House Bill 0255

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 255

        By Representatives Brooks and Argenziano

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to nursing home facilities;

  3         creating s. 400.0225, F.S.; directing the

  4         Agency for Health Care Administration to

  5         contract for consumer satisfaction surveys for

  6         nursing home residents; providing procedures

  7         and requirements for use of such surveys;

  8         amending s. 400.023, F.S., relating to civil

  9         enforcement; providing for disposition of

10         punitive damage awards; creating s. 400.024,

11         F.S.; directing the agency to adopt facility

12         practice guidelines, which shall constitute an

13         affirmative defense in certain regulatory

14         actions; amending s. 400.063, F.S.; correcting

15         a cross reference; amending s. 400.071, F.S.;

16         revising requirements for licensure and

17         renewal; creating s. 400.118, F.S.; directing

18         the agency to establish a quality assurance and

19         assistance program; providing for

20         multidisciplinary teams; providing for rapid

21         response teams; providing for funding; amending

22         s. 400.121, F.S.; expanding authority of the

23         agency to suspend or revoke a facility's

24         license; providing for funding of certain

25         actions to improve a facility's quality of

26         care; providing for rules; authorizing the

27         agency to establish standards for a facility's

28         medical director and director of nursing under

29         certain circumstances; authorizing the agency

30         to require certain facilities to increase or

31         enhance staffing for a specified time period;


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  1         providing a penalty; amending s. 400.141, F.S.;

  2         providing requirements for appointment of a

  3         medical director; revising conditions for

  4         encouraging facilities to provide other needed

  5         services; authorizing Gold Seal facilities to

  6         develop programs to provide certified nursing

  7         assistant training; amending s. 400.19, F.S.,

  8         to conform to the act; amending s. 400.191,

  9         F.S.; revising requirements for provision of

10         information to the public by the agency;

11         amending s. 400.23, F.S.; abolishing the

12         Nursing Home Advisory Committee; revising the

13         system for evaluating facility compliance with

14         licensure requirements; eliminating ratings and

15         providing for standard or conditional licensure

16         status; creating s. 400.235, F.S.; providing

17         for development of a Gold Seal Program for

18         recognition of facilities demonstrating

19         excellence in long-term care; establishing a

20         Panel on Excellence in Long-Term Care under the

21         Executive Office of the Governor; providing

22         membership; providing program criteria;

23         providing for duties of the panel and the

24         Governor; providing for agency rules; providing

25         for biennial relicensure of Gold Seal Program

26         facilities, under certain conditions; creating

27         a panel on Medicaid reimbursement; providing

28         membership and duties; requiring reports;

29         providing for expiration; directing the agency

30         to conduct a review of certified nursing

31         assistant training programs; repealing s.


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  1         400.29, F.S., relating to an agency annual

  2         report of nursing home facilities; providing an

  3         effective date.


  5  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  7         Section 1.  Section 400.0225, Florida Statutes, is

  8  created to read:

  9         400.0225  Consumer satisfaction surveys.--The agency,

10  or its contractor, shall develop an easy-to-use consumer

11  satisfaction survey, shall ensure that every nursing facility

12  licensed pursuant to this part participates in assessing

13  consumer satisfaction, and shall establish procedures to

14  ensure that, at least annually, a representative sample of

15  residents of each facility is selected to participate in the

16  survey. The sample shall be of sufficient size to allow

17  comparisons between and among facilities. Family members,

18  guardians, or other patient representatives may assist the

19  resident in completing the survey. Employees and volunteers of

20  the nursing facility or of a corporation or business entity

21  with an ownership interest in the facility are prohibited from

22  assisting a resident with or attempting to influence a

23  resident's responses to the consumer satisfaction survey. The

24  agency shall survey family members, guardians, or other

25  responsible resident representatives when the resident is

26  mentally incapable of responding to the survey. The agency, or

27  its contractor, shall specify the protocol for conducting and

28  reporting the consumer satisfaction surveys. The agency,

29  through the State Center for Health Statistics, shall contract

30  for consumer satisfaction surveys and report the results of



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  1  those surveys in the consumer information materials prepared

  2  and distributed by the agency.

  3         Section 2.  Subsection (5) of section 400.023, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         400.023  Civil enforcement.--

  6         (5)  For the purpose of this section, punitive damages

  7  may be awarded for conduct which is willful, wanton, gross or

  8  flagrant, reckless, or consciously indifferent to the rights

  9  of the resident. Thirty-three percent of all punitive damages

10  awarded to a plaintiff under this section shall be deposited

11  in the Quality Improvement Trust Fund pursuant to s. 400.    .

12         Section 3.  Section 400.0231, Florida Statutes, is

13  renumbered as section 400.1415, Florida Statutes.

14         Section 4.  Section 400.024, Florida Statutes, is

15  created to read:

16         400.024  Practice guidelines.--The agency, in

17  consultation with the Department of Elderly Affairs and

18  medical, nursing, social work, pharmacy, and other allied

19  health experts as needed, shall adopt practice guidelines in

20  areas of critical concern for nursing facilities. Such

21  practice guidelines, when followed in a facility, shall

22  constitute an affirmative defense in any regulatory action

23  against the facility.

24         Section 5.  Subsection (1) of section 400.063, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         400.063  Resident Protection Trust Fund.--

27         (1)  A Resident Protection Trust Fund shall be

28  established for the purpose of collecting and disbursing funds

29  generated from the license fees and administrative fines as

30  provided for in ss. 393.0673(2), 400.062(3)(b), 400.111(1),

31  400.121(2), and 400.23(7)(9).  Such funds shall be for the


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  1  sole purpose of paying for the appropriate alternate

  2  placement, care, and treatment of residents who are removed

  3  from a facility licensed under this part or a facility

  4  specified in s. 393.0678(1) in which the agency determines

  5  that existing conditions or practices constitute an immediate

  6  danger to the health, safety, or security of the residents.

