CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Casey offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14  Remove from the bill:  Everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert in lieu thereof:

17         Section 1.  Subsections (5) and (6) are added to

18  section 240.40202, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, to read:

19         240.40202  Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program;

20  student eligibility requirements for initial awards.--

21         (5)  Beginning with year 2000 high school graduates,

22  the Department of Education shall collect family socioeconomic

23  data from Bright Futures Scholarship applicants.

24         (6)  A student who is determined to be ineligible for

25  an initial award for failure to meet the high school grade

26  point average requirement may appeal the determination to the

27  department and request a recalculation of the grade point

28  average to include the grades earned in up to three credits of

29  advanced fine arts courses. The department shall make a

30  description of the appeals process available to individuals

31  upon request. The department shall recalculate the student's


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  grade point average using the additional courses and advise

 2  the student of any changes in the student's eligibility

 3  status. For purposes of this section, fine arts courses

 4  include courses in music, drama, painting, sculpture, speech,

 5  debate, or a course in any art form that requires manual

 6  dexterity. "Advanced level fine arts courses" include fine

 7  arts courses identified in the course code directory as

 8  Advanced Placement, pre-International Baccalaureate or

 9  International Baccalaureate, and fine arts courses taken in

10  the third or fourth year of a fine arts curriculum.

11         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 240.40203,

12  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

13         240.40203  Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program;

14  student eligibility requirements for renewal awards.--

15         (2)  A student who is enrolled in a program that

16  terminates in an associate degree or a baccalaureate degree

17  may receive an award for a maximum of 132 semester credit

18  hours or the equivalent 110 percent of the number of credit

19  hours required to complete the program. A student who is

20  enrolled in a program that terminates in a technical

21  certificate may receive an award for a maximum of 110 percent

22  of the credit hours or clock hours required to complete the

23  program up to 90 credit hours. A student who transfers from

24  one of these program levels to another becomes eligible for

25  the higher of the two credit hour limits.

26         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 240.40205,

27  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended, subsection (2)

28  is renumbered and amended, subsections (3) and (4) are

29  renumbered as subsections (5) and (6), respectively, and a new

30  subsection (2) is added to said section, to read:

31         240.40205  Florida Academic Scholars award.--


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (1)  A student who graduates from high school by the

 2  end of the 2002-2003 school year is eligible for a Florida

 3  Academic Scholars award if the student meets the general

 4  eligibility requirements for the Florida Bright Futures

 5  Scholarship Program and the student:

 6         (a)  Has achieved a 3.5 weighted grade point average as

 7  calculated pursuant to s. 240.40202, or its equivalent, in

 8  high school courses that are required as a condition of

 9  admission to a State University System institution as set

10  forth in rules of the Board of Regents adopted by the Board of

11  Regents and recommended by the State Board of Community

12  Colleges as college-preparatory academic courses; and

13         (b)  has attained at least a score of 1270 the score

14  identified by rules of the Department of Education on the

15  combined verbal and quantitative parts of the Scholastic

16  Aptitude Test, the Scholastic Assessment Test, or the

17  recentered Scholastic Assessment Test of the College Entrance

18  Examination, or an equivalent score on the ACT Assessment

19  American College Testing Program, or its equivalent as

20  determined by the Department of Education; or

21         (b)(c)  Has attended a home education program according

22  to s. 232.0201 during grades 11 and 12 or has completed the

23  International Baccalaureate curriculum but failed to earn the

24  International Baccalaureate Diploma, and has attained at least

25  a score of 1270 the score identified by rules of the

26  Department of Education on the combined verbal and

27  quantitative parts of the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the

28  Scholastic Assessment Test, or the recentered Scholastic

29  Assessment Test of the College Entrance Examination, or an

30  equivalent score on the ACT Assessment American College

31  Testing Program; or


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (c)(d)  Has been awarded an International Baccalaureate

 2  Diploma from the International Baccalaureate Office; or

 3         (d)(e)  Has been recognized by the merit or achievement

 4  programs of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation as a

 5  scholar or finalist.

 6         (2)  A student who graduates from high school during

 7  the 2003-2004 school year or thereafter is eligible for a

 8  Florida Academic Scholars award if the student meets the

 9  general eligibility requirements for the Florida Bright

10  Futures Scholarship Program and the student:

11         (a)  Has attained a score of at least 1270 on the

12  recentered Scholastic Assessment Test, an equivalent score on

13  the ACT Assessment Program, or the equivalent as determined by

14  the Department of Education and achieved a weighted grade

15  point average of 3.5 as calculated pursuant to s. 240.40202

16  using grades earned in the following courses:

17         1.  Four years of progressively advanced instruction in

18  language arts, including courses in English composition and

19  literature.

