Senate Bill 0190

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 190

    By the Committee on Regulated Industries


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the regulation of

  3         professions and occupations; amending s. 11.62,

  4         F.S.; providing criteria for evaluating

  5         proposals for new regulations based on the

  6         effect of such regulations on job creation or

  7         retention; amending ss. 455.201 and 455.517,

  8         F.S.; providing criteria for evaluating

  9         proposals to increase the regulation of

10         currently regulated professions based on the

11         effect of such regulations on job creation or

12         retention; amending s. 455.204, F.S.; requiring

13         the Department of Business and Professional

14         Regulation to evaluate costs of activities;

15         amending s. 455.2226, F.S.; requiring funeral

16         directors and embalmers to provide proof of

17         completion of continuing education

18         requirements; amending s. 455.2228, F.S.;

19         requiring barbers and cosmetologists to provide

20         proof of completion of continuing education

21         requirements; amending s. 455.273, F.S.;

22         revising provisions related to the submission

23         and processing of proof of completing of

24         continuing education requirements for licensees

25         regulated by the department; providing for the

26         department to contract for this service;

27         deleting requirements that licensees sign such

28         proof; amending s. 474.211, F.S.; deleting an

29         affidavit requirement for veterinarians;

30         amending s. 489.115, F.S.; deleting a signature

31         requirement for contractors; requiring the


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 190

  1         Department of Business and Professional

  2         Regulation to make a report; providing

  3         effective dates.


  5  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  7         Section 1.  Subsections (3) and (4) of section 11.62,

  8  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  9         11.62  Legislative review of proposed regulation of

10  unregulated functions.--

11         (3)  In determining whether to regulate a profession or

12  occupation, the Legislature shall consider the following

13  factors:

14         (a)  Whether the unregulated practice of the profession

15  or occupation will substantially harm or endanger the public

16  health, safety, or welfare, and whether the potential for harm

17  is recognizable and not remote;

18         (b)  Whether the practice of the profession or

19  occupation requires specialized skill or training, and whether

20  that skill or training is readily measurable or quantifiable

21  so that examination or training requirements would reasonably

22  assure initial and continuing professional or occupational

23  ability;

24         (c)  Whether the regulation will have an unreasonable

25  effect on job creation or job retention in the state or will

26  place unreasonable restrictions on the ability of individuals

27  who seek to practice or who are practicing a given profession

28  or occupation to find employment;

29         (d)(c)  Whether the public is or can be effectively

30  protected by other means; and



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  1         (e)(d)  Whether the overall cost-effectiveness and

  2  economic impact of the proposed regulation, including the

  3  indirect costs to consumers, will be favorable.

  4         (4)  The proponents of legislation that provides for

  5  the regulation of a profession or occupation not already

  6  expressly subject to state regulation shall provide, upon

  7  request, the following information in writing to the state

  8  agency that is proposed to have jurisdiction over the

  9  regulation and to the legislative committees to which the

10  legislation is referred:

11         (a)  The number of individuals or businesses that would

12  be subject to the regulation;

13         (b)  The name of each association that represents

14  members of the profession or occupation, together with a copy

15  of its codes of ethics or conduct;

16         (c)  Documentation of the nature and extent of the harm

17  to the public caused by the unregulated practice of the

18  profession or occupation, including a description of any

19  complaints that have been lodged against persons who have

20  practiced the profession or occupation in this state during

21  the preceding 3 years;

22         (d)  A list of states that regulate the profession or

23  occupation, and the dates of enactment of each law providing

24  for such regulation and a copy of each law;

25         (e)  A list and description of state and federal laws

26  that have been enacted to protect the public with respect to

27  the profession or occupation and a statement of the reasons

28  why these laws have not proven adequate to protect the public;

29         (f)  A description of the voluntary efforts made by

30  members of the profession or occupation to protect the public



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    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 190

  1  and a statement of the reasons why these efforts are not

  2  adequate to protect the public;

  3         (g)  A copy of any federal legislation mandating

  4  regulation;

  5         (h)  An explanation of the reasons why other types of

  6  less restrictive regulation would not effectively protect the

  7  public;

  8         (i)  The cost, availability, and appropriateness of

  9  training and examination requirements;

10         (j)(i)  The cost of regulation, including the indirect

11  cost to consumers, and the method proposed to finance the

12  regulation;

13         (k)  The cost imposed on applicants or practitioners or

14  on employers of applicants or practitioners as a result of the

15  regulation;

16         (l)(j)  The details of any previous efforts in this

17  state to implement regulation of the profession or occupation;

18  and

19         (m)(k)  Any other information the agency or the

20  committee considers relevant to the analysis of the proposed

21  legislation.

