CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Bill No. HB 2119
Amendment No. 001 (for drafter's use only)
Senate House
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11 The Committee on Health & Human Services Appropriations
12 offered the following:
14 Amendment (with title amendment)
15 On page 31, between lines 21 and 22,
17 insert:
18 Section 16. Subsection (12) of section 414.0252,
19 Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is renumbered as subsection
20 (13), and a new subsection (12) is added to said section to
21 read:
22 414.0252 Definitions.--As used in ss. 414.015-414.45,
23 the term:
24 (12) "Services and one-time payments" or "services,"
25 when used in reference to individuals who are not receiving
26 temporary cash assistance, means nonrecurrent, short-term
27 benefits designed to deal with a specific crisis situation or
28 episode of need and other services; work subsidies; supportive
29 services such as child care and transportation; services such
30 as counseling, case management, peer support, and child care
31 information and referral; transitional services, job
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Bill No. HB 2119
Amendment No. 001 (for drafter's use only)
1 retention, job advancement, and other employment-related
2 services; nonmedical treatment for substance abuse or mental
3 health problems; and any other services that are reasonably
4 calculated to further the purposes of the WAGES Program and
5 the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program.
6 Such terms do not include assistance as defined in federal
7 regulations at 45 C.F.R. s. 260.31(a).
8 Section 17. Section 414.0275, Florida Statutes, is
9 created to read:
10 414.0275 Accountability report.--The WAGES Program
11 State Board of Directors shall submit to the Governor, the
12 President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
13 Representatives an annual accountability report. The report
14 must include:
15 (1) Performance standards and objectives, measurement
16 criteria, measures of performance, and contract guidelines for
17 each local WAGES coalitions related to the following issues:
18 (a) Work participation rates by type of activity.
19 (b) Caseload trends.
20 (c) Participation in diversion and relocation
21 programs.
22 (d) Employment retention.
23 (e) Other issues identified by the state board of
24 directors.
25 (2) A description of:
26 (a) Cooperative agreements and partnerships between
27 local WAGES coalitions and local community agencies and
28 not-for-profit organizations described in section 501(c)(3) of
29 the Internal Revenue Code;
30 (b) Efforts by local WAGES coalitions to provide WAGES
31 applicants, recipients, and former recipients with information
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Bill No. HB 2119
Amendment No. 001 (for drafter's use only)
1 on the services and programs available to them, including
2 diversion programs, relocation assistance, and other services
3 that may be obtained without receiving monthly cash
4 assistance;
5 (c) Efforts by local WAGES coalitions to overcome
6 transportation barriers to employment; and
7 (d) Other issues determined by the state board of
8 directors.
9 (3) An evaluation of the performance of each local
10 WAGES coalition based on the performance measures and
11 guidelines.
12 Section 18. Section 414.0655, Florida Statutes, is
13 created to read:
14 414.0655 Medical incapacity due to substance abuse or
15 mental health impairment.--
16 (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 414.065 to
17 the contrary, any participant who requires out-of-home
18 residential treatment for alcoholism, drug addiction, alcohol
19 abuse, or a mental health disorder, as certified by a
20 physician licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, shall be
21 exempted from work activities while participating in
22 treatment. The participant shall be required to comply with
23 the course of treatment necessary for the individual to resume
24 work activity participation. The treatment agency shall be
25 required to notify the department with an initial estimate of
26 when the participant will have completed the course of
27 treatment and be ready to resume full participation in the
28 WAGES program. If the treatment will take longer than 60 days,
29 the treatment agency shall provide to the department the
30 conditions justifying extended treatment and the department
31 and the treatment agency shall negotiate a continued stay in
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Bill No. HB 2119
Amendment No. 001 (for drafter's use only)
1 treatment not to exceed an additional 90 days.
2 (2) Notwithstanding any provision of s.
3 414.095(2)(a)4. or 5. to the contrary, a participant who is
4 absent from the home due to out-of-home residential treatment
5 for not more than 150 days shall continue to be a member of
6 the assistance group whether or not the child or children for
7 whom the participant is the parent or caretaker relative are
8 living in the residential treatment center.
9 Section 19. Section 414.158, Florida Statutes, is
10 created to read:
11 414.158 Diversion program to strengthen Florida's
12 families.--
13 (1) The diversion program to strengthen Florida's
14 families is intended to provide services and one-time payments
15 to assist families in avoiding welfare dependency and to
16 strengthen families so that children can be cared for in their
17 own homes or in the homes of relatives and so that families
18 can be self-sufficient.
19 (2) Before finding a family eligible for the diversion
20 program created under this section, a determination must be
21 made that:
22 (a) The family includes a pregnant woman or a parent
23 with one or more minor children or a caretaker relative with
24 one or more minor children.
25 (b) The family meets the criteria of a voluntary
26 assessment performed by Healthy Families Florida; the family
27 meets the criteria established by the department for
28 determining that one or more children in the family are at
29 risk of abuse, neglect, or threatened harm; or the family is
30 homeless and living in a facility that provides shelter to
31 homeless families.
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Bill No. HB 2119
Amendment No. 001 (for drafter's use only)
1 (c) The services or one-time payment provided are not
2 considered assistance under federal law or guidelines.
