Senate Bill 2530

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 2530

    By Senator Webster

    12-1127-99                                         See HB 1883

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to state-administered

  3         retirement systems; amending s. 112.63, F.S.;

  4         providing for review and comment on local

  5         government retirement system actuarial

  6         valuation reports and impact statements on a

  7         triennial basis; clarifying the basis of

  8         required payments; amending s. 112.65, F.S.;

  9         modifying the limitation on benefits for

10         service under more than one retirement system

11         or plan; amending s. 121.011, F.S.; clarifying

12         requirements related to consolidation of

13         existing retirement systems and preservation of

14         rights; amending s. 121.021, F.S.; redefining

15         "creditable service" to conform the definition

16         to existing law; clarifying creditable service

17         provisions for certain school board employees;

18         amending s. 121.031, F.S.; authorizing the

19         Division of Retirement to adopt rules;

20         reenacting s. 121.051(6), F.S., relating to

21         Florida Retirement System membership status of

22         blind vending facility operators; reenacting

23         ss. 121.052(7)(a), 121.055(3)(a), 121.071(1),

24         F.S., relating to contribution rates; amending

25         ss. 121.052, 121.055, 121.071, F.S.; changing

26         contribution rates for specified classes and

27         subclasses of the system; correcting an error;

28         conforming provisions relating to de minimis

29         accounts to federal law; amending s. 121.081,

30         F.S.; clarifying provisions relating to past

31         service and prior service; amending s. 121.091,


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  1         F.S.; clarifying proof of disability

  2         requirements; modifying provisions relating to

  3         death benefits to permit purchase of certain

  4         retirement credit by joint annuitants;

  5         clarifying the contribution rate and interest

  6         required to be paid for such purchases;

  7         updating references; amending s. 121.122, F.S.;

  8         correcting a reference; amending 121.24, F.S.;

  9         authorizing the State Retirement Commission to

10         adopt rules; amending s. 121.35, F.S.;

11         conforming provisions relating to de minimis

12         accounts to federal law; amending s. 121.40,

13         F.S., to remove reemployment limitations and

14         reenacting subsection (12), relating to

15         contribution rates for the supplemental

16         retirement program for the Institute of Food

17         and Agricultural Sciences at the University of

18         Florida; reenacting s. 413.051(11), (12), F.S.,

19         relating to Florida Retirement System

20         membership eligibility and retirement

21         contribution payments for blind vending

22         facility operators; amending s. 112.18, F.S.;

23         providing presumptions that certain illnesses

24         incurred by law enforcement officers are done

25         so in the line of duty; repealing s. 121.027,

26         F.S., relating to the division's rulemaking

27         authority for ch. 97-180, Laws of Florida;

28         providing an effective date.


30  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:



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  1         Section 1.  Subsections (4) and (5) of section 112.63,

  2  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  3         112.63  Actuarial reports and statements of actuarial

  4  impact; review.--

  5         (4)  Effective July 1, 1999, upon receipt, pursuant to

  6  subsection (2), of an actuarial report, or upon receipt,

  7  pursuant to subsection (3), of a statement of actuarial

  8  impact, the division shall acknowledge such receipt, but shall

  9  only review and comment on each retirement system's or plan's

10  the actuarial valuations at least on a triennial basis and

11  statements.  If the division finds that the actuarial

12  valuation is not complete, accurate, or based on reasonable

13  assumptions, or if the division does not receive the actuarial

14  report or statement of actuarial impact, the division shall

15  notify the local government and request appropriate

16  adjustment. If, after a reasonable period of time, a

17  satisfactory adjustment is not made, the affected local

18  government or the division may petition for a hearing under

19  the provisions of ss. 120.569 and 120.57. If the

20  administrative law judge recommends in favor of the division,

21  the division shall perform an actuarial review or prepare the

22  statement of actuarial impact. The cost to the division of

23  performing such actuarial review or preparing such statement

24  shall be charged to the governmental entity of which the

25  employees are covered by the retirement system or plan.  If

26  payment of such costs is not received by the division within

27  60 days after receipt by the governmental entity of the

28  request for payment, the division shall certify to the

29  Comptroller the amount due, and the Comptroller shall pay such

30  amount to the division from any funds payable to the

31  governmental entity of which the employees are covered by the


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  1  retirement system or plan.  If the administrative law judge

  2  recommends in favor of the local retirement system and the

  3  division performs an actuarial review, the cost to the

  4  division of performing the actuarial review shall be paid by

  5  the division.

  6         (5)  Payments made to the fund as required by this

  7  chapter shall be based on the normal and past service costs

  8  contained in the state-accepted version of the most recent

  9  actuarial valuation, subject to being state-accepted.

10         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 112.65, Florida

11  Statutes, is amended to read:

12         112.65  Limitation of benefits.--

13         (2)  No member of a retirement system or plan covered

14  by this part who is not now a member of such plan shall be

15  allowed to receive a retirement benefit or pension which is in

16  part or in whole based upon any service with respect to which

17  the member is already receiving, or will receive in the

18  future, a retirement benefit or pension from a different

19  employer's another retirement system or plan.  This

20  restriction does not apply to social security benefits or

21  federal benefits under chapter 67, Title 10, U.S. Code.

22         Section 3.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section

23  and paragraph (e) of subsection (3) of section 121.011,

24  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, are amended to read:

25         121.011  Florida Retirement System.--


27         (b)  The chapters or retirement system laws named in

28  paragraph (a) are hereby consolidated as separate instruments

29  appended to the "Florida Retirement System Act" established by

30  this chapter, and the administration of said chapters or

31  retirement systems shall be consolidated with the


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  1  administration of the Florida Retirement System established by

  2  this chapter, and the Florida Retirement System shall assume

  3  all liabilities related to the payment of benefits to members

  4  and their beneficiaries under the respective retirement

  5  systems of the members and their beneficiaries.

  6         (3)  PRESERVATION OF RIGHTS.--

  7         (e)  Any member of the Florida Retirement System or any

  8  member of an existing system under this chapter on July 1,

  9  1975, who is not retired and who is, has been, or shall be,

10  suspended and reinstated without compensation shall receive

11  retirement service credit for the period of time from the date

12  of suspension to the date of reinstatement, provided:

13         1.  The creditable service claimed for the period of

14  suspension does not exceed 24 months;

15         2.  The member returns to active employment and remains

16  on the employer's payroll for at least 1 calendar month 30

17  calendar days; and

18         3.  The member pays into the Retirement System Trust

19  Fund the total required employer contributions plus the total

20  employee contributions, if applicable, based on the member's

21  monthly compensation in effect for the pay period immediately

22  preceding the period of suspension, prorated for the said

23  period of suspension, plus interest thereon at a rate of 4

24  percent per annum compounded annually until July 1, 1975, and

25  6.5 percent interest thereafter until paid.  If permitted by

26  federal law, the member may pay into the Social Security Trust

27  Fund the total cost, if any, of providing social security

28  coverage for the period of suspension if any social security

29  payments have been made by the employer for the benefit of the

30  member during such period. Should there be any conflict as to

31  payment for social security coverage, the payment for


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  1  retirement service credit shall be made and retirement service

  2  credit granted regardless of such conflict.

