CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HBs 1927 & 961, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Gutman moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 12, between lines 25 and 26,


16  insert:

17         Section 8.  Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (1) of

18  section 458.3115, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, are

19  amended to read:

20         458.3115  Restricted license; certain foreign-licensed

21  physicians; United States Medical Licensing Examination

22  (USMLE) or agency-developed examination; restrictions on

23  practice; full licensure.--

24         (1)

25         (b)  A person who is eligible to take and elects to

26  take the USMLE who has previously passed part 1 or part 2 of

27  the previously administered FLEX shall not be required to

28  retake or pass the equivalent parts of the USMLE up to the

29  year 2002 2000.

30         (c)  A person shall be eligible to take such

31  examination for restricted licensure if the person:

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HBs 1927 & 961, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1         1.  Has taken, upon approval by the board, and

 2  completed, in November 1990 or November 1992, one of the

 3  special preparatory medical update courses authorized by the

 4  board and the University of Miami Medical School and

 5  subsequently passed the final course examination; upon

 6  approval by the board to take the course completed in 1990 or

 7  in 1992, has a certificate of successful completion of that

 8  course from the University of Miami or the Stanley H. Kaplan

 9  course; or can document to the department that he or she was

10  one of the persons who took and successfully completed the

11  Stanley H. Kaplan course that was approved by the Board of

12  Medicine and supervised by the University of Miami. At a

13  minimum, the documentation must include class attendance

14  records and the test score on the final course examination;

15         2.  Applies to the agency and submits an application

16  fee that is nonrefundable and equivalent to the fee required

17  for full licensure;

18         3.  Documents no less than 2 years of the active

19  practice of medicine in any another jurisdiction;

20         4.  Submits an examination fee that is nonrefundable

21  and equivalent to the fee required for full licensure plus the

22  actual per-applicant cost to the agency to provide either

23  examination described in this section;

24         5.  Has not committed any act or offense in this or any

25  other jurisdiction that would constitute a substantial basis

26  for disciplining a physician under this chapter or part II of

27  chapter 455; and

28         6.  Is not under discipline, investigation, or

29  prosecution in this or any other jurisdiction for an act that

30  would constitute a violation of this chapter or part II of

31  chapter 455 and that substantially threatened or threatens the

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HBs 1927 & 961, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  public health, safety, or welfare.

 2         Section 9.  Subsection (2) of section 458.3124, Florida

 3  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

 4         458.3124  Restricted license; certain experienced

 5  foreign-trained physicians.--

 6         (2)  A person applying for licensure under this section

 7  must submit to the Department of Health on or before December

 8  31, 2000 1998:

 9         (a)  A completed application and documentation required

10  by the Board of Medicine to prove compliance with subsection

11  (1); and

12         (b)  A nonrefundable application fee not to exceed $500

13  and a nonrefundable examination fee not to exceed $300 plus

14  the actual cost to purchase and administer the examination.

15         Section 10.  Effective upon this act becoming a law,

16  section 301 of chapter 98-166, Laws of Florida, is amended to

17  read:

18         Section 301.  The sum of $1.2 million from the

19  unallocated balance in the Medical Quality Assurance Trust

20  Fund is appropriated to the Department of Health to allow the

21  department to develop the examination required for foreign

22  licensed physicians in section 458.3115(1)(a), Florida

23  Statutes, through a contract with the University of South

24  Florida. The department shall charge examinees a fee not to

25  exceed 25 percent of the cost of the actual costs of the first

26  examination administered pursuant to section 458.3115, Florida

27  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, and a fee not to exceed 75 percent

28  of the actual costs for any subsequent examination

29  administered pursuant to that section.


31  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/HBs 1927 & 961, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 2  And the title is amended as follows:

 3         On page 2, line 8, following the second semicolon


 5  insert:

 6         amending s. 458.3115, F.S.; revising

 7         requirements with respect to eligibility of

 8         certain foreign-licensed physicians to take and

 9         pass standardized examinations; amending s.

10         458.3124, F.S.; changing the date by which

11         application for a restricted license must be

12         submitted; amending s. 301, ch. 98-166, Laws of

13         Florida; prescribing fees for foreign-licensed

14         physicians taking a certain examination;


















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