House Bill 1989

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1989

        By Representative Stansel

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to recreational resources;

  3         requiring the Department of Environmental

  4         Protection to establish the Recreational

  5         Community Assistance Program to provide grant

  6         funds to operate recreational resources for use

  7         by local governmental entities defined as rural

  8         communities; providing for funding the grant

  9         program from moneys dedicated through general

10         revenue; requiring the Department of

11         Environmental Protection to adopt rules for

12         selecting governmental entities to receive

13         grant funds; providing an appropriation;

14         providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Recreational Community Assistance

19  Program.--

20         (1)  The Legislature recognizes that it is in the

21  public interest that the state assist in creating and

22  providing recreational opportunities in rural communities.

23  Recreation, being important to a healthful lifestyle, must be

24  afforded a favorable environment in which to grow. The

25  Legislature recognizes that the operating costs of providing

26  recreational opportunities create a barrier for many

27  communities throughout the state. The Legislature seeks to

28  address this problem and assist local governmental entities by

29  providing grants-in-aid through the creation of the

30  Recreational Community Assistance Program.

31         (2)  As used in this section, the term:


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1989


  1         (a)  "Rural community" means a local governmental

  2  entity, including a county, which meets criteria set forth in

  3  section 288.065(2), Florida Statutes.

  4         (b)  "Match" means the provision of resources by the

  5  local governmental entity receiving funds through the

  6  Recreational Community Assistance Program in the ratio

  7  required by interim policy or administrative rule.

  8         (c)  "Recreation" means the pursuit of leisure

  9  activities in an indoor or outdoor environment.

10         (3)(a)  The Department of Environmental Protection

11  shall establish the Recreational Community Assistance Program

12  to provide grants to qualified local governmental entities on

13  a reimbursement basis. The program is to provide grants to

14  rural communities for operating recreational resources.

15         (b)  The grant program shall be funded by moneys

16  appropriated from the General Revenue Fund.

17         (4)(a)  The Department of Environmental Protection

18  shall by rule prescribe procedures governing the program,

19  which must include, but need not be limited to, a competitive

20  project-selection process designed to maximize the

21  recreational capabilities of the qualified local governmental

22  entity.

23         (b)  Pursuant to section 120.54, Florida Statutes,

24  first-year funding is to be administered by the Department of

25  Environmental Protection under an interim policy pending

26  adoption of administrative rule.

27         (c)  Eligibility criteria must, at a minimum, include:

28         1.  Program funding for counties having populations no

29  greater than 125,000; and

30         2.  Development of a comprehensive plan that addresses

31  the recreational needs of the community.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1989


  1         (5)  The Department of Environmental Protection shall

  2  adopt rules as necessary to govern the Recreational Community

  3  Assistance Program in the best interests of state and local

  4  governmental entities. The rules must contain, but are not

  5  limited to, provisions that address the following matters:

  6         (a)  A funding cap that establishes a maximum grant

  7  amount for each grant cycle.

  8         (b)  A term for grant projects which requires the local

  9  governmental entities to agree to continue to operate and

10  maintain all facilities and programs that are developed under

11  the terms of the grant after the project period is completed

12  for a minimum of 5 years.

13         (c)  A local match that requires local governmental

14  entities to provide local match funding for subsequent years

15  to equal the difference between that year and the first full

16  year funding. The match must be based on the total amount of

17  funding for the first year. Funds must be disbursed in

18  decreasing amounts from the first year for a total of 4 years

19  of funding. The local governmental entity will not be required

20  to provide a match the first year of funding. After the first

21  year a match of 25 percent will be required. Each year the

22  match will increase by 25 percent until the final year, when a

23  match of 100 percent will be required.

24         (d)  The allowable uses of grant funds through one or

25  both of the two following components:

26         1.  A program component under which the grant may be

27  used to pay for:

28         a.  Staff salaries;

29         b.  Equipment; and

30         c.  Transportation of program participants.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1989


  1         2.  An operational component under which the grant may

  2  be used to pay for:

  3         a.  Facility maintenance;

  4         b.  Administration costs not exceeding 15 percent; and

  5         c.  Facility operating expenses.

  6         (6)  Any program funded under this section must:

  7         (a)  Be subject to a local resolution instituting any

  8  elements funded by the program. The governmental entity

  9  receiving the funds and operating the program must agree to

10  fund the program for a minimum of 9 years, including the

11  project period and a minimum of 5 years subsequent to the

12  conclusion of the project period.

13         (b)  Provide recreational opportunities as set forth in

14  an interim policy or administrative rule.

15         (c)  Provide a match of local resources, which may

16  include, but is not limited to, cash.

17         (7)  Funds may be released, beginning in fiscal year

18  1999-2000, for each project selected by the Department of

19  Environmental Protection.

20         (8)  This section does not prohibit local governmental

21  entities from engaging in partnerships with private entities

22  or other governmental agencies to accomplish the goals of the

23  Recreational Communities Assistance Project.

24         (9)  If a governmental entity violates any provision of

25  this section, it will be ineligible for funding for 10 years.

26         Section 2.  The sum of $2 million is appropriated from

27  the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Environmental

28  Protection to carry out the provisions of this act for the

29  1999-2000 fiscal year.

30         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1989


  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Directs the Department of Environmental Protection to
      establish the Recreational Community Assistance Program
  4    to provide grant funds to rural communities. Provides
      eligibility criteria. Requires the department to adopt
  5    rules governing the program, including rules to establish
      funding caps and terms of projects and to provide for
  6    local match funding and for the use of grant funds.
      Provides an appropriation.
