  7  If the agency determines that it is in the best interest of

  8  the health, safety, or security of the residents to provide

  9  for an orderly removal of the residents from the facility, the

10  agency may utilize such funds to maintain and care for the

11  residents in the facility pending removal and alternative

12  placement.  The maintenance and care of the residents shall be

13  under the direction and control of a receiver appointed

14  pursuant to s. 393.0678(1) or s. 400.126(1).  However, funds

15  may be expended in an emergency upon a filing of a petition

16  for a receiver, upon the declaration of a state of local

17  emergency pursuant to s. 252.38(3)(a)5., or upon a duly

18  authorized local order of evacuation of a facility by

19  emergency personnel to protect the health and safety of the

20  residents.

21         Section 6.  Present subsection (9) of section 400.071,

22  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended, subsections (8)

23  and (9) are renumbered as subsections (9) and (10),

24  respectively, and a new subsection (8) is added to said

25  section, to read:

26         400.071  Application for license.--

27         (8)  As a condition of licensure, each facility must

28  agree to participate in a consumer satisfaction measurement

29  process as prescribed by the agency.

30         (10)(9)  The agency may develop an abbreviated survey

31  for licensure renewal applicable to a licensee that has


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  1  continuously operated as a nursing facility since 1991 or

  2  earlier, and has operated under the same management for at

  3  least the preceding 30 months, and has had during the

  4  preceding 30 months no class I or class II deficiencies

  5  maintained a superior rating during that period.

  6         Section 7.  Section 400.118, Florida Statutes, is

  7  created to read:

  8         400.118  Quality assurance and assistance program;

  9  rapid response teams.--

10         (1)  The agency shall establish a quality assurance and

11  assistance program in a part of the agency that is totally

12  separate from its nursing facility regulation division.  The

13  quality assurance and assistance program shall establish

14  multidisciplinary teams which shall include persons with

15  expertise in the domains of quality of life, reimbursement,

16  practice guidelines, and other areas the agency prescribes.

17  Staff persons with any involvement, however tenuous, in the

18  regulatory activities of the agency shall not be appointed to

19  these teams.

20         (2)  The agency shall also create flexible teams of

21  experts which can function as rapid response teams when a

22  nursing facility expresses concerns about quality apart from

23  the survey or special investigation process. The rapid

24  response teams shall work collaboratively with the facility to

25  make necessary improvements. Rapid response teams shall not be

26  deployed for the purpose of assisting a facility in its

27  preparation for a regular survey by the agency. The agency

28  shall specify in rule the time period prior to a survey visit

29  during which consultation with a rapid response team shall be

30  prohibited.



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  1         (3)  With the permission of the requesting facility,

  2  the multidisciplinary teams of the quality assurance and

  3  assistance program and the rapid response teams may include

  4  industry representatives with knowledge, skills, or abilities

  5  appropriate to the needs of the facility receiving the team's

  6  visit.  The composition of these teams may change as the

  7  agency determines necessary, and persons on such teams may

  8  serve in more than one capacity.  These teams may draw upon

  9  the funds deposited in the Quality Improvement Trust Fund

10  established in s. 400.   .

11         Section 8.  Subsection (3) of section 400.121, Florida

12  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended and subsections (6) and

13  (7) are added to said section, to read:

14         400.121  Denial, suspension, revocation of license;

15  moratorium on admissions; administrative fines; procedure.--

16         (3)  The agency may issue an order immediately

17  suspending or revoking a license when it determines that any

18  condition in the facility presents a threat or danger to the

19  health, safety, or welfare of the residents in the facility.

20         (6)  When administrative action is taken against a

21  facility under this section, the agency may use funds from the

22  Quality Improvement Trust Fund to take all necessary actions

23  to improve the quality of care offered by the facility.  Funds

24  dispersed from the trust fund for this purpose shall be

25  reimbursed to the state by the facility owner, as determined

26  by the agency. The agency may adopt rules to implement this

27  subsection.

28         (7)  The agency may establish standards for the medical

29  director and director of nursing in facilities against which

30  it has taken administrative action because of concerns about

31  residents' health and safety.


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  1         (8)  The agency may require a facility against which it

  2  has taken administrative action to increase or enhance

  3  staffing and maintain that level of staffing for a specified

  4  time period, but not beyond the time of the next regular

  5  survey. A facility that fails to maintain the required

  6  increased or enhanced staffing is subject to a fine of $500

  7  per day for each day the staffing is below the level required

  8  by the agency.

  9         Section 9.  Section 400.141, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         400.141  Administration and management of nursing home

12  facilities.--Every licensed facility shall comply with all

13  applicable standards and rules of the agency and shall:

14         (1)  Be under the administrative direction and charge

15  of a licensed administrator.

16         (2)  Appoint a medical director licensed pursuant to

17  chapter 458 or chapter 459. The agency may establish by rule

18  more specific criteria for the appointment of a medical

19  director, including the circumstances under which the medical

20  director may be a contract employee.

21         (3)(2)  Have available the regular, consultative, and

22  emergency services of physicians licensed by the state.

23         (4)(3)  Provide for the access of the facility

24  residents to dental and other health-related services,

25  recreational services, rehabilitative services, and social

26  work services appropriate to their needs and conditions and

27  not directly furnished by the licensee.  When a geriatric

28  outpatient nurse clinic is conducted in accordance with rules

29  adopted by the agency, outpatients attending such clinic shall

30  not be counted as part of the general resident population of

31  the nursing home facility, nor shall the nursing staff of the


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  1  geriatric outpatient clinic be counted as part of the nursing

  2  staff of the facility, until the outpatient clinic load

  3  exceeds 15 a day.

  4         (5)(4)  Be allowed and encouraged by the agency to

  5  provide other needed services under certain conditions. If the

  6  facility has a standard licensure status, and has had no class

  7  I or class II deficiencies during the past 2 years or has been

  8  awarded a Gold Seal under the program established in s.