  3         Section 4.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (17) of section

  4  121.021, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to

  5  read:

  6         121.021  Definitions.--The following words and phrases

  7  as used in this chapter have the respective meanings set forth

  8  unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:

  9         (17)(a)  "Creditable service" of any member means the

10  sum of his or her past service, prior service, military

11  service, out-of-state or non-FRS in-state service, workers'

12  compensation credit, leave-of-absence credit and future

13  service allowed within the provisions of this chapter if all

14  required contributions have been paid and all other

15  requirements of this chapter have been met. However, in no

16  case shall a member receive credit for more than a year's

17  service during any 12-month period. Service by as applied to a

18  teacher, or a nonacademic employee of a school board, or an

19  employee of a participating employer other than a school board

20  whose total employment is to provide services to a school

21  board for the school year only shall be based on contract

22  years of employment or school term years of employment, as

23  provided in chapters 122 and 238, rather than 12-month periods

24  of employment.

25         Section 5.  Subsection (1) of section 121.031, Florida

26  Statutes, is amended  to read:

27         121.031  Administration of system; appropriation;

28  oaths; actuarial studies; public records.--

29         (1)  The Division of Retirement has the authority to

30  adopt shall make such rules pursuant to ss. 120.54 and

31  120.536(1) to implement the provisions of law conferring


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  1  duties upon the division and to adopt rules as are necessary

  2  for the effective and efficient administration of this system.

  3  The funds to pay the expenses for such administration of the

  4  system are hereby appropriated from the interest earned on

  5  investments made for the retirement and social security trust

  6  funds and the assessments allowed under chapter 650.

  7         Section 6.  Subsection (6) of section 121.051, Florida

  8  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, as amended by chapter 96-423, Laws

  9  of Florida, is reenacted to read:

10         121.051  Participation in the system.--



13         (a)  Seasonal state employment shall be included under

14  this chapter, and the time limit and procedure for claiming

15  same as set forth in s. 122.07 shall continue under this

16  chapter for those members transferring to this system and for

17  all new members.

18         (b)1.  All blind or partially sighted persons employed

19  or licensed by the Division of Blind Services as vending

20  facility operators on or after December 1, 1970, and prior to

21  July 1, 1996, are hereby declared to be state employees within

22  the meaning of this chapter, and all vending facility

23  operators licensed and employed during that period shall be

24  compulsory members of the Florida Retirement System in

25  compliance with this chapter for as long as the member is a

26  vending facility operator, except as provided in subparagraph

27  3.

28         2.  Blindness shall not be deemed a retirement

29  disability within the provisions of this chapter for such

30  members as are contemplated by this paragraph.



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  1         3.  Any vending facility operator as described in

  2  subparagraph 1. may elect, on or before July 31, 1996, to

  3  withdraw from the Florida Retirement System as provided in s.

  4  413.051(11).  The election to withdraw shall take effect as of

  5  July 1, 1996, and the decision to withdraw is irrevocable.  A

  6  vending facility operator who withdraws from the Florida

  7  Retirement System as provided in this subparagraph shall

  8  retain all creditable service earned in the Florida Retirement

  9  System through the month that retirement contributions ceased

10  to be reported, and no creditable service shall be earned as a

11  vending facility operator after such month.  However, any such

12  person may participate in the Florida Retirement System in the

13  future if employed by a participating employer in a covered

14  position.

15         4.  All blind or partially sighted persons employed or

16  licensed by the Division of Blind Services as vending facility

17  operators on or after July 1, 1996, shall be independent

18  contractors within the meaning of this chapter and shall not

19  be eligible for membership in the Florida Retirement System.

20         Section 7.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section

21  121.052, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, as amended by

22  chapters 96-423 and 98-413, Laws of Florida, is reenacted and

23  amended to read:

24         121.052  Membership class of elected officers.--

25         (7)  CONTRIBUTIONS.--

26         (a)  The following table states the required retirement

27  contribution rates for members of the Elected Officers' Class

28  and their employers in terms of a percentage of the member's

29  gross compensation. A change in a contribution rate is

30  effective with the first salary paid on or after the beginning

31  date of the change. Contributions shall be made or deducted as


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  1  may be appropriate for each pay period and are in addition to

  2  the contributions required for social security and the Retiree

  3  Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.


  5  Dates of Contribution

  6    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers


  8  July 1, 1972, through September 30, 1977

  9    Legislators                                 8%           8%

10    All Other Members                           8%           8%


12  October 1, 1977, through September 30, 1978

13    Legislators                                 8%           8%

14    All Other Members                           4%          12%


16  October 1, 1978, through September 30, 1979

17    Legislators                                 8%       10.57%

18    All Other Members                           4%       16.78%


20  October 1, 1979, through September 30, 1981

21    Legislators                                 8%       10.57%

22    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

23      Officers                                  4%       16.78%

24    All Other Members                           0%       20.78%


26  July 1, 1981, through June 30, 1984

27    County Elected Officers                     0%       19.30%


29  July 1, 1984, through September 30, 1984

30    County Elected Officers                     0%       20.25%



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  1  October 1, 1981, through September 30, 1984

  2    Legislators                                 0%       19.30%

  3    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

  4      Officers                                  0%       21.03%

  5    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       20.95%

  6    Justices, Judges                            0%       22.55%


  8  October 1, 1984, through September 30, 1986

  9    Legislators                                 0%       10.98%

10    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

11      Officers                                  0%       10.98%

12    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       10.98%

13    Justices, Judges                            0%       21.79%

14    County Elected Officers                     0%       16.97%


16  October 1, 1986, through December 31, 1988

17    Legislators                                 0%       11.50%

18    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

19      Officers                                  0%       11.50%

20    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       11.50%

21    Justices, Judges                            0%       20.94%

22    County Elected Officers                     0%       17.19%


24  January 1, 1989, through December 31, 1989

25    Legislators                                 0%       13.70%

26    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

27      Officers                                  0%       13.70%

28    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       13.70%

29    Justices, Judges                            0%       22.58%

30    County Elected Officers                     0%       18.44%



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  1  January 1, 1990, through December 31, 1990

