Prompt evacuation capability, 60 months.


  8  The beginning date from which the deadline for the automatic

  9  fire sprinkler installation requirement must be calculated is

10  upon receipt of written notice from the local fire official

11  that an automatic fire sprinkler system must be installed. The

12  local fire official shall send a copy of the document

13  indicating the requirement of a fire sprinkler system to the

14  Agency for Health Care Administration.

15         j.  It is recognized that the installation of an

16  automatic fire sprinkler system may create financial hardship

17  for some facilities.  The appropriate local fire official

18  shall, without liability, grant two 1-year extensions to the

19  timeframes for installation established herein, if an

20  automatic fire sprinkler installation cost estimate and proof

21  of denial from two financial institutions for a construction

22  loan to install the automatic fire sprinkler system are

23  submitted.  However, for any facility with a class I or class

24  II, or a history of uncorrected class III, firesafety

25  deficiencies, an extension must not be granted.  The local

26  fire official shall send a copy of the document granting the

27  time extension to the Agency for Health Care Administration.

28         k.  A facility owner whose facility is required to be

29  equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system under Chapter

30  23, NFPA 101, 1994 edition, as adopted herein, must disclose

31  to any potential buyer of the facility that an installation of


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  1  an automatic fire sprinkler requirement exists.  The sale of

  2  the facility does not alter the timeframe for the installation

  3  of the automatic fire sprinkler system.

  4         l.  Existing facilities required to install an

  5  automatic fire sprinkler system as a result of

  6  construction-type restrictions in Chapter 23, NFPA 101, 1994

  7  edition, as adopted herein, or evacuation capability

  8  requirements shall be notified by the local fire official in

  9  writing of the automatic fire sprinkler requirement, as well

10  as the appropriate date for final compliance as provided in

11  this subparagraph.  The local fire official shall send a copy

12  of the document to the Agency for Health Care Administration.

13         m.  Except in cases of life-threatening fire hazards,

14  if an existing facility experiences a change in the evacuation

15  capability, or if the local authority having jurisdiction

16  identifies a construction-type restriction, such that an

17  automatic fire sprinkler system is required, it shall be

18  afforded time for installation as provided in this

19  subparagraph.


21  Facilities that are fully sprinkled and in compliance with

22  other firesafety standards are not required to conduct more

23  than one of the required fire drills between the hours of 11

24  p.m. and 7 a.m., per year.  In lieu of the remaining drills,

25  staff responsible for residents during such hours may be

26  required to participate in a mock drill that includes a review

27  of evacuation procedures. Such standards must be included or

28  referenced in the rules adopted by the State Fire Marshal.

29  Pursuant to s. 633.022(1)(b), the State Fire Marshal is the

30  final administrative authority for firesafety standards

31  established and enforced pursuant to this section. All


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  1  licensed facilities must have an annual fire inspection

  2  conducted by the local fire marshal or authority having

  3  jurisdiction.

  4         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.



























