House Bill 1933c1

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        By the Committees on Governmental Operations, Colleges &
    Universities and Representatives Casey, J. Miller, Lawson,
    Bense, Dennis, Waters, Jones and Farkas

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to postsecondary education;

  3         amending s. 110.1099, F.S.; revising provisions

  4         relating to tuition waivers for state

  5         employees; amending s. 121.35, F.S.; expanding

  6         eligibility for participation in the optional

  7         retirement program for the State University

  8         System; amending ss. 239.117, 240.235, and

  9         240.35, F.S.; revising a fee exemption for

10         certain postsecondary students; amending s.

11         240.209, F.S., relating to the powers and

12         duties of the Board of Regents; revising

13         provisions relating to tuition waivers for

14         employees of the State University System;

15         prohibiting a school, college, or center at a

16         state university from being named for a living

17         person unless approved by the Board of Regents;

18         amending s. 240.2093, F.S.; revising provisions

19         relating to the issuance of bonds by a direct

20         support organization; amending s. 240.2094,

21         F.S.; requiring the Board of Regents to provide

22         the general office of the Board of Regents an

23         approved budget; requiring the general office

24         to develop an annual operating budget;

25         requiring the transfer of funds to the general

26         office upon request of the Board of Regents;

27         amending s. 240.2111, F.S.; deleting the

28         requirement that the Board of Regents and

29         universities promulgate rules regarding

30         employee recognition programs; requiring each

31         university to establish an employee recognition


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  1         program; amending s. 240.227, F.S.; providing a

  2         definition of "continuing contract" for

  3         purposes of a university president's

  4         contracting authority; amending s. 240.233,

  5         F.S., relating to university admissions;

  6         providing for the recalculation of high school

  7         grade point average upon request; amending s.

  8         240.271, F.S., relating to State University

  9         System funding; providing requirements for

10         funds generated by students using an employee

11         fee waiver; amending s. 240.272, F.S.; revising

12         provisions relating to the carryforward of

13         unexpended funds; amending s. 240.289, F.S.;

14         modifying provisions relating to the use of

15         credit cards and debit cards in the university

16         system; amending s. 240.299, F.S.; modifying

17         provisions relating to the financing, design

18         and construction, lease, lease purchase,

19         purchase, or operation of facilities by direct

20         support organizations; repealing s. 240.5335,

21         F.S., relating to the Women's Athletic Trust

22         Fund; amending s. 413.613, F.S., relating to

23         the Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

24         Trust Fund; revising requirements relating to

25         program review; providing for the employment of

26         persons not registered as engineers to teach

27         principles and methods of engineering design;

28         amending s. 378.101, F.S., relating to the

29         Florida Institute of Phosphate Research;

30         revising where proceeds received by the

31         institute will be deposited; revising


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  1         provisions relating to a service charge;

  2         amending s. 243.19, F.S.; providing findings

  3         for institutions for higher education; amending

  4         s. 243.20, F.S.; redefining the terms "project"

  5         and "cost"; defining the term "loan in

  6         anticipation of tuition revenues"; amending s.

  7         243.22, F.S.; authorizing loans in anticipation

  8         of tuition revenues; providing effective dates.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 110.1099, Florida

13  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended, subsections (2) through

14  (5) of said section are renumbered as subsections (3) through

15  (6), respectively, and a new subsection (2) is added, to read:

16         110.1099  Education and training opportunities for

17  state employees.--

18         (1)  Education and training are an integral component

19  in improving the delivery of services to the public.

20  Recognizing that the application of productivity-enhancing

21  technology and practice demand continuous educational and

22  training opportunities, state employees may be authorized to

23  receive fundable tuition waivers on a space-available basis or

24  vouchers to attend work-related courses at public

25  universities. Student credit hours generated by state employee

26  fee waivers shall be fundable credit hours.

27         (2)  Pursuant to provisions of the General

28  Appropriations Act and the negotiated collective bargaining

29  agreements between the Governor and the respective bargaining

30  units, state agencies are authorized to issue waivers to

31  full-time employees to permit such employees to enroll for up


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  1  to 6 credit hours of tuition-free courses per term at a state

  2  university on a space-available basis.

  3         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

  4  121.35, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

  5         121.35  Optional retirement program for the State

  6  University System.--


  8  PROGRAM.--

  9         (a)  Participation in the optional retirement program

10  provided by this section shall be limited to persons who are

11  otherwise eligible for membership in the Florida Retirement

12  System; who are employed or appointed for no less than one

13  academic year; and who are employed in one of the following

14  State University System positions:

15         1.  Positions classified as instructional and research

16  faculty which are exempt from the career service under the

17  provisions of s. 110.205(2)(d).

