Senate Bill 2248c1

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    Florida Senate - 1999                           CS for SB 2248

    By the Committee on Regulated Industries and Senator Horne


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to tax on tobacco products;

  3         creating s. 210.155, F.S.; defining "primary

  4         source of supply"; requiring registration of

  5         entities acting as a primary source of supply;

  6         prohibiting wholesale dealers from shipping or

  7         accepting delivery of cigarettes from outside

  8         the state other than directly from a primary

  9         source of supply; providing a limitation on the

10         possession of cigarettes with certain labels;

11         providing that no stamp or other cover may be

12         affixed to a cigarette package that does not

13         meet specified labeling requirements; providing

14         for seizure and forfeiture of cigarettes in

15         violation, and for suspension and revocation of

16         permits; providing application to holders of

17         interim permits; amending s. 210.15, F.S.;

18         revising application requirements for permits

19         for distributing agents, wholesale dealers, and

20         exporters, and provisions relating to renewal

21         thereof; requiring submission of manufacturers'

22         affirmation forms by distributing agents and

23         wholesale dealers; authorizing issuance of

24         interim permits without such affirmation to

25         certain permitholders; amending ss. 210.151,

26         210.405, F.S., relating to temporary initial

27         cigarette and other tobacco products permits;

28         conforming provisions; revising provisions

29         relating to expiration of such permits;

30         specifying that manufacturers' affirmation

31         forms must be submitted prior to issuance of a


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  1         temporary cigarette permit; amending s. 210.16,

  2         F.S.; providing for revocation and suspension

  3         of registration of a primary source of supply;

  4         providing limitations on renewal of

  5         registration subsequent to revocation;

  6         providing for civil penalties in lieu of

  7         revocation or suspension and amounts thereof

  8         for violations of s. 210.155, F.S., by

  9         retailers, holders of wholesale permits, and

10         holders of registration as a primary source of

11         supply; specifying status of such fines;

12         providing an effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Section 210.155, Florida Statutes, is

17  created to read:

18         210.155  Registration as primary source of supply.--

19         (1)  DEFINITION.--As used in this section, "primary

20  source of supply" means the cigarette manufacturer of the

21  brand, except that, for a cigarette manufacturer outside of

22  the United States, the primary source of supply may be the

23  exclusive agent of the manufacturer of the brand, who, if the

24  brand cannot be secured directly from the manufacturer by an

25  American wholesale dealer, is the source closest to the

26  manufacturer in the channel of commerce from whom the brand

27  can be secured by an American permitholder.

28         (2)  TAX CONTROL REGISTRATION REQUIRED.--For purposes

29  of tax revenue control, beginning on the effective date of

30  this act, no person, firm, corporation, or other entity that

31  is a primary source of supply may sell, offer for sale, accept


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  1  orders for sale, ship, or cause to be shipped into this state

  2  any cigarettes to any wholesale dealer within the state

  3  without having first registered as a primary source of supply

  4  on forms provided by, and in such manner as prescribed by, the

  5  division. The registration information shall include a listing

  6  of the complete product line of the manufacturer which is

  7  offered in Florida and the domestic plants from which it is

  8  shipped, and shall be updated and submitted monthly, together

  9  with a report of all shipments into the state, on forms and in

10  such manner prescribed by the division by rule.  The division

11  may adopt rules to promulgate forms and procedures to

12  implement s. 210.55(2).



15         (a)  Beginning on the effective date of this act, no

16  holder of a wholesale dealer permit may ship or cause to be

17  shipped into this state, or accept delivery of, from another

18  state or a foreign country, any cigarettes, except directly

19  from a primary source of supply, registered as required by

20  subsection (2), for the brand of cigarettes being shipped,

21  except as provided in 26 U.S.C. ss. 5704(d) and 5754 for

22  reexport through a bonded warehouse or for return to the

23  manufacturer.

24         (b)  This subsection does not apply to the holder of an

25  interim permit issued pursuant to s. 210.15(1)(b) until

26  January 1, 2000.


28  decal, or other cover, including a tax stamp, may be affixed

29  to or made upon any package of cigarettes which is to be sold

30  within this state, except by the holder of an interim

31  wholesale dealer permit, unless that package complies with all


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  1  requirements of the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising

  2  Act for the placement of labels, warnings, and other

  3  information. The placement of a tax stamp on any cigarette

  4  package does not authorize or affect acts which are otherwise

  5  prohibited by this part.

