Senate Bill 2206c1

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    Florida Senate - 1999                           CS for SB 2206

    By the Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity;
    and Senator Webster


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the governmental

  3         reorganization; amending s. 17.02, F.S.;

  4         clarifying the location and hours of operation

  5         of the Comptroller's office; transferring the

  6         Division of Banking, the Division of Securities

  7         and Investor Protection, and the Division of

  8         Financial Investigations of the Department of

  9         Banking and Finance to the Department of

10         Insurance and renaming the Department of

11         Insurance as the Department of Finance,

12         Insurance, Banking, and Securities;

13         redesignating the Department of Banking and

14         Finance as the Office of the Comptroller and

15         prescribing its duties; amending ss. 20.12,

16         20.13, 215.04, 215.05, 215.11, 215.25, 215.31,

17         215.32, 215.422, 494.001, 497.005, 516.01,

18         517.03, 517.061, 517.075, 517.1205, 517.131,

19         517.151, 520.02, 520.31, 520.61, 559.543,

20         559.55, 560.102, 560.103, 655.001, 655.005,

21         655.90, 655.949, 657.002, 657.253, 658.23,

22         658.2953, 716.03, 716.04, 716.05, 716.06,

23         717.101, F.S., to conform to changes made by

24         this act; requiring the Lieutenant Governor to

25         prepare a plan and report to the Governor and

26         the Legislature; providing effective dates.


28  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


30         Section 1.  Section 17.02, Florida Statutes, is amended

31  to read:


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  1         17.02  Place of residence and office.--The Comptroller

  2  shall reside at the seat of government of this state, and

  3  shall have his or her hold office in a room in the capitol,

  4  and shall perform duties prescribed by the State Constitution.

  5  The Comptroller's office shall be open Monday through Friday

  6  of every week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except on legal holidays.

  7         Section 2.  Section 20.12, Florida Statutes, is amended

  8  to read:

  9         20.12  Office of the Comptroller Department of Banking

10  and Finance.--There is created the Office of the Comptroller a

11  Department of Banking and Finance.

12         (1)  The head of the Office of the Comptroller

13  Department of Banking and Finance is the Comptroller.

14         (2)  The following divisions are established within the

15  Office of the Comptroller Department of Banking and Finance:

16         (a)  Division of Accounting and Auditing.

17         (b)  Division of Administration.

18         (c)  Division of Banking.

19         (d)  Division of Finance.

20         (c)(e)  Division of Information Systems.

21         (f)  Division of Securities and Investor Protection.

22         (d)(g)  Division of Financial Investigations.

23         Section 3.  Section 20.13, Florida Statutes, is amended

24  to read:

25         20.13  Department of Finance, Insurance, Banking, and

26  Securities.--There is created a Department of Finance,

27  Insurance, Banking, and Securities.

28         (1)  The head of the department of Insurance is the

29  Treasurer who shall hereafter be named the "Insurance

30  Commissioner and Treasurer."



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  1         (2)  The following divisions of the department of

  2  Insurance are established:

  3         (a)  Division of Insurer Services.

  4         (b)  Division of Insurance Consumer Services.

  5         (c)  Division of Agents and Agencies Services.

  6         (d)  Division of Rehabilitation and Liquidation.

  7         (e)  Division of Risk Management.

  8         (f)  Division of State Fire Marshal.

  9         (g)  Division of Insurance Fraud.

10         (h)  Division of Administration.

11         (i)  Division of Treasury.

12         (j)  Division of Legal Services.

13         (k)  Division of Banking.

14         (l)  Division of Securities and Investor Protection.

15         (m)  Division of Finance.

16         (3)(a)  The department shall have an assistant

17  insurance commissioner and treasurer, three deputies, and a

18  general counsel. A deputy may also serve as general counsel.

19         (b)  The Division of Insurer Services shall have at

20  least two deputy directors.  All other divisions shall have a

21  director and may have an assistant director.  The department

22  may change the name of any division, by rule, if the name

23  reflects the respective subject area of the division.

