House Bill 0281

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 281

        By Representative Detert

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to election protests and

  3         contests; amending s. 102.166, F.S., relating

  4         to protests of election returns; revising

  5         provisions with respect to the timeframes for

  6         filing election protests and requests for

  7         manual recounts; eliminating protests of

  8         election returns in circuit court; amending s.

  9         102.167, F.S.; deleting the provision that

10         prescribes the form of the protest of election

11         returns to circuit judge, to conform; amending

12         s. 102.168, F.S., relating to election

13         contests; revising the timeframe for filing a

14         contest of election; specifying the grounds

15         authorized for contesting an election;

16         specifying conditions under which a statement

17         of the grounds of contest may not be rejected

18         or dismissed for want of form; providing for

19         service of the complaint upon the defendant and

20         any other person named therein and providing a

21         timeframe for filing an answer or response

22         thereto; specifying that the contestant is

23         entitled to an immediate hearing; authorizing

24         the circuit judge to fashion any orders

25         necessary to investigate, examine, or check

26         each allegation, prevent or correct any wrong,

27         and provide any relief appropriate under the

28         circumstances; creating s. 102.171, F.S.;

29         codifying that jurisdiction to hear a contest

30         of the election of a member to either house of

31         the Legislature is vested in the applicable


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  1         house in accordance with its rules; providing

  2         applicability to certain primary elections;

  3         providing an effective date.


  5  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  7         Section 1.  Section 102.166, Florida Statutes, is

  8  amended to read:

  9         102.166  Protest of election returns; procedure;

10  venue.--

11         (1)  Any candidate for nomination or election, or any

12  elector qualified to vote in the election related to such

13  candidacy, shall have the right to protest the returns of the

14  election as being erroneous by filing with the appropriate

15  canvassing board a sworn, written protest.

16         (2)  Such protest shall be filed with the canvassing

17  board prior to the time the canvassing board certifies the

18  results for the office being protested adjourns or within 5

19  days after midnight of the date the election is held,

20  whichever last occurs later.

21         (3)  Before canvassing the returns of the election, the

22  canvassing board shall:

23         (a)  When paper ballots are used, examine the

24  tabulation of the paper ballots cast.

25         (b)  When voting machines are used, examine the

26  counters on the machines of nonprinter machines or the

27  printer-pac on printer machines. If there is a discrepancy

28  between the returns and the counters of the machines or the

29  printer-pac, the counters of such machines or the printer-pac

30  shall be presumed correct.



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  1         (c)  When electronic or electromechanical equipment is

  2  used, the canvassing board shall examine precinct records and

  3  election returns. If there is a clerical error, such error

  4  shall be corrected by the county canvassing board. If there is

  5  a discrepancy which could affect the outcome of an election,

  6  the canvassing board may recount the ballots on the automatic

  7  tabulating equipment.

  8         (4)(a)  Any candidate whose name appeared on the

  9  ballot, any political committee that supports or opposes an

10  issue which appeared on the ballot, or any political party

11  whose candidates' names appeared on the ballot may file a

12  written request with the county canvassing board for a manual

13  recount. The written request shall contain a statement of the

14  reason the manual recount is being requested.

15         (b)  Such request must be filed with the canvassing

16  board prior to the time the canvassing board certifies the

17  results for the office being protested adjourns or within 72

18  hours after midnight of the date the election was held,

19  whichever occurs later.

20         (c)  The county canvassing board may authorize a manual

21  recount. If a manual recount is authorized, the county

22  canvassing board shall make a reasonable effort to notify each

23  candidate whose race is being recounted of the time and place

24  of such recount.

25         (d)  The manual recount must include at least three

26  precincts and at least 1 percent of the total votes cast for

27  such candidate or issue. In the event there are less than

28  three precincts involved in the election, all precincts shall

29  be counted. The person who requested the recount shall choose

30  three precincts to be recounted, and, if other precincts are



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  1  recounted, the county canvassing board shall select the

  2  additional precincts.

  3         (5)  If the manual recount indicates an error in the

  4  vote tabulation which could affect the outcome of the

  5  election, the county canvassing board shall:

  6         (a)  Correct the error and recount the remaining

  7  precincts with the vote tabulation system;

  8         (b)  Request the Department of State to verify the

  9  tabulation software; or

10         (c)  Manually recount all ballots.