  6         (5)  VIOLATION; SEIZURE; FORFEITURE.--Any cigarettes in

  7  the possession of a wholesale dealer in violation of this

  8  section shall be seized by the division and subject to

  9  forfeiture, and the permit of the wholesale dealer shall be

10  subject to suspension for the first such offense and to

11  revocation for any subsequent offense. Any cigarettes in the

12  possession of a retail dealer on or after March 1, 2000, in

13  violation of this section shall be seized by the division and

14  subject to forfeiture, and the retail tobacco products dealer

15  permit of the retailer shall be subject to suspension for the

16  first such violation and revocation for any subsequent

17  violation. The holder of an interim permit may possess

18  cigarettes brought into this state prior to January 1, 2000,

19  for a period of 30 days after the expiration of such permit if

20  said cigarettes are not affixed with stamps issued by this

21  state.

22         Section 2.  Paragraphs (a), (b), (e), and (f) of

23  subsection (1) and subsections (3) and (4) of section 210.15,

24  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

25         210.15  Permits.--

26         (1)(a)  Every person, firm, or corporation desiring to

27  deal in cigarettes as a distributing agent, wholesale dealer,

28  or exporter within this state shall file an application for a

29  cigarette permit for each place of business with the Division

30  of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.  Every application for a

31  cigarette permit shall be made on forms furnished by the


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  1  division and shall set forth the name under which the

  2  applicant transacts or intends to transact business, the

  3  location of the applicant's place of business within the

  4  state, and such other information as the division may require.

  5  If the applicant has or intends to have more than one place of

  6  business dealing in cigarettes within this state, the

  7  application shall state the location of each place of

  8  business.  If the applicant is an association, the application

  9  shall set forth the names and addresses of the persons

10  constituting the association, and if a corporation, the names

11  and addresses of the principal officers thereof and any other

12  information prescribed by the division for the purpose of

13  identification.  The application shall be signed and verified

14  by oath or affirmation by the owner, if a natural person, and

15  in the case of an association or partnership, any partner

16  members or partners thereof, and in the case of a corporation,

17  by an executive officer thereof or by any person specifically

18  authorized by the corporation to sign the application, to

19  which shall be attached the written evidence of this

20  authority.  The cigarette permit for a distributing agent

21  shall be issued annually for which an annual fee of $5 shall

22  be charged. No permit for a distributing agent or wholesale

23  dealer shall be issued prior to receipt of an affirmation, on

24  a form approved by the division, from each manufacturer whose

25  cigarettes the distributing agent or wholesale dealer intends

26  to stamp or distribute.  This affirmation shall evidence the

27  manufacturer's intent to provide cigarettes to the applicant

28  and shall be signed and sworn to by an officer of the

29  corporation or principal of the partnership or sole

30  proprietorship manufacturing the cigarettes.  In the case of

31  cigarettes manufactured outside of the United States, the


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  1  affirmation form may be executed by the primary source of

  2  supply registered with the division pursuant to s. 210.155.

  3         (b)  The holder of any duly issued, annual permit for a

  4  distributing agent shall be entitled to a renewal of his or

  5  her annual permit from year to year as a matter of course, on

  6  or before July 1 unless an alternative renewal date is

  7  established by rule, upon making application to the division,

  8  and upon payment of this annual permit fee, and receipt by the

  9  division of newly executed manufacturer's affirmation forms as

10  required by paragraph (a). The holder of a permit that was

11  issued before July 1, 1997, and continuously kept in effect

12  since issuance through March 1, 1999, shall be issued an

13  interim permit that is valid until March 1, 2000, without a

14  manufacturer's affirmation form, if such holder is otherwise

15  in compliance with this section.

16         (e)  Prior to an application for a distributing agent,

17  wholesale dealer, or exporter permit being approved, the

18  applicant shall file a set of fingerprints when required by

19  the division on forms provided by the division. The applicant

20  shall also file a set of fingerprints for any person or

21  persons interested directly or indirectly with the applicant

22  in the business for which the permit is being sought, when so

23  required by the division.  If the applicant or any person

24  interested with the applicant, either directly or indirectly,

25  in the business for which the permit is sought shall be such a

26  person as is within the definition of persons to whom a

27  distributing agent, wholesale dealer, or exporter permit shall

28  be denied, then the application may be denied by the division.