  9  400.235, it may is rated superior or standard, be encouraged

10  by the agency to provide services, including, but not limited

11  to, respite and adult day services, which enable individuals

12  to move in and out of the facility.  A facility is not subject

13  to any additional licensure requirements for providing these

14  services. Respite care may be offered to persons in need of

15  short-term or temporary nursing home services. Respite care

16  must be provided in accordance with this part and rules

17  adopted by the agency. However, the agency shall, by rule,

18  adopt modified requirements for resident assessment, resident

19  care plans, resident contracts, physician orders, and other

20  provisions, as appropriate, for short-term or temporary

21  nursing home services.  The agency shall allow for shared

22  programming and staff in a facility which meets minimum

23  standards and offers services pursuant to this subsection,

24  but, if the facility is cited for deficiencies in patient

25  care, may require additional staff and programs appropriate to

26  the needs of service recipients. A person who receives respite

27  care may not be counted as a resident of the facility for

28  purposes of the facility's licensed capacity unless that

29  person receives 24-hour respite care. A person receiving

30  either respite care for 24 hours or longer or adult day

31  services must be included when calculating minimum staffing


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  1  for the facility. Any costs and revenues generated by a

  2  nursing home facility from nonresidential programs or services

  3  shall be excluded from the calculations of Medicaid per diems

  4  for nursing home institutional care reimbursement.

  5         (6)(5)  If the facility has a standard licensure status

  6  or is a Gold Seal facility is rated superior or standard,

  7  exceeds minimum staffing standards, and is part of a

  8  retirement community that offers other services pursuant to

  9  part III, part IV, or part V, be allowed to share programming

10  and staff.  At the time of relicensure, a retirement community

11  that uses this option must demonstrate through staffing

12  records that minimum staffing requirements for the facility

13  were exceeded.

14         (7)(6)  Maintain the facility premises and equipment

15  and conduct its operations in a safe and sanitary manner.

16         (8)(7)  If the licensee furnishes food service, provide

17  a wholesome and nourishing diet sufficient to meet generally

18  accepted standards of proper nutrition for its residents and

19  provide such therapeutic diets as may be prescribed by

20  attending physicians.  In making rules to implement this

21  subsection, the agency shall be guided by standards

22  recommended by nationally recognized professional groups and

23  associations with knowledge of dietetics.

24         (9)(8)  Keep full records of resident admissions and

25  discharges; medical and general health status, including

26  medical records, personal and social history, and identity and

27  address of next of kin or other persons who may have

28  responsibility for the affairs of the residents; and

29  individual resident care plans including, but not limited to,

30  prescribed services, service frequency and duration, and



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  1  service goals.  The records shall be open to inspection by the

  2  agency.

  3         (10)(9)  Keep such fiscal records of its operations and

  4  conditions as may be necessary to provide information pursuant

  5  to this part.

  6         (11)(10)  Furnish copies of personnel records for

  7  employees affiliated with such facility, to any other facility

  8  licensed by this state requesting this information pursuant to

  9  this part.  Such information contained in the records may

10  include, but is not limited to, disciplinary matters and any

11  reason for termination. Any facility releasing such records

12  pursuant to this part shall be considered to be acting in good

13  faith and may not be held liable for information contained in

14  such records, absent a showing that the facility maliciously

15  falsified such records.


17  Facilities that have been awarded a Gold Seal under the

18  program established in s. 400.235 may develop a plan to

19  provide certified nursing assistant training as prescribed by

20  federal and state regulations and rules and may apply to the

21  agency for approval of its program.

22         Section 10.  Subsection (4) of section 400.19, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         400.19  Right of entry and inspection.--

25         (4)  The agency shall conduct unannounced onsite

26  facility reviews following written verification of licensee

27  noncompliance in instances in which a long-term care ombudsman

28  council, pursuant to ss. 400.0071 and 400.0075, has received a

29  complaint and has documented deficiencies in resident care or

30  in the physical plant of the facility that threaten the

31  health, safety, or security of residents, or when the agency


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  1  documents through inspection that conditions in a facility

  2  present a direct or indirect threat to the health, safety, or

  3  security of residents. However, the agency shall conduct four

  4  or more unannounced onsite reviews within a 12-month period of

  5  each facility which has a conditional licensure status rating.

  6  Deficiencies related to physical plant do not require followup

  7  reviews after the agency has determined that correction of the

  8  deficiency has been accomplished and that the correction is of

  9  the nature that continued compliance can be reasonably

10  expected.

11         Section 11.  Section 400.191, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         400.191  Availability, distribution, and posting of

14  reports and records.--

15         (1)  The agency shall provide information to the public

16  about all of the licensed nursing home facilities operating in

17  the state. The agency shall, within 60 days after from the

18  date of an annual inspection visit or within 30 days after

19  from the date of any interim visit to a facility, send copies

20  of the inspection reports to the district long-term care

21  ombudsman council, the agency's local office, and a public

22  library or the county seat for the county in which the

23  facility is located., forward the results of all inspections

24  of nursing home facilities to:

25         (a)  The district ombudsman council in whose district

26  the inspected facility is located.

27         (b)  At least one public library or, in the absence of

28  a public library, the county seat in the county in which the

29  inspected facility is located.

30         (c)  The area office supervisor of the agency in whose

31  district the inspected facility is located.


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  1         (2)  The agency shall provide additional information in

  2  consumer-friendly printed and electronic formats to assist

  3  consumers and their families in comparing and evaluating

  4  nursing home facilities.

  5         (a)  The agency shall provide an Internet site which

  6  shall include at least the following information:

  7         1.  A list by name and address of all nursing home

  8  facilities in this state.

  9         2.  Whether such nursing home facilities are

10  proprietary or nonproprietary.

11         3.  The licensure status of each facility.

12         4.  The ownership history of each facility.

