House Bill 2107

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 2107

        By Representative Greenstein

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to correctional work programs;

  3         providing a short title; amending s. 946.40,

  4         F.S.; revising provisions relating to the use

  5         of prisoners in public works; specifying types

  6         of work to be performed under agreements for

  7         the use of inmate labor between the Department

  8         of Corrections and a political subdivision of

  9         the state; requiring the department to enter

10         into such agreements; specifying the entities

11         which may request the department to provide

12         inmate labor; providing a restriction;

13         providing a limit on the number of inmate

14         laborers to be provided pursuant to a request;

15         requiring the department to provide supervision

16         of such inmates; providing that work performed

17         by inmates shall be without charge or expense;

18         providing exceptions; providing a restriction

19         on eligibility for an inmate labor program;

20         providing an effective date.


22         WHEREAS, highway accidents which occur as the result of

23  road debris are a serious and overlooked highway safety

24  problem, and

25         WHEREAS, highway accidents in the state caused by road

26  debris numbered almost 700 in 1997, and

27         WHEREAS, injuries suffered in accidents caused by road

28  debris, statewide, numbered more than 350 in 1997, and

29         WHEREAS, one recent highway accident caused by road

30  debris which received considerable public attention involved

31  Stephanie Murray, and


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 2107


  1         WHEREAS, Stephanie Murray was returning by car from a

  2  school awards ceremony in June 1998 when a metal rod, three

  3  feet long and three-quarters of an inch thick, was propelled

  4  through the windshield of her car, impaling Stephanie Murray

  5  to her seat and missing her aorta by barely more than a

  6  quarter of an inch, and

  7         WHEREAS, it is the intent of this act to address and

  8  correct the serious problem of highway accidents which occur

  9  as the result of road debris on the highways of this state

10  through the use of inmate labor, NOW, THEREFORE,


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  This act shall be known and may be cited as

15  the "Stephanie Murray Act."

16         Section 2.  Section 946.40, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         946.40  Use of prisoners in public works.--

19         (1)(a)  The Department of Corrections shall, subject to

20  the availability of funds appropriated for that purpose, and,

21  in the absence of such funds, may, enter into agreements with

22  such political subdivisions in the state, as defined by s.

23  1.01(8), including municipalities; with such agencies and

24  institutions of the state; and with such nonprofit

25  corporations as might use the services of inmates of

26  correctional institutions and camps when it is determined by

27  the department that such services will not be detrimental to

28  the welfare of such inmates or the interests of the state in a

29  program of rehabilitation.

30         (b)  Agreements entered into between the department and

31  a political subdivision of the state may provide for:


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 2107


  1         1.  The maintenance of county roads and rights-of-way

  2  not under the jurisdiction of the Department of

  3  Transportation.

  4         2.  The removal of litter on public grounds,

  5  rights-of-way, lakes, streams, and the shores of lakes and

  6  streams.

  7         3.  The removal of litter on highways, rights-of-way,

  8  and road shoulders under the jurisdiction of the Department of

  9  Transportation.

10         (c)  The department shall furnish inmate labor when

11  available, as authorized under this section, for state,

12  municipal, and county roads, highways, streets, and

13  rights-of-way when requested by the sheriff of any county, the

14  chief of police of any municipality, or the governing body of

15  the county or municipality in which the road, highway, street,

16  or right-of-way is located. The department shall also furnish

17  such inmate labor when available, as authorized under this

18  section, for state highways, road shoulders, and rights-of-way

19  when requested by the Department of Transportation. The

20  governing body of a county or municipality, sheriff of a

21  county, or chief of police of a municipality shall not request

22  such inmate labor unless it has first determined that the use

23  of inmate labor will not result in the displacement of

24  employed workers in the community.

25         (d)  An agreement entered into between the department

26  and a political subdivision of the state pursuant to a request

27  for the use of inmate services as provided in paragraph (c)

28  shall be limited to the use of no more than 20 inmates and

29  shall provide for supervision of such inmates by the

30  department. An agreement for use of fewer than 15 minimum

31  custody inmates and medium custody inmates may provide that


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 2107


  1  supervision will be either by the department or by the

  2  political subdivision, institution, nonprofit corporation, or

  3  agency using the inmates. The department is authorized to

  4  adopt rules governing work and supervision of inmates used in

  5  public works projects, which rules shall include, but shall

  6  not be limited to, the proper screening and supervision of

  7  such inmates.  Inmates may be used for these purposes without

  8  being accompanied by a correctional officer, provided the

  9  political subdivision, municipality, or agency of the state or

10  the nonprofit corporation provides proper supervision pursuant

11  to the rules of the Department of Corrections.

12         (2)  All work performed by inmates pursuant to this

13  section shall be performed without charge or expense to the

14  political subdivision requesting such work, except for

15  transportation costs of the inmate labor unit and costs of

16  materials utilized in any maintenance performed. The budget of

17  the department may be reimbursed from the budget of any state

18  agency or state institution for the services of inmates and

19  personnel of the department in such amounts as may be

20  determined by agreement between the department and the head of

21  such agency or institution. However, No political subdivision

22  of the state shall be required to reimburse the department for

23  such services.

24         (3)  The department shall not be required to provide

25  supervision for minimum custody inmates or medium custody

26  inmates unless there is adequate notice of the need for the

27  services of at least 15 such inmates.

28         (4)  No person convicted of sexual battery pursuant to

29  s. 794.011 is eligible for any program under the provisions of

30  this section.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 2107


  1         (5)  No person under 18 years of age is eligible for

  2  any program under the provisions of this section.

  3         Section 3.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1999.


  5            *****************************************

  6                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises provisions relating to the use of prisoners in
  8    public works, to specify types of work to be performed
      under agreements for the use of inmate labor between the
  9    Department of Corrections and a political subdivision of
      the state. Requires the department to enter into such
10    agreements. Specifies the entities which may request the
      department to provide inmate labor. Provides a
11    restriction on such use. Provides a limit on the number
      of inmate laborers to be provided pursuant to a request.
12    Requires the department to provide supervision of such
      inmates. Provides that work performed by inmates shall be
13    without charge or expense and provides exceptions.
      Provides a restriction on eligibility for an inmate labor
14    program. Titles the act the "Stephanie Murray Act."

