  2    Legislators                                 0%       15.91%

  3    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

  4      Officers                                  0%       15.91%

  5    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       15.91%

  6    Justices, Judges                            0%       24.22%

  7    County Elected Officers                     0%       19.71%


  9  January 1, 1991, through December 31, 1991

10    Legislators                                 0%       17.73%

11    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

12      Officers                                  0%       17.73%

13    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       17.73%

14    Justices, Judges                            0%       26.63%

15    County Elected Officers                     0%       23.32%


17  January 1, 1992, through December 31, 1992

18    Legislators                                 0%       19.94%

19    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

20      Officers                                  0%       19.94%

21    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       19.94%

22    Justices, Judges                            0%       28.27%

23    County Elected Officers                     0%       24.59%


25  January 1, 1993, through December 31, 1993

26    Legislators                                 0%       22.14%

27    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

28      Officers                                  0%       22.14%

29    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       22.14%

30    Justices, Judges                            0%       29.91%

31    County Elected Officers                     0%       25.84%


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  2  January 1, 1994, through December 31, 1994

  3    Legislators                                 0%       22.65%

  4    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

  5      Officers                                  0%       22.65%

  6    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       22.65%

  7    Justices, Judges                            0%       30.52%

  8    County Elected Officers                     0%       26.07%


10  January 1, 1995, through December 31, 1995

11    Legislators                                 0%       22.80%

12    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

13      Officers                                  0%       22.80%

14    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       22.80%

15    Justices, Judges                            0%       30.21%

16    County Elected Officers                     0%       27.48%


18  January 1, 1996, through June 30, 1996

19    Legislators                                 0%       22.90%

20    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

21      Officers                                  0%       22.90%

22    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       22.90%

23    Justices, Judges                            0%       30.15%

24    County Elected Officers                     0%       27.54%


26  July 1, 1996, through June 30, 1998

27    Legislators                                 0%       23.07%

28    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

29      Officers                                  0%       23.07%

30    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       23.07%

31    Justices, Judges                            0%       29.55%


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  1    County Elected Officers                     0%       27.33%


  3  Effective July 1, 1998, through

  4    June 30, 1999

  5    Legislators                                 0%       22.33%

  6    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

  7      Officers                                  0%       22.33%

  8    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       22.33%

  9    Justices, Judges                            0%       27.21%

10    County Elected Officers                     0%       26.99%


12  Effective July 1, 1999

13    Legislators                                 0%       14.31%

14    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

15      Officers                                  0%       14.31%

16    State Attorneys, Public

17      Defenders                                 0%       14.31%

18    Justices, Judges                            0%       20.48%

19    County Elected

20      Officers                                  0%       17.05%


22         Section 8.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section

23  121.055, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, as amended by

24  chapters 96-423 and 98-413, Laws of Florida, is reenacted and

25  amended, and paragraph (e) of subsection (6) of that section

26  is amended, to read:

27         121.055  Senior Management Service Class.--There is

28  hereby established a separate class of membership within the

29  Florida Retirement System to be known as the "Senior

30  Management Service Class," which shall become effective

31  February 1, 1987.


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  1         (3)(a)  The following table states the required

  2  retirement contribution rates for members of the Senior

  3  Management Service Class and their employers in terms of a

  4  percentage of the member's gross compensation.  A change in

  5  the contribution rate is effective with the first salary paid

  6  on or after the beginning date of the change.  Contributions

  7  shall be made for each pay period and are in addition to the

  8  contributions required for social security and the Retiree

  9  Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.


11  Dates of Contribution

12    Rate Changes                          Members   Employers


14  February 1, 1987, through

15    December 31, 1988                       0%       13.88%

16  January 1, 1989, through

17    December 31, 1989                       0%       14.95%

18  January 1, 1990, through

19    December 31, 1990                       0%       16.04%

20  January 1, 1991, through

21    December 31, 1991                       0%       18.39%

22  January 1, 1992, through

23    December 31, 1992                       0%       19.48%

24  January 1, 1993, through

25    December 31, 1993                       0%       20.55%

26  January 1, 1994, through

27    December 31, 1994                       0%       23.07%

28  January 1, 1995, through

29    December 31, 1995                       0%       23.88%

30  January 1, 1996, through

31    June 30, 1996                           0%       24.14%


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  1  July 1, 1996, through

  2    June 30, 1998                           0%       21.58%

  3  Effective July 1, 1998, through

  4    June 30, 1999                           0%       23.10%

  5  Effective July 1, 1999                    0%       11.19%


  7         (6)

  8         (e)  Benefits.--

  9         1.  Benefits shall be payable under the Senior

10  Management Service Optional Annuity Program only to

11  participants in the program, or their beneficiaries as

12  designated by the participant in the contract with a provider

13  company, and such benefits shall be paid by the designated

14  company in accordance with the terms of the annuity contract

15  or contracts applicable to the participant. A participant must

16  be terminated from all employment with all Florida Retirement

17  System employers as provided in s. 121.021(39) to begin

18  receiving the employer-funded benefit. Benefits funded by

19  employer contributions shall be payable only as a lifetime

20  annuity to the participant, his beneficiary, or his estate,

21  except for:

22         a.  A lump-sum payment to the beneficiary upon the

23  death of the participant; or

24         b.  A cash-out of a de minimis account upon the request

25  of a former participant who has been terminated for a minimum

26  of 6 months from the employment that entitled him to optional

27  annuity retirement program participation. A de minimis account

28  is an account with a provider company containing employer

29  contributions and accumulated earnings of not more than $5,000

30  $3,500 made under the provisions of this chapter. Such

31  cash-out must be a complete liquidation of the account balance


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  1  with that company and is subject to the provisions of the

  2  Internal Revenue Code.

  3         2.  The benefits payable to any person under the Senior

  4  Management Service Optional Annuity Program, and any

  5  contribution accumulated under such program, shall not be

  6  subject to assignment, execution, or attachment or to any

  7  legal process whatsoever.

  8         3.  A participant who receives optional annuity program

  9  benefits funded by employer contributions shall be deemed to

10  be retired from a state-administered retirement system in the

11  event of subsequent employment with any employer that

12  participates in the Florida Retirement System.

13         Section 9.  Subsection (1) of section 121.071, Florida

14  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, as amended by chapters 96-423 and

15  98-413, Laws of Florida, is reenacted and amended to read:

16         121.071  Contributions.--Contributions to the system

17  shall be made as follows:

18         (1)  The following tables state the required retirement

19  contribution rates for members of the Regular Class, Special

20  Risk Class, or Special Risk Administrative Support Class and

21  their employers in terms of a percentage of the member's gross

22  compensation.  A change in a contribution rate is effective

23  with the first salary paid on or after the beginning date of

24  the change. Contributions shall be made or deducted as may be

25  appropriate for each pay period and are in addition to the

26  contributions required for social security and the Retiree

27  Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.

