House Bill 2151

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 2151

        By the Committee on Environmental Protection and
    Representative Dockery

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to petroleum contamination site

  3         rehabilitation; amending s. 376.3071, F.S.;

  4         revising authority and procedures relating to

  5         source removal and site cleanup activities

  6         funded from the Inland Protection Trust Fund;

  7         providing an annual funding limitation for

  8         certain source removal activities; providing a

  9         time limit for negotiation of site

10         rehabilitation and cost-sharing agreements;

11         authorizing the Department of Environmental

12         Protection to terminate negotiations and revoke

13         funding eligibility and liability protections,

14         if time limits are not met; eliminating funding

15         ineligibility for persons who knowingly acquire

16         title to contaminated property; amending s.

17         376.30711, F.S.; requiring the department to

18         select five sites for restoration funding under

19         an innovative technology pilot program;

20         providing selection criteria; providing for use

21         of certain innovative products and processes,

22         based on competitive bid; amending s.

23         376.30713, F.S.; removing repeal of the

24         preapproved advanced cleanup program;

25         rescheduling legislative review; creating s.

26         376.30714, F.S.; authorizing the department to

27         negotiate site rehabilitation agreements at

28         certain sites with new discharges; providing

29         legislative findings; providing definitions;

30         providing application procedures; providing for

31         apportionment of funding responsibilities;


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  1         specifying excluded new discharges; providing

  2         negotiation procedures and timeframe; providing

  3         liability protections covered by such

  4         agreements; providing retroactive effect of the

  5         section; providing an effective date.


  7  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  9         Section 1.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (5) and

10  paragraphs (c) and (g) of subsection (13) of section 376.3071,

11  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

12         376.3071  Inland Protection Trust Fund; creation;

13  purposes; funding.--


15         (c)  The department shall require source removal, if

16  warranted and cost-effective, at each site eligible for

17  restoration funding from the Inland Protection Trust Fund.

18  Funding for free product recovery may be provided in advance

19  of in the order established by the priority ranking system

20  pursuant to paragraph (a) for site cleanup activities.

21  However, a separate prioritization for free product recovery

22  shall be established consistent with the provisions of

23  paragraph (a). No more than $5 million shall be encumbered

24  from the Inland Protection Trust Fund in any fiscal year for

25  free product recovery conducted in advance of the priority

26  order pursuant to paragraph (a) established for site cleanup

27  activities. Once free product source removal at a site is

28  complete, the department shall reevaluate the site to

29  determine the degree of active cleanup needed to continue.

30  Further, the department shall determine if the reevaluated

31  site qualifies for monitoring only or if no further action is


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  1  required to rehabilitate the site.  If additional site

  2  rehabilitation is necessary to reach no further action status,

  3  the department is encouraged to utilize natural attenuation

  4  and monitoring where site conditions warrant.


  6  encourage detection, reporting, and cleanup of contamination

  7  caused by discharges of petroleum or petroleum products, the

  8  department shall, within the guidelines established in this

  9  subsection, implement a cost-sharing cleanup program to

10  provide rehabilitation funding assistance for all property

11  contaminated by discharges of petroleum or petroleum products

12  occurring before January 1, 1995, subject to a copayment

13  provided for in a preapproved site rehabilitation agreement.

14  Eligibility shall be subject to an annual appropriation from

15  the Inland Protection Trust Fund.  Additionally, funding for

16  eligible sites shall be contingent upon annual appropriation

17  in subsequent years.  Such continued state funding shall not

18  be deemed an entitlement or a vested right under this

19  subsection.  Eligibility in the program shall be

20  notwithstanding any other provision of law, consent order,

21  order, judgment, or ordinance to the contrary.

22         (c)  Upon notification by the department that

23  rehabilitation funding assistance is available for the site

24  pursuant to subsection (5) and s. 376.30711, the owner,

25  operator, or person otherwise responsible for site

26  rehabilitation shall provide the department with a limited

27  contamination assessment report and shall enter into a

28  preapproved site rehabilitation agreement with the department

29  and a contractor qualified under s. 376.30711(2)(b).  The

30  agreement shall provide for a 25-percent copayment by the

31  owner, operator, or person otherwise responsible for


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  1  conducting site rehabilitation.  The owner, operator, or

  2  person otherwise responsible for conducting site

  3  rehabilitation shall adequately demonstrate the ability to

  4  meet the copayment obligation.  The limited contamination

  5  assessment report and the copayment costs may be reduced or

  6  eliminated if the owner and all operators responsible for

  7  restoration under s. 376.308 demonstrate that they are

  8  financially unable to comply with the copayment and limited

  9  contamination assessment report requirements.  The department

10  shall take into consideration the owner's and operator's net

11  worth in making the determination of financial ability. In the

12  event the department and the owner, operator, or person

13  otherwise responsible for site rehabilitation are unable to

14  complete negotiation of the cost-sharing agreement within 120

15  days after commencing negotiations, the department shall

16  terminate negotiations and the site shall be deemed ineligible

17  for state funding under this subsection and all liability

18  protections provided for in this subsection shall be revoked.

