House Bill 0185

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 185

        By Representative Kelly

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to grandparents' visitation

  3         rights; amending s. 752.01, F.S.; providing

  4         additional grounds for the award of visitation

  5         rights to grandparents; providing additional

  6         grounds for the court to consider in

  7         determining the best interest of the child with

  8         respect to the award of visitation to the

  9         grandparents; providing criteria for the court

10         to consider in determining whether granting

11         visitation to the grandparents will materially

12         harm the parent-child relationship; providing

13         an effective date.


15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


17         Section 1.  Section 752.01, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         752.01  Action by grandparent for right of visitation;

20  when petition shall be granted.--

21         (1)  The court shall, upon petition filed by a

22  grandparent of a minor child, award reasonable rights of

23  visitation to the grandparent with respect to the child when

24  the court finds that the health or welfare of the child would

25  be harmed unless such visitation is granted, it is in the best

26  interest of the minor child, and the granting of such

27  visitation will not materially harm the parent-child

28  relationship, if:

29         (a)  One or both parents of the child are deceased;

30         (b)  The marriage of the parents of the child has been

31  dissolved;


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 185


  1         (c)  A parent of the child has deserted the child;

  2         (d)  The minor child was born out of wedlock and not

  3  later determined to be a child born within wedlock as provided

  4  in s. 742.091; or

  5         (e)  The minor is living with both natural parents who

  6  are still married to each other whether or not there is a

  7  broken relationship between either or both parents of the

  8  minor child and the grandparents, and either or both parents

  9  have used their parental authority to prohibit a relationship

10  between the minor child and the grandparents; or

11         (f)  A deceased parent has made a written testamentary

12  statement requesting that there be visitation between a

13  surviving child and grandparent.

14         (2)  In determining the best interest of the minor

15  child, and in assessing whether harm to the child will result

16  if visitation is not granted, the court shall consider:

17         (a)  The willingness of the grandparent or grandparents

18  to encourage a close relationship between the child and the

19  parent or parents.

20         (b)  The length and quality of the prior relationship

21  between the child and the grandparent or grandparents.

22         (c)  The preference of the child if the child is

23  determined to be of sufficient maturity to express a

24  preference.

25         (d)  The mental and physical health of the child.

26         (e)  The mental and physical health of the grandparent

27  or grandparents.

28         (f)  The extent to which the grandparent or

29  grandparents have been involved in the provision of care and

30  support of the child.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 185


  1         (g)  Whether the grandparent or grandparents have

  2  established or attempted to establish ongoing personal contact

  3  with the child.

  4         (h)  The manner in which and the degree to which

  5  visitation is expected to improve, facilitate, or promote the

  6  mental health and development of the child. This paragraph

  7  should not be construed to require a finding of existing or

  8  the potential for mental illness in order for visitation to be

  9  granted.

10         (i)  When one parent is deceased, whether grandparent

11  visitation is desirable in order to maintain or facilitate

12  contact between the child and the deceased parent's extended

13  family of origin.

14         (j)  Whether grandparent visitation will provide

15  support and stability for the child when there has been

16  disruption in the family unit, such as by death, divorce, or

17  disability of a parent.

18         (k)  Whether grandparent visitation will enhance the

19  parent-child relationship.

20         (l)  When one parent is deceased, any written

21  testamentary statement by the deceased parent that visitation

22  with the petitioning grandparent or grandparents be granted or

23  a belief that such visitation would be in the child's best

24  interest. The lack of such a testamentary statement shall not

25  be construed as evidence that the deceased parent objects to

26  the requested visitation.

27         (m)(f)  Such other factors as are necessary in the

28  particular circumstances.

29         (3)  In determining whether granting visitation will

30  materially harm the parent-child relationship, the court shall

31  consider:


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  1         (a)  Whether there have been previous disputes between

  2  the grandparents and the parents over childrearing or other

  3  matters related to the care and upbringing of the child.

  4         (b)  Whether visitation will, in a material manner,

  5  supersede parental authority.

  6         (c)  Whether visitation can be arranged in such a

  7  manner as to not materially detract from the parent-child

  8  relationship, including the quantum of time available for

  9  enjoyment of the parent-child relationship, and any other

10  consideration related to disruption of the schedule and

11  routine of the parents and child's home lives.

12         (d)  Whether visitation is being sought for the primary

13  purpose of continuing or establishing a relationship with the

14  child with the intent that the child benefit from the

15  relationship.

16         (e)  Whether the requested visitation will expose the

17  child to adverse conduct, moral standards, experiences, or

18  other such matters which are inconsistent with positive

19  influences provided by the parents.

20         (f)  The willingness and ability of the petitioner to

21  facilitate and encourage a close and continuing relationship

22  between the child and the other parties.

23         (g)  The nature of the relationship between the parents

24  and the grandparents.

25         (h)  The psychological toll of visitation disputes on

26  the child.

27         (i)  Such other factors as are necessary in the

28  particular circumstances.

29         (4)(3)  This act does not provide for grandparental

30  visitation rights for children placed for adoption under



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 185


  1  chapter 63 except as provided in s. 752.07 with respect to

  2  adoption by a stepparent.

  3         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.


  5            *****************************************

  6                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises a provision of law concerning an action by a
  8    grandparent for the right of visitation of a minor child
  9         1.  Provide for additional grounds to be considered
      by the court, including a finding by the court that the
10    health or welfare of the child would be harmed unless the
      visitation is granted and a finding that the granting of
11    such visitation will not materially harm the parent-child
12         2.  Provide grounds for the court to consider in
      determining whether granting visitation will materially
13    harm the parent-child relationship.

      See bill for details.
