28         (a)  Retirement contributions for regular members are

29  as follows:




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  1  Dates of Contribution

  2    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers


  4  December 1, 1970, through December

  5    31, 1974, for state agencies, state

  6    universities, community colleges,

  7    and district school boards                  4%           4%


  9  December 1, 1970, through September

10    30, 1975, for all other local

11    government agencies                         4%           4%


13  January 1, 1975, through September

14    30, 1978, for state agencies and

15    state universities                          0%           9%


17  January 1, 1975, through July 31,

18    1978, for community colleges and

19    district school boards                      0%           9%


21  October 1, 1975, through September

22    30, 1978, for all other local

23    government agencies                         0%           9%


25  August 1, 1978, through September 30,

26    1981, for community colleges and

27    district school boards                      0%         9.1%


29  October 1, 1978, through September

30    30, 1981, for all other agencies            0%         9.1%



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  1  October 1, 1981, through

  2    September 30, 1984                          0%       10.93%

  3  October 1, 1984, through

  4    September 30, 1986                          0%       12.24%

  5  October 1, 1986, through

  6    December 31, 1988                           0%       13.14%

  7  January 1, 1989, through

  8    December 31, 1989                           0%       13.90%

  9  January 1, 1990, through

10    December 31, 1990                           0%       14.66%

11  January 1, 1991, through

12    December 31, 1991                           0%       15.72%

13  January 1, 1992, through

14    December 31, 1992                           0%       16.51%

15  January 1, 1993, through

16    December 31, 1993                           0%       17.27%

17  January 1, 1994, through

18    December 31, 1994                           0%       17.10%

19  January 1, 1995, through

20    December 31, 1995                           0%       16.91%

21  January 1, 1996, through

22    June 30, 1996                               0%       17.00%

23  July 1, 1996, through

24    June 30, 1998                               0%       16.77%

25  Effective July 1, 1998, through

26    June 30, 1999                               0%       15.51%

27  Effective July 1, 1999                        0%        9.21%


29         (b)  Retirement contributions for special risk members

30  are as follows:



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  1  Dates of Contribution

  2    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers


  4  December 1, 1970, through

  5    September 30, 1974                          6%           6%


  7  October 1, 1974, through December 31,

  8    1974, for state agencies, state

  9    universities, community colleges,

10    and district school boards                  8%           8%


12  October 1, 1974, through September

13    30, 1975, for all other local

14    government agencies                         8%           8%


16  January 1, 1975, through September

17    30, 1978, for state agencies, state

18    universities, community colleges,

19    and district school boards                  0%          13%


21  October 1, 1975, through September

22    30, 1978, for other local

23    government agencies                         0%          13%


25  October 1, 1978, through

26    September 30, 1981                          0%       13.95%

27  October 1, 1981, through

28    September 30, 1984                          0%       13.91%

29  October 1, 1984, through

30    September 30, 1986                          0%       14.67%

31  October 1, 1986, through


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  1    December 31, 1988                           0%       15.11%

  2  January 1, 1989, through

  3    December 31, 1989                           0%       17.50%

  4  January 1, 1990, through

  5    December 31, 1990                           0%       19.90%

  6  January 1, 1991, through

  7    December 31, 1991                           0%       25.52%

  8  January 1, 1992, through

  9    December 31, 1992                           0%       26.35%

10  January 1, 1993, through

11    December 31, 1993                           0%       27.14%

12  January 1, 1994, through

13    December 31, 1994                           0%       27.03%

14  January 1, 1995, through

15    December 31, 1995                           0%       26.83%

16  January 1, 1996, through

17    June 30, 1996                               0%       26.84%

18  July 1, 1996, through

19    June 30, 1998                               0%       26.44%

20  Effective July 1, 1998, through

21    June 30, 1999                               0%       24.38%

22  Effective July 1, 1999                        0%       20.14%


24         (c)  Retirement contributions for special risk

25  administrative support members are as follows:


27  Dates of Contribution

28    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers


30  July 1, 1982, through

31    September 30, 1984                          0%       11.14%


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  1  October 1, 1984, through

  2    September 30, 1986                          0%       13.09%

  3  October 1, 1986, through

  4    December 31, 1988                           0%       15.44%

  5  January 1, 1989, through

  6    December 31, 1989                           0%       14.76%

  7  January 1, 1990, through

  8    December 31, 1990                           0%       14.09%

  9  January 1, 1991, through

10    December 31, 1991                           0%       20.16%

11  January 1, 1992, through

12    December 31, 1992                           0%       19.51%

13  January 1, 1993, through

14    December 31, 1993                           0%       18.83%

15  January 1, 1994, through

16    December 31, 1994                           0%       18.59%

17  January 1, 1995, through

18    December 31, 1995                           0%       17.81%

19  January 1, 1996, through

20    June 30, 1996                               0%       17.80%

21  July 1, 1996, through

22    June 30, 1998                               0%       17.20%

23  Effective July 1, 1998, through

24    June 30, 1999                               0%       14.64%

25  Effective July 1, 1999                        0%       11.53%


27         Section 10.  Paragraph (i) of subsection (1) and

28  subsection (2) of section 121.081, Florida Statutes, 1998

29  Supplement, are amended to read:




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  1         121.081  Past service; prior service;

  2  contributions.--Conditions under which past service or prior

  3  service may be claimed and credited are:

  4         (1)

  5         (i)  An employee of a state agency who was a member of

  6  a state-administered retirement system and who was granted

  7  educational leave with pay pursuant to a written educational

  8  leave-with-pay policy may claim such period of educational

  9  leave as past service subject to the following conditions:

10         1.  The educational leave must have occurred prior to

11  December 31, 1971;

12         2.  The member must have completed at least 10 years of

13  creditable service excluding the period of the educational

14  leave;

15         3.  The employee must have returned to employment with

16  a state agency employer who participated in the retirement

17  system, which return was immediately upon termination of the

18  educational leave, and must have remained on the employer's

19  payroll for at least 1 calendar month 30 calendar days

20  following the return to employment;

21         4.  The employee must be a member of the Florida

22  Retirement System at the time he or she claims such service;

23         5.  Not more than 24 months of creditable service may

24  be claimed for such period of educational leave with pay;

25         6.  The service must not be claimed under any other

26  state or federal retirement system; and

27         7.  The member must pay to the retirement trust fund

28  for claiming such past-service credit an amount equal to 8

29  percent of his or her gross annual salary immediately prior to

30  the educational leave with pay for each year of past service

31  claimed, plus 4 percent interest thereon compounded annually


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  1  each June 30 from the first year of service claimed until July

  2  1, 1975, and 6.5 percent interest thereafter on the unpaid

  3  balance compounded annually each June 30 until paid.

  4         (2)  Prior service, as defined in s. 121.021(19), may

  5  be claimed as creditable service under the Florida Retirement

  6  System after a member has been reemployed for 1 complete year

  7  of creditable service within a period of 12 consecutive

  8  continuous months, except as provided in paragraph (c).