24         (4)  The Division of Insurance Fraud shall enforce the

25  provisions of s. 626.989.  The division shall establish a

26  Bureau of Workers' Compensation Insurance Fraud for the sole

27  purpose of enforcing the provisions of chapter 440 which, if

28  violated, would result in the commission of fraudulent

29  insurance acts.

30         (5)  A Bureau of Financial and Support Services is

31  created within the Division of Administration.


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  1         (6)(a)  The Division of Treasury, in addition to other

  2  matters that may be assigned to or located within said

  3  division, shall administer the Government Employees Deferred

  4  Compensation Plan established under s. 112.215 for state

  5  employees.

  6         (b)  To carry out the purposes of paragraph (a), a

  7  Section of Government Employee Deferred Compensation is

  8  created within the Division of Treasury.

  9         Section 4.  The Division of Banking, the Division of

10  Securities and Investor Protection, and the Division of

11  Finance of the Department of Banking and Finance, and all

12  programs administered under these divisions other than those

13  of the Bureau of Unclaimed Property, are transferred by a type

14  two transfer, as defined in section 20.06, Florida Statutes,

15  to the Department of Finance, Insurance, Banking, and

16  Securities.

17         Section 5.  Section 215.04, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         215.04  Office of the Comptroller Department of Banking

20  and Finance to report delinquents.--The Office of the

21  Comptroller Department of Banking and Finance shall report to

22  the state attorney of the proper circuit the name of any

23  delinquent officer whose delinquency concerns the department,

24  so soon as such delinquency shall occur; and the state

25  attorney shall proceed forthwith against such delinquent.

26         Section 6.  Section 215.05, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         215.05  Office of the Comptroller Department of Banking

29  and Finance to certify accounts of delinquents.--When any

30  revenue officer or other person accountable for public money

31  shall neglect or refuse to pay into the treasury the sum or


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  1  balance reported to be due to the state, upon the adjustment

  2  of that person's account, the Office of the Comptroller

  3  Department of Banking and Finance shall immediately hand over

  4  to the state attorney of the proper circuit the statement of

  5  the sum or balance certified under its seal of office, so due;

  6  and the state attorney shall institute suit for the recovery

  7  of the same, adding to the sum or balance stated to be due on

  8  such account the commissions of the delinquent, which shall be

  9  forfeited in every instance where suit is commenced and

10  judgment is obtained thereon, and an interest of 8 percent per

11  annum from the time of the delinquent's receiving the money

12  until it shall be paid into the State Treasury.

13         Section 7.  Section 215.11, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         215.11  Defaulting officers; Office of the Comptroller

16  Department of Banking and Finance to report to clerk.--The

17  Office of the Comptroller Department of Banking and Finance

18  shall, within 90 days after the expiration of the term of

19  office of any tax collector, sheriff, clerk of the circuit or

20  county court, treasurer, or any other officer of any county

21  who has the collection, custody, and control of any state

22  funds, who shall be in arrears in his or her accounts with the

23  state, make up and forward to the clerk of the circuit court

24  of such county a statement of his or her accounts with the

25  state.

26         Section 8.  Section 215.25, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         215.25  Manner of contributions; rules and

29  regulations.--The Office of the Comptroller Department of

30  Banking and Finance and the State Treasurer are hereby

31  authorized to ascertain and determine the manner in which the


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  1  required amounts shall be deducted and paid and to adopt and

  2  effectuate such rules and procedure as may be necessary for

  3  carrying out the provisions of this law.  Such rules and

  4  procedure shall be approved by the Executive Office of the

  5  Governor.

  6         Section 9.  Section 215.31, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         215.31  State funds; deposit in State

  9  Treasury.--Revenue, including licenses, fees, imposts, or

10  exactions collected or received under the authority of the

11  laws of the state by each and every state official, office,

12  employee, bureau, division, board, commission, institution,

13  agency, or undertaking of the state or the judicial branch

14  shall be promptly deposited in the State Treasury, and

15  immediately credited to the appropriate fund as herein

16  provided, properly accounted for by the Office of the

17  Comptroller Department of Banking and Finance as to source and

18  no money shall be paid from the State Treasury except as

19  appropriated and provided by the annual General Appropriations

20  Act, or as otherwise provided by law.

21         Section 10.  Subsection (1) of section 215.32, Florida

22  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

23         215.32  State funds; segregation.--

24         (1)  All moneys received by the state shall be

25  deposited in the State Treasury unless specifically provided

26  otherwise by law and shall be deposited in and accounted for

27  by the Treasurer and the Office of the Comptroller Department

28  of Banking and Finance within the following funds, which funds

29  are hereby created and established:

30         (a)  General Revenue Fund.

