House Bill 1923

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1923

        By Representative Bainter

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to constitutional revisions;

  3         providing Legislative intent; creating the Task

  4         Force on Constitutional Governmental

  5         Reorganization; providing for membership,

  6         organization, and meetings; providing for per

  7         diem and travel expenses; providing for the

  8         duties of the task force; providing for a

  9         report; providing for the expiration of the

10         task force; providing an effective date.


12         WHEREAS, the electorate of the State of Florida

13  approved revisions in amendment eight to the Florida

14  Constitution as approved by the electorate in the November

15  1998 General Election, and

16         WHEREAS, the revisions proposed by amendment eight

17  restructured the State Cabinet by creating the office of Chief

18  Financial Officer, and

19         WHEREAS, implementation of the revisions required by

20  amendment eight will require statutory changes, NOW,



23  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


25         Section 1.  Legislative intent; Task Force on

26  Constitutional Governmental Reorganization created.--

27         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature to enact

28  legislation by July 1, 2000 to:

29         (a)  Provide for the orderly and seamless

30  implementation of the constitutionally required changes



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1923


  1  relating to the creation of the Cabinet position of Chief

  2  Financial Officer.

  3         (b)  Provide for the efficient and cost-effective

  4  delivery of governmental services to the public.

  5         (c)  Provide for the appropriate realignment and

  6  placement of existing regulatory functions currently assigned

  7  to the Cabinet positions of Comptroller and Treasurer.

  8         (2)  There is hereby created an interim task force to

  9  be known as the Task Force on Constitutional Governmental

10  Reorganization.

11         (a)  The task force shall be composed of seven members,

12  one of whom shall be appointed by the Governor, three of whom

13  shall be members of the Senate, appointed by the President of

14  the Senate, and three of whom shall be members of the House of

15  Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House of

16  Representatives.

17         (b)  Upon appointment of the members, the task force

18  shall meet and organize.  Thereafter, the task force shall

19  meet in Tallahassee and at such other locations in Florida as

20  may be convenient.

21         (c)  Members of the task force shall be entitled to

22  reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses as set forth in

23  s. 112.061, Florida Statutes.

24         (d)  The task force shall review the directives adopted

25  in amendment eight to the Florida Constitution as approved by

26  the electorate in the November 1998 General Election for

27  restructuring the state's Cabinet relating to the position of

28  Chief Financial Officer and shall review corresponding

29  proposals for optimal organization structures for state

30  regulation of banking, insurance, finance, and securities, and

31  shall consider:


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1923


  1         1.  Industry trends and evolving regulatory

  2  environments in the course of its review.

  3         2.  Whether the regulatory function of insurance,

  4  banking, finance, and securities should be assigned to an

  5  appointed or elected official.

  6         3.  Whether Florida should establish a consolidated

  7  department for the coordinated regulation of insurance,

  8  banking, finance, and securities.

  9         4.  Which elected official or officials, the Governor,

10  the Governor and Cabinet, or the Chief Financial Officer, the

11  regulatory agency or agencies should be assigned to for

12  administrative and oversight purposes.

13         5.  Any other issues the task force deems appropriate

14  and necessary to accomplish its directives.

15         (e)  The task force shall make a report of its findings

16  and recommendations relative to the issues specified for

17  review and consideration in paragraph (d), which report may

18  include proposed legislation.  The report shall be filed with

19  the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of

20  the House of Representatives no later than December 1, 1999,

21  upon which date the task force shall cease to exist.

22         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

23  law.


25            *****************************************

26                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the Task Force on Constitutional Governmental
28    Reorganization to review the directives adopted by
      amendment eight to the Florida Constitution as approved
29    by the electorate in the November 1998 General Election
      for restructuring the state's Cabinet relating to the
30    position of Chief Financial Officer and shall review
      corresponding proposals for optimal organization
31    structures for state regulation of banking, insurance,
      finance, and securities.  See bill for details.