  9  Service performed as a participant of the optional retirement

10  program for the State University System under s. 121.35 or the

11  Senior Management Service Optional Annuity Program under s.

12  121.055 may be used to satisfy the reemployment requirement of

13  1 complete year of creditable service 12-continuous-month

14  requirement.  The member shall not be permitted to make any

15  contributions for prior service until after completion of the

16  1 year of creditable service 12-month period. The required

17  contributions for claiming the various types of prior service

18  are:

19         (a)  For prior service performed prior to the date the

20  system becomes noncontributory for the member and for which

21  the member had credit under one of the existing retirement

22  systems and received a refund of contributions upon

23  termination of employment, the member shall contribute 4

24  percent of all salary received during the period being

25  claimed, plus 4 percent interest compounded annually from date

26  of refund until July 1, 1975, and 6.5 percent interest

27  compounded annually thereafter, until full payment is made to

28  the Retirement Trust Fund. A member who elected to transfer to

29  the Florida Retirement System from an existing system may

30  receive credit for prior service under the existing system if

31  he or she was eligible under the existing system to claim the


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  1  prior service at the time of the transfer. Contributions for

  2  such prior service shall be determined by the applicable

  3  provisions of the system under which the prior service is

  4  claimed and shall be paid by the member, with matching

  5  contributions paid by the employer at the time the service was

  6  performed. Effective July 1, 1978, the account of a person who

  7  terminated under s. 238.05(3) may not be charged interest for

  8  contributions that remained on deposit in the Annuity Savings

  9  Trust Fund established under chapter 238, upon retirement

10  under this chapter or chapter 238.

11         (b)  For prior service performed prior to the date the

12  system becomes noncontributory for the member and for which

13  the member had credit under the Florida Retirement System and

14  received a refund of contributions upon termination of

15  employment, the member shall contribute at the rate that was

16  required of him or her during the period of service being

17  claimed, on all salary received during such period, plus 4

18  percent interest compounded annually from date of refund until

19  July 1, 1975, and 6.5 percent interest compounded annually

20  thereafter, until the full payment is made to the Retirement

21  Trust Fund.

22         (c)  For prior service as defined in s. 121.021(19)(b)

23  and (c) during which no contributions were made because the

24  member did not participate in a retirement system, the member

25  shall contribute 14.38 percent of all salary received during

26  such period or 14.38 percent of $100 per month during such

27  period, whichever is greater, plus 4 percent interest

28  compounded annually from the first year of service claimed

29  until July 1, 1975, and 6.5 percent interest compounded

30  annually thereafter, until full payment is made to the

31  Retirement Trust Fund.


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  1         (d)  In order to claim credit for prior service as

  2  defined in s. 121.021(19)(d) for which no retirement

  3  contributions were paid during the period of such service, the

  4  member shall contribute the total employee and employer

  5  contributions which were required to be made to the Highway

  6  Patrol Pension Trust Fund, as provided in chapter 321, during

  7  the period claimed, plus 4 percent interest compounded

  8  annually from the first year of service until July 1, 1975,

  9  and 6.5 percent interest compounded annually thereafter, until

10  full payment is made to the Retirement Trust Fund.  However,

11  any governmental entity which employed such member may elect

12  to pay up to 50 percent of the contributions and interest

13  required to purchase this prior service credit.

14         (e)  For service performed under the Florida Retirement

15  System after December 1, 1970, that was never reported to the

16  division due to error, retirement credit may be claimed by a

17  member of the Florida Retirement System. The division shall

18  adopt rules establishing criteria for claiming such credit and

19  detailing the documentation required to substantiate the

20  error.

21         (f)  The employer may not be required to make

22  contributions for prior service credit for any member, except

23  that the employer shall pay the employer portion of

24  contributions for any legislator who elects to withdraw from

25  the Florida Retirement System and later rejoins the system and

26  pays any employee contributions required in accordance with s.

27  121.052(3)(d).

28         Section 11.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4), paragraph

29  (f) of subsection (7), and paragraphs (a) and (i) of

30  subsection (13) of section 121.091, Florida Statutes, 1998

31  Supplement, are amended to read:


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  1         121.091  Benefits payable under the system.--Benefits

  2  may not be paid under this section unless the member has

  3  terminated employment as provided in s. 121.021(39)(a) or

  4  begun participation in the Deferred Retirement Option Program

  5  as provided in subsection (13), and a proper application has

  6  been filed in the manner prescribed by the division. The

  7  division may cancel an application for retirement benefits

  8  when the member or beneficiary fails to timely provide the

  9  information and documents required by this chapter and the

10  division's rules. The division shall adopt rules establishing

11  procedures for application for retirement benefits and for the

12  cancellation of such application when the required information

13  or documents are not received.


15         (b)  Total and permanent disability.--A member shall be

16  considered totally and permanently disabled if, in the opinion

17  of the administrator, he or she is prevented, by reason of a

18  medically determinable physical or mental impairment, from

19  rendering useful and efficient service as an officer or

20  employee.

21         (c)  Proof of disability.--The administrator, before

22  approving payment of any disability retirement benefit, shall

23  require proof that the member is totally and permanently

24  disabled as provided herein:

25         1.  Such, which proof shall include the certification

26  of the member's total and permanent disability by two licensed

27  physicians of the state and such other evidence of disability

28  as the administrator may require, including reports from

29  vocational rehabilitation, evaluation, or testing specialists

30  who have evaluated the applicant for employment.

31         2.  It must be documented that:


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  1         a.  The member's medical condition occurred or became

  2  symptomatic during the time the member was employed in an

  3  employee/employer relationship with his or her employer;

  4         b.  The member was totally and permanently disabled at

  5  the time he or she terminated covered employment; and

  6         c.  The member has not been employed with any other

  7  employer after such termination.

  8         3.  If the application is for in-line-of-duty

  9  disability, in addition to the requirements of subparagraph

10  2., it must be documented by competent medical evidence that

11  the disability was caused by a job-related illness or accident

12  which occurred while the member was in an employee/employer

13  relationship with his or her employer.

14         4.  The unavailability of an employment position that

15  the member is physically and mentally capable of performing

16  will not be considered as proof of total and permanent

17  disability.

18         (7)  DEATH BENEFITS.--

19         (f)  Notwithstanding any other provisions in this

20  chapter to the contrary and upon application to the

21  administrator, an eligible joint annuitant, of a member whose

22  employment is terminated by death within 1 year of such member

23  satisfying the service requirements for vesting and retirement

24  eligibility, shall be permitted to purchase only the

25  additional service credit necessary to vest and qualify for

26  retirement benefits, not to exceed a total of 1 year of

27  credit, by one or a combination of the following methods:

28         1.  Such eligible joint annuitant may use the deceased

29  member's accumulated hours of annual, sick, and compensatory

30  leave to purchase additional creditable service, on an hour by

31  hour basis, provided that such deceased member's accumulated


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  1  leave is sufficient to cover the additional months required.