31         (b)  Trust funds.


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  1         (c)  Working Capital Fund.

  2         (d)  Budget Stabilization Fund.

  3         Section 11.  Subsections (1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7),

  4  and (8) of section 215.422, Florida Statutes, are amended to

  5  read:

  6         215.422  Warrants, vouchers, and invoices; processing

  7  time limits; dispute resolution; agency or judicial branch

  8  compliance.--

  9         (1)  The voucher authorizing payment of an invoice

10  submitted to an agency of the state or the judicial branch,

11  required by law to be filed with the Comptroller, shall be

12  filed with the Comptroller not later than 20 days after

13  receipt of the invoice and receipt, inspection, and approval

14  of the goods or services, except that in the case of a bona

15  fide dispute the voucher shall contain a statement of the

16  dispute and authorize payment only in the amount not disputed.

17  The Comptroller may establish dollar thresholds and other

18  criteria for all invoices and may delegate to a state agency

19  or the judicial branch responsibility for maintaining the

20  official vouchers and documents for invoices which do not

21  exceed the thresholds or which meet the established criteria.

22  Such records shall be maintained in accordance with the

23  requirements established by the Secretary of State.  The

24  electronic payment request transmission to the Comptroller

25  shall constitute filing of a voucher for payment of invoices

26  for which the Comptroller has delegated to an agency custody

27  of official records. Approval and inspection of goods or

28  services shall take no longer than 5 working days unless the

29  bid specifications, purchase order, or contract specifies

30  otherwise.  If a voucher filed within the 20-day period is

31  returned by the Office of the Comptroller Department of


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  1  Banking and Finance because of an error, it shall nevertheless

  2  be deemed timely filed. The 20-day filing requirement may be

  3  waived in whole or in part by the Office of the Comptroller

  4  Department of Banking and Finance on a showing of exceptional

  5  circumstances in accordance with rules and regulations of the

  6  office department.  For the purposes of determining the

  7  receipt of invoice date, the agency or the judicial branch is

  8  deemed to receive an invoice on the date on which a proper

  9  invoice is first received at the place designated by the

10  agency or the judicial branch.  The agency or the judicial

11  branch is deemed to receive an invoice on the date of the

12  invoice if the agency or the judicial branch has failed to

13  annotate the invoice with the date of receipt at the time the

14  agency or the judicial branch actually received the invoice or

15  failed at the time the order is placed or contract made to

16  designate a specific location to which the invoice must be

17  delivered.

18         (2)  The warrant in payment of an invoice submitted to

19  an agency of the state or the judicial branch shall be issued

20  not later than 10 days after filing of the voucher authorizing

21  payment. However, this requirement may be waived in whole or

22  in part by the Office of the Comptroller Department of Banking

23  and Finance on a showing of exceptional circumstances in

24  accordance with rules and regulations of the office

25  department. If the 10-day period contains fewer than 6 working

26  days, the Office of the Comptroller Department of Banking and

27  Finance shall be deemed in compliance with this subsection if

28  the warrant is issued within 6 working days without regard to

29  the actual number of calendar days. For purposes of this

30  section, a payment is deemed to be issued on the first working



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  1  day that payment is available for delivery or mailing to the

  2  vendor.

