Senate Bill 2038er
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1999 Legislature CS for SB 2038, 2nd Engrossed
2 An act relating to red tide research and
3 mitigation; establishing a Harmful-Algal-Bloom
4 Task Force; providing for task force membership
5 and duties; providing legislative intent;
6 providing program goals; providing an
7 appropriation; providing an effective date.
9 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11 Section 1. (1) There is established a
12 Harmful-Algal-Bloom Task Force for the purpose of determining
13 research, monitoring, control, and mitigation strategies for
14 red tide and other harmful algal blooms in Florida waters. The
15 Florida Marine Research Institute shall appoint to the task
16 force scientists, engineers, economists, members of citizen
17 groups, and members of government. The task force shall
18 determine research and monitoring priorities and control and
19 mitigation strategies and make recommendations to the Florida
20 Marine Research Institute by October 1, 1999, for using funds
21 as provided in this act.
22 (2) The Harmful-Algal-Bloom Task Force shall:
23 (a) Review the status and adequacy of information for
24 monitoring physical, chemical, biological, economic, and
25 public health factors affecting harmful algal blooms in
26 Florida;
27 (b) Develop research and monitoring priorities for
28 harmful algal blooms in Florida, including detection,
29 prediction, mitigation, and control;
30 (c) Develop recommendations that can be implemented by
31 state and local governments to develop a response plan and to
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
1999 Legislature CS for SB 2038, 2nd Engrossed
1 predict, mitigate, and control the effects of harmful algal
2 blooms; and
3 (d) Make recommendations to the Florida Marine
4 Research Institute by October 1, 1999, for research,
5 detection, monitoring, prediction, mitigation, and control of
6 harmful algal blooms in Florida.
7 (3) After the completion of the tasks specified in
8 subsection (2), the Harmful-Algal-Bloom Task Force may be
9 continued at the pleasure of the Florida Marine Research
10 Institute.
11 Section 2. (1)(a) The Florida Marine Research
12 Institute shall implement a program designed to increase the
13 knowledge of factors that control harmful algal blooms,
14 including red tide, and to gain knowledge to be used for the
15 early detection of factors precipitating harmful algal blooms
16 for accurate prediction of the extent and seriousness of
17 harmful algal blooms and for undertaking successful efforts to
18 control and mitigate the effects of harmful algal blooms.
19 (b) The Legislature intends that this program enhance
20 and address areas that are not adequately covered in the
21 cooperative federal-state program known as Ecology and
22 Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB-Florida), which
23 includes the University of South Florida, the Mote Marine
24 Laboratory, and the Florida Marine Research Institute.
25 (c) The goal of this program is to enable resource
26 managers to assess the potential for public health damage and
27 economic damage from a given bloom and to undertake control
28 and mitigation efforts through the development and application
29 of an integrated detection and prediction network for
30 monitoring and responding to the development and movement of
31 harmful algal blooms in Florida marine and estuarine waters.
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1999 Legislature CS for SB 2038, 2nd Engrossed
1 (2) A financial disbursement program is created within
2 the Florida Marine Research Institute to implement the
3 provisions of this act. Under the program, the institute shall
4 provide funding and technical assistance to government
5 agencies, research universities, coastal local governments,
6 and organizations with scientific and technical expertise for
7 the purposes of harmful-algal-bloom research, economic impact
8 study, monitoring, detection, control, and mitigation. The
9 program may be funded from state, federal, and private
10 contributions.
11 Section 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of section
12 376.11, Florida Statutes, there is hereby appropriated from
13 the Coastal Protection Trust Fund to the Florida Marine
14 Research Institute for fiscal year 1999-2000 an additional sum
15 of $3 million to carry out the purposes of this act.
16 (1) From these funds $1 million shall be used for
17 continuation of the harmful-algal-bloom contracts let to the
18 Manatee Community College, the University of Florida, the
19 University of Miami, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
20 Administration, the United States Food and Drug
21 Administration, the St. Johns River Water Management District,
22 the Florida Department of Health, the Mote Marine Laboratory,
23 the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and a citizens group
24 Solutions to Avoid Red Tide in fiscal year 1998-1999 in order
25 to bring these 10 studies to completion. These contracts
26 should promote state, federal, and private partnerships. No
27 more than $75,000 may be used by the Florida Marine Research
28 Institute for technical administration of these contracts. Up
29 to $50,000 shall be used by the institute to support the
30 travel and document-production costs of the
31 Harmful-Algal-Bloom Task Force.
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1999 Legislature CS for SB 2038, 2nd Engrossed
1 (2) From the remaining $2 million appropriated by this
2 section, $1 million shall be provided to Mote Marine
3 Laboratory and $1 million to the Florida Marine Research
4 Institute, to be used for a cooperative study of harmful algal
5 blooms to address areas of critical need.
6 (3) Contractual services procured under this section
7 are not subject to the provisions of section 287.057, Florida
8 Statutes.
9 Section 4. Rules are not required to implement this
10 act.
11 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.