House Bill 1833

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HM 1833

        By Representative Crow

  1                          House Memorial

  2         A memorial to the Congress of the United

  3         States, requesting that Congress conduct

  4         hearings on the life-threatening problems of

  5         underage drinking and drunk driving.


  7         WHEREAS, underage drinking and drunk driving are a

  8  serious problem that threatens the lives and safety of

  9  America's children and the security of America's families, and

10         WHEREAS, the news media routinely report horrific

11  accounts of young people being killed and maimed throughout

12  Florida and the nation due to underage drinking and drunk

13  driving, and

14         WHEREAS, at the Alcohol Policies XI Conference held in

15  May 1998, General Barry McCaffrey, director of the Office of

16  National Drug Control Policy, provided the assessment that

17  "there is no question that the worst drug among adolescents

18  right now from any standpoint is alcohol," and

19         WHEREAS, United States Surgeon General David Satcher

20  quotes the finding that "alcohol-related car crashes are a

21  major cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24," and

22         WHEREAS, the Office of the Surgeon General cites that

23  among teenagers, alcohol is used more frequently than all

24  illicit drugs combined, and

25         WHEREAS, it is believed that underage drinking

26  exacerbates the problem of drunk driving and other

27  alcohol-related societal problems, and is a major factor in

28  school dropout rates and poor academic performance, and

29         WHEREAS, despite the abundance of statistical evidence

30  supporting the dangers of underage drinking, the most

31  meaningful statistic is always the personal tragedy that


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HM 1833


  1  occurs whenever the loss of or injury to a single child is

  2  experienced as a result of underage drinking or drunk driving,

  3  and

  4         WHEREAS, the problem of underage drinking and drunk

  5  driving remains out of control in Florida and in all other

  6  states, and

  7         WHEREAS, the United States has been unable to

  8  adequately address this national problem and it is painfully

  9  obvious that much more needs to be done, and

10         WHEREAS, in the interest of bringing to an end the

11  needless suffering of so many Florida residents and citizens

12  throughout the United States who have fallen victim to this

13  national dilemma, it is imperative that Floridians do

14  everything in their power to get drunk drivers off the

15  highways and to find a solution to the problem of underage

16  drinking, and

17         WHEREAS, to this end, the Congress of the United States

18  should undertake congressional hearings for the purpose of

19  addressing the life-threatening problem of underage drinking

20  and drunk driving with the goal of arriving at a comprehensive

21  solution to this national problem, and

22         WHEREAS, the congressional hearings should have the

23  following objectives:

24         1.  Documentation of the actual magnitude, nature, and

25  urgency of the underage drinking and alcohol-impaired driving

26  problem in the United States.

27         2.  Determination of the reasons for the

28  ineffectiveness of current laws and programs.

29         3.  Identification of the variations in current laws

30  and programs within the various states and within communities.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HM 1833


  1         4.  Evaluation of a proposed concept by the Campaign

  2  for Alcohol-Free Kids that proposes the establishment of a

  3  Uniform National Code of Underage Drinking and Drunk Driving

  4  Control that will determine standards for a comprehensive,

  5  total-systems approach designed to assist all states and

  6  communities in bringing this problem under permanent control.

  7         5.  The convening of the top experts in the United

  8  States in the areas of underage drinking and drunk driving for

  9  the purpose of proposing and evaluating all possible solutions

10  to this problem.

11         6.  Development of comprehensive solutions and

12  recommendations for evaluation by state legislatures.

13         WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida urges

14  the undertaking of such hearings at the earliest possible

15  date, NOW, THEREFORE,


17  Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


19         That the Congress of the United States is requested to

20  conduct hearings on the problem of underage drinking and drunk

21  driving with the objectives set forth in this memorial.

22         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be

23  sent to the President of the United States, the President of

24  the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States

25  House of Representatives, and to each member of the Florida

26  delegation to the United States Congress.