  3         (3)(a)  Each agency of the state or the judicial branch

  4  which is required by law to file vouchers with the Comptroller

  5  shall keep a record of the date of receipt of the invoice;

  6  dates of receipt, inspection, and approval of the goods or

  7  services; date of filing of the voucher; and date of issuance

  8  of the warrant in payment thereof. If the voucher is not filed

  9  or the warrant is not issued within the time required, an

10  explanation in writing by the agency head or the Chief Justice

11  shall be submitted to the Office of the Comptroller Department

12  of Banking and Finance in a manner prescribed by it. Agencies

13  and the judicial branch shall continue to deliver or mail

14  state payments promptly.

15         (b)  If a warrant in payment of an invoice is not

16  issued within 40 days after receipt of the invoice and

17  receipt, inspection, and approval of the goods and services,

18  the agency or judicial branch shall pay to the vendor, in

19  addition to the amount of the invoice, interest at a rate as

20  established pursuant to s. 55.03(1) on the unpaid balance from

21  the expiration of such 40-day period until such time as the

22  warrant is issued to the vendor. Such interest shall be added

23  to the invoice at the time of submission to the Comptroller

24  for payment whenever possible. If addition of the interest

25  penalty is not possible, the agency or judicial branch shall

26  pay the interest penalty payment within 15 days after issuing

27  the warrant. The provisions of this paragraph apply only to

28  undisputed amounts for which payment has been authorized.

29  Disputes shall be resolved in accordance with rules developed

30  and adopted by the Chief Justice for the judicial branch, and

31  rules adopted by the Office of the Comptroller Department of


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  1  Banking and Finance or in a formal administrative proceeding

  2  before an administrative law judge of the Division of

  3  Administrative Hearings for state agencies, provided that, for

  4  the purposes of ss. 120.569 and 120.57(1), no party to a

  5  dispute involving less than $1,000 in interest penalties shall

  6  be deemed to be substantially affected by the dispute or to

  7  have a substantial interest in the decision resolving the

  8  dispute. In the case of an error on the part of the vendor,

  9  the 40-day period shall begin to run upon receipt by the

10  agency or the judicial branch of a corrected invoice or other

11  remedy of the error. The provisions of this paragraph do not

12  apply when the filing requirement under subsection (1) or

13  subsection (2) has been waived in whole by the Office of the

14  Comptroller Department of Banking and Finance. The various

15  state agencies and the judicial branch shall be responsible

16  for initiating the penalty payments required by this

17  subsection and shall use this subsection as authority to make

18  such payments. The budget request submitted to the Legislature

19  shall specifically disclose the amount of any interest paid by

20  any agency or the judicial branch pursuant to this subsection.

21  The temporary unavailability of funds to make a timely payment

22  due for goods or services does not relieve an agency or the

23  judicial branch from the obligation to pay interest penalties

24  under this section.

25         (c)  An agency or the judicial branch may make partial

26  payments to a contractor upon partial delivery of goods or

27  services or upon partial completion of construction when a

28  request for such partial payment is made by the contractor and

29  approved by the agency. Provisions of this section and rules

30  of the Office of the Comptroller Department of Banking and



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  1  Finance shall apply to partial payments in the same manner as

  2  they apply to full payments.

  3         (5)  All purchasing agreements between a state agency

  4  or the judicial branch and a vendor, applicable to this

  5  section, shall include a statement of the vendor's rights and

  6  the state's responsibilities under this section.  The vendor's

  7  rights shall include being provided with the name and

  8  telephone number of the vendor ombudsman within the Office of

  9  the Comptroller Department of Banking and Finance, which

10  information shall also be placed on all agency or judicial

11  branch purchase orders.

12         (6)  The Office of the Comptroller Department of

13  Banking and Finance shall monitor each agency's and the

14  judicial branch's compliance with the time limits and interest

15  penalty provisions of this section.  The office department

16  shall provide a report to an agency or to the judicial branch

17  if the department determines that the agency or the judicial

18  branch has failed to maintain an acceptable rate of compliance

19  with the time limits and interest penalty provisions of this

20  section.  The office department shall establish criteria for

21  determining acceptable rates of compliance. The report shall

22  also include a list of late vouchers or payments, the amount

23  of interest owed or paid, and any corrective actions

24  recommended.  The office department shall perform monitoring

25  responsibilities, pursuant to this section, using the

26  Management Services and Purchasing Subsystem or the State

27  Automated Management Accounting Subsystem provided in s.

28  215.94.  Each agency and the judicial branch shall be

29  responsible for the accuracy of information entered into the

30  Management Services and Purchasing Subsystem and the State



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  1  Automated Management Accounting Subsystem for use in this

  2  monitoring.