18         2.  Positions classified as administrative and

19  professional which are exempt from the career service under

20  the provisions of s. 110.205(2)(d), provided that only those

21  positions that are included in the State University System

22  Executive Service, or those which the division determines meet

23  the following criteria, shall be eligible to participate:  The

24  duties and responsibilities of the position shall include

25  either the formulation, interpretation, or implementation of

26  academic policies, or the performance of functions which are

27  unique or specialized within higher education and which

28  frequently involve the support of the academic mission of the

29  university; and recruiting to fill vacancies in the position

30  shall be conducted within the national or regional market.

31  The employer shall submit an application, including a


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  1  certification that the position meets the criteria for

  2  eligibility, to the division for each administrative and

  3  professional position not in the Executive Service for which

  4  it seeks eligibility for the optional retirement program.

  5         3.  The Chancellor and the university presidents.

  6         Section 3.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section

  7  239.117, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to

  8  read:

  9         239.117  Postsecondary student fees.--

10         (4)  The following students are exempt from the payment

11  of registration, matriculation, and laboratory fees:

12         (c)  A student for whom the state is paying a foster

13  care board payment pursuant to s. 409.145(3) or pursuant to

14  parts II and III of chapter 39, for whom the permanency

15  planning goal pursuant to part III of chapter 39 is long-term

16  foster care or independent living, or who is adopted from the

17  Department of Children and Family Services after May 5

18  December 31, 1997. Such exemption includes fees associated

19  with enrollment in vocational-preparatory instruction and

20  completion of the college-level communication and computation

21  skills testing program. Such exemption shall be available to

22  any student adopted from the Department of Children and Family

23  Services after May 5 December 31, 1997; however, the exemption

24  shall be valid for no more than 4 years after the date of

25  graduation from high school.

26         Section 4.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section

27  240.235, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to

28  read:

29         240.235  Fees.--

30         (5)(a)  Any student for whom the state is paying a

31  foster care board payment pursuant to s. 409.145(3) or parts


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  1  II and III of chapter 39, for whom the permanency planning

  2  goal pursuant to part III of chapter 39 is long-term foster

  3  care or independent living, or who is adopted from the

  4  Department of Children and Family Services after May 5

  5  December 31, 1997, shall be exempt from the payment of all

  6  undergraduate fees, including fees associated with enrollment

  7  in college-preparatory instruction or completion of

  8  college-level communication and computation skills testing

  9  programs.  Before a fee exemption can be given, the student

10  shall have applied for and been denied financial aid, pursuant

11  to s. 240.404, which would have provided, at a minimum,

12  payment of all undergraduate fees. Such exemption shall be

13  available to any student adopted from the Department of

14  Children and Family Services after May 5 December 31, 1997;

15  however, the exemption shall be valid for no more than 4 years

16  after the date of graduation from high school.

17         Section 5.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

18  240.35, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

19         240.35  Student fees.--Unless otherwise provided, the

20  provisions of this section apply only to fees charged for

21  college credit instruction leading to an associate in arts

22  degree, an associate in applied science degree, or an

23  associate in science degree and noncollege credit

24  college-preparatory courses defined in s. 239.105.

25         (2)(a)  Any student for whom the state is paying a

26  foster care board payment pursuant to s. 409.145(3) or parts

27  II and III of chapter 39, for whom the permanency planning

28  goal pursuant to part III of chapter 39 is long-term foster

29  care or independent living, or who is adopted from the

30  Department of Children and Family Services after May 5

31  December 31, 1997, shall be exempt from the payment of all


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  1  undergraduate fees, including fees associated with enrollment

  2  in college-preparatory instruction or completion of the

  3  college-level communication and computation skills testing

  4  program. Before a fee exemption can be given, the student

  5  shall have applied for and been denied financial aid, pursuant

  6  to s. 240.404, which would have provided, at a minimum,

  7  payment of all student fees. Such exemption shall be available

  8  to any student adopted from the Department of Children and

  9  Family Services after May 5 December 31, 1997; however, the

10  exemption shall be valid for no more than 4 years after the

11  date of graduation from high school.