13         5.  The name of the owner or owners of each facility

14  and whether the facility is a part of a corporation owning or

15  operating more than one nursing facility in this state.

16         6.  Performance, financial, regulatory, and enforcement

17  information about the corporation, as well as the facility.

18         7.  The total number of beds in each facility.

19         8.  The number of private and semiprivate rooms in each

20  facility.

21         9.  The religious affiliation, if any, of each

22  facility.

23         10.  The languages spoken by the administrator and

24  staff of each facility.

25         11.  Whether or not each facility accepts Medicare or

26  Medicaid recipients.

27         12.  Recreational and other programs available at each

28  facility.

29         13.  Information from the Minimum Data Set system of

30  the federal Health Care Financing Administration about the



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  1  clinical performance of each facility, including information

  2  related to the 12 quality-of-life domains.

  3         14.  Information about the licensure status and

  4  regulatory history of each facility.

  5         15.  Special care units or programs offered at each

  6  facility.

  7         16.  Whether the facility is a part of a retirement

  8  community that offers other services pursuant to part III,

  9  part IV, or part V.

10         17.  The results of consumer and family satisfaction

11  surveys for each facility.

12         18.  The licensure status and rating history for the

13  past 5 years for each facility.

14         19.  Survey and deficiency information contained on the

15  Online Survey Certification and Reporting (OSCAR) system of

16  the federal Health Care Financing Administration, including

17  annual survey, revisit, and complaint survey information, for

18  each facility for the past 3 years.

19         (b)  The agency shall provide the following information

20  in printed form:

21         1.  A list by name and address of all nursing home

22  facilities in this state.

23         2.  Whether such nursing home facilities are

24  proprietary or nonproprietary and their current ownership.

25         3.  The licensure status of each facility.

26         4.  The total number of beds, and of private and

27  semiprivate rooms, in each facility.

28         5.  The religious affiliation, if any, of each

29  facility.

30         6.  The languages spoken by the administrator and staff

31  of each facility.


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  1         7.  Whether or not each facility accepts Medicare or

  2  Medicaid recipients.

  3         8.  Recreational programs, special care units, and

  4  other programs available at each facility.

  5         9.  A summary of information from the Minimum Data Set

  6  system of the federal Health Care Financing Administration

  7  about the clinical performance of each facility.

  8         10.  Information about the licensure status and

  9  regulatory history of each facility.

10         11.  The results of consumer and family satisfaction

11  surveys for each facility.

12         (3)(2)  Each nursing home facility licensee shall

13  maintain as public information, available upon request,

14  records of all cost and inspection reports pertaining to that

15  facility that have been filed with, or issued by, any

16  governmental agency. Copies of such reports shall be retained

17  in such records for not less than 5 years from the date the

18  reports are filed or issued.

19         (4)(3)  Any records of a nursing home facility

20  determined by the agency to be necessary and essential to

21  establish lawful compliance with any rules or standards shall

22  be made available to the agency on the premises of the

23  facility.

24         (5)(4)  Every nursing home facility licensee shall:

25         (a)  Post, in a sufficient number of prominent

26  positions in the nursing home so as to be accessible to all

27  residents and to the general public, a concise summary of the

28  last inspection report pertaining to the nursing home and

29  issued by the agency, with references to the page numbers of

30  the full reports, noting any deficiencies found by the agency

31  and the actions taken by the licensee to rectify such


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  1  deficiencies and indicating in such summaries where the full

  2  reports may be inspected in the nursing home.

  3         (b)  Upon request, provide to any person who has

  4  completed a written application with an intent to be admitted

  5  to, or to any resident of, such nursing home, or to any

  6  relative, spouse, or guardian of such person, a copy of the

  7  last inspection report pertaining to the nursing home and

  8  issued by the agency, provided the person requesting the

  9  report agrees to pay a reasonable charge to cover copying

10  costs.

11         Section 12.  Section 400.23, Florida Statutes, 1998

12  Supplement, is amended, and subsections (11) and (12) of said

13  section are renumbered as subsections (1) and (2) of section

14  400.232, Florida Statutes, to read:

15         400.23  Rules; criteria; Nursing Home Advisory

16  Committee; evaluation and deficiencies; licensure status

17  rating system; fee for review of plans.--

18         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature that rules

19  published and enforced pursuant to this part shall include

20  criteria by which a reasonable and consistent quality of

21  resident care may be ensured and the results of such resident

22  care can be demonstrated and by which safe and sanitary

23  nursing homes can be provided.  It is further intended that

24  reasonable efforts be made to accommodate the needs and

25  preferences of residents to enhance the quality of life in a

26  nursing home.  In addition, efforts shall be made to minimize

27  the paperwork associated with the reporting and documentation

28  requirements of these rules.

29         (2)  Pursuant to the intention of the Legislature, the

30  agency, in consultation with the Department of Health and

31  Rehabilitative Services and the Department of Elderly Affairs,


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  1  shall adopt and enforce rules to implement this part, which

  2  shall include reasonable and fair criteria in relation to:

  3         (a)  The location and construction of the facility;

  4  including fire and life safety, plumbing, heating, lighting,

  5  ventilation, and other housing conditions which will ensure

  6  the health, safety, and comfort of residents, including an

  7  adequate call system.  The agency shall establish standards

  8  for facilities and equipment to increase the extent to which

  9  new facilities and a new wing or floor added to an existing

10  facility after July 1, 1999, are structurally capable of

11  serving as shelters only for residents, staff, and families of

12  residents and staff, and equipped to be self-supporting during

13  and immediately following disasters.  The agency for Health

14  Care Administration shall work with facilities licensed under

15  this part and report to the Governor and Legislature by April

16  1, 1999, its recommendations for cost-effective renovation

17  standards to be applied to existing facilities. In making such

18  rules, the agency shall be guided by criteria recommended by

19  nationally recognized reputable professional groups and

20  associations with knowledge of such subject matters. The

21  agency shall update or revise such criteria as the need

22  arises. All nursing homes must comply with those lifesafety

23  code requirements and building code standards applicable at

24  the time of approval of their construction plans. The agency

25  may require alterations to a building if it determines that an

26  existing condition constitutes a distinct hazard to life,

27  health, or safety. The agency shall adopt fair and reasonable

28  rules setting forth conditions under which existing facilities

29  undergoing additions, alterations, conversions, renovations,

30  or repairs shall be required to comply with the most recent

31  updated or revised standards.