  3         (7)  There is created a vendor ombudsman within the

  4  Office of the Comptroller Department of Banking and Finance

  5  who shall be responsible for the following functions:

  6         (a)  Performing the duties of the office department

  7  pursuant to subsection (6).

  8         (b)  Reviewing requests for waivers due to exceptional

  9  circumstances.

10         (c)  Disseminating information relative to the prompt

11  payment policies of this state and assisting vendors in

12  receiving their payments in a timely manner.

13         (d)  Performing such other duties as determined by the

14  office department.

15         (8)  The Office of the Comptroller Department of

16  Banking and Finance is authorized and directed to adopt and

17  promulgate rules and regulations to implement this section and

18  for resolution of disputes involving amounts of less than

19  $1,000 in interest penalties for state agencies.  No agency or

20  the judicial branch shall adopt any rule or policy that is

21  inconsistent with this section or the Department of Banking

22  and Finance's rules or policies of the Office of the

23  Comptroller.

24         Section 12.  Subsection (6) of section 494.001, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         494.001  Definitions.--As used in ss. 494.001-494.0077,

27  the term:

28         (6)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

29  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

30         Section 13.  Subsection (17) of section 497.005,

31  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:


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  1         497.005  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

  2         (17)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

  3  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

  4         Section 14.  Subsection (3) of section 516.01, Florida

  5  Statutes, is amended to read:

  6         516.01  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the

  7  term:

  8         (3)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

  9  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

10         Section 15.  Subsection (1) of section 517.03, Florida

11  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

12         517.03  Rulemaking; immunity for acts in conformity

13  with rules.--

14         (1)  The Department of Finance, Insurance, Banking, and

15  Securities Finance shall administer and provide for the

16  enforcement of all the provisions of this chapter.  The

17  department has authority to adopt rules pursuant to ss.

18  120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this

19  chapter conferring powers or duties upon it, including,

20  without limitation, adopting rules and forms governing

21  reports. The department shall also have the nonexclusive power

22  to define by rule any term, whether or not used in this

23  chapter, insofar as the definition is not inconsistent with

24  the provisions of this chapter.

25         Section 16.  Subsection (13) of section 517.061,

26  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

27         517.061  Exempt transactions.--The exemption for each

28  transaction listed below is self-executing and does not

29  require any filing with the department prior to claiming such

30  exemption.  Any person who claims entitlement to any of the

31  exemptions bears the burden of proving such entitlement in any


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  1  proceeding brought under this chapter.  The registration

  2  provisions of s. 517.07 do not apply to any of the following

  3  transactions; however, such transactions are subject to the

  4  provisions of ss. 517.301, 517.311, and 517.312:

  5         (13)  An unsolicited purchase or sale of securities on

  6  order of, and as the agent for, another by a dealer registered

  7  with the Department of Finance, Insurance, Banking, and

  8  Securities Finance pursuant to the provisions of s. 517.12;

  9  provided that this exemption applies solely and exclusively to

10  such registered dealers and does not authorize or permit the

11  purchase or sale of securities on order of, and as agent for,

12  another by any person other than a dealer so registered; and

13  provided, further, that such purchase or sale is not directly

14  or indirectly for the benefit of the issuer or an underwriter

15  of such securities or for the direct or indirect promotion of

16  any scheme or enterprise with the intent of violation or

17  evading any provision of this chapter.