12         Section 6.  Subsection (7) of section 240.209, Florida

13  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended, and subsection (10) is

14  added to said section, to read:

15         240.209  Board of Regents; powers and duties.--

16         (7)  Pursuant to provisions of the General

17  Appropriations Act and negotiated collective bargaining

18  agreements, the Board of Regents is authorized to permit

19  full-time State University System employees who meet academic

20  requirements to enroll for up to 6 credit hours of

21  tuition-free courses per term at a state university on a

22  space-available basis.

23         (10)  No school, college, or center at a state

24  university shall be named for a living person unless approved

25  by the Board of Regents.

26         Section 7.  Subsection (2) of section 240.2093, Florida

27  Statutes, is amended to read:

28         240.2093  Board of Regents; issuance of bonds pursuant

29  to s. 11(e), Art. VII, State Constitution.--

30         (2)  The Board of Regents may approve the issuance of

31  revenue bonds or other forms of indebtedness by a


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  1  direct-support organization when such revenue bonds or other

  2  forms of indebtedness are used to finance or refinance capital

  3  projects which are to provide facilities necessary and

  4  desirable to serve the needs and purposes of the university,

  5  as determined by the systemwide strategic plan adopted by the

  6  Board of Regents, and, when operating funds or funds to

  7  purchase the facility will be requested from the state, the

  8  Legislature has approved the project. Approval of such bonds

  9  shall be subject to the provisions of s. 243.151 the project

10  has been approved by the Legislature.

11         Section 8.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

12  240.2094, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

13         240.2094  State University System management

14  flexibility.--

15         (1)  Notwithstanding the provisions of ss. 216.031,

16  216.181, 216.262, and 240.271 to the contrary and pursuant to

17  the provisions of s. 216.351, but subject to any guidelines

18  imposed in the General Appropriations Act, funds for the

19  operation of the State University System shall be requested

20  and appropriated within budget entities, program components,

21  program categories, lump sums, or special categories. Funds

22  appropriated to the State University System for each program

23  category, lump sum, or special category may be transferred to

24  traditional categories for expenditure by the Board of

25  Regents. The Board of Regents shall provide each university

26  and the general office of the Board of Regents an approved

27  budget based upon the appropriations act, and the universities

28  and the general office shall develop an annual operating

29  budget that allocates funds by program component and

30  traditional expenditure category.



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  1         (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.181 and

  2  pursuant to the provisions of s. 216.351, but subject to any

  3  requirements imposed in the General Appropriations Act, no

  4  lump-sum plan is required to implement the special categories,

  5  program categories, or lump-sum appropriations.  Upon release

  6  of the special categories, program categories, or lump-sum

  7  appropriations to the Board of Regents, the Comptroller, upon

  8  the request of the Board of Regents, shall transfer or

  9  reallocate funds to or among accounts established for each

10  university and the general office of the Board of Regents

11  within each budget entity, for disbursement purposes.  The

12  Board of Regents shall maintain records to account for the

13  original appropriation.

14         Section 9.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

15  240.2111, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

16         240.2111  Employee recognition program.--

17         (1)(a)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 110.1245,

18  the Board of Regents and each university shall establish

19  promulgate rules for an employee recognition program which

20  provides for the following components:

21         1.  A superior accomplishment component to recognize

22  employees who have contributed outstanding and meritorious

23  service in their fields, including those who have made

24  exceptional contributions to efficiency, economy, or other

25  improvement in State University System operations.  No cash

26  award under the superior accomplishment component of the

27  program shall exceed $1,000, excluding applicable taxes.

28         2.  A satisfactory service component to recognize

29  employees who have achieved increments of 5 continuous years

30  of satisfactory service to the Board of Regents, university,

31  or state in appreciation and recognition of such service.  No


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  1  cash award granted under the satisfactory service component

  2  shall exceed $50, excluding applicable taxes.

  3         Section 10.  Subsection (12) of section 240.227,

  4  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

  5         240.227  University presidents; powers and duties.--The

  6  president is the chief administrative officer of the

  7  university and is responsible for the operation and

  8  administration of the university.  Each university president

  9  shall:

10         (12)  Approve and execute contracts for the acquisition

11  of commodities, goods, equipment, services, leases of real and

12  personal property, and construction to be rendered to or by

13  the university, provided such contracts are made pursuant to

14  rules of the Board of Regents, are for the implementation of

15  approved programs of the university, and do not require

16  expenditures in excess of $1 million. The acquisition may be

17  made by installment or lease-purchase contract.  Such

18  contracts may provide for the payment of interest on the

19  unpaid portion of the purchase price. Notwithstanding any

20  other provisions of this subsection, university presidents

21  shall comply with the provisions of s. 287.055 for the

22  procurement of professional services and may approve and

23  execute all contracts for planning, construction, and

24  equipment for projects with building programs and construction

25  budgets approved by the Board of Regents. For the purposes of

26  a university president's contracting authority, a "continuing

27  contract" shall be a contract for professional services under

28  the provisions of s. 287.055 for projects for which the

29  construction costs do not exceed $1 million or for study

30  activity for which the fee does not exceed $100,000.



