Senate Bill 2570

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 2570

    By Senator King

    8-1839-99                                               See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to veterans' affairs; creating

  3         the Florida State Veterans Cemetery Act;

  4         providing a short title; providing definitions;

  5         providing for creation of the Florida State

  6         Veterans Cemetery System; providing for

  7         administration of the system by the Department

  8         of Veterans' Affairs; providing specified

  9         powers of the department; creating a site

10         selection commission; providing for membership

11         of the commission; providing site selection

12         criteria; providing for application for federal

13         assistance; providing for funding of the

14         Florida State Veterans Cemetery System;

15         providing a contingent effective date.


17  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


19         Section 1.  (1)  Short title.--This act shall be known

20  as the "Florida State Veterans Cemetery System Act."

21         (2)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the

22  following terms shall have the following meanings:

23         (a)  "Cemetery system" or "system" means the Florida

24  State Veterans Cemetery System created by this act.

25         (b)  "Department" means the Department of Veterans

26  Affairs.

27         (c)  "Eligible veteran" includes any veteran or spouse

28  of a veteran eligible to be buried in a national cemetery,

29  according to 38 U.S.C. 2402.

30         (3)  Florida State Veterans Cemetery System; creation;

31  administration.--The Florida State Veterans Cemetery System is


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 2570
    8-1839-99                                               See HB

  1  created within the Department of Veterans Affairs.  The

  2  department shall administer the Florida State Veterans

  3  Cemetery System created by this act.  The department shall

  4  adopt rules consistent with the Administrative Procedure Act

  5  for purposes of administering the cemetery system.  The

  6  department is authorized and empowered to make and enter into

  7  any contract or agreement, with any person or agency, public

  8  or private, to lease, buy, acquire, construct, hold or dispose

  9  of real and personal property necessary to carry out the

10  objects and purposes of this act; however, no contract may be

11  entered into without specific authorization of the Legislature

12  for the project.  Lands shall be acquired by the department in

13  accordance with acquisition procedures for state lands

14  provided for in section 253.025, Florida Statutes.  The

15  department shall be responsible for any consultations,

16  surveys, and tests required by the State Cemetery Grant

17  Service of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

18         (4)  Site Selection Commission.--

19         (a)  Upon the request of the department, a site

20  selection commission shall be convened.  The selection

21  commission shall consist of nine members, comprised of the

22  following:

23         1.  The executive director of the department, or his or

24  her designee.

25         2.  One member selected by the Florida Veterans of

26  Foreign Wars.

27         3.  One member selected by the Florida Chapter of the

28  Disabled Veterans of America.

29         4.  One member selected by the Florida Chapter of the

30  Retired Officers Association.



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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 2570
    8-1839-99                                               See HB

  1         5.  The Adjutant General of the Florida National Guard,

  2  or his or her designee.

  3         6.  One member selected by the President of the Senate.

  4         7.  One member selected by the Speaker of the House of

  5  Representatives.

  6         8.  The Director of the Division of State Lands of the

  7  Department of Environmental Protection, or his or her

  8  designee.

  9         9.  One additional member, selected by the department,

10  who will serve as chair of the commission.

11         (b)  Members of the commission shall serve without

12  compensation but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement

13  for per diem travel expenses as provided in section 112.061,

14  Florida Statutes.

15         (c)  The site selection commission shall be charged

16  with the selection of sites for state veterans cemeteries

17  within the system.  Site selection shall be based on the

18  following criteria:

19         1.  Proximity to current active national or state

20  veterans cemeteries, if any.

21         2.  The number of eligible veterans in proximity of a

22  proposed site.

23         3.  The availability of state-owned land or land

24  donated to the state.

25         4.  The elevation of a proposed site.

26         (d)  Once a site or sites have been selected by the

27  commission, the commission shall be abolished.

28         (5)  Application for federal assistance.--

29         (a)  Once a site or sites have been selected, the

30  department shall submit an application for federal assistance

31  and any other applicable attachments to the State Cemetery


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 2570
    8-1839-99                                               See HB

  1  Grant Service of the United States Department of Veterans

  2  Affairs.

  3         (b)  The department shall perform all consultations,

  4  surveys, and tests needed to prepare the attachments required

  5  by the State Cemetery Grant Service of the United States

  6  Department of Veterans Affairs, which may include:

  7         1.  Environmental assessments.

  8         2.  Development of site and design concepts.

  9         3.  Consultation with the Division of Historical

10  Resources of the Department of State as the state agency in

11  charge of historic preservation.

12         4.  Needs assessments and site descriptions.

13         5.  Any other plans or assurances required by the State

14  Cemetery Grant Service of the United States Department of

15  Veterans Affairs.

16         (6)  Florida State Veterans Cemetery Trust Fund.--The

17  Florida State Veterans Cemetery Trust Fund, if created by law,

18  within the Department of Veterans' Affairs, shall receive

19  funds appropriated by the Legislature and contributions from

20  private entities or individuals for the purpose of planning,

21  construction, operation, and maintenance of the Florida State

22  Veterans Cemetery System.  The Department of Veterans' Affairs

23  shall be empowered to receive and accept gifts, grants, and

24  endowments in the name of the system, which gifts, grants, and

25  endowments are to be used for the benefit of the system.

26  Moneys in the fund which are not needed currently to meet the

27  obligations of the department in the exercise of its

28  responsibilities under this section shall be deposited with

29  the Treasurer to the credit of the fund and may be invested in

30  such manner as is provided for by statute.  Any balance in the

31  trust fund at the end of any fiscal year shall not revert to


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 2570
    8-1839-99                                               See HB

  1  the General Revenue Fund, but shall remain in the trust fund

  2  and shall be available for carrying out the purposes of this

  3  act.

  4         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999, if

  5  SB      or similar legislation is adopted in the same

  6  legislative session or an extension thereof.


  8            *****************************************

  9                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Creates the Florida State Veterans Cemetery Act.  Defines
11    terms for purposes of the act.  Creates and provides for
      the administration of the Florida State Veterans Cemetery
12    System.  Creates a site selection commission and provides
      for membership of the commission.  Provides site
13    selection criteria.  Provides for application for federal
      assistance.  Provides for funding of the Florida State
14    Veterans Cemetery System.

