20         2.  Four years of progressively advanced instruction in

21  science, including laboratory courses in biology, chemistry,

22  and physics where laboratory facilities are available.

23         3.  Four years of progressively advanced instruction in

24  mathematics, including courses in algebra, geometry, and

25  calculus or trigonometry.

26         4.  Two years of sequential foreign language.

27         5.  One year of instruction in fine arts courses as

28  defined in s. 240.40202.

29         6.  Three years of instruction in social studies,

30  including courses in American history and government, world

31  history, and comparative political and economic systems; or


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (b)  Has attended a home education program according to

 2  s. 232.0201 during grades 11 and 12 or has completed the

 3  International Baccalaureate curriculum but failed to earn the

 4  International Baccalaureate Diploma, and has attained at least

 5  a score of 1270 on the combined verbal and quantitative parts

 6  of the recentered Scholastic Assessment Test of the College

 7  Entrance Examination, or an equivalent score on the ACT

 8  Assessment Program; or

 9         (c)  Has been awarded an International Baccalaureate

10  Diploma from the International Baccalaureate Office; or

11         (d)  Has been recognized by the merit or achievement

12  programs of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation as a

13  scholar or finalist.

14         (3)  Effective with the 1998-1999 school year, a

15  student must complete a program of community service work, as

16  approved by the district school board or the administrators of

17  a nonpublic school, which shall include a minimum of 75 hours

18  of service work and require the student to identify a social

19  problem that interests him or her, develop a plan for his or

20  her personal involvement in addressing the problem, and,

21  through papers or other presentations, evaluate and reflect

22  upon his or her experience.

23         (4)(2)  A Florida Academic Scholar who is enrolled in a

24  baccalaureate-degree-granting public postsecondary education

25  institution is eligible for a maximum award of $2,800 an award

26  equal to the amount required to pay matriculation, fees, and

27  $600 for college-related expenses annually. A Florida Academic

28  Scholar who is enrolled in an institution that does not award

29  baccalaureate degrees is eligible for a maximum annual award

30  of $2,000. The maximum award amount must be prorated each

31  semester as provided in s. 240.40201(6) student who is


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  enrolled in a nonpublic postsecondary education institution is

 2  eligible for an award equal to the amount that would be

 3  required to pay for the average matriculation and fees of a

 4  public postsecondary education institution at the comparable

 5  level, plus the annual $600.

 6         Section 4.  Section 240.40206, Florida Statutes, 1998

 7  Supplement, is amended to read:

 8         (Substantial rewording of section.  See

 9         s. 240.40206, F.S., 1998 Supp., for present

10         text.)

11         240.40206  Florida Merit Scholars award.--

12         (1)  A student who graduates from high school by the

13  end of the 2002-2003 school year is eligible for a Florida

14  Merit Scholars award if the student meets the general

15  eligibility requirements for the Florida Bright Futures

16  Scholarship Program and the student:

17         (a)  Has achieved a weighted grade point average of 3.0

18  as calculated pursuant to s. 240.40202, or the equivalent, in

19  high school courses that are required as a condition of

20  admission to a State University System institution, as set

21  forth in rules of the Board of Regents, and has attained a

22  score of at least 970 on the recentered Scholastic Assessment

23  Test, an equivalent score on the ACT Assessment Program, or

24  its equivalent as determined by the Department of Education;

25  or 

26         (b)  Has completed the International Baccalaureate

27  curriculum but failed to earn the International Baccalaureate

28  Diploma and has attained a score of at least 970 on the

29  combined verbal and quantitative parts of the recentered

30  Scholastic Assessment Test, an equivalent score on the ACT

31  Assessment Program, or its equivalent as determined by the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  Department of Education; or 

 2         (c)  Has completed a college-preparatory curriculum

 3  through a registered home education program and has attained a

 4  score of at least 970 on the combined verbal and quantitative

 5  parts of the recentered Scholastic Assessment Test, an

 6  equivalent score on the ACT Assessment Program, or its

 7  equivalent as determined by the Department of Education.

 8  Eligibility shall be determined in the same manner as for

 9  public school students.  For students whose parents do not

10  document a college-preparatory curriculum, a score of at least

11  1070 on the combined verbal and quantitative parts of the

12  recentered Scholastic Assessment Test, an equivalent score on

13  the ACT Assessment Program, or its equivalent as determined by

14  the Department of Education, shall be required for award

15  eligibility.