22         Section 2.  Subsection (4) of section 455.201, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         455.201  Professions and occupations regulated by

25  department; legislative intent; requirements.--

26         (4)(a)  Neither the department nor any board may No

27  board, nor the department, shall create unreasonably

28  restrictive and extraordinary standards that deter qualified

29  persons from entering the various professions. Neither the

30  department nor any board may No board, nor the department,

31  shall take any action that which tends to create or maintain


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  1  an economic condition that unreasonably restricts competition,

  2  except as specifically provided by law.

  3         (b)  Neither the department nor any board may create a

  4  regulation that has an unreasonable effect on job creation or

  5  job retention in the state or that places unreasonable

  6  restrictions on the ability of individuals who seek to

  7  practice or who are practicing a given profession or

  8  occupation to find employment.

  9         (c)  The Legislature shall evaluate proposals to

10  increase regulation of already regulated professions or

11  occupations to determine their effect on job creation or

12  retention and employment opportunities.

13         Section 3.  Subsection (4) of section 455.517, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         455.517  Professions and occupations regulated by

16  department; legislative intent; requirements.--

17         (4)(a)  Neither the department nor any board may No

18  board, nor the department, shall create unreasonably

19  restrictive and extraordinary standards that deter qualified

20  persons from entering the various professions. Neither the

21  department nor any board may No board, nor the department,

22  shall take any action that which tends to create or maintain

23  an economic condition that unreasonably restricts competition,

24  except as specifically provided by law.

25         (b)  Neither the department nor any board may create a

26  regulation that has an unreasonable effect on job creation or

27  job retention in the state or that places unreasonable

28  restrictions on the ability of individuals who seek to

29  practice or who are practicing a profession or occupation to

30  find employment.



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    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 190

  1         (c)  The Legislature shall evaluate proposals to

  2  increase the regulation of regulated professions or

  3  occupations to determine the effect of increased regulation on

  4  job creation or retention and employment opportunities.

  5         Section 4.  Section 455.204, Florida Statutes, is

  6  amended to read:

  7         455.204  Long-range policy planning; plans, reports,

  8  and recommendations.--To facilitate efficient and

  9  cost-effective regulation, the department and the board, where

10  appropriate, shall develop and implement a long-range policy

11  planning and monitoring process to include recommendations

12  specific to each profession.  Such process shall include

13  estimates of revenues, expenditures, cash balances, and

14  performance statistics for each profession.  The period

15  covered shall not be less than 5 years.  The department, with

16  input from the boards, shall develop the long-range plan and

17  must obtain the approval of the secretary.  The department

18  shall monitor compliance with the approved long-range plan

19  and, with input from the boards, shall annually update the

20  plans for approval by the secretary. The department shall

21  provide concise management reports to the boards quarterly.

22  As part of the review process, the department shall evaluate:

23         (1)  Whether the department, including the boards and

24  the various functions performed by the department, is

25  operating efficiently and effectively and if there is a need

26  for a board or council to assist in cost-effective regulation.

27         (2)  How and why the various professions are regulated.

28         (3)  Whether there is a need to continue regulation,

29  and to what degree.

30         (4)  Whether or not consumer protection is adequate,

31  and how it can be improved.


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  1         (5)  Whether there is consistency between the various

  2  practice acts.

  3         (6)  Whether unlicensed activity is adequately

  4  enforced.

  5         (7)  The number of licensees, the number of

  6  departmental employees, and the cost of all regulatory

  7  activities, including overhead and indirect costs, specifying

  8  the function for which they are performed.


10  Such plans should include conclusions and recommendations on

11  these and other issues as appropriate.  Such plans shall be

12  provided to the Governor and the Legislature by November 1 of

13  each year.

14         Section 5.  Subsection (2) of section 455.2226, Florida

15  Statutes, is amended to read:

16         455.2226  Funeral directors and embalmers; instruction

17  on human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency

18  syndrome.--

19         (2)  Each such licensee or certificateholder shall

20  provide proof of completion of continuing education

21  requirements, pursuant to departmental rule, in the same

22  manner as any other continuing education requirement for

23  license renewal submit confirmation of having completed said

24  course, on a form as provided by the board, when submitting

25  fees for each biennial renewal.

26         Section 6.  Subsection (2) of section 455.2228, Florida

27  Statutes, is amended to read:

28         455.2228  Barbers and cosmetologists; instruction on

29  human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency

30  syndrome.--



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    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 190

  1         (2)  Each licensee shall provide proof of completion of

  2  continuing education requirements, pursuant to departmental

  3  rule, in the same manner as any other continuing education

  4  requirements for license renewal. When filing fees for each

  5  biennial renewal, each licensee shall submit confirmation of

  6  having completed said course, on a form provided by the board

  7  or by the department if there is no board.  At the time of the

  8  subsequent biennial renewal when coursework is to be

  9  completed, if the licensee has not submitted confirmation

10  which has been received and recorded by the board, or

11  department if there is no board, the department shall not

12  renew the license.