18         Section 17.  Subsection (5) of section 517.075, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         517.075  Cuba, prospectus disclosure of doing business

21  with, required.--

22         (5)  Each securities offering sold in violation of this

23  section, and each failure of an issuer to timely file the form

24  required by subsection (3), subjects the issuer to a fine of

25  up to $5,000.  Any fine collected under this section shall be

26  deposited into the Anti-Fraud Trust Fund of the Department of

27  Finance, Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

28         Section 18.  Section 517.1205, Florida Statutes, 1998

29  Supplement, is amended to read:

30         517.1205  Registration of associated persons specific

31  as to securities dealer, investment adviser, or federal


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  1  covered adviser identified at time of registration

  2  approval.--Inasmuch as this chapter is intended to protect

  3  investors in securities offerings and other investment

  4  transactions regulated by that chapter, its provisions are to

  5  be construed to require full and fair disclosure of all, but

  6  only, those matters material to the investor's evaluation of

  7  the offering or other transaction.  It should, furthermore, be

  8  construed to impose the standards provided by law on all those

  9  seeking to participate in the state's securities industry

10  through registration as a securities dealer, investment

11  adviser, or associated person.  To this end, it is declared to

12  be the intent of the Legislature that the registration of

13  associated persons required by law is specific to the

14  securities dealer, investment adviser, or federal covered

15  adviser identified at the time such registration is approved.

16  Notwithstanding any interpretation of law to the contrary, the

17  historical departmental practice of the Department of Banking

18  and Finance, reflected in its rules, that requires a new

19  application for registration from a previously registered

20  associated person when that person seeks to be associated with

21  a new securities dealer or investment adviser is hereby

22  ratified and approved as consistent with legislative intent.

23  It is, finally, declared to be the intent of the Legislature

24  that while approval of an application for registration of a

25  securities dealer, investment adviser, associated person, or

26  branch office requires a finding of the applicant's good

27  repute and character, such finding is precluded by a

28  determination that the applicant may be denied registration on

29  grounds provided by law.




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  1         Section 19.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

  2  517.131, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to

  3  read:

  4         517.131  Securities Guaranty Fund.--

  5         (1)(a)  The Treasurer shall establish a Securities

  6  Guaranty Fund is established.  An amount not exceeding 20

  7  percent of all revenues received as assessment fees pursuant

  8  to s. 517.12(10) and (11) for dealers and investment advisers

  9  or s. 517.1201 for federal covered advisers and an amount not

10  exceeding 10 percent of all revenues received as assessment

11  fees pursuant to s. 517.12(10) and (11) for associated persons

12  shall be allocated to the fund.  An additional amount not

13  exceeding 3.5 percent of all revenues received as assessment

14  fees for associated persons pursuant to s. 517.12(10) and (11)

15  shall be allocated to the Securities Guaranty Fund but only

16  after the department determines, by final order, that

17  sufficient funds have been allocated to the fund pursuant to

18  s. 517.1203 to satisfy all valid claims filed in accordance

19  with s. 517.1203(2) and after all amounts payable under any

20  service contract entered into by the department pursuant to s.

21  517.1204, and all notes, bonds, certificates of indebtedness,

22  other obligations, or evidences of indebtedness secured by

23  such notes, bonds, certificates of indebtedness, or other

24  obligations, have been paid or provision has been made for the

25  payment of such amounts, notes, bonds, certificates of

26  indebtedness, other obligations, or evidences of indebtedness.

27  This assessment fee shall be part of the regular license fee

28  and shall be transferred to or deposited in the Securities

29  Guaranty Fund.

30         Section 20.  Section 517.151, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         517.151  Investments of the fund.--The funds of the

  2  Securities Guaranty Fund shall be invested by the Treasurer

  3  under the same limitations as other state funds, and the

  4  interest earned thereon shall be deposited to the credit of

  5  the fund and available for the same purpose as other moneys

  6  deposited in the Securities Guaranty Fund.

