Senate Bill 2490

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 2490

    By Senator Jones


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to charter county transit

  3         system surtaxes; amending s. 212.055, F.S.;

  4         providing for the proceeds from such tax to be

  5         used to expand, operate, and maintain a

  6         fixed-guideway system and to pay fund bonds

  7         issued to construct bus systems; providing an

  8         effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 212.055, Florida

13  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

14         212.055  Discretionary sales surtaxes; legislative

15  intent; authorization and use of proceeds.--It is the

16  legislative intent that any authorization for imposition of a

17  discretionary sales surtax shall be published in the Florida

18  Statutes as a subsection of this section, irrespective of the

19  duration of the levy.  Each enactment shall specify the types

20  of counties authorized to levy; the rate or rates which may be

21  imposed; the maximum length of time the surtax may be imposed,

22  if any; the procedure which must be followed to secure voter

23  approval, if required; the purpose for which the proceeds may

24  be expended; and such other requirements as the Legislature

25  may provide.  Taxable transactions and administrative

26  procedures shall be as provided in s. 212.054.


28         (a)  Each charter county which adopted a charter prior

29  to June 1, 1976, and each county the government of which is

30  consolidated with that of one or more municipalities, may levy

31  a discretionary sales surtax, subject to approval by a


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 2490

  1  majority vote of the electorate of the county or by a charter

  2  amendment approved by a majority vote of the electorate of the

  3  county.

  4         (b)  The rate shall be up to 1 percent.

  5         (c)  The proposal to adopt a discretionary sales surtax

  6  as provided in this subsection and to create a trust fund

  7  within the county accounts shall be placed on the ballot in

  8  accordance with law at a time to be set at the discretion of

  9  the governing body.

10         (d)  Proceeds from the surtax shall be:

11         1.  Deposited by the county in the trust fund and shall

12  be used only for the purposes of development, construction,

13  equipment, maintenance, operation, supportive services,

14  including a countywide bus system, and related costs of a

15  fixed guideway rapid transit system;

16         2.  Remitted by the governing body of the county to an

17  expressway or transportation authority created by law to be

18  used, at the discretion of such authority, for the

19  development, construction, operation, or maintenance of roads

20  or bridges in the county, for the operation and maintenance of

21  a bus system, or for the payment of principal and interest on

22  existing bonds issued for the construction of such roads or

23  bridges, and, upon approval by the county commission, such

24  proceeds may be pledged for bonds issued to refinance existing

25  bonds or new bonds issued for the construction of such roads

26  or bridges; or

27         3.  For each county, as defined in s. 125.011(1), used

28  for the development, construction, operation, and or

29  maintenance of roads and bridges in the county; for the

30  expansion, operation, and maintenance of an existing bus and

31  fixed-guideway systems system; and or for the payment of


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 2490

  1  principal and interest on existing bonds issued for the

  2  construction of fixed-guideway fixed guideway rapid transit

  3  systems, bus systems, roads, or bridges; and such proceeds may

  4  be pledged by the governing body of the county for bonds

  5  issued to refinance existing bonds or new bonds issued for the

  6  construction of such fixed-guideway fixed guideway rapid

  7  transit systems, bus systems, roads, or bridges.

  8         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.


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11                          SENATE SUMMARY

12    Expands the use of charter county transit system surtaxes
      to include certain fixed-guideway systems and bus
13    systems.


