19         (g)  The following shall be excluded from participation

20  in the program:

21         1.  Sites at which the department has been denied

22  reasonable site access to implement the provisions of this

23  section.

24         2.  Sites that were active facilities when owned or

25  operated by the Federal Government.

26         3.  Sites that are identified by the United States

27  Environmental Protection Agency to be on, or which qualify for

28  listing on, the National Priorities List under Superfund.

29  This exception does not apply to those sites for which

30  eligibility has been requested or granted as of the effective

31  date of this act under the Early Detection Incentive Program


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  1  established pursuant to s. 15, chapter 86-159, Laws of

  2  Florida.

  3         4.  The contamination is covered under the Early

  4  Detection Incentive Program, the Abandoned Tank Restoration

  5  Program or the Petroleum Liability and Restoration Insurance

  6  Program, in which case site rehabilitation funding assistance

  7  shall continue under the respective program.

  8         5.  Any person who knowingly acquires title to

  9  contaminated property shall not be eligible for restoration

10  funding pursuant to this subsection. The provisions of this

11  subsection do not relieve any person who has acquired title

12  subsequent to July 1, 1992, from the duty to establish by a

13  preponderance of the evidence that he or she undertook, at the

14  time of acquisition, all appropriate inquiry into the previous

15  ownership and use of the property consistent with good

16  commercial or customary practice in an effort to minimize

17  liability, as required by s. 376.308(1)(c). The provisions of

18  this subparagraph do not apply to any person who acquires

19  title by succession or devise.

20         Section 2.  Subsection (8) is added to section

21  376.30711, Florida Statutes, to read:

22         376.30711  Preapproved site rehabilitation, effective

23  March 29, 1995.--

24         (8)  The department shall select five sites eligible

25  for state restoration funding assistance under this section,

26  each having a low-priority ranking score pursuant to s.

27  376.3071(5), for an innovative technology pilot program. Such

28  sites shall be representative of varying geographic,

29  geophysical, and petroleum-contaminated conditions. Utilizing

30  the department's list of mechanical, chemical, and biological

31  products and processes which have already been deemed


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  1  acceptable from an environmental, regulatory, and safety

  2  standpoint, the department shall select innovative products

  3  and processes, based upon competitive bid procedures per

  4  subsection (2), to be utilized on pilot project sites.

  5         Section 3.  Subsection (7) of section 376.30713,

  6  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         376.30713  Preapproved advanced cleanup.--

  8         (7)  This section shall be subject to legislative

  9  review prior to March 1, 2001. This section is repealed

10  effective October 1, 1999, and shall be subject to legislative

11  review prior to that date.

12         Section 4.  Section 376.30714, Florida Statutes, is

13  created to read:

14         376.30714  Site rehabilitation agreements.--

15         (1)  In addition to the legislative findings provided

16  in s. 376.3071, the Legislature finds and declares:

17         (a)  The provisions of ss. 376.3071(5)(a) and 376.30711

18  have delayed cleanup of low-priority sites determined to be

19  eligible for state funding under ss. 376.305, 376.3071, and

20  376.3072.

21         (b)  While compliance with the department's rules

22  pertaining to storage tank systems is expected to

23  significantly diminish the occurrence and extent of discharges

24  of petroleum products from petroleum storage systems,

25  discharges from these systems and discharges at sites with

26  existing contamination which have been determined to be

27  eligible for state-funded cleanup may still occur. In some

28  cases, it may be difficult to distinguish between discharges

29  that have been determined to be eligible for state funding

30  from those discharges reported after December 31, 1998, which

31  are not eligible for state funding.


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  1         (c)  Restoration coverage under s. 376.3072(2)(d) is no

  2  longer provided for discharges of petroleum products from

  3  petroleum storage systems that are reported to the department

  4  after December 31, 1998. This situation may result in

  5  discharges that are not eligible for state-funded cleanup

  6  occurring on sites with existing contamination determined to

  7  be eligible for state-funded cleanup.

  8         (d)  It is necessary for the discharger, and may be

  9  desirable for the department, to address the cleanup of

10  discharges of petroleum products reported to the department

11  after December 31, 1998, including discharges that occur at

12  sites with existing contamination determined to be eligible

13  under ss. 376.305, 376.3071, and 376.3072.

