House Bill 1969
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida House of Representatives - 1999 HB 1969
By Representative Sanderson
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to designation of facilities
3 and structures; designating a specified bridge
4 in Fort Lauderdale the "E. Clay Shaw, Jr.,
5 Bridge"; designating a specified portion of
6 highway in Fort Lauderdale the "Commodore Brook
7 Memorial Causeway"; providing an effective
8 date.
10 WHEREAS, E. Clay Shaw, Jr., has represented Fort
11 Lauderdale and Broward County, serving with distinction in the
12 U.S. House of Representatives since 1981, and in this capacity
13 has authored the welfare reform act, helped obtain funding for
14 Interstate 595, increased funding for U.S. Customs for
15 drug-interdiction and surveillance activities, secured funding
16 for restoration projects for the Everglades, and worked
17 diligently to obtain federal funding for the new 17th Street
18 Causeway Bridge, and
19 WHEREAS, Congressman E. Clay Shaw, Jr., is a native
20 Floridian, and he and his family have made their home in Fort
21 Lauderdale for over 30 years, and
22 WHEREAS, E. Clay Shaw, Jr., has served the City of Fort
23 Lauderdale with distinction, beginning in 1968 as Assistant
24 City Attorney, Chief City Prosecutor, and Associate Municipal
25 Judge; as City Commissioner from 1971 to 1973; as Vice Mayor
26 from 1973 to 1975; and as Mayor from 1975 to 1980, and
27 WHEREAS, during his years of service on the Fort
28 Lauderdale City Commission, E. Clay Shaw, Jr., assured the
29 preservation of the beauty of the city by establishing the
30 tree ordinance, the sign ordinance, and the first city
31 beautification board, and
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Florida House of Representatives - 1999 HB 1969
1 WHEREAS, E. Clay Shaw, Jr., chaired the blue ribbon
2 general obligation bond committee whose efforts led to strong
3 community support for funding the revitalization of Fort
4 Lauderdale Beach, development of Riverwalk, initiation of
5 neighborhood enhancements, construction assistance for the
6 Museum of Discovery and Science, and improvements to the
7 International Swimming Hall of Fame, and
8 WHEREAS, E. Clay Shaw, Jr., was recognized with the
9 Downtowner of the Year Award for his contribution to the
10 revitalization of downtown Fort Lauderdale, and
11 WHEREAS, E. Clay Shaw, Jr., has spent a majority of his
12 adult life serving the people of Fort Lauderdale, ensuring
13 their quality of life and that of future generations, and
14 WHEREAS, Commodore Avylen Harcourt Brook has made
15 significant contributions to the City of Fort Lauderdale and
16 to the state, and
17 WHEREAS, Commodore Brook helped found the Fort
18 Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce and the Fort Lauderdale Rotary
19 Club, and
20 WHEREAS, Commodore Brook led the push to open the
21 city's first municipal swimming pool, which became the
22 International Swimming Hall of Fame, and
23 WHEREAS, Commodore Brook helped set up, and was the
24 Chairman of, the city's Planning and Zoning Board, and
25 WHEREAS, Commodore Brook was Chairman of the Inland
26 Navigation District, and
27 WHEREAS, Commodore Brook championed the free use of the
28 Intracoastal Waterway and coined the designation of the City
29 of Fort Lauderdale as "the Venice of America," NOW, THEREFORE,
31 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
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Florida House of Representatives - 1999 HB 1969
1 Section 1. The bridge crossing the Intracoastal
2 Waterway on State Road A1A/Southeast 17th Street in Fort
3 Lauderdale is designated the E. Clay Shaw, Jr., Bridge, and
4 that portion of State Road A1A/Southeast 17th Street in Fort
5 Lauderdale between Harbor Heights Drive and Seabreeze
6 Boulevard is designated the Commodore Brook Memorial Causeway.
7 Section 2. The Department of Transportation is
8 directed to erect appropriate markers designating the E. Clay
9 Shaw, Jr., Bridge and the Commodore Brook Memorial Causeway.
10 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
11 law.
13 *****************************************
15 Designates the Southeast 17th Street Bridge over the
Intracoastal Waterway in Fort Lauderdale the E. Clay
16 Shaw, Jr., Bridge, and designates that portion of
Southeast 17th Street between Harbor Heights Drive and
17 Seabreeze Boulevard the Commodore Brook Memorial