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  1         (b)  The number and qualifications of all personnel,

  2  including management, medical, nursing, and other professional

  3  personnel, and nursing assistants, orderlies, and support

  4  personnel, having responsibility for any part of the care

  5  given residents.

  6         (c)  All sanitary conditions within the facility and

  7  its surroundings, including water supply, sewage disposal,

  8  food handling, and general hygiene which will ensure the

  9  health and comfort of residents.

10         (d)  The equipment essential to the health and welfare

11  of the residents.

12         (e)  A uniform accounting system.

13         (f)  The care, treatment, and maintenance of residents

14  and measurement of the quality and adequacy thereof, based on

15  rules developed under this chapter and the Omnibus Budget

16  Reconciliation Act of 1987 (Pub. L. No. 100-203) (December 22,

17  1987), Title IV (Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Health-Related

18  Programs), Subtitle C (Nursing Home Reform), as amended.

19         (g)  The preparation and annual update of a

20  comprehensive emergency management plan.  The agency shall

21  adopt rules establishing minimum criteria for the plan after

22  consultation with the Department of Community Affairs.  At a

23  minimum, the rules must provide for plan components that

24  address emergency evacuation transportation; adequate

25  sheltering arrangements; postdisaster activities, including

26  emergency power, food, and water; postdisaster transportation;

27  supplies; staffing; emergency equipment; individual

28  identification of residents and transfer of records; and

29  responding to family inquiries.  The comprehensive emergency

30  management plan is subject to review and approval by the local

31  emergency management agency.  During its review, the local


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  1  emergency management agency shall ensure that the following

  2  agencies, at a minimum, are given the opportunity to review

  3  the plan:  the Department of Elderly Affairs, the Department

  4  of Health and Rehabilitative Services, the Agency for Health

  5  Care Administration, and the Department of Community Affairs.

  6  Also, appropriate volunteer organizations must be given the

  7  opportunity to review the plan.  The local emergency

  8  management agency shall complete its review within 60 days and

  9  either approve the plan or advise the facility of necessary

10  revisions.

11         (3)  Rules developed pursuant to this section shall not

12  restrict the use of shared staffing and shared programming in

13  facilities which are part of retirement communities that

14  provide multiple levels of care and otherwise meet the

15  requirement of law or rule.

16         (4)  The agency, in collaboration with the Division of

17  Children's Medical Services Program Office of the Department

18  of Health and Rehabilitative Services, must, no later than

19  December 31, 1993, adopt rules for minimum standards of care

20  for persons under 21 years of age who reside in nursing home

21  facilities.  The rules must include a methodology for

22  reviewing a nursing home facility under ss. 408.031-408.045

23  which serves only persons under 21 years of age.

24         (5)  Prior to conducting a survey of the facility, the

25  survey team shall obtain a copy of the district nursing home

26  and long-term care facility ombudsman council report on the

27  facility. Problems noted in the report shall be incorporated

28  into and followed up through the agency's inspection process.

29  This procedure does not preclude the district nursing home and

30  long-term care facility ombudsman council from requesting the

31  agency to conduct a followup visit to the facility.


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  1         (6)  There is created the Nursing Home Advisory

  2  Committee, which shall consist of 15 members who are to be

  3  appointed by and report directly to the director of the

  4  agency. The membership is to include:

  5         (a)  One researcher from a university center on aging.

  6         (b)  Two representatives from the Florida Health Care

  7  Association.

  8         (c)  Two representatives from the Florida Association

  9  of Homes for the Aging.

10         (d)  One representative from the Department of Elderly

11  Affairs.

12         (e)  Five consumer representatives, at least two of

13  whom serve on or are staff members of the state or a district

14  nursing home and long-term care facility ombudsman council.

15         (f)  One representative from the Florida American

16  Medical Directors Association.

17         (g)  One representative from the Florida Association of

18  Directors of Nursing Administrators.

19         (h)  One representative from the Agency for Health Care

20  Administration.

21         (i)  One representative from the nursing home industry

22  at large who owns or operates a licensed nursing home facility

23  in the state and is not a member of any state nursing home

24  association.


26  At least one member shall be over 60 years of age.

27         (7)  The committee shall perform the following duties

28  to assist the agency in ensuring compliance with the intent of

29  the Legislature specified in subsection (1):

30         (a)  Assist in developing a nursing home rating system

31  based on the requirements of rules developed under this


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  1  chapter and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987

  2  (Pub. L. No. 100-203) (December 22, 1987), Title IV (Medicare,

  3  Medicaid, and Other Health-Related Programs), Subtitle C

  4  (Nursing Home Reform), as amended.

  5         (b)  Assist in developing surveyor guidelines and

  6  training to ensure the equitable application of the nursing

  7  home rating system.

  8         (c)  Assist in developing guidelines to determine the

  9  scope and severity of noncompliance.

10         (d)  Identify burdensome paperwork that is not

11  specifically related to resident care.

12         (e)  Advise the agency of proposed changes in statutes

13  and rules necessary to ensure adequate care and services and

14  the promotion and protection of residents' rights in long-term

15  care facilities.

16         (6)(8)  The agency shall, at least every 15 months,

17  evaluate all nursing home facilities and make a determination

18  as to the degree of compliance by each licensee with the

19  established rules adopted under this part as a basis for

20  assigning a licensure status rating to that facility.  The

21  agency shall base its evaluation on the most recent inspection

22  report, taking into consideration findings from other official

23  reports, surveys, interviews, investigations, and inspections.