13         Section 7.  Subsection 455.273, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         455.273  Renewal and cancellation notices.--

16         (1)  At least 90 days before the end of a licensure

17  cycle, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation

18  shall:

19         (a)  Forward a licensure renewal notification to an

20  active or inactive licensee at the licensee's last known

21  address of record with the department.

22         (b)  Forward a notice of pending cancellation of

23  licensure to a delinquent status licensee at the licensee's

24  last known address of record with the department.

25         (2)  Each licensure renewal notification and each

26  notice of pending cancellation of licensure must state

27  conspicuously that a licensee who remains on inactive status

28  for more than two consecutive biennial licensure cycles and

29  who wishes to reactivate the license may be required to

30  demonstrate the competency to resume active practice by

31  sitting for a special purpose examination or by completing


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  1  other reactivation requirements, as defined by rule of the

  2  board or the department when there is no board.

  3         (3)  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the

  4  contrary, completion of continuing education requirements is a

  5  mandatory prerequisite for license renewal, but the failure to

  6  complete and report continuing education requirements is not

  7  grounds for discipline. The license of a licensee who does not

  8  complete required continuing education shall revert to a

  9  delinquent status.

10         (4)  Any continuing education required for license

11  renewal must be completed 6 months before the end of a renewal

12  period. One year before the end of the renewal period, the

13  department shall notify the licensee of all approved

14  continuing education reported by the licensee as having been

15  completed.

16         (5)(a)  The department shall monitor completion of

17  continuing education requirements for licensees or may

18  contract for the monitoring of such requirements. The

19  department or its contractor may:

20         1.  Collect from continuing education providers or

21  licensees who complete self-directed studies or any other

22  approved continuing education, sufficient information, as

23  determined by board rule, or by department rule where there is

24  no board, to determine whether the requirements for continuing

25  education have been met.

26         2.  When the monitoring of continuing education is

27  performed by contract, provide in the contract that the audit

28  fee is to be paid directly to the contractor and not to the

29  department.

30         (b)  A board, or the department where there is no

31  board, may require licensees who take continuing education


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 190

  1  from national providers or from providers who offer continuing

  2  education on a limited basis, or in other situations where it

  3  would be more practicable, to report directly to the monitor.

  4         (6)  Subsections (3)-(5) do not apply to licensees

  5  during the renewal cycle in effect on the effective date of

  6  this act if less than 12 months remain in the renewal cycle.

  7  For such licensees, pre-existing law related to renewals and

  8  continuing education applies until the next renewal cycle,

  9  except that monitoring will be performed by random

10  post-renewal audits.

11         (7)  Affidavits, reports, or other signed documents for

12  proof of continuing education are not required, and submission

13  of the renewal notice and payment of the renewal fee by the

14  licensee constitutes the licensee's affirmation of compliance

15  with all statutory and rule requirements associated with

16  license renewal.

17         Section 8.  Subsection (1) of section 474.211, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         474.211  Renewal of license.--

20         (1)  The department shall renew a license upon receipt

21  of the renewal application and fee and an affidavit of

22  compliance with continuing education requirements set by rule

23  of the board.

24         Section 9.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section

25  489.115, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to

26  read:

27         489.115  Certification and registration; endorsement;

28  reciprocity; renewals; continuing education.--

29         (4)

30         (c)  The certificateholder or registrant shall

31  complete, sign, and forward the renewal application to the


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 190

  1  department, together with the appropriate fee. Upon receipt of

  2  the application and fee, the department shall renew the

  3  certificate or registration.

  4         Section 10.  The Department of Business and

  5  Professional Regulation shall make a report on or before

  6  November 1, 1999, to the State Council on Competitive

  7  Government, created pursuant to section 14.203, Florida

  8  Statutes, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the

  9  House of Representatives identifying commercial activities

10  currently performed by the department which may be better

11  provided by requiring competition with private sources or

12  other state agency service providers.

13         Section 11.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

14  law, except that section 7 shall take effect on the date the

15  Department of Business and Professional Regulation executes a

16  contract to monitor continuing education, on the date the

17  department announces its decision to conduct such monitoring

18  in-house, or on October 1, 2000, whichever occurs first.


20            *****************************************

21                          SENATE SUMMARY

22    Provides criteria to evaluate proposals for the
      regulation of professions or occupations based on the
23    effect of such regulations on job creation or retention.
      Requires the Department of Business and Professional
24    Regulation to evaluate the cost of certain activities.
      Revises provisions related to the submission and
25    processing of proof of compliance with continuing
      education requirements by the Department of Business and
26    Professional Regulation. Provides for funeral directors
      and embalmers, barbers, and cosmetologists to comply in
27    the same manner as other licensees. Provides authority
      for the department to contract with outside vendors for
28    such services. Deletes a requirement that veterinarians
      provide affidavits and that contractors sign submissions
29    regarding continuing education requirements. Requires a
      report. (See bill for details.)