  2  For each month of service credit needed prior to the final

  3  month, credit for the total number of work hours in that month

  4  must be purchased, using an equal number of the deceased

  5  member's accumulated leave hours.  Service credit required for

  6  the final month in which the deceased member would have become

  7  vested shall be awarded upon the purchase of 1 hour of credit.

  8  Such eligible joint annuitant shall pay the contribution rate

  9  in effect for the period of time being claimed for at the time

10  of purchase of the deceased member's class of membership,

11  multiplied by such member's monthly salary at the time of

12  death, plus 6.5 percent interest compounded annually.  The

13  accumulated leave payment used in the average final

14  compensation shall not include that portion of the payment

15  that represents any leave hours used in the purchase of such

16  creditable service.

17         2.  Such eligible joint annuitant may purchase

18  additional months of creditable service, up to a maximum of 1

19  year, for any periods of out-of-state service as provided in

20  s. 121.1115, and or in-state service as provided in s.

21  121.1122, that the deceased member would have been eligible to

22  purchase prior to his or her death.


24  Service purchased under this paragraph shall be added to the

25  creditable service of the member and used to vest for

26  retirement eligibility, and shall be used in the calculation

27  of any benefits which may be payable to the eligible joint

28  annuitant.  Any benefits paid in accordance with this

29  paragraph shall only be made prospectively.

30         (13)  DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION PROGRAM.--In general,

31  and subject to the provisions of this section, the Deferred


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  1  Retirement Option Program, hereinafter referred to as the

  2  DROP, is a program under which an eligible member of the

  3  Florida  Retirement System may elect to participate, deferring

  4  receipt of retirement benefits while continuing employment

  5  with his or her Florida Retirement System employer.  The

  6  deferred monthly benefits shall accrue in the System Trust

  7  Fund on behalf of the participant, plus interest compounded

  8  monthly, for the specified period of the DROP participation,

  9  as provided in paragraph (c).  Upon termination of employment,

10  the participant shall receive the total DROP benefits and

11  begin to receive the previously determined normal retirement

12  benefits. Participation in the DROP does not guarantee

13  employment for the specified period of DROP.

14         (a)  Eligibility of member to participate in the

15  DROP.--All active Florida Retirement System members in a

16  regularly established position, and all active members of

17  either the Teachers' Retirement System established in chapter

18  238 or the State and County Officers' and Employees'

19  Retirement System established in chapter 122 which systems are

20  consolidated within the Florida Retirement System under s.

21  121.011, are eligible to elect participation in the DROP

22  provided that:

23         1.  The member is not a renewed member of the Florida

24  Retirement System under s. 121.122, or a member of the State

25  Community College System Optional Retirement Program under s.

26  121.051, the Senior Management Service Optional Annuity

27  Program under s. 121.055, or the optional retirement program

28  for the State University System under s. 121.35.

29         2.  Election to participate is made within 12 months

30  immediately following the date on which the member first

31  reaches normal retirement date, or, for a member who reaches


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  1  normal retirement date based on service before he or she

  2  reaches age 62, or age 55 for Special Risk Class members,

  3  election to participate may be deferred to the 12 months

  4  immediately following the date the member attains 57, or age

  5  50 for Special Risk Class members. For a member who first

  6  reached normal retirement date or the deferred eligibility

  7  date described above prior to the effective date of this

  8  section, election to participate shall be made within 12

  9  months after the effective date of this section.  A member who

10  fails to make an election within such 12-month limitation

11  period shall forfeit all rights to participate in the DROP.

12  The member shall advise his or her employer and the division

13  in writing of the date on which the DROP shall begin. Such

14  beginning date may be subsequent to the 12-month election

15  period, but must be within the 60-month limitation period as

16  provided in subparagraph (b)1. When establishing eligibility

17  of the member to participate in the DROP or the 60-month

18  maximum participation period, the member may elect to include

19  or exclude any optional service credit purchased by the member

20  from the total service used to establish the normal retirement

21  date. A member with dual normal retirement dates shall be

22  eligible to elect to participate in DROP within 12 months

23  after attaining normal retirement date in either class.

24         3.  The employer of a member electing to participate in

25  the DROP, or employers if dually employed, shall acknowledge

26  in writing to the division the date the member's participation

27  in the DROP begins and the date the member's employment and

28  DROP participation will terminate.

29         4.  Simultaneous employment of a participant by

30  additional Florida Retirement System employers subsequent to

31  the commencement of participation in the DROP shall be


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  1  permissible provided such employers acknowledge in writing a

  2  DROP termination date no later than the participant's existing

  3  termination date or the 60-month limitation period as provided

  4  in subparagraph (b)1.

  5         5.  A DROP participant may change employers while

  6  participating in the DROP, subject to the following:

  7         a.  A change of employment must take place without a

  8  break in service so that the member receives salary for each

  9  month of continuous DROP participation.  If a member receives

10  no salary during a month, DROP participation shall cease

11  unless the employer verifies a continuation of the employment

12  relationship for such participant pursuant to s.

13  121.021(39)(b).

14         b.  Such participant and new employer shall notify the

15  division on forms required by the division as to the identity

16  of the new employer.

17         c.  The new employer shall acknowledge, in writing, the

18  participant's DROP termination date, which may be extended but

19  not beyond the original 60-month period provided in

20  subparagraph (b)1., shall acknowledge liability for any

21  additional retirement contributions and interest required if

22  the participant fails to timely terminate employment, and

23  shall be subject to the adjustment required in

24  sub-subparagraph (c)5.d (c)4.d.

25         (i)  Contributions.--

26         1.  All employers paying the salary of a DROP

27  participant filling a regularly established position shall

28  contribute 11.56 percent of such participant's gross

29  compensation, which shall constitute the entire employer DROP

30  contribution with respect to such participant.  Such

31  contributions, payable to the System Trust Fund in the same


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  1  manner as required in s. 121.071, shall be made as appropriate

  2  for each pay period and are in addition to contributions

  3  required for social security and the Retiree Health Insurance

  4  Subsidy Trust Fund.  Such employer, social security, and

  5  health insurance subsidy contributions are not included in the

  6  DROP.

  7         2.  The employer shall, in addition to subparagraph 1.,

  8  also withhold one-half of the entire social security

  9  contribution required for the participant.  Contributions for

10  social security by each participant and each employer, in the

11  amount required for social security coverage as now or

12  hereafter provided by the federal Social Security Act, shall

13  be in addition to contributions specified in subparagraph 1.

