Senate Bill 2332

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999        (NP)                      SR 2332

    By Senator Silver


  1                    Senate Resolution No.     

  2         A resolution recognizing the dedication of the

  3         Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in

  4         northeast Miami-Dade County on March 12, 1999.


  6         WHEREAS, construction of the Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior

  7  High School began in February of 1997, and the dedication of

  8  this state-of-the-art facility will take place on March 12,

  9  1999, and

10         WHEREAS, the Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School,

11  located at 1410 Countyline Road, contains 290,000 square feet

12  of classrooms and offices, as well as an auditorium and sports

13  complex, and will serve approximately 1,300 students in grades

14  9 and 10, and

15         WHEREAS, the mission of the Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior

16  High School is to develop a learning community committed to

17  rigorous coursework and high academic standards and to prepare

18  students for multiple career options, with an emphasis on

19  lifelong learning, NOW, THEREFORE,


21  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:


23         That the Florida Senate recognizes the Dr. Michael M.

24  Krop Senior High School on the occasion of the school's

25  dedication celebration and commends the school for its high

26  standards and contributions to the young people of this state.