24  The agency shall assign a licensure status of standard or

25  conditional one of the following ratings to each nursing home:

26  standard, conditional, or superior.

27         (a)  A standard licensure status rating means that a

28  facility has no class I or class II deficiencies, has

29  corrected all class III deficiencies within the time

30  established by the agency, and is in substantial compliance at

31  the time of the survey with criteria established under this


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  1  part, with rules adopted by the agency, and, if applicable,

  2  with rules adopted under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

  3  of 1987 (Pub. L. No. 100-203) (December 22, 1987), Title IV

  4  (Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Health-Related Programs),

  5  Subtitle C (Nursing Home Reform), as amended.

  6         (b)  A conditional licensure status rating means that a

  7  facility, due to the presence of one or more class I or class

  8  II deficiencies, or class III deficiencies not corrected

  9  within the time established by the agency, is not in

10  substantial compliance at the time of the survey with criteria

11  established under this part, with rules adopted by the agency,

12  or, if applicable, with rules adopted under the Omnibus Budget

13  Reconciliation Act of 1987 (Pub. L. No. 100-203) (December 22,

14  1987), Title IV (Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Health-Related

15  Programs), Subtitle C (Nursing Home Reform), as amended.  If

16  the facility comes into substantial compliance at the time of

17  the followup survey, a standard licensure status rating may be

18  assigned issued.  A facility assigned a conditional rating at

19  the time of the relicensure survey may not qualify for

20  consideration for a superior rating until the time of the next

21  subsequent relicensure survey.

22         (c)  A superior rating means that a facility has no

23  class I or class II deficiencies and has corrected all class

24  III deficiencies within the time established by the agency and

25  is in substantial compliance with the criteria established

26  under this part and the rules adopted by the agency and, if

27  applicable, with rules adopted pursuant to the Omnibus Budget

28  Reconciliation Act of 1987 (Pub. L. No. 100-203) (December 22,

29  1987), Title IV (Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Health-Related

30  Programs), Subtitle C (Nursing Home Reform), as amended; and



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  1  the facility exceeds the criteria for a standard rating

  2  through enhanced programs and services in the following areas:

  3         1.  Nursing service.

  4         2.  Dietary or nutritional services.

  5         3.  Physical environment.

  6         4.  Housekeeping and maintenance.

  7         5.  Restorative therapies and self-help activities.

  8         6.  Social services.

  9         7.  Activities and recreational therapy.

10         (d)  In order to facilitate the development of special

11  programs or facilitywide initiatives and promote creativity

12  based on the needs and preferences of residents, the areas

13  listed in paragraph (c) may be grouped or addressed

14  individually by the licensee.  However, a facility may not

15  qualify for a superior rating if fewer than three programs or

16  initiatives are developed to encompass the required areas.

17         (c)(e)  In determining the rating and evaluating the

18  overall quality of care and services and determining whether

19  the facility will receive a conditional or standard license,

20  the agency shall consider the needs and limitations of

21  residents in the facility and the results of interviews and

22  surveys of a representative sampling of residents, families of

23  residents, ombudsman council members in the district in which

24  the facility is located, guardians of residents, and staff of

25  the nursing home facility.

26         (d)(f)  The current licensure status rating of each

27  facility must be indicated in bold print on the face of the

28  license.  A list of the deficiencies of the facility shall be

29  posted in a prominent place that is in clear and unobstructed

30  public view at or near the place where residents are being

31  admitted to that facility. Licensees receiving a conditional


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  1  licensure status rating for a facility shall prepare, within

  2  10 working days after receiving notice of deficiencies, a plan

  3  for correction of all deficiencies and shall submit the plan

  4  to the agency for approval. Correction of all deficiencies,

  5  within the period approved by the agency, shall result in

  6  termination of the conditional licensure status rating.

  7  Failure to correct the deficiencies within a reasonable period

  8  approved by the agency shall be grounds for the imposition of

  9  sanctions pursuant to this part.

10         (e)(g)  Each licensee shall post its license in a

11  prominent place that is in clear and unobstructed public view

12  at or near the place where residents are being admitted to the

13  facility.  A licensee with a superior rating may advertise its

14  rating in any nonpermanent medium and in accordance with rules

15  adopted by the agency.  A list of the facilities receiving a

16  superior rating shall be distributed to the state and district

17  ombudsman councils.

18         (f)(h)  Not later than January 1, 1994, the agency

19  shall adopt rules that:

20         1.  Establish uniform procedures for the evaluation of

21  facilities.

22         2.  Provide criteria in the areas referenced in

23  paragraph (c).

24         3.  Address other areas necessary for carrying out the

25  intent of this section.

26         (i)  A license rated superior shall continue until it

27  is replaced by a rating based on a later survey.  A superior

28  rating may be revoked at any time for failure to maintain

29  substantial compliance with criteria established under this

30  part, with rules adopted by the agency, or, if applicable,

31  with rules adopted under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act


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  1  of 1987 (Pub. L. No. 100-203) (December 22, 1987), Title IV

  2  (Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Health-Related Programs),

  3  Subtitle C (Nursing Home Reform), as amended, or for failure

  4  to exceed the criteria specified for any area as listed in

  5  paragraph (c).

  6         (j)  A superior rating is not transferable to another

  7  license, except when an existing facility is being relicensed

  8  in the name of an entity related to the current licenseholder

  9  by common ownership or control and there will be no change in

10  the management, operation, or programs at the facility as a

11  result of the relicensure.

