Senate Bill 1990

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1990

    By Senator Rossin

    17-1319-99                                              See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to school facilities; amending

  3         s. 230.23, F.S.; requiring the annual school

  4         budget adopted by a school board to include

  5         sufficient funds for certain inspections and

  6         capital outlay projects; providing sanctions;

  7         amending s. 230.33, F.S.; requiring the annual

  8         school budget developed and submitted by a

  9         superintendent to include sufficient funds for

10         certain inspections and capital outlay

11         projects; providing sanctions; amending s.

12         235.185, F.S.; requiring tentative and adopted

13         district facilities work programs to include

14         necessary routine maintenance and repairs and

15         projects necessary to correct or repair unsafe

16         or unsanitary conditions; providing an

17         effective date.


19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


21         Section 1.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (10) of section

22  230.23, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

23         230.23  Powers and duties of school board.--The school

24  board, acting as a board, shall exercise all powers and

25  perform all duties listed below:

26         (10)  FINANCE.--Take steps to assure children adequate

27  educational facilities through the financial procedure

28  authorized in chapters 236 and 237 and as prescribed below:

29         (b)  Annual budget.--Cause to be prepared, adopt, and

30  have submitted to the Department of Education as required by

31  law and by regulations of the state board, the annual school


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1990
    17-1319-99                                              See HB

  1  budget, such budget to be so prepared and executed as to

  2  promote the improvement of the district school system. The

  3  adoption of an annual school budget which does not include

  4  sufficient funds for periodic inspection of facilities and

  5  corrective action, according to s. 235.06, and for necessary

  6  routine maintenance, according to s. 235.185, shall result in

  7  each school board member being required to forfeit his or her

  8  salary for 1 year or in his or her removal from office, and

  9  intervention by the department to correct such budget

10  deficiencies.

11         Section 2.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (12) of section

12  230.33, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

13         230.33  Duties and responsibilities of

14  superintendent.--The superintendent shall exercise all powers

15  and perform all duties listed below and elsewhere in the law;

16  provided, that in so doing he or she shall advise and counsel

17  with the school board. The superintendent shall perform all

18  tasks necessary to make sound recommendations, nominations,

19  proposals, and reports required by law to be acted upon by the

20  school board.  All such recommendations, nominations,

21  proposals, and reports by the superintendent shall be either

22  recorded in the minutes or shall be made in writing, noted in

23  the minutes, and filed in the public records of the board.  It

24  shall be presumed that, in the absence of the record required

25  in this paragraph, the recommendations, nominations, and

26  proposals required of the superintendent were not contrary to

27  the action taken by the school board in such matters.

28         (12)  FINANCE.--Recommend measures to the school board

29  to assure adequate educational facilities throughout the

30  district, in accordance with the financial procedure

31  authorized in chapters 236 and 237 and as prescribed below:


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1990
    17-1319-99                                              See HB

  1         (b)  Annual budget.--Prepare the annual school budget

  2  to be submitted to the school board for adoption according to

  3  law and submit this budget, when adopted by the school board,

  4  to the Department of Education on or before the date required

  5  by rules of the state board. Submission to the school board of

  6  an annual school budget which does not include sufficient

  7  funds for periodic inspection of facilities and corrective

  8  action, according to s. 235.06, and for necessary routine

  9  maintenance, according to s. 235.185, shall result in the

10  superintendent being required to forfeit his or her salary for

11  1 year, or in his or her dismissal or removal from office.

12         Section 3.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and

13  subsections (3) and (4) of section 235.185, Florida Statutes,

14  1998 Supplement, are amended to read:

15         235.185  School district facilities work program;

16  definitions; preparation, adoption, and amendment; long-term

17  work programs.--


19  PROGRAM.--

20         (a)  Annually, prior to the adoption of the district

21  school budget, each school board shall prepare a tentative

22  district facilities work program that includes:

23         1.  A schedule of major repair and renovation projects

24  necessary to maintain the educational plant and ancillary

25  facilities of the district.

26         2.  A schedule of routine maintenance, repair, and

27  renovation projects necessary to ensure the health, safety,

28  and welfare of the occupants of the educational plant and

29  ancillary facilities of the district.