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  1         Section 11.  Subsection (8) is added to section

  2  240.233, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, to read:

  3         240.233  Universities; admissions of students.--Each

  4  university shall govern admissions of students, subject to

  5  this section and rules of the Board of Regents.

  6         (8)  A Florida resident who is denied admission as an

  7  undergraduate to a state university for failure to meet the

  8  high school grade point average requirement may appeal the

  9  decision to the university and request a recalculation of the

10  grade point average to include the grades earned in up to

11  three credits of advanced fine arts courses. The university

12  shall provide the student a description of the appeals process

13  upon notification of the admissions decision. The university

14  shall recalculate the student's grade point average using the

15  additional courses and advise the student of any change in the

16  student's admission status. For purposes of this section, fine

17  arts courses include courses in music, drama, painting,

18  sculpture, speech, and debate, or a course in any art form

19  that requires manual dexterity. "Advanced level fine arts

20  courses" include fine arts courses identified in the course

21  code directory as Advanced Placement, pre-International

22  Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate, and fine arts

23  courses taken in the third or fourth year of a fine arts

24  curriculum.

25         Section 12.  Subsection (7) is added to section

26  240.271, Florida Statutes, to read:

27         240.271  State University System; funding.--

28         (7)  Student credit hours generated by a student using

29  an employee fee waiver issued pursuant to the provisions of s.

30  110.1099 or s. 240.209 shall be funded as provided in the

31  General Appropriations Act.


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  1         Section 13.  Section 240.272, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         240.272  Carryforward of unexpended

  4  funds.--Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 to the

  5  contrary, the Executive Office of the Governor shall, on July

  6  1 of each year, certify forward all unexpended funds

  7  appropriated or provided pursuant to s. 240.209 or s. 240.271

  8  for the State University System. Any unexpended funds in the

  9  current year operating budget, including unexpended student

10  fee revenues, shall be carried forward by the Board of Regents

11  for use by the university and the general office of the Board

12  of Regents to which the funds were allocated. Of the

13  unexpended funds certified forward, any unencumbered amounts

14  may be transferred to university carryforward accounts on

15  September 1 of each year. Any certified forward funds

16  remaining undisbursed on December 31 of each year shall be

17  transferred to university carryforward accounts.

18         (1)  Such carryforward shall not exceed 5 percent of

19  the total operating budget of the university or the general

20  office. Funds carried forward pursuant to this section shall

21  be expended for building an escrow account for major equipment

22  purchases; for scientific, technical, or other equipment; for

23  matching challenge grant programs; for library resources; for

24  minor repairs, renovations, or maintenance; for major studies

25  or planning processes; for maintaining access to course

26  offerings in the event of a revenue shortfall; or for

27  expanding access to course offerings, as approved by the Board

28  of Regents.

29         (2)  No university or the general office shall be

30  penalized in the allocation of subsequent funds as a result of

31  the carryforward of an unexpended balance.


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  1         Section 14.  Section 240.289, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         240.289  Credit card, charge card, and debit card use

  4  in university system; authority.--

  5         (1)  The several universities in the State University

  6  System are authorized, pursuant to s. 215.322, to enter into

  7  agreements and accept credit card, charge card, or debit card

  8  payments as compensation for goods, services, tuition, and

  9  fees in accordance with rules established by the Board of

10  Regents.

11         (2)  In addition to the provisions of subsection (1),

12  the several universities are also authorized to accept credit

13  cards or debit cards, or both, for the payment of tuition and

14  fees without the imposition of a convenience fee for such card

15  services. The cost incurred by the several universities in

16  acceptance of credit cards and debit cards is authorized to be

17  absorbed by the universities as a cost of conducting business.

18  The universities may utilize any source of nonappropriated

19  funds to cover the costs of acceptance of such credit cards or

20  debit cards. Universities are further authorized to negotiate

21  credit card and debit card contracts with financial

22  institutions whereby a compensating balance may be placed on

23  deposit with the financial institution to cover the costs of

24  acceptance of credit cards and debit cards. The several

25  universities are authorized to accept credit card and debit

26  card payments at any location at which collections are

27  transacted for the compensation of goods, services, tuition,

28  and fees, either in person or by electronic means.