16         (2)  A student who graduates from high school in the

17  2003-2004 school year or thereafter is eligible for a Florida

18  Merit Scholars award if the student meets the general

19  eligibility requirements for the Florida Bright Futures

20  Scholarship Program and the student:

21         (a)  Has attained a score of at least 970 on the

22  recentered Scholastic Assessment Test, an equivalent score on

23  the ACT Assessment Program, or the equivalent as determined by

24  the Department of Education and achieved a weighted grade

25  point average of 3.0 as calculated pursuant to s. 240.40202

26  using grades earned in the following courses:

27         1.  Four years of progressively advanced instruction in

28  language arts, including courses in English composition and

29  literature.

30         2.  Four years of progressively advanced instruction in

31  science, including laboratory courses in biology, chemistry,


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  and physics where laboratory facilities are available.

 2         3.  Four years of progressively advanced instruction in

 3  mathematics, including courses in algebra, geometry, and

 4  calculus or trigonometry.

 5         4.  Two years of sequential foreign language.

 6         5.  One year of instruction in fine arts courses as

 7  defined in s. 240.40202.

 8         6.  Three years of instruction in social studies,

 9  including courses in American history and government, world

10  history, and comparative political and economic systems; or

11         (b)  Has completed the International Baccalaureate

12  curriculum but failed to earn the International Baccalaureate

13  Diploma and has attained a score of at least 970 on the

14  combined verbal and quantitative parts of the recentered

15  Scholastic Assessment Test, an equivalent score on the ACT

16  Assessment Program, or its equivalent as determined by the

17  Department of Education; or

18         (c)  Has completed the curriculum prescribed in

19  paragraph (a) through a registered home education program or

20  has documented competency in each of the prescribed subject

21  areas and has attained a score of at least 970 on the combined

22  verbal and quantitative parts of the recentered Scholastic

23  Assessment Test, an equivalent score on the ACT Assessment

24  Program, or its equivalent as determined by the Department of

25  Education. For students whose parents do not document

26  completion of the prescribed curriculum or competencies in

27  each of the prescribed subject areas, a score of at least 1070

28  on the combined verbal and quantitative parts of the

29  recentered Scholastic Assessment Test, an equivalent score on

30  the ACT Assessment Program, or its equivalent as determined by

31  the Department of Education, shall be required.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (3)  A Florida Merit Scholar who is enrolled in a

 2  baccalaureate-degree-granting postsecondary education

 3  institution is eligible for a maximum award of $1,700

 4  annually. A Florida Merit Scholar who is enrolled in an

 5  institution that does not award baccalaureate degrees is

 6  eligible for a maximum annual award of $1,100. The maximum

 7  award must be prorated each semester as provided in s.

 8  240.40201(6).

 9         (4)  To be eligible for a renewal award as a Florida

10  Merit Scholar, a student must maintain the equivalent of a

11  grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale for all

12  postsecondary education work attempted, with an opportunity

13  for reinstatement one time as provided in this act.

14         Section 5.  Section 240.40207, Florida Statutes, 1998

15  Supplement, is amended to read:

16         240.40207  Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars

17  award.--The Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars award is

18  created within the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program

19  to recognize and reward academic achievement and vocational

20  preparation by high school students who wish to continue their

21  education. Beginning fall semester 2001, a Florida Gold Seal

22  Vocational Scholars award may not be used at a baccalaureate

23  degree-granting institution unless the award is a renewal of

24  an initial award issued prior to fall semester 2001.

25         (1)  A student is eligible for a Florida Gold Seal

26  Vocational Scholars award if the student meets the general

27  eligibility requirements for the Florida Bright Futures

28  Scholarship Program and the student:

29         (a)  Completes the secondary school portion of a

30  sequential program of studies that requires at least three

31  secondary school vocational credits taken over at least 2


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  academic years, and is continued in a planned, related

 2  postsecondary education program. If the student's school does

 3  not offer such a two-plus-two or tech-prep program, the

 4  student must complete a job-preparatory career education

 5  program selected by the Occupational Forecasting Conference or

 6  the Workforce Development Board of Enterprise Florida for its

 7  ability to provide high-wage employment in an occupation with

 8  high potential for employment opportunities. On-the-job

 9  training may not be substituted for any of the three required

10  vocational credits.

11         (b)  Demonstrates readiness for postsecondary education

12  by earning a passing score on the Florida College Entry Level

13  Placement Test or its equivalent as identified by the

14  Department of Education.

15         (c)  Earns a minimum cumulative weighted grade point

16  average of 3.0, as calculated pursuant to s. 240.40202, on all

17  subjects required for a standard high school diploma,

18  excluding elective courses.

19         (d)  Earns a minimum unweighted grade point average of

20  3.5 on a 4.0 scale for secondary vocational courses comprising

21  the vocational program.