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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1990
    17-1319-99                                              See HB

  1         3.  A schedule of capital outlay projects necessary to

  2  correct or repair unsafe or unsanitary conditions, identified

  3  according to s. 235.06.

  4         4.2.  A schedule of capital outlay projects necessary

  5  to ensure the availability of satisfactory student stations

  6  for the projected student enrollment in K-12 programs. This

  7  schedule shall consider:

  8         a.  The locations, capacities, and planned utilization

  9  rates of current educational facilities of the district.

10         b.  The proposed locations of planned facilities.

11         c.  Plans for the use and location of relocatable

12  facilities, leased facilities, and charter school facilities.

13         d.  Plans for multitrack scheduling, grade level

14  organization, block scheduling, or other alternatives that

15  reduce the need for permanent student stations.

16         e.  Information concerning average class size and

17  utilization rate by grade level within the district that will

18  result if the tentative district facilities work program is

19  fully implemented. The average shall not include exceptional

20  student education classes or prekindergarten classes.

21         f.  The number and percentage of district students

22  planned to be educated in relocatable facilities during each

23  year of the tentative district facilities work program.

24         g.  Plans for the closure of any school, including

25  plans for disposition of the facility or usage of facility

26  space, and anticipated revenues.

27         5.3.  The projected cost for each project identified in

28  the tentative district facilities work program. For proposed

29  projects for new student stations, a schedule shall be

30  prepared comparing the planned cost and square footage for

31  each new student station, by elementary, middle, and high


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1990
    17-1319-99                                              See HB

  1  school levels, to the low, average, and high cost of

  2  facilities constructed throughout the state during the most

  3  recent fiscal year for which data is available from the

  4  Department of Education.

  5         6.4.  A schedule of estimated capital outlay revenues

  6  from each currently approved source which is estimated to be

  7  available for expenditure on the projects included in the

  8  tentative district facilities work program.

  9         7.5.  A schedule indicating which projects included in

10  the tentative district facilities work program will be funded

11  from current revenues projected in subparagraph 6 4.

12         8.6.  A schedule of options for the generation of

13  additional revenues by the district for expenditure on

14  projects identified in the tentative district facilities work

15  program which are not funded under subparagraph 7 5.

16  Additional anticipated revenues may include effort index

17  grants, SIT Program awards, and Classrooms First funds.


19  PROGRAM.--Annually, the district school board shall consider

20  and adopt the tentative district facilities work program

21  completed pursuant to subsection (2). Upon giving proper

22  public notice and opportunity for public comment, the district

23  school board may amend the program to revise the priority of

24  projects, to add or delete projects, to reflect the impact of

25  change orders, or to reflect the approval of new revenue

26  sources which may become available. The adopted district

27  facilities work program must include, funding must be provided

28  for, and priority must be given to projects included in

29  subparagraphs (2)(a)2. and 3. The adopted district facilities

30  work program shall:



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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1990
    17-1319-99                                              See HB

  1         (a)  Be a complete, balanced capital outlay financial

  2  plan for the district.

  3         (b)  Set forth the proposed commitments and planned

  4  expenditures of the district to address the educational

  5  facilities needs of its students and to adequately provide for

  6  the maintenance of the educational plant and ancillary

  7  facilities.


  9  PROGRAM.--The first year of the adopted district facilities

10  work program shall constitute the capital outlay budget

11  required in s. 235.18. The adopted district facilities work

12  program shall include the information required in

13  subparagraphs (2)(a)1. through 5., 2., and 3., based upon

14  projects actually funded in the program.

15         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

16  law.


18            *****************************************

19                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Requires the annual school budget adopted by a school
21    board to include sufficient funds for certain inspections
      and capital outlay projects. Provides sanctions. Requires
22    the annual school budget developed and submitted by a
      superintendent to include sufficient funds for certain
23    inspections and capital outlay projects. Provides
      sanctions. Requires tentative and adopted district
24    facilities work programs to include necessary routine
      maintenance and repairs and projects necessary to correct
25    or repair unsafe or unsanitary conditions.