  7         Section 21.  Subsection (2) of section 520.02, Florida

  8  Statutes, is amended to read:

  9         520.02  Definitions.--In this act, unless the context

10  or subject matter otherwise requires:

11         (2)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

12  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

13         Section 22.  Subsection (2) of section 520.31, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         520.31  Definitions.--Unless otherwise clearly

16  indicated by the context, the following words when used in

17  this act, for the purposes of this act, shall have the

18  meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:

19         (2)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

20  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

21         Section 23.  Subsection (5) of section 520.61, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended to read:

23         520.61  Definitions.--As used in this act:

24         (5)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

25  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

26         Section 24.  Subsection (5) of section 559.543, Florida

27  Statutes, is amended to read:

28         559.543  Definitions.--As used in this part:

29         (5)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

30  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                           CS for SB 2206

  1         Section 25.  Subsection (4) of section 559.55, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         559.55  Definitions.--The following terms shall, unless

  4  the context otherwise indicates, have the following meanings

  5  for the purpose of this part:

  6         (4)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

  7  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

  8         Section 26.  Subsection (1) of section 560.102, Florida

  9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         560.102  Purpose; application.--The purposes of the

11  code are to:

12         (1)  Provide general regulatory powers to be exercised

13  by the Department of Finance, Insurance, Banking, and

14  Securities Finance in relation to the regulation of the money

15  transmitter industry. The code applies to all money

16  transmitters transacting business in this state and to the

17  enforcement of all laws relating to the money transmitter

18  industry.

19         Section 27.  Subsection (7) of section 560.103, Florida

20  Statutes, is amended to read:

21         560.103  Definitions.--As used in the code, unless the

22  context otherwise requires:

23         (7)  "Department" means the Florida Department of

24  Finance, Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

25         Section 28.  Subsection (1) of section 655.001, Florida

26  Statutes, is amended to read:

27         655.001  Purpose; application.--The purposes of the

28  financial institutions codes are to:

29         (1)  Provide general regulatory powers to be exercised

30  by the Department of Finance, Insurance, Banking, and

31  Securities Finance in relation to the regulation of financial


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                           CS for SB 2206

  1  institutions.  The financial institutions codes apply to all

  2  state-authorized or state-chartered financial institutions and

  3  to the enforcement of all laws relating to state-authorized or

  4  state-chartered financial institutions.

  5         Section 29.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section

  6  655.005, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         655.005  Definitions.--

  8         (1)  As used in the financial institutions codes,

  9  unless the context otherwise requires, the term:

10         (e)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

11  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

12         Section 30.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

13  655.90, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         655.90  Closing during emergencies and other special

15  days.--

16         (1)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:

17         (a)  "Commissioner" means the officer of this state

18  designated by law as the head of the Department of Finance,

19  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance and any other

20  person lawfully exercising such powers, whether as a deputy to

21  such officer; as a division director, bureau chief, or

22  financial administrator of or within such department; or

23  otherwise.  In the absence of any person lawfully exercising

24  the powers of the head of the Department of Finance,

25  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance, the director of

26  the Division of Banking or any other person lawfully

27  exercising the powers of the director of the division, whether

28  as another division director, as a bureau chief or financial

29  administrator, or otherwise.

30         Section 31.  Section 655.949, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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    Florida Senate - 1999                           CS for SB 2206

  1         655.949  Department personnel; qualifications.--Before

  2  January 1, 1993, the department shall establish and publish

  3  educational, professional, and other appropriate

  4  qualifications for each position in the department and the

  5  Office of the Comptroller authorized to participate in the

  6  regulation of financial institutions, including positions with

  7  the authority to overrule the actions or decisions of

  8  professional examiners or legal staff in their exercise of

  9  their duties under the financial institutions codes excepting

10  the position of assistant comptroller. Such qualifications

11  shall contain at a minimum sufficient experience and expertise

12  in the regulation of financial institutions as to clearly

13  justify the exercise of authority to overrule the actions or

14  decisions of professional examiners or legal staff.