12         (7)(9)  The agency shall adopt rules to provide that,

13  when the criteria  established under subsection (2) are not

14  met, such deficiencies shall be classified according to the

15  nature of the deficiency.  The agency shall indicate the

16  classification on the face of the notice of deficiencies as

17  follows:

18         (a)  Class I deficiencies are those which the agency

19  determines present an imminent danger to the residents or

20  guests of the nursing home facility or a substantial

21  probability that death or serious physical harm would result

22  therefrom.  The condition or practice constituting a class I

23  violation shall be abated or eliminated immediately, unless a

24  fixed period of time, as determined by the agency, is required

25  for correction. Notwithstanding s. 400.121(2), a class I

26  deficiency is subject to a civil penalty in an amount not less

27  than $5,000 and not exceeding $10,000 for each and every

28  deficiency. A fine may be levied notwithstanding the

29  correction of the deficiency.

30         (b)  Class II deficiencies are those which the agency

31  determines have a direct or immediate relationship to the


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  1  health, safety, or security of the nursing home facility

  2  residents, other than class I deficiencies.  A class II

  3  deficiency is subject to a civil penalty in an amount not less

  4  than $1,000 and not exceeding $5,000 for each and every

  5  deficiency.  A citation for a class II deficiency shall

  6  specify the time within which the deficiency is required to be

  7  corrected.  If a class II deficiency is corrected within the

  8  time specified, no civil penalty shall be imposed, unless it

  9  is a repeated offense.

10         (c)  Class III deficiencies are those which the agency

11  determines to have an indirect or potential relationship to

12  the health, safety, or security of the nursing home facility

13  residents, other than class I or class II deficiencies.  A

14  class III deficiency shall be subject to a civil penalty of

15  not less than $500 and not exceeding $1,000 for each and every

16  deficiency.  A citation for a class III deficiency shall

17  specify the time within which the deficiency is required to be

18  corrected.  If a class III deficiency is corrected within the

19  time specified, no civil penalty shall be imposed, unless it

20  is a repeated offense.

21         (8)(10)  Civil penalties paid by any licensee under

22  subsection (7) (9) shall be deposited in the Health Care Trust

23  Fund and expended as provided in s. 400.063.

24         (13)  This section may not be used to increase the

25  total Medicaid funding paid as incentives for facilities

26  receiving a superior or standard rating.

27         400.232  Review and approval of plans; fees and

28  costs.--

29         (1)(11)  The agency shall approve or disapprove the

30  plans and specifications within 60 days after receipt of the

31  final plans and specifications.  The agency may be granted one


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  1  15-day extension for the review period, if the director of the

  2  agency so approves. If the agency fails to act within the

  3  specified time, it shall be deemed to have approved the plans

  4  and specifications. When the agency disapproves plans and

  5  specifications, it shall set forth in writing the reasons for

  6  disapproval.  Conferences and consultations may be provided as

  7  necessary.

  8         (2)(12)  The agency is authorized to charge an initial

  9  fee of $2,000 for review of plans and construction on all

10  projects, no part of which is refundable.  The agency may also

11  collect a fee, not to exceed 1 percent of the estimated

12  construction cost or the actual cost of review, whichever is

13  less, for the portion of the review which encompasses initial

14  review through the initial revised construction document

15  review.  The agency is further authorized to collect its

16  actual costs on all subsequent portions of the review and

17  construction inspections.  Initial fee payment shall accompany

18  the initial submission of plans and specifications.  Any

19  subsequent payment that is due is payable upon receipt of the

20  invoice from the agency. Notwithstanding any other provisions

21  of law to the contrary, all money received by the agency

22  pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be deemed to

23  be trust funds, to be held and applied solely for the

24  operations required under this section.

25         Section 13.  Section 400.235, Florida Statutes, is

26  created to read:

27         400.235  Nursing home quality and licensure status;

28  Gold Seal Program.--

29         (1)  To protect the health and welfare of persons

30  receiving care in nursing facilities, it is the intent of the

31  Legislature to develop a regulatory framework that promotes


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  1  the stability of the industry and facilitates the physical,

  2  social, and emotional well-being of nursing facility

  3  residents.

  4         (2)  The Legislature intends to develop an award and

  5  recognition program for nursing facilities that demonstrate

  6  excellence in long-term care over a sustained period.  This

  7  program shall be known as the Gold Seal Program.

  8         (3)  The Gold Seal Program shall be developed and

  9  implemented by the Governor's Panel on Excellence in Long-Term

10  Care which shall operate under the authority of the Executive

11  Office of the Governor.  The panel shall include:  two persons

12  appointed by the Agency for Health Care Administration, at

13  least one of whom is the Director for Medicaid; one person

14  appointed by the Secretary of Health; two persons appointed by

15  the Secretary of Elderly Affairs; the State Long-Term Care

16  Ombudsman or a designee; two persons representing the nursing

17  facility industry, one selected by the Florida Health Care

18  Association and one selected by the Florida Association of

19  Homes for the Aging; three persons appointed by the Governor,

20  including a consumer's advocate for senior citizens and two

21  persons with expertise in the field of quality management,

22  service delivery excellence, public sector accountability or

23  the like; and one person appointed by the Secretary of Elderly

24  Affairs from the University Consortium on Aging.

25         (4)  The panel may recommend methods and procedures for

26  nursing facility quality assurance, including peer review by

27  other facilities.  The agency may adopt rules to implement any

28  quality assurance methods or procedures the panel recommends.

29         (5)  The panel shall consider at least the following

30  resident-based quality indicator domains when evaluating a

31  facility for the Gold Seal Program:


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  1         (a)  Accidents.

  2         (b)  Behavioral/emotional patterns.

  3         (c)  Clinical management.

  4         (d)  Cognitive patterns.

  5         (e)  Elimination/continence.

  6         (f)  Infection control.

  7         (g)  Nutrition and eating.

  8         (h)  Physical functioning.

  9         (i)  Psychotropic drug use.

10         (j)  Quality of life.

11         (k)  Sensory functioning and communication.

12         (l)  Skin care.

13         (6)  Facilities must meet the following additional

14  criteria for recognition as a Gold Seal Program facility:

15         (a)  Had no class I or class II deficiencies within the

16  30 months preceding application for the program.

