House Bill 1945

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1945

        By the Committee on Finance & Taxation and Representatives
    Albright, Garcia and Fasano

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to state taxation; providing

  3         for a rebate of state taxes in the form of a

  4         residential electric utility credit; providing

  5         conditions with respect to the credit;

  6         providing for submission of certain information

  7         to the Public Service Commission by utilities

  8         providing residential electric utility service;

  9         providing for calculation of reimbursement

10         amounts by the commission; providing for

11         distribution of funds to such utilities;

12         providing for audits; providing legislative

13         intent with respect to the credit; directing

14         the commission to provide certain services;

15         providing rulemaking authority; providing an

16         appropriation; providing an effective date.


18         WHEREAS, there is a surplus of state tax revenues, and

19         WHEREAS, all Florida households, regardless of income

20  level, pay taxes to support the activities of the state

21  government, and

22         WHEREAS, the Legislature has deemed it appropriate to

23  return surplus state tax revenues paid by the residents of the

24  State of Florida, NOW, THEREFORE,


26  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


28         Section 1.  Each residential electric utility customer

29  account of an electric utility, as defined in s. 366.02(2),

30  Florida Statutes, receiving active residential electric

31  utility service on August 1, 1999, shall be provided a


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  1  one-time, nonrecurring rebate.  The rebate shall be given in

  2  the form of a $25 credit, payable from the General Revenue

  3  Fund, on each account's electric utility service billing in

  4  August of 1999. The credit shall be awarded as follows:

  5         (1)  The Florida Public Service Commission shall direct

  6  each utility to provide the credit on the electric service

  7  account of each residential electric service customer that is

  8  active on August 1, 1999, as provided by this section.  The

  9  language to appear on the utility bill shall identify the

10  credit as a "Florida Tax Rebate." The credit shall be

11  reflected on the bills for applicable customer accounts

12  starting on August 1, 1999, and continuing through the

13  utility's standard billing cycles, said credit being applied

14  to the bill up to the total amount owed each month for

15  electric service.  When a bill for electric service is less

16  than the credit, the balance of the credit shall be applied

17  toward the account in subsequent billing months until the

18  total credit has been depleted. All undistributed credits

19  which cannot be distributed, for whatever reason, shall be

20  accounted for by the utility and returned to the Comptroller

21  no later than January 1, 2000.

22         (2)  Each electric utility providing residential

23  electric utility service in the state shall, by July 10, 1999,

24  certify to the Florida Public Service Commission the total

25  number of residential electric utility accounts active on July

26  1, 1999.

27         (3)  Upon receipt of the certification required by

28  subsection (2), the commission shall promptly calculate the

29  amount of funds necessary to reimburse the utilities for the

30  credits by multiplying 75 percent of the total number of

31  residential accounts active on July 1, 1999, by $25.  The


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1945


  1  commission shall also calculate the reasonable utility

  2  computer reprogramming costs necessary to administer the

  3  credit by multiplying 75 percent of the total number of

  4  residential accounts active on July 1, 1999, by the following

  5  rates:

  6         (a)  Two dollars for electric utilities providing

  7  residential electric service to fewer than 5,000 residential

  8  accounts on July 1, 1999.

  9         (b)  One dollar for electric utilities providing

10  residential electric service to 5,000 to 10,000 residential

11  accounts on July 1, 1999.

12         (c)  Forty cents for electric utilities providing

13  residential electric service to 10,001 to 50,000 residential

14  accounts on July 1, 1999.

15         (d)  Twenty cents for electric utilities providing

16  residential electric service to 50,001 to 100,000 residential

17  accounts on July 1, 1999.

18         (e)  Fifteen cents for electric utilities providing

19  residential electric service to 100,001 to 300,000 residential

20  accounts on July 1, 1999.

21         (f)  Five cents for electric utilities providing

22  residential electric service to 300,001 to 1,500,000

23  residential accounts on July 1, 1999.

24         (g)  Three cents for electric utilities providing

25  residential electric service to more than 1,500,000

26  residential accounts on July 1, 1999.

27         (4)  The commission shall produce a list of the

28  utilities detailing the necessary funds to provide 75 percent

29  of the $25 credit and reprogramming costs.  The commission

30  shall certify this list to the Comptroller, the President of



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  1  the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and

  2  the Governor by July 20, 1999.

  3         (5)  On or before August 1, 1999, the Comptroller shall

  4  distribute funds to each individual electric utility based on

  5  the list submitted by the commission under subsection (4). The

  6  Comptroller shall make appropriate adjustments as funds are

  7  available to ensure an equal credit to each specified electric

  8  utility customer as provided by this section.