29  If the applicant is a partnership, all members of the

30  partnership are required to file said fingerprints, or if a

31  corporation, all principal officers of the corporation are


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  1  required to file said fingerprints, when required by the

  2  division.  The cigarette permit for a wholesale dealer or

  3  exporter shall be originally issued at a fee of $100, which

  4  sum is to cover the cost of the investigation required before

  5  issuing such permit.

  6         (f)  The cigarette permit for a wholesale dealer or

  7  exporter shall be renewed from year to year as a matter of

  8  course, at an annual cost of $100, on or before July 1 unless

  9  an alternative renewal date is established by rule, upon

10  making application to the division, and upon payment of the

11  annual renewal fee, and receipt by the division of newly

12  executed manufacturer's affirmation forms as required by

13  paragraph (a). The holder of a permit that was issued before

14  July 1, 1997, and continuously kept in effect since issuance

15  through March 1, 1999, shall be issued an interim permit that

16  is valid until March 1, 2000, without a manufacturer's

17  affirmation form, if such holder is otherwise in compliance

18  with this section.

19         (3)  Upon approval of the application, the division

20  shall grant and issue to each applicant a cigarette permit for

21  each place of business set forth in the application.

22  Cigarette permits shall not be assignable and shall be valid

23  only for the persons in whose names issued and for the

24  transaction of business at the places designated therein and

25  shall at all times be conspicuously displayed at the places

26  for which issued.

27         (4)  All permits of distributing agents, wholesale

28  dealers, or exporters shall remain in force and effect until

29  July 1 following their issuance unless an alternative renewal

30  date is established, or until suspended or revoked for cause

31  by the division, or surrendered by the permitholder.


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  1         Section 3.  Section 210.151, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         210.151  Initial temporary cigarette and other tobacco

  4  products permits.--When a person has filed a completed

  5  application which does not on its face disclose any reason for

  6  denying a cigarette permit under s. 210.15, or other tobacco

  7  products permit under s. 210.40, the Division of Alcoholic

  8  Beverages and Tobacco of the Department of Business and

  9  Professional Regulation shall issue a temporary initial permit

10  of the same type and series for which the application has been

11  submitted, which is valid for all purposes under this part

12  chapter. The application for a temporary cigarette permit must

13  be accompanied by the manufacturer's affirmation forms

14  required by s. 210.15(1)(a) before issuance of a temporary

15  permit.

16         (1)  A temporary initial permit shall be valid for up

17  to 90 days and may be extended by the division for up to an

18  additional 90 days for good cause. The division may at any

19  time during such period grant or deny the permit applied for,

20  notwithstanding s. 120.60.

21         (1)(2)  A temporary initial permit expires on and may

22  not be continued or extended beyond the date the division

23  denies the permit applied for; beyond 14 days after the date

24  the division approves the permit applied for; or beyond the

25  date the applicant pays the permit fee and the division issues

26  the permit applied for; or beyond the date the temporary

27  permit otherwise expires by law, whichever date occurs first.

28         (2)(3)  Each applicant seeking a temporary initial

29  cigarette permit shall pay to the division for such permit a

30  fee of $100. Each applicant seeking a temporary initial permit



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  1  for other tobacco products shall pay to the division for such

  2  permit a fee of $25.

  3         (3)(4)  Any fee or penalty collected under the

  4  provisions of this act shall be deposited into the Alcoholic

  5  Beverage and Tobacco Trust Fund.

  6         Section 4.  Section 210.405, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         210.405  Initial temporary cigarette and other tobacco

  9  products permits.--When a person has filed a completed

10  application which does not on its face disclose any reason for

11  denying a cigarette permit under s. 210.15, or other tobacco

12  products permit under s. 210.40, the Division of Alcoholic

13  Beverages and Tobacco of the Department of Business and

14  Professional Regulation shall issue a temporary initial permit

15  of the same type and series for which the application has been

16  submitted, which is valid for all purposes under this chapter.

17         (1)  A temporary initial permit shall be valid for up

18  to 90 days and may be extended by the division for up to an

19  additional 90 days for good cause. The division may at any

20  time during such period grant or deny the permit applied for,

21  notwithstanding s. 120.60.

22         (1)(2)  A temporary initial permit expires on and may

23  not be continued or extended beyond the date the division

24  denies the permit applied for; beyond 14 days after the date

25  the division approves the permit applied for; or beyond the

26  date the applicant pays the permit fee and the division issues

27  the permit applied for; or beyond the date the temporary

28  permit otherwise expires by law, whichever date occurs first.

