CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 2540

    Amendment No. 2

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  The Committee on Fiscal Policy recommended the following

12  amendment:


14         Senate Amendment 

15         On page 39, line 24, through page 40, line 25, delete

16  those lines


18  and insert:

19         Section 15.  (1)  There is hereby created the Florida

20  Space Research Institute, the principal purposes of which are

21  to function as a customer-driven, academic center of

22  excellence for sponsored research and development activities

23  supporting the space industry; to expose individuals to

24  knowledge and skills conducive to employment in space-related

25  occupations and thereby help address the workforce development

26  needs of the space industry; and to facilitate linkages

27  between the private-sector, government, and educational

28  institutions that will help foster the development of the

29  commercial space industry in this state.

30         (2)  The institute shall be managed by the University

31  of Florida and shall be operated on property at Cape Canaveral

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 2540

    Amendment No. 2

 1  owned or leased by the Spaceport Florida Authority, or

 2  otherwise under the authority's control.

 3         (3)  Florida State University, the University of

 4  Central Florida, the Florida Institute of Technology, and the

 5  University of Miami may serve as partners in the institute

 6  under agreements executed with the University of Florida.

 7         (4)  The institute shall function as a public-private

 8  partnership, and to that end, the research activities of the

 9  institute shall be based upon sponsored research contracts

10  executed between the institute and space-industry businesses.

11  Such contracts shall govern issues including, but not limited

12  to, the scope of research projects, the time frames for

13  completion of research projects, and the financing of research

14  projects.

15         (5)  By August 1, 1999, the institute shall establish

16  an advisory committee comprised, at a minimum, of

17  representatives of space-related businesses, a representative

18  of the Spaceport Florida Authority, and a representative of

19  Enterprise Florida, Inc., to provide strategic guidance on the

20  mission and activities of the institute.

21         (6)  By December 1, of each year, the institute shall

22  submit a report on its activities and accomplishments for the

23  prior fiscal year to the Governor, the President of the

24  Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.  As

25  part of this report, the institute shall make findings and

26  recommendations, in consultation with the advisory committee,

27  regarding actions the state should take to enhance the

28  effectiveness of the institute and to further the development

29  of space-related business in the state.



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