29         Section 15.  Subsection (5) of section 240.299, Florida

30  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:



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  1         240.299  Direct-support organizations; use of property;

  2  board of directors; audit; facilities.--

  3         (5)  FACILITIES.--In addition to issuance of bonds

  4  indebtedness pursuant to s. 240.2093(2), each direct-support

  5  organization is authorized to enter into agreements to

  6  finance, design and construct, lease, lease-purchase,

  7  purchase, or operate facilities necessary and desirable to

  8  serve the needs and purposes of the university, as determined

  9  by the systemwide strategic plan adopted by the Board of

10  Regents, upon approval of such agreements by the Board of

11  Regents and, when operating funds or funds to purchase the

12  facility will be requested from the state, approval of the

13  project by the Legislature. Such agreements are subject to the

14  provisions of s. 243.151.

15         Section 16.  Section 240.5335, Florida Statutes, is

16  repealed.

17         Section 17.  Subsection (4) of section 413.613, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         413.613  Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

20  Trust Fund.--

21         (4)  The Board of Regents shall establish a program

22  administration review process and may allocate up to $10,000

23  of such funds for an overall program review which shall would

24  include: an annual a prospective program plan with goals,

25  research design, and proposed outcomes, a proposed budget, and

26  an annual report of research activities and findings, and an

27  annual end-of-year financial statement. Prospective program

28  plans shall be submitted to the Board of Regents, and funds

29  shall be released upon acceptance of the proposed program

30  plans. The annual report of research activities and findings

31  shall be submitted to the Board of Regents, with the executive


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  1  summaries submitted to the President of the Senate, the

  2  Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the secretary of

  3  the Department of Labor and Employment Security.

  4         Section 18.  For the sole purpose of teaching the

  5  principles and methods of engineering design, notwithstanding

  6  the provisions of s. 471.005(6), Florida Statutes, a person

  7  employed by a public postsecondary educational institution, or

  8  by an independent postsecondary educational institution

  9  licensed or exempt from licensure pursuant to the provisions

10  of chapter 246, Florida Statutes, is not required to register

11  under the provisions of ss. 471.001-471.037, Florida Statutes,

12  as a registered engineer.

13         Section 19.  Paragraph (i) of subsection (1) and

14  paragraph (f) of subsection (2) of section 378.101, Florida

15  Statutes, are amended to read:

16         378.101  Florida Institute of Phosphate Research.--

17         (1)  There is created a Florida Institute of Phosphate

18  Research, which is empowered:

19         (i)  To administer the Phosphate Research Trust Fund

20  and to expend funds therefrom for its administration and for

21  carrying out the purposes set forth in this section.  The

22  Phosphate Research Trust Fund shall not be subject to the

23  service charge imposed pursuant to chapter 215.

24         (2)  The institute may develop work products relating

25  to research which is subject to trademark, copyright, or

26  patent protection. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary,

27  the institute may:

28         (f)  Do all acts necessary to exercise its powers and

29  perform its duties.  Any action taken by the institute in

30  securing or exploiting such patents, copyrights, or trademarks

31  shall, within 30 days, be reported in writing to the


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  1  Department of State.  Any proceeds received by the institute

  2  under this subsection shall be deposited in an established

  3  account of the not-for-profit foundation of the State

  4  University System institution with administrative

  5  responsibility for the institute the Phosphate Research Trust

  6  Fund for use consistent with as provided by law and the

  7  mission of the institute.

  8         Section 20.  Effective May 1, 1999, or upon becoming a

  9  law, whichever occurs first, section 243.19, Florida Statutes,

10  is amended to read:

11         243.19  Findings and declaration of necessity.--It is

12  declared that for the benefit of the people of the state, the

13  increase of their commerce, welfare, and prosperity, and the

14  improvement of their health and living conditions, it is

15  essential that this and future generations of youth be given

16  the fullest opportunity to learn and to develop their

17  intellectual and mental capacities; that it is essential that

18  institutions for higher education within each county in the

19  state be provided with appropriate additional means to assist

20  such youth in achieving the required levels of learning and

21  development of their intellectual and mental capacities; and

22  that it is the purpose of this part to provide a measure of

23  assistance and an alternate method to enable institutions of

24  higher education in each county of this state to provide the

25  facilities and structures which are sorely needed to

26  accomplish the purposes of this part; and that it is essential

27  to provide additional assistance to institutions for higher

28  education by enabling those institutions to coordinate their

29  budgetary needs with the timing of receipt of tuition revenues

30  in a manner similar to programs authorized for school

31  districts within the state. The necessity in the public


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  1  interest of the provisions hereinafter enacted is hereby

  2  declared as a matter of legislative determination.