29         (2)(3)  Each applicant seeking a temporary initial

30  cigarette permit shall pay to the division for such permit a

31  fee of $100. Each applicant seeking a temporary initial permit


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    Florida Senate - 1999                           CS for SB 2248

  1  for other tobacco products shall pay to the division for such

  2  permit a fee of $25.

  3         (3)(4)  Any fee or penalty collected under the

  4  provisions of this act shall be deposited into the Alcoholic

  5  Beverage and Tobacco Trust Fund.

  6         Section 5.  Section 210.16, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         210.16  Revocation or suspension of permit or

  9  registration.--

10         (1)  The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco is

11  given full power and authority to revoke the permit of any

12  wholesale dealer receiving a permit to engage in business

13  under this part for violation of any of the provisions of this

14  part or the registration of any primary source of supply for

15  violation of s. 210.155(2).

16         (2)  The division may suspend for a reasonable period

17  of time, in its discretion, the permit permits of any

18  wholesale dealer dealers issued under the provisions of this

19  part or the registration of any primary source of supply for

20  the same causes and under the same limitations as is

21  authorized hereunder to revoke the permit permits of such

22  wholesale dealer or the registration of such primary source of

23  supply dealers.

24         (3)  No wholesale dealer whose permit for any place of

25  business has been revoked shall engage in business under this

26  part at such place of business after such revocation until a

27  new permit is issued.  No wholesale dealer whose permit for

28  any place of business has been revoked shall be permitted to

29  have said permit renewed, or to obtain an additional cigarette

30  permit for any other place of business, for a period of 6

31  months after the date such revocation becomes final. No


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  1  primary source of supply whose registration has been revoked

  2  shall be permitted to have said registration renewed for a

  3  period of 6 months after the date such revocation becomes

  4  final.

  5         (4)  In lieu of the suspension or revocation of permits

  6  or registration, the division may impose civil penalties

  7  against holders of permits for violations of this part or

  8  rules and regulations relating thereto or against holders of

  9  registrations for violations of s. 210.155(2) or rules adopted

10  pursuant to that subsection.  No civil penalty so imposed

11  shall exceed $1,000 for each offense, except for violations of

12  s. 210.155, and all amounts collected shall be deposited with

13  the State Treasurer to the credit of the General Revenue Fund.

14  Civil penalties for violations of s. 210.155 by a retailer

15  shall not exceed $1,000 for the first violation and $5,000 for

16  any subsequent violation. Civil penalties for violations of s.

17  210.155 by the holder of a wholesale permit shall not exceed

18  $10,000 for the first violation and $25,000 for any subsequent

19  violation. Civil penalties for violations of s. 210.155(2) by

20  the holder of a registration as a primary source of supply

21  shall not exceed $10,000 for the first violation and $25,000

22  for any subsequent violation. A fine for violation of s.

23  210.155 shall count as a violation for purposes of s.

24  210.155(5). If the holder of the permit or registration fails

25  to pay the civil penalty, his or her permit or registration

26  shall be suspended for such period of time as the division may

27  specify.

28         Section 6.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

29  law.




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    Florida Senate - 1999                           CS for SB 2248

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                             SB 2248


  4  Provides that cigarettes that previously were exported and
    later returned to a cigarette manufacturer or a bonded
  5  warehouse in the United States are exempt from the provisions
    of the act.
    Allows a holder of an interim wholesale dealer permit to affix
  7  stamps to packages of cigarettes when those packages do not
    comply with all requirements of the Federal Cigarette Labeling
  8  and Advertising Act.

  9  Provides that any cigarettes which are in violation of this
    section and are in the possession of a retail dealer on or
10  after March 1, 2000, are subject to seizure and forfeiture,
    with the retail dealer's permit subject to suspension for the
11  first violation and to revocation for a subsequent offense,
    except that the holder of an interim permit may possess
12  cigarettes brought into this state prior to January 1, 2000,
    for a period of 30 days after the expiration of the permit if
13  the cigarettes are not affixed with the required Florida
    excise tax stamps.
    Provides that the holder of a distributing agent, wholesale
15  dealer, or exporter permit which was issued prior to July 1,
    1997, and continuously kept in effect since issuance through
16  March 1, 1999, shall be issued an interim permit which is
    valid until March 1, 2000, without a manufacturer's
17  affirmation, if such holder is otherwise in compliance with
    the permitting section.
    Provides maximum amount of civil penalties for violation of
19  primary source of supply statute.












