Senate Bill 1952

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1952

    By Senator Casas


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to trust funds; creating s.

  3         215.5601, F.S.; creating the Lawton Chiles

  4         Endowment Fund for Children and Elders;

  5         providing definitions; providing legislative

  6         intent; specifying the purposes and uses of

  7         endowment funds; providing for administration

  8         of the endowment by the State Board of

  9         Administration; providing for the availability

10         of endowment funds; providing appropriations;

11         providing an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Section 215.5601, Florida Statutes, is

16  created to read:

17         215.5601  Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund for Children and

18  Elders.--

19         (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the

20  "Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund for Children and Elders Act."

21         (2)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:

22         (a)  "Board" means the State Board of Administration

23  established by s. 16, Art. IX of the State Constitution of

24  1885 and incorporated into s. 9(c), Art. XII of the State

25  Constitution of 1968.

26         (b)  "Endowment" means the Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund

27  for Children and Elders.

28         (c)  "Earnings" means all income generated by

29  investments and the net change in the market value of assets.

30         (d)  "State agency" or "state agencies" means the

31  Department of Health, the Department of Children and Family


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  1  Services, the Department of Elderly Affairs, or the Agency for

  2  Health Care Administration, or any combination thereof, as the

  3  context indicates.

  4         (3)  LEGISLATIVE INTENT.--It is the intent of the

  5  Legislature to:

  6         (a)  Provide a perpetual source of funding for the

  7  future of children's health care, child welfare, and

  8  community-based service initiatives for the elderly.

  9         (b)  Ensure that enhancement revenues will be available

10  to finance these important initiatives.

11         (c)  Use tobacco settlement moneys to ensure the

12  financial health of vital children's and elders' programs.

13         (d)  Encourage the development of community-based

14  solutions to strengthen and improve the quality of life of

15  Florida's children and elders.



18         (a)  There is created the Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund

19  for Children and Elders, to be administered by the State Board

20  of Administration. The endowment shall serve as a clearing

21  trust fund not subject to termination pursuant to s. 19(f),

22  Art. III of the State Constitution and shall be funded by

23  settlement moneys received from the tobacco industry. The

24  endowment fund shall be exempt from the service charges

25  imposed by s. 215.20.

26         (b)  Funds from the endowment shall be distributed by

27  the board to trust funds of the state agencies in the amounts

28  indicated by reference to the legislative appropriations for

29  the state agencies.

30         (c)  The state agencies shall use the funds from the

31  endowment to enhance or support increases in clients served or


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  1  in program costs in the following program areas:  children's

  2  health care, child welfare, and community-based service

  3  initiatives for the elderly.

  4         (d)  The Secretary of Health, the Secretary of Children

  5  and Family Services, the Secretary of Elderly Affairs, and the

  6  Director of Health Care Administration shall conduct meetings

  7  to discuss program priorities for endowment funding prior to

  8  submitting their budget requests to the Executive Office of

  9  the Governor and the Legislature. The purpose of the meetings

10  shall be to gain consensus for priority requests and

11  recommended endowment funding levels for those priority

12  requests. An agency head may not designate a proxy for these

13  meetings.

14         (e)  Funds from the endowment may not be used to

15  supplant existing revenues.


17         (a)  The board is authorized to invest and reinvest

18  funds of the endowment in those securities listed in s.

19  215.47, in accordance with the fiduciary standards set forth

20  in s. 215.47(9) and consistent with an investment plan

21  developed by the executive director and approved by the board.

22  Costs and fees of the board for investment services shall be

23  deducted from the earnings accruing to the endowment.

24         (b)  Funds available from the endowment for

25  distribution by the board shall only be those earnings

26  received on the endowment. Neither the original principal nor

27  the deposits from the tobacco settlement for fiscal years

28  1999-2000 through 2002-2003 shall be available for

29  appropriation or distribution.

30         (c)  The board shall establish a separate account for

31  the funds of the endowment. The board shall design and operate


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  1  an investment portfolio that maximizes the financial return to

  2  the endowment, consistent with the risks inherent in each

  3  investment, and that is designed to preserve an appropriate

  4  diversification of the portfolio.

  5         (d)  No later than February 15, 2000, the board shall

  6  report on the financial status of the endowment to the

  7  Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the

  8  President of the Senate, the chairs of the respective

  9  appropriations and applicable substantive committees of each

10  chamber, and the Revenue Estimating Conference. Thereafter,

11  the board shall make a status report to such persons no later

12  than August 15 and February 15 of each year.

13         (e)  Accountability for funds from the endowment that

14  have been appropriated to a state agency and distributed by

15  the board shall reside with the state agency. The board is not

16  responsible for the proper expenditure or accountability of

17  funds from the endowment after distribution to a state agency.

18         (f)  The board may collect a fee for service from the

19  endowment no greater than that charged to the Florida

20  Retirement System.

21         (6)  AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.--

22         (a)  Funds from the endowment shall not be available

23  for appropriation to a state agency until July 1, 2000.

24  Beginning July 1, 2000, the maximum annual amount of endowment

25  funds that may be appropriated to a state agency from the

26  earnings on the principal shall be in accordance with the

27  following:

28         1.  Beginning July 1, 2000, no more than a level of

29  spending representing earnings at a rate of 3 percent.

30         2.  Beginning July 1, 2001, no more than a level of

31  spending representing earnings at a rate of 4 percent.


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  1         3.  Beginning July 1, 2002, no more than a level of

  2  spending representing earnings at a rate of 5 percent.

  3         4.  Beginning July 1, 2003, and thereafter, no more

  4  than a level of spending representing earnings at a rate of 6

  5  percent.

  6         (b)  Any earnings in excess of the amounts appropriated

  7  in a given year shall become part of the endowment's

  8  principal.

  9         (c)  If the earnings are insufficient to provide for

10  the appropriations specified in paragraph (a), then the

11  distribution of endowment funds to the state agencies shall be

12  an amount of the appropriations reduced on a pro rata basis.

13         (d)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 and

14  pursuant to s. 216.351, all unencumbered balances of

15  appropriations as of June 30 or undisbursed balances as of

16  December 31 shall revert to the endowment's principal.


18         (a)  The following amounts are appropriated from the

19  Department of Banking and Finance Tobacco Settlement Clearing

20  Trust Fund to the Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund for Children

21  and Elders:

22         1.  For fiscal year 1999-2000, $1,099,900,000.

23         2.  For fiscal year 2000-2001, $297,700,000.

24         3.  For fiscal year 2001-2002, $383,100,000.

25         4.  For fiscal year 2002-2003, $151,400,000.

26         (b)  The amounts appropriated under paragraph (a)

27  constitute the principal of the endowment and are not

28  available for appropriation from the endowment, as specified

29  in paragraph (5)(b). However, any interest or other earnings

30  on such amounts accruing to the endowment from the investment

31  of such moneys shall be available for appropriation as


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  1  provided by this section and specific appropriation by the

  2  Legislature.

  3         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.


  5            *****************************************

  6                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund for Children and
  8    Elders to provide a funding source for programs and
      initiatives in support of children and the elderly.
  9    Provides that the endowment is a clearing trust fund to
      be used for appropriation to specified state agencies as
10    directed by legislative appropriation. Provides for
      administration by the State Board of Administration.
11    Provides for the endowment's principal and specifies
      purposes, uses, and availability of the earnings thereon.
12    See bill for details.



