14         3.  All employers paying the salary of a DROP

15  participant filling a regularly established position shall

16  contribute the 0.66 percent of such participant's gross

17  compensation required in s. 121.071(4), which shall constitute

18  the employer's health insurance subsidy contribution with

19  respect to such participant. Such contributions shall be

20  deposited by the administrator in the Retiree Health Insurance

21  Subsidy Trust Fund.

22         Section 12.  Subsection (3) of section 121.122, Florida

23  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

24         121.122  Renewed membership in system.--Except as

25  provided in s. 121.053, effective July 1, 1991, any retiree of

26  a state-administered retirement system who is employed in a

27  regularly established position with a covered employer shall

28  be enrolled as a compulsory member of the Regular Class of the

29  Florida Retirement System or, effective July 1, 1997, any

30  retiree of a state-administered retirement system who is

31  employed in a position included in the Senior Management


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  1  Service Class shall be enrolled as a compulsory member of the

  2  Senior Management Service Class of the Florida Retirement

  3  System as provided in s. 121.055, and shall be entitled to

  4  receive an additional retirement benefit, subject to the

  5  following conditions:

  6         (3)  Such member shall be entitled to purchase

  7  additional retirement credit in the Regular Class or the

  8  Senior Management Service Class, as applicable, for any

  9  postretirement service performed in a regularly established

10  position as follows:

11         (a)  For regular class service prior to July 1, 1991,

12  by paying the Regular Class applicable employee and employer

13  contributions for the period being claimed, plus 4 percent

14  interest compounded annually from first year of service

15  claimed until July 1, 1975, and 6.5 percent interest

16  compounded thereafter, until full payment is made to the

17  Florida Retirement System Trust Fund; or

18         (b)  For Senior Management Service Class prior to June

19  1, 1997, as provided in s. 121.055(1)(i)(h).


21  The contribution for postretirement service between July 1,

22  1985, and July 1, 1991, for which the reemployed retiree

23  contribution was paid, shall be the difference between such

24  contribution and the total applicable contribution for the

25  period being claimed, plus interest.  The employer of such

26  member may pay the applicable employer contribution in lieu of

27  the member. If a member does not wish to claim credit for all

28  of the postretirement service for which he or she is eligible,

29  the service the member claims must be the most recent service.




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  1         Section 13.  Present subsection (5) of section 121.24,

  2  Florida Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (6), and a new

  3  subsection (5) is added to that section, to read:

  4         121.24  Conduct of commission business; legal and other

  5  assistance; compensation.--

  6         (5)  The State Retirement Commission has the authority

  7  to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.54 and 120.536(1) to

  8  implement the provisions of law conferring duties upon the

  9  commission.

10         Section 14.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section

11  121.35, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

12         121.35  Optional retirement program for the State

13  University System.--

14         (5)  BENEFITS.--

15         (a)  Benefits shall be payable under the optional

16  retirement program only to vested participants in the program,

17  or their beneficiaries as designated by the participant in the

18  contract with a provider company, and such benefits shall be

19  paid only by the designated company in accordance with the

20  terms of the annuity contract or contracts applicable to the

21  participant. The participant must be terminated from all

22  employment with all Florida Retirement System employers, as

23  provided in s. 121.021(39), to begin receiving the

24  employer-funded benefit. Benefits funded by employer

25  contributions shall be payable only as a lifetime annuity to

26  the participant, his beneficiary, or his estate, except for:

27         1.  A lump-sum payment to the beneficiary upon the

28  death of the participant; or

29         2.  A cash-out of a de minimis account upon the request

30  of a former participant who has been terminated for a minimum

31  of 6 months from the employment that entitled him to optional


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  1  retirement program participation. A de minimis account is an

  2  account with a provider company containing employer

  3  contributions and accumulated earnings of not more than $5,000

  4  $3,500 made under the provisions of this chapter. Such

  5  cash-out must be a complete liquidation of the account balance

  6  with that company and is subject to the provisions of the

  7  Internal Revenue Code.

  8         Section 15.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (4) and

  9  subsection (11) of section 121.40, Florida Statutes, 1998

10  Supplement, are amended, and subsection (12) of that section,

11  as amended by chapters 96-423 and 98-413, Laws of Florida, is

12  reenacted to read:

13         121.40  Cooperative extension personnel at the

14  Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; supplemental

15  retirement benefits.--

16         (4)  ELIGIBILITY FOR SUPPLEMENT.--To be eligible for a

17  benefit pursuant to the provisions of this section, a person

18  must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

19         (e)  The person must not be entitled to any benefit

20  from a state-supported retirement system or from social

21  security based upon service as a cooperative extension

22  employee of the institute. Participation in the Institute of

23  Food and Agricultural Sciences Supplemental Retirement Program

24  shall not constitute membership in the Florida Retirement

25  System.


27         (a)  Any person who is receiving a supplemental

28  retirement benefit under this section may be reemployed by any

29  private or public employer after retirement and receive

30  supplemental retirement benefits pursuant to this section and

31  compensation from his or her employer, without any


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  1  limitations.  However, if a retired participant who is

  2  receiving a supplemental retirement benefit under this section

  3  is reemployed at the institute in a position as a cooperative

  4  extension employee of the institute, he or she shall forfeit

  5  all rights to supplemental retirement benefits in accordance

  6  with the eligibility provisions of paragraph (4)(e)., except

  7  that no person may receive both a salary from reemployment

  8  with any agency participating in the Florida Retirement System

  9  and supplemental retirement benefits under this section for a

10  period of 12 months immediately subsequent to the date of

11  retirement.

12         (b)  Each person to whom the limitation in paragraph

13  (a) applies who violates such reemployment limitation and who

14  is reemployed with any agency participating in the Florida

15  Retirement System prior to completion of the 12-month

16  limitation period shall give timely notice of this fact in

17  writing to the employer and to the division and shall have his

18  or her supplemental retirement benefits suspended for the

19  balance of the 12-month limitation period.  Any person

20  employed in violation of this subsection and any employing

21  agency which knowingly employs or appoints such person without

22  notifying the Division of Retirement to suspend retirement

23  benefits shall be jointly and severally liable for

24  reimbursement to the retirement trust fund of any benefits

25  paid during the reemployment limitation period.  To avoid

26  liability, such employing agency shall have a written

27  statement from the retiree that he or she is not retired from

28  a state-administered retirement system. Any supplemental

29  retirement benefits received while reemployed during this

30  reemployment limitation period shall be repaid to the trust

31  fund, and supplemental retirement benefits shall remain


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  1  suspended until such repayment has been made.  Supplemental

  2  benefits suspended beyond the reemployment limitation shall

  3  apply toward repayment of supplemental benefits received in

  4  violation of the reemployment limitation.

  5         (c)  The reemployment by an employer participating in

  6  the Florida Retirement System of any person receiving

  7  supplemental retirement benefits under this section shall have

  8  no effect on the amount of the supplemental benefit of that

  9  person.  Prior to July 1, 1991, upon employment of any person,

10  other than an elected officer as provided in s. 121.053, who

11  is receiving supplemental retirement benefits under this

12  section, the employer shall pay retirement contributions in an

13  amount equal to the unfunded actuarial accrued liability

14  portion of the employer contribution which would be required

15  for regular members of the Florida Retirement System.