22         (e)  Completes the requirements of a vocational-ready

23  diploma program, as defined by rules of the State Board of

24  Education.

25         (2)  A Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholar is eligible

26  for a maximum annual award of $1,100. The maximum award amount

27  must be prorated each semester as provided by s. 240.40201(6)

28  an award equal to the amount required to pay 75 percent of

29  matriculation and fees, if the student is enrolled in a public

30  postsecondary education institution. A student who is enrolled

31  in a nonpublic postsecondary education institution is eligible


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  for an award equal to the amount that would be required to pay

 2  75 percent of the matriculation and mandatory fees of a public

 3  postsecondary education institution at the comparable level.

 4         (3)  To be eligible for a renewal award as a Florida

 5  Gold Seal Vocational Scholar, a student must maintain the

 6  equivalent of a grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale for

 7  all postsecondary education work attempted, with an

 8  opportunity for reinstatement one time as provided in this

 9  act.

10         (4)  A student may earn a Florida Gold Seal Vocational

11  Scholarship for 110 percent of the number of credit hours

12  required to complete the program, up to 90 credit hours or the

13  equivalent. A Florida Gold Seal Scholar who has a cumulative

14  grade point average of 2.75 in all postsecondary education

15  work attempted may apply for a Florida Merit Scholars award at

16  any renewal period. All other provisions of that program

17  apply, and the credit-hour limitation must be calculated by

18  subtracting from the student's total eligibility the number of

19  credit hours the student attempted while earning the Gold Seal

20  Vocational Scholarship.

21         (5)  Upon successful completion of an associate degree

22  program, an award recipient who meets the renewal criteria in

23  subsection (3) and enrolls in an associate or baccalaureate

24  degree program at an eligible postsecondary education

25  institution is eligible to transfer to the Florida Merit

26  Scholars award component of the Bright Futures Scholarship

27  Program. Other than initial eligibility criteria, all other

28  provisions of that component apply.

29         Section 6.  Subsection (1) of section 240.40208,

30  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

31         240.40208  Eligibility for the Florida Bright Futures


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1  Scholarship Program; transition.--

 2         (1)  A student who graduates from high school in 1997

 3  or earlier and who is eligible for the Florida Undergraduate

 4  Scholar's Program pursuant to s. 240.402 is eligible for the

 5  Florida Academic Scholars award as provided in this act. A

 6  student who graduates from high school in 1998 or 1999 is

 7  eligible for the Florida Academic Scholars award if the

 8  student meets the criteria in s. 240.40205. However, in lieu

 9  of satisfying the requirements set forth in s. 240.40205(1)(a)

10  and (b), a student may meet the following criteria:

11         (a)  Complete a program of at least 24 credits in

12  advanced-level studies as prescribed by the State Board of

13  Education, including as a minimum:

14         1.  Four years of progressively advanced instruction in

15  language arts, including courses in English composition and

16  literature.

17         2.  Four years of progressively advanced instruction in

18  science, including laboratory courses in biology, chemistry,

19  and physics where laboratory facilities are available.

20         3.  Four years of progressively advanced instruction in

21  mathematics, including courses in algebra, geometry, and

22  calculus or trigonometry.

23         4.  Two years of sequential foreign language.

24         5.  One year of instruction in art and music or in

25  either art or music.

26         6.  Three years of instruction in social studies,

27  including courses in American history and government, world

28  history, and comparative political and economic systems.

29         7.  One year of instruction in health and physical

30  education to include assessment, improvement, and maintenance

31  of personal fitness.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1         (b)  Obtain at least the equivalent of an unweighted

 2  grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for all courses

 3  taken for which high school credit may be granted.

 4         (c)  Achieve a score of 1180 on the combined verbal and

 5  quantitative parts of the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the

 6  Scholastic Assessment Test, or the recentered Scholastic

 7  Assessment Test of the College Entrance Examination, or an

 8  equivalent score on the American College Testing Program or an

 9  equivalent program.

10         (d)  Complete a program of community service work, as

11  approved by the district school board or the administrators of

12  a nonpublic school, which shall include a minimum of 75 hours

13  of service work and require the student to identify a social

14  problem that interests him or her, develop a plan for his or

15  her personal involvement in addressing the problem, and,

16  through papers or other presentations, evaluate and reflect

17  upon his or her experience.


19  Students who graduate from high school after 1999 must meet

20  the eligibility criteria pursuant to s. 240.40205.

21         Section 7.  Section 240.40209, Florida Statutes, is

22  repealed.

23         Section 8.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.



26  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

27  And the title is amended as follows:

28         On page 1, line 15,


30  after the semicolon insert:

31         repealing s. 240.40209, F.S., relating to


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    529-185AXB-38                                 Bill No. HB 1931

    Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)

 1         calculation of awards for Florida Bright

 2         Futures Scholarship recipients attending

 3         nonpublic institutions;






























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