17         (b)  Evidence financial soundness and stability

18  according to standards adopted by the agency in administrative

19  rule.

20         (c)  Participate consistently in the required consumer

21  satisfaction process as prescribed by the agency, and

22  demonstrate that information is elicited from residents,

23  family members, and guardians about satisfaction with the

24  nursing facility, its environment, the services and care

25  provided, the staff's skills and interactions with residents,

26  attention to resident's needs, and the facility's efforts to

27  act on information gathered from the consumer satisfaction

28  measures.

29         (d)  Participate in a regular and ongoing program of

30  peer review by other licensed facilities that have been



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  1  without class I or class II deficiencies within the preceding

  2  year.

  3         (e)  Evidence the involvement of families and members

  4  of the community in the facility on a regular basis.

  5         (f)  Have a stable workforce, as evidenced by a

  6  relatively low rate of turnover among certified nursing

  7  assistants and registered nurses within the 30 months

  8  preceding application for the Gold Seal Program, and

  9  demonstrate a continuing effort to maintain a stable workforce

10  and to reduce turnover of registered nurses and certified

11  nursing assistants.

12         (g)  Evidence an outstanding record regarding the

13  number and types of complaints reported to the State Long-Term

14  Care Ombudsman Council within the 30 months preceding

15  application for the program.

16         (h)  Provide targeted inservice training provided to

17  meet training needs identified by internal or external quality

18  assurance efforts.

19         (i)  Evidence superior levels of clinical outcomes as

20  measured in the Minimum Data Set system of the federal Health

21  Care Financing Administration.


23  A facility assigned a conditional licensure status may not

24  qualify for consideration for the Gold Seal Program until

25  after it has had no class I or class II deficiencies within

26  the preceding 30 months and then has completed a subsequent

27  relicensure survey.

28         (7)  The agency, nursing facility industry

29  organizations, consumers, State Long-Term Care Ombudsman

30  Council, and members of the community may recommend to the

31  Governor facilities that meet the established criteria for


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  1  consideration for and award of the Gold Seal.  The panel shall

  2  review nominees and make a recommendation to the Governor for

  3  final approval and award.  The decision of the Governor is

  4  final and is not subject to appeal.

  5         (8)  The agency shall establish by rule the frequency

  6  of review for designation as a Gold Seal Program facility and

  7  under what circumstances a facility may be denied the

  8  privilege of using this designation.  The designation of a

  9  facility as a Gold Seal Program facility is not transferable

10  to another license, except when an existing facility is being

11  relicensed in the name of an entity related to the current

12  licenseholder by common ownership or control, and there will

13  be no change in the management, operation, or programs at the

14  facility as a result of the relicensure.

15         (9)(a)  Facilities awarded the Gold Seal may use the

16  designation in their advertising and marketing.

17         (b)  Upon approval by the United States Department of

18  Health and Human Services, the agency shall adopt a revised

19  schedule of survey and relicensure visits for Gold Seal

20  Program facilities.  Gold Seal Program facilities may be

21  surveyed for certification and relicensure every 2 years, so

22  long as they maintain the standards associated with retaining

23  the Gold Seal.

24         Section 14.  Panel on Medicaid reimbursement.--

25         (1)  There is created a panel on Medicaid reimbursement

26  to study the state's Medicaid reimbursement plan for nursing

27  home facilities and recommend changes to accomplish the

28  following goals:

29         (a)  Increase the rate of employee retention in

30  individual nursing home facilities and in the field of



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  1  long-term care, and ensure salary enhancements for staff who

  2  achieve targets of longevity with a nursing home facility.

  3         (b)  Create incentives for facilities to renovate and

  4  update existing physical plants, when practicable, instead of

  5  building new facilities.

  6         (c)  Create incentives for facilities to provide more

  7  direct-care staff and nurses.

  8         (2)  The panel shall be administratively attached to

  9  and supported by the Agency for Health Care Administration and

10  shall be composed of the following members: the Director for

11  Medicaid of the Agency for Health Care Administration and two

12  agency staff persons competent in the technical and policy

13  aspects of Medicaid reimbursement; one representative from the

14  Governor's Office of Planning and Budgeting; one

15  representative from the Florida Association of Homes for the

16  Aging; one representative from the Florida Health Care

17  Association; one representative from the Department of Elderly

18  Affairs, and one consumer representative appointed by the

19  secretary of that department; and a consumer's advocate for

20  senior citizens and two persons with expertise in the field of

21  quality management, financing, or public sector

22  accountability, appointed by the Governor.

23         (3)  The panel shall hold its first meeting by August

24  1, 1999, and shall report its preliminary findings and

25  recommendations to the Legislature no later than December 31,

26  1999, by submitting a copy of its report to the President of

27  the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and

28  the majority and minority offices of each chamber. The panel

29  shall report its final findings and recommendations to those

30  persons and offices no later than December 8, 2000. The panel



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  1  shall cease to exist and its operation shall terminate on

  2  January 1, 2001.

  3         Section 15.  Certified nursing assistant training.--The

  4  agency, in consultation with the Department of Health, the

  5  Department of Elderly Affairs, the Department of Labor and

  6  Employment Security, and the Department of Education shall

  7  conduct a one-time review of the performance of certified

  8  nursing assistant training programs.  The agency shall study

  9  and compare the types of training programs available,

10  considering at least the following:  admission criteria,

11  program requirements, graduation rates, job placement, and job

12  retention.  The agency shall identify incentives that could be

13  used to attract mature and capable individuals into these

14  training programs.  Such incentives must include a provision

15  that would require a certified nursing assistant to commit to

16  a minimum period of employment in a nursing facility licensed

17  under part II of chapter 400, Florida Statutes.

18         Section 16.  Section 400.29, Florida Statutes, is

19  repealed.

20         Section 17.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.


22            *****************************************

23                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises various provisions of part II of chapter 400,
25    F.S., relating to nursing home facilities.