  3         Section 21.  Effective May 1, 1999, or upon becoming a

  4  law, whichever occurs first, subsections (5) and (6) of

  5  section 243.20, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection

  6  (10) is added to that section, to read:

  7         243.20  Definitions.--The following terms, wherever

  8  used or referred to in this part shall have the following

  9  respective meanings, unless a different meaning clearly

10  appears from the context:

11         (5)  "Project" means a structure suitable for use as a

12  dormitory or other housing facility, dining hall, student

13  union, administration building, academic building, library,

14  laboratory, research facility, classroom, athletic facility,

15  health care facility, and maintenance, storage, or utility

16  facility, and other structures or facilities related thereto,

17  or required thereto, or required or useful for the instruction

18  of students, or the conducting of research, or the operation

19  of an institution for higher education, including parking and

20  other facilities or structures, essential or convenient for

21  the orderly conduct of such institution for higher education

22  and shall also include equipment and machinery and other

23  similar items necessary or convenient for the operation of a

24  particular facility or structure in the manner for which its

25  use is intended but shall not include such items as books,

26  fuel, supplies or other items which are customarily deemed to

27  result in a current operating charge. The term also includes a

28  loan in anticipation of tuition revenues by an institution for

29  higher education.

30         (6)  "Cost," as applied to a project or any portion

31  thereof financed under the provisions of this part, embraces


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999             CS/HB 1933


  1  all or any part of the cost of construction and acquisition of

  2  all lands, structures, real or personal property, rights,

  3  rights-of-way, franchises, easements and interests acquired or

  4  used for a project, the cost of demolishing or removing any

  5  buildings or structures on land so acquired, including the

  6  cost of acquiring any lands to which such buildings or

  7  structures may be removed, the cost of all machinery and

  8  equipment, financing charges, interest prior to, during and

  9  for a period of 30 months after completion of such

10  construction, provisions for working capital, reserves for

11  principal and interest and for extensions, enlargements,

12  additions and improvements, cost of engineering, financial and

13  legal services, plans, specifications, studies, surveys,

14  estimates of cost and of revenues, administrative expenses,

15  expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility

16  or practicability of constructing the project and such other

17  expenses as may be necessary or incident to the construction

18  and acquisition of the project, the financing of such

19  construction and acquisition and the placing of the project in

20  operation. In the case of a loan in anticipation of tuition

21  revenues, the term "cost" means the amount of the loan in

22  anticipation of tuition revenues that does not exceed the

23  amount of tuition revenues anticipated to be received by the

24  borrowing institutions for higher education in the 1-year

25  period following the date of the loan, plus costs related to

26  the issuance of the loans, or bonds the proceeds of which fund

27  the loans, and any related cost of debt service reserve funds

28  associated therewith.

29         (10)  "Loan in anticipation of tuition revenues" means

30  a loan to an institution for higher education under

31  circumstances in which tuition revenues anticipated to be


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999             CS/HB 1933


  1  received by the institution in any budget year are estimated

  2  to be insufficient at any time during the budget year to pay

  3  the operating expenses or other obligations of the institution

  4  in accordance with the budget of the institution. The loans

  5  are permitted within guidelines adopted by the authority

  6  consistent with the provisions for similar loans undertaken by

  7  school districts under s. 237.151, excluding provisions

  8  applicable to the limitations on borrowings relating to the

  9  levy of taxes and the adoption of budgets in accordance with

10  law applicable solely to school districts.

11         Section 22.  Effective May 1, 1999, or upon becoming a

12  law, whichever occurs first, subsection (12) of section

13  243.22, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         243.22  Powers of authority.--The purpose of the

15  authority shall be to assist institutions for higher education

16  in the construction, financing, and refinancing of projects,

17  and for this purpose the authority is authorized and

18  empowered:

19         (12)  To make loans to any participating institution

20  for higher education for the cost of a project, including a

21  loan in anticipation of tuition revenues, in accordance with

22  an agreement between the authority and the participating

23  institution for higher education; provided no such loan shall

24  exceed the total cost of the project as determined by the

25  participating institution for higher education and approved by

26  the authority.

27         Section 23.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

28  act shall take effect July 1, 1999.