14         (e)  It is appropriate for persons assuming

15  responsibility for cleanup of such discharges occurring after

16  December 31, 1998, at sites with existing contamination

17  determined to be eligible for state-funded cleanup, to share

18  the costs associated with managing and conducting cleanup of

19  those discharges upon application to the department and in

20  accordance with a priority established for such cleanup in a

21  negotiated site rehabilitation agreement.

22         (2)  For the purposes of this section only, the term:

23         (a)  "Applicant" means a facility owner, operator,

24  discharger, or entity who accepts responsibility for cleanup

25  of a new discharge on a qualified site and who applies for and

26  enters into a site rehabilitation agreement with the

27  department. Application for or execution of the site

28  rehabilitation agreement shall not constitute an admission of

29  liability for the new discharge by the applicant.

30         (b)  "Existing contamination" means contamination that

31  has been determined by the department to be eligible for


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  1  state-funded cleanup under ss. 376.305, 376.3071, or 376.3072

  2  prior to the new discharge.

  3         (c)  "New discharge" means a discharge of petroleum

  4  products reported after December 31, 1998, occurring at a site

  5  with existing contamination.

  6         (d)  "Qualified site" means a site with a new discharge

  7  and for which the applicant has entered into a site

  8  rehabilitation agreement with the department.

  9         (3)  Free product attributable to a new discharge shall

10  be removed to the extent practicable and in accordance with

11  department rules adopted pursuant to s. 376.3071(5) at the

12  expense of the owner, operator, or other responsible party.

13  Free product attributable to existing contamination shall be

14  removed in accordance with s. 376.3071(5), or s.

15  376.30711(1)(b), and department rules adopted pursuant

16  thereto.

17         (4)  Beginning January 1, 1999, the department is

18  authorized to negotiate and enter into site rehabilitation

19  agreements with applicants at sites with eligible existing

20  contamination at which a new discharge occurs. The site

21  rehabilitation agreement shall include, but not be limited to,

22  allocation of the funding responsibilities of the department

23  and the applicant for cleanup of the qualified site,

24  establishment of a mechanism to guarantee the applicant's

25  commitment to pay its agreed amount of site rehabilitation as

26  set forth in the agreement, and establishment of the priority

27  in which cleanup of the qualified site will occur. Under any

28  such negotiated site rehabilitation agreement, the applicant

29  shall be responsible for no more than the cleanup costs that

30  are attributable to the new discharge. However, the payment of

31  any applicable deductibles, copayments, or other program


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  1  eligibility requirements under ss. 376.305, 376.3071, and

  2  376.3072 shall continue to apply to the existing contamination

  3  and must be accounted for in the negotiated site

  4  rehabilitation agreement. The department is further

  5  authorized, pursuant to this section, to preapprove or conduct

  6  additional assessment activities at the site.

  7         (5)(a)  Applications for such site rehabilitation

  8  agreements may be submitted to the department not later than

  9  120 days after discovery of the new discharge, on forms and

10  instructions provided by the department, and shall include,

11  but not be limited to:

12         1.  A limited contamination assessment report, which

13  shall be sufficient to demonstrate the extent of the new

14  discharge and which may include any other evidence relevant to

15  establish the extent or volume of the new discharge, or the

16  impact of the new discharge relative to the existing

17  contamination, in order to allocate the appropriate funding

18  responsibilities of the applicant and the department. The

19  limited contamination assessment report shall be used as a

20  basis for establishing the respective site rehabilitation

21  funding responsibilities of the applicant and the department

22  for the new discharge and the existing contamination and for

23  establishing the priority in which cleanup of the new

24  discharge and the existing contamination will occur, based on

25  the provisions of s. 376.3071(5)(a) and taking into

26  consideration the cost-effectiveness associated with the

27  timing of site rehabilitation activities.

28         2.  Certification by the applicant that the applicant

29  has the prerequisite authority to enter into the site

30  rehabilitation agreement.



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  1         (b)  Any costs incurred by the applicant to comply with

  2  this subsection are not refundable from the Inland Protection

  3  Trust Fund.

  4         (c)  Only one application may be submitted for any new

  5  discharge under this section.

  6         (d)  The application forms and instructions, and the

  7  terms and conditions of the site rehabilitation agreement,

  8  except as set forth in subsection (6), shall not be subject to

  9  the provisions of chapter 120.

10         (6)  In the event the department and the applicant are

11  unable to agree on the apportionment of the funding

12  responsibilities and on the establishment of priority of

13  cleanup for a site otherwise qualified under this section, the

14  provisions of ss. 120.569 and 120.57 shall apply. The

15  administrative law judge shall, in making any determinations

16  or recommendations about the apportionment of the funding

17  responsibilities of the department and the applicant for the

18  new discharge and the existing contamination, consider any

19  admissible evidence relating to apportionment of the

20  discharges.