3 (3) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in
4 s. 414.075, s. 414.085, or s. 414.095, a family meeting the
5 requirements of subsection (2) shall be considered a needy
6 family and shall be deemed eligible under this section.
7 (4) The department, in consultation with Healthy
8 Families Florida, may establish additional requirements
9 related to services or one-time payments, and the department
10 is authorized to adopt rules relating to maximum amounts of
11 such one-time payments.
12 (5) Receipt of services or a one-time payment under
13 this section shall not preclude eligibility for, or receipt
14 of, other assistance or services under this chapter.
15 Section 20. Section 414.18, Florida Statutes, is
16 created to read:
17 414.18 Program for dependent care for families with
18 children with special needs.--
19 (1) There is created the program for dependent care
20 for families with children with special needs. This program
21 is intended to provide assistance to families with children
22 who meet the following requirements:
23 (a) The child or children are between the ages of 13
24 and 17 years, inclusive.
25 (b) The child or children are considered to be
26 children with special needs as defined by the subsidized child
27 care program authorized under s. 402.3015.
28 (c) The family meets the income guidelines established
29 under s. 402.3015. Financial eligibility for this program
30 shall be based solely on the guidelines used for subsidized
31 child care, notwithstanding any financial eligibility criteria
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Bill No. HB 2119
Amendment No. 001 (for drafter's use only)
1 to the contrary in s. 414.075, s. 414.085, or s. 414.095.
2 (2) Implementation of this program shall be subject to
3 appropriation of funds for this purpose.
4 (3) If federal funds under the Temporary Assistance
5 for Needy Families block grant provided under Title IV-A of
6 the Social Security Act, as amended, are used for this
7 program, the family must be informed about the federal
8 requirements on receipt of such assistance and must sign a
9 written statement acknowledging, and agreeing to comply with,
10 all federal requirements.
11 (4) In addition to child care services provided under
12 s. 402.3015, dependent care may be provided for children age
13 13 years and older who are in need of care due to disability
14 and where such care is needed for the parent to accept or
15 continue employment or otherwise participate in work
16 activities. The amount of subsidy shall be consistent with the
17 rates for special needs child care established by the
18 department. Dependent care needed for employment may be
19 provided as transitional services for up to 2 years after
20 eligibility for WAGES assistance ends.
21 (5) Notwithstanding any provision of s. 414.105 to the
22 contrary, the time limitation on receipt of assistance under
23 this section shall be the limit established pursuant to s.
24 408(a)(7) of the Social Security Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. s.
25 608(a)(7).
26 Section 21. Section 414.223, Florida Statutes, is
27 created to read:
28 414.223 Retention Incentive Training Accounts.--To
29 promote job retention and to enable upward job advancement
30 into higher skilled, higher paying employment, the WAGES
31 Program State Board of Directors, Workforce Development Board,
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Bill No. HB 2119
Amendment No. 001 (for drafter's use only)
1 regional workforce development boards, and local WAGES
2 coalitions may jointly assemble, from postsecondary education
3 institutions, a list of programs and courses for WAGES
4 participants who have become employed which promote job
5 retention and advancement.
6 (1) The WAGES Program State Board of Directors and the
7 Workforce Development Board may jointly establish Retention
8 Incentive Training Accounts (RITAs). RITAs shall utilize
9 Temporary Assistance to Needy Families block grant funds
10 specifically appropriated for this purpose. RITAs must
11 complement the Individual Training Account required by the
12 federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Pub. L. No. 105-220.
13 (2) RITAs may pay for tuition, fees, educational
14 materials, coaching and mentoring, performance incentives,
15 transportation to and from courses, child care costs during
16 education courses, and other such costs as the regional
17 workforce development boards determine are necessary to effect
18 successful job retention and advancement.
19 (3) Regional workforce development boards shall retain
20 only those courses that continue to meet their performance
21 standards as established in their local plan.
22 (4) Regional workforce development boards shall report
23 annually to the Legislature on the measurable retention and
24 advancement success of each program provider and the
25 effectiveness of RITAs, making recommendations for any needed
26 changes or modifications.
29 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
30 And the title is amended as follows:
31 On page 3, line 12,
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Bill No. HB 2119
Amendment No. 001 (for drafter's use only)
1 after the semicolon insert:
2 amending s. 414.0252, F.S.; providing a
3 definition; creating s. 414.0275, F.S.;
4 requiring the state board of directors to
5 provide an annual accountability report;
6 specifying contents; creating s. 414.0655,
7 F.S.; providing an exception from work
8 activities for participants who require
9 out-of-home residential treatment for substance
10 abuse or mental health impairment; providing
11 time limitations; creating s. 414.158, F.S.;
12 authorizing a diversion program to strengthen
13 Florida's families; providing limitations and
14 requirements; creating s. 414.18, F.S.;
15 creating a program for dependent care for
16 families with children with special needs;
17 providing requirements and limitations;
18 creating s. 414.223, F.S.; providing for
19 development of lists of postsecondary programs
20 and courses that promote job retention and
21 advancement; authorizing establishment of
22 Retention Incentive Training Accounts;
23 providing for funding; providing eligible
24 expenditures; requiring an annual report;
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