15         Section 32.  Subsection (7) of section 657.002, Florida

16  Statutes, is amended to read:

17         657.002  Definitions.--As used in this part:

18         (7)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

19  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

20         Section 33.  Subsection (3) of section 657.253, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         657.253  Definitions.--As used in this part:

23         (3)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

24  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

25         Section 34.  Subsection (3) of section 658.23, Florida

26  Statutes, is amended to read:

27         658.23  Submission of articles of incorporation;

28  contents; form; approval; filing; commencement of corporate

29  existence; bylaws.--

30         (3)  Within 30 days of receipt of the executed articles

31  of incorporation in the form previously approved, and the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                           CS for SB 2206

  1  required filing fees, the department shall place the following

  2  legend upon the articles of incorporation and affix the seal

  3  of the Office of the Comptroller of Florida thereto. The

  4  legend shall in substance read:  "Approved by the Department

  5  of Finance, Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance this

  6  .... day of .... ...(herein the name and signature of the head

  7  of the department)...." Thereafter, the articles of

  8  incorporation shall be filed with the Department of State.

  9         Section 35.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (4) of section

10  658.2953, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

11         658.2953  Interstate branching.--

12         (4)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, unless a

13  different meaning is required by the context:

14         (e)  "Department" means the Department of Finance,

15  Insurance, Banking, and Securities Finance.

16         Section 36.  Section 716.03, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         716.03  Department to institute Proceedings to recover

19  escheated property.--When there exists, or may exist,

20  escheated funds or property under this chapter, the Office of

21  the Comptroller Department of Banking and Finance shall demand

22  or institute proceedings in the name of the state for an

23  adjudication that an escheat to the state of such funds or

24  property has occurred; and shall take appropriate action to

25  recover such funds or property.

26         Section 37.  Section 716.04, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         716.04  Jurisdiction.--Whenever the Office of the

29  Comptroller Department of Banking and Finance is of the

30  opinion an escheat has occurred, or shall occur, of any money

31  or other property deposited in the custody of, or under the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                           CS for SB 2206

  1  control of, any court of the United States, in and for any

  2  district within the state, or in the custody of any

  3  depository, registry or clerk or other officer of such court,

  4  or the treasury of the United States, it shall cause to be

  5  filed a complaint in the Circuit Court of Leon County, or in

  6  any other court of competent jurisdiction, to ascertain if any

  7  escheat has occurred, and to cause said court to enter a

  8  judgment or decree of escheat in favor of the state, with

  9  costs, disbursements, and attorney fee.

10         Section 38.  Section 716.05, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         716.05  Money recovered to be paid into State

13  Treasury.--When any funds or property which has escheated

14  within the meaning of this chapter has been recovered by the

15  Office of the Comptroller Department of Banking and Finance,

16  the office department shall first pay all costs incident to

17  the collection and recovery of such funds or property and

18  shall promptly deposit the remaining balance of such funds or

19  property in the State Treasury with the Treasurer of the

20  state, to be distributed in accordance with law.

21         Section 39.  Section 716.06, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         716.06  Public records.--All agency records in the

24  office of the State Treasurer or the Department of Banking and

25  Finance relating to federal funds, pursuant to this chapter,

26  shall be public records.

27         Section 40.  Subsection (6) of section 717.101, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         717.101  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, unless

30  the context otherwise requires:



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    Florida Senate - 1999                           CS for SB 2206

  1         (6)  "Department" means the Office of the Comptroller

  2  Department of Banking and Finance.

  3         Section 41.  The Governor, in conjunction with the

  4  Comptroller and the Treasurer, shall develop a plan to

  5  implement the transfers made by this act. The Governor shall

  6  submit this plan and a budget to the President and Minority

  7  Leader of the Senate, and the Speaker and Minority Leader of

  8  the House of Representatives by September 1, 2000.

  9         Section 42.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001,

10  except that this section and section 41 shall take effect upon

11  becoming a law.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
14                             SB 2206


16  Creates the Office of the Comptroller.

17  Transfers the Division of Banking, the Division of Finance,
    and the Division of Securities and Investor Protection to the
18  Department of Insurance.

19  Changes the name of the Department of Insurance to the
    Department of Finance, Insurance, Banking and Securities.
    Makes changes to a variety of statutes to reflect these
21  changes.

22  Requires the Governor to prepare an implementation plan with
    the Comptroller and Treasurer. Provides that the plan is due
23  July 1, 2000.

24  Has an effective date July 1, 2001.