  9         (6)  Each electric utility providing residential

10  electric utility service in the state shall, by August 10,

11  1999, recertify to the commission the total number of

12  residential electric utility accounts active on August 1,

13  1999.

14         (7)  Upon receipt of the certification required by

15  subsection (6), the commission shall promptly calculate the

16  amount of funds necessary to reimburse the utilities for the

17  credits by multiplying the number of residential accounts

18  active on August 1, 1999, by $25. The commission shall also

19  calculate the reasonable utility computer reprogramming costs

20  necessary to administer the credit by multiplying the number

21  of residential accounts active on August 1, 1999, by the

22  following rates:

23         (a)  Two dollars for electric utilities providing

24  residential electric service to fewer than 5,000 residential

25  accounts on August 1, 1999.

26         (b)  One dollar for electric utilities providing

27  residential electric service to 5,000 to 10,000 residential

28  accounts on August 1, 1999.

29         (c)  Forty cents for electric utilities providing

30  residential electric service to 10,001 to 50,000 residential

31  accounts on August 1, 1999.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1945


  1         (d)  Twenty cents for electric utilities providing

  2  residential electric service to 50,001 to 100,000 residential

  3  accounts on August 1, 1999.

  4         (e)  Fifteen cents for electric utilities providing

  5  residential electric service to 100,001 to 300,000 residential

  6  accounts on August 1, 1999.

  7         (f)  Five cents for electric utilities providing

  8  residential electric service to 300,001 to 1,500,000

  9  residential accounts on August 1, 1999.

10         (g)  Three cents for electric utilities providing

11  residential electric service to more than 1,500,000

12  residential accounts on August 1, 1999.

13         (8)  The commission shall produce a list of the

14  utilities detailing the necessary funds to provide the $25

15  credit and reprogramming costs less payments already

16  distributed under subsection (5). The commission shall certify

17  this list to the Comptroller, the President of the Senate, the

18  Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Governor by

19  August 20, 1999.

20         (9)  On or before September 1, 1999, the Comptroller

21  shall distribute funds to each individual electric utility

22  based on the list submitted by the commission under subsection

23  (8). The Comptroller shall make appropriate adjustments as

24  funds are available to ensure an equal credit to each

25  specified electric utility customer as provided by this

26  section.

27         (10)  Upon the request of the Comptroller, the

28  President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of

29  Representatives, or the Governor, the commission shall audit

30  the number of residential utility accounts filed by any one or

31  more utilities pursuant to subsection (2) or subsection (6).


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  1  The cost of any such audit shall be paid for out of the

  2  Florida Public Service Regulatory Trust Fund.


  4  It is the intent of the Legislature that this electric utility

  5  credit represent a rebate of various state taxes paid by

  6  households to the State of Florida.  It is also the intent of

  7  the Legislature that this credit not require any increase or

  8  decrease in current utility rates as established on the

  9  effective date of this act.  Prior to the application of this

10  credit, amounts owed by each customer and gross receipts of

11  electric utilities shall be calculated without regard to the

12  existence of the credit.  As a result, the amounts due from

13  each customer, including, but not limited to, rates, state and

14  local taxes, franchise fees, and any other applicable charges,

15  shall not be affected by the existence of this credit.

16  Furthermore, gross receipts, for purposes of the gross

17  receipts tax levied pursuant to s. 203.01, Florida Statutes,

18  shall not be affected by the existence of this credit.

19         Section 2.  The Florida Public Service Commission is

20  directed to make arrangements for the efficient administration

21  of this act, including, but not limited to, providing a

22  toll-free number for customer inquiries, and making

23  supplemental information available through the Internet.

24         Section 3.  The Florida Public Service Commission has

25  authority to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and

26  120.54, Florida Statutes, to implement the provisions of this

27  act.

28         Section 4.  There is hereby appropriated $177 million

29  from the General Revenue Fund to be disbursed to Florida

30  utility companies for a one-time rebate of state taxes by



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1945


  1  means of a reduction in customer utility bills as provided by

  2  this act.

  3         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  4  law.


  6            *****************************************

  7                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides for a one-time rebate of state taxes in the form
  9    of a $25 credit, payable from the General Revenue Fund,
      on each residential electric utility service billing in
10    August 1999. Requires submission of information regarding
      the number of such accounts by electric utilities to the
11    Public Service Commission and calculation of
      reimbursement amounts by the commission. Provides for
12    distribution of funds to such utilities. Directs the
      commission to make certain information available
13    regarding the credit. Provides an appropriation.


