16  Effective July 1, 1991, contributions shall be made as

17  provided in s. 121.122 for renewed membership.

18         (d)  The limitations of this subsection apply to

19  reemployment in any capacity with an "employer" as defined in

20  s. 121.021(10), irrespective of the category of funds from

21  which the person is compensated.

22         (12)  CONTRIBUTIONS.--

23         (a)  For the purposes of funding the supplemental

24  benefits provided by this section, the institute is authorized

25  and required to pay, commencing July 1, 1985, the necessary

26  monthly contributions from its appropriated budget. These

27  amounts shall be paid into the Institute of Food and

28  Agricultural Sciences Supplemental Retirement Trust Fund,

29  which is hereby created.

30         (b)  The monthly contributions required to be paid

31  pursuant to paragraph (a) on the gross monthly salaries, from


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  1  all sources with respect to such employment, paid to those

  2  employees of the institute who hold both state and federal

  3  appointments and who participate in the federal Civil Service

  4  Retirement System shall be as follows:


  6  Dates of Contribution                              Percentage

  7    Rate Changes                                        Due


  9  July 1, 1985, through December 31, 1988              6.68%

10  January 1, 1989, through December 31, 1993           6.35%

11  January 1, 1994, through December 31, 1994           6.69%

12  January 1, 1995, through June 30, 1996               6.82%

13  July 1, 1996, through June 30, 1998                  5.64%

14  Effective July 1, 1998                               7.17%


16         Section 16.  Subsection (11) of section 413.051,

17  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, as amended by chapter

18  96-423, Laws of Florida, and subsection (12) of that section,

19  as amended by chapters 96-423 and 98-149, Laws of Florida, are

20  reenacted to read:

21         413.051  Eligible blind persons; operation of vending

22  stands.--

23         (11)  Effective July 1, 1996, blind licensees who

24  remain members of the Florida Retirement System pursuant to s.

25  121.051(6)(b)1. shall pay any unappropriated retirement costs

26  from their net profits or from program income. Within 30 days

27  after the effective date of this act, each blind licensee who

28  is eligible to maintain membership in the Florida Retirement

29  System under s. 121.051(6)(b)1., but who elects to withdraw

30  from the system as provided in s. 121.051(6)(b)3., must, on or

31  before July 31, 1996, notify the Division of Blind Services


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  1  and the Division of Retirement in writing of his or her

  2  election to withdraw.  Failure to timely notify the divisions

  3  shall be deemed a decision to remain a compulsory member of

  4  the Florida Retirement System. However, if, at any time after

  5  July 1, 1996, sufficient funds are not paid by a blind

  6  licensee to cover the required contribution to the Florida

  7  Retirement System, that blind licensee shall become ineligible

  8  to participate in the Florida Retirement System on the last

  9  day of the first month for which no contribution is made or

10  the amount contributed is insufficient to cover the required

11  contribution.  For any blind licensee who becomes ineligible

12  to participate in the Florida Retirement System as described

13  in this subsection, no creditable service shall be earned

14  under the Florida Retirement System for any period following

15  the month that retirement contributions ceased to be reported.

16  However, any such person may participate in the Florida

17  Retirement System in the future if employed by a participating

18  employer in a covered position.

19         (12)  The Division of Blind Services may adopt rules to

20  permit the division to establish and maintain vending

21  facilities, issue licenses, establish and maintain a vending

22  facility training program, provide vendors access to financial

23  data of the program, set aside funds from net proceeds of the

24  vending facility, provide for the transfer and promotion of

25  vendors, establish a vendors committee, provide for an

26  operation agreement, provide duties and responsibilities of

27  the division with respect to the vending facility program, and

28  provide procedures for newspaper vending sales.

29         Section 17.  Section 112.18, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:



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  1         112.18  Firefighters and law enforcement officers;

  2  special provisions relative to disability.--

  3         (1)  Any condition or impairment of health of any

  4  Florida state, municipal, county, port authority, special tax

  5  district, or fire control district firefighter or law

  6  enforcement officer caused by tuberculosis, heart disease, or

  7  hypertension resulting in total or partial disability or death

  8  shall be presumed to have been accidental and to have been

  9  suffered in the line of duty unless the contrary be shown by

10  competent evidence. However, any such firefighter or law

11  enforcement officer shall have successfully passed a physical

12  examination upon entering into any such service as a

13  firefighter or law enforcement officer, which examination

14  failed to reveal any evidence of any such condition.  Such

15  presumption shall not apply to benefits payable under or

16  granted in a policy of life insurance or disability insurance,

17  unless the insurer and insured have negotiated for such

18  additional benefits to be included in the policy contract.

19         (2)  This section shall be construed to authorize the

20  above governmental entities to negotiate policy contracts for

21  life and disability insurance to include accidental death

22  benefits or double indemnity coverage which shall include the

23  presumption that any condition or impairment of health of any

24  firefighter caused by tuberculosis, heart disease, or

25  hypertension resulting in total or partial disability or death

26  was accidental and suffered in the line of duty, unless the

27  contrary be shown by competent evidence.

28         Section 18.  Section 121.027, Florida Statutes, is

29  repealed.

30         Section 19.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

31  law, except that the reenactment of subsection (6) of section


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  1  121.051, paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section 121.052,

  2  paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 121.055, subsection

  3  (1) of section 121.071, subsection (12) of section 121.40, and

  4  subsections (11) and (12) of section 413.051, Florida

  5  Statutes, shall operate retroactively to June 7, 1996.


  7            *****************************************

  8                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Revises provisions of law relating to state-administered
10    retirement systems to:

11         1.  Provide for review and comment on local
      government retirement system actuarial valuation reports
12    and impact statements on a triennial basis and to provide
      clarification on the basis of required payments.
13         2.  Modify the limitation on benefits for service
      under more than one retirement system or plan.
14         3.  Clarify requirements relating to consolidation
      of existing systems and preservation of rights.
15         4.  Redefine the term "creditable service" under the
      Florida Retirement System and clarify creditable service
16    provisions for described school board employees.
           5.  Revise language to authorize the Division of
17    Retirement to make rules and to create the Florida
      Retirement System Actuarial Assumption Conference.
18         6.  Revise contribution rates under the Florida
      Retirement System.
19         7.  Clarify proof of disability requirements, modify
      provisions related to death benefits to permit purchase
20    of described retirement credits by joint annuitants, and
      clarify the contribution rate and interest required to be
21    paid for such purchases.
           8.  Authorize the State Retirement Commission to
22    adopt rules.

      (See bill for details.)