21         (7)  The following shall be excluded from participation

22  under this section:

23         (a)  New discharges from storage systems owned or

24  operated by the Federal Government when the new discharge

25  occurred.

26         (b)  New discharges at facilities which failed to

27  correct a violation cited at a previous compliance inspection

28  and at which the failure to correct the violation contributed

29  to or caused the new discharge.

30         (c)  New discharges intentionally caused by the owner,

31  operator, responsible party, or applicant.


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  1         (d)  Sites at which the department has been denied site

  2  access.

  3         (e)  New discharges at sites that are identified by the

  4  United States Environmental Protection Agency to be on, or

  5  which qualify for listing on, the National Priorities List

  6  under Superfund. This exception does not apply to those sites

  7  for which eligibility has been requested or granted as of the

  8  effective date of this act under the Early Detection Incentive

  9  Program.

10         (f)  New discharges at sites where the person or entity

11  required to report the new discharge upon its discovery as

12  required by department rule, or where the person or entity

13  required to initiate free product recovery upon discovery as

14  required by department rule, adopted pursuant to ss. 376.303

15  and 376.3071(5), failed to do so.

16         (8)  If the department, at its discretion, determines

17  that it is not able to complete negotiation of the agreement

18  within 90 days after commencing negotiations, except as set

19  forth in subsection (6), the department shall terminate

20  negotiations with the applicant and the site shall receive no

21  further consideration under this section. However, if the

22  parties are negotiating in good faith and require additional

23  time in which to continue negotiations, then the parties may

24  mutually agree to continue negotiations.

25         (9)  Site rehabilitation conducted at qualified sites

26  shall be conducted under the provisions of ss. 376.3071(5)(b)

27  and 376.30711. If the terms of the agreement are not fulfilled

28  by the applicant, the applicant forfeits any right to

29  continued funding for any site rehabilitation work under the

30  agreement and shall be subject to enforcement action by the



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  1  department or local government to compel cleanup of the new

  2  discharge.

  3         (10)  New discharges otherwise meeting the criteria of

  4  this section, or any site rehabilitation agreement made under

  5  this section, shall not constitute an independent entitlement

  6  to continued restoration funding or to cleanup of the existing

  7  contamination in advance of its previous priority order.

  8         (11)  Upon execution of the site rehabilitation

  9  agreement, retroactive to the date of discovery of the new

10  discharge, the provisions of s. 376.308(5) shall extend to

11  contamination covered by a site rehabilitation agreement as

12  long as the applicant remains in compliance with the terms and

13  conditions of the agreement. However, if state funding of any

14  agreement entered into under this section is discontinued, the

15  provisions of this subsection shall no longer apply to the new

16  discharge. For purposes of chapter 95, a cause of action to

17  compel cleanup of the new discharge or to compel payment of

18  costs of the new discharge shall not accrue during the time

19  that the site rehabilitation agreement is in effect.

20         (12)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to

21  preclude the department from pursuing penalties in accordance

22  with ss. 376.303(1)(k) and 376.311 for violations of any law

23  or any rule, order, permit, registration, or certification

24  adopted or issued by the department pursuant to its lawful

25  authority.

26         (13)  The provisions of this section shall be

27  retroactive to January 1, 1999, except as provided by

28  subsection (11).

29         Section 5.  Subsection (7) of section 376.30713,

30  Florida Statutes, is repealed.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 2151


  1         Section 6.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  2  law.


  4            *****************************************

  5                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises authority and procedures relating to source
  7    removal and petroleum contamination site cleanup
      activities funded from the Inland Protection Trust Fund.
  8    Provides an annual funding limitation for certain source
      removal activities. Provides a time limit for negotiation
  9    of petroleum contamination site rehabilitation and
      cost-sharing agreements. Authorizes the Department of
10    Environmental Protection to terminate negotiations and
      revoke funding eligibility and liability protections, if
11    time limits are not met. Eliminates funding ineligibility
      for persons who knowingly acquire title to contaminated
12    property. Requires the department to select five
      petroleum contaminated sites for restoration funding
13    under an innovative technology pilot program. Provides
      selection criteria. Provides for use of certain
14    innovative products and processes, based on competitive
      bid. Eliminates the October 1, 1999, repeal of the
15    preapproved advanced cleanup program, and provides for
      legislative review prior to March 1, 2001. Authorizes the
16    department to negotiate site rehabilitation agreements at
      certain sites with new discharges. Provides legislative
17    findings, definitions, and application procedures.
      Provides for apportionment of funding responsibilities.
18    Specifies excluded new discharges and provides
      negotiation procedures and timeframe. Provides liability
19    protections covered by such agreements. Provides
      retroactive effect of certain provisions. See bill for
20    details.