11         (6)  Any manual recount shall be open to the public.

12         (7)  Procedures for a manual recount are as follows:

13         (a)  The county canvassing board shall appoint as many

14  counting teams of at least two electors as is necessary to

15  manually recount the ballots. A counting team must have, when

16  possible, members of at least two political parties. A

17  candidate involved in the race shall not be a member of the

18  counting team.

19         (b)  If a counting team is unable to determine a

20  voter's intent in casting a ballot, the ballot shall be

21  presented to the county canvassing board for it to determine

22  the voter's intent.

23         (8)  If the county canvassing board determines the need

24  to verify the tabulation software, the county canvassing board

25  shall request in writing that the Department of State verify

26  the software.

27         (9)  When the Department of State verifies such

28  software, the department shall:

29         (a)  Compare the software used to tabulate the votes

30  with the software filed with the Department of State pursuant

31  to s. 101.5607; and


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  1         (b)  Check the election parameters.

  2         (10)  The Department of State shall respond to the

  3  county canvassing board within 3 working days.

  4         (11)  Any candidate for nomination or election, or any

  5  elector qualified to vote in the election related to such

  6  candidacy, shall have the right to protest the returns of the

  7  election or the practices attendant thereto as being

  8  fraudulent by presenting to any circuit judge of the circuit

  9  wherein such fraud is alleged to have occurred a sworn,

10  written protest. If it is alleged that fraudulent returns or

11  practices exist in more than one county, venue for such

12  protest shall be in any such county wherein such fraud is

13  alleged to have occurred.

14         (a)  The protest shall be presented to a circuit judge

15  prior to the time the canvassing board adjourns or within 5

16  days after midnight of the date the election occurs, whichever

17  last occurs.

18         (b)  The circuit judge to whom the protest is presented

19  shall have authority to fashion such orders as he or she may

20  deem necessary to ensure that such allegation is investigated,

21  examined, or checked; to prevent or correct such fraud; or to

22  provide any relief appropriate under such circumstances. Any

23  candidate or elector presenting such a protest to a circuit

24  judge shall be entitled to an immediate hearing thereon or to

25  any appropriate relief.

26         Section 2.  Section 102.167, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         102.167  Form of protest of election returns.--

29         (1)  The form of the "Protest of Election Returns to

30  Canvassing Board" shall be as follows:



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  2                         CANVASSING BOARD


  4                                                   ...., Florida

  5                                                    ...., 19....

  6         As provided in Section 102.166(1), Florida Statutes, I,

  7  .... of .... County, Florida, believe the election returns

  8  from Precinct No. .... in the .... election 19.... are

  9  erroneous.

10         I hereby protest the canvass of such returns by the

11  .... Canvassing Board, and request that said returns be

12  investigated, examined, checked, and corrected by said

13  Canvassing Board.  The basis for this protest is .............

14  ..............................................................

15  ..............................................................

16  ..............................................................

17  ..............................................................

18  ..............................................................


20  Under penalties of perjury, I swear (or affirm) that I have

21  read the foregoing and that the facts alleged are true, to the

22  best of my knowledge and belief.


24         ...(Signature of person protesting election returns)...


26         (2)  The form of the "Protest of Election Returns to

27  Circuit Judge" shall be as follows:



30                          CIRCUIT JUDGE



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 281


  1                                                   ...., Florida

  2                                                    ...., 19....

  3         As provided in Section 102.166(2), Florida Statutes, I,

  4  .... of .... Florida, being a qualified elector in Precinct

  5  No. .... of .... County, Florida, believe the election returns

  6  from Precinct No. .... in the .... election of .... 19.... are

  7  fraudulent.

  8         I hereby protest against the canvass of such returns by

  9  the .... Canvassing Board, and request that said returns be

10  investigated, examined, checked, and corrected.  The basis for

11  this protest is ..............................................

12  ..............................................................

13  ..............................................................

14  ..............................................................

15  ..............................................................


17  Under penalties of perjury, I swear (or affirm) that I have

18  read the foregoing and that the facts alleged are true, to the

19  best of my knowledge and belief.


21         ...(Signature of person protesting election returns)...

22         Section 3.  Section 102.168, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         102.168  Contest of election.--

25         (1)  Except as provided in s. 102.171, the

26  certification of election or nomination of any person to

27  office, or of the result on any question submitted by

28  referendum, may be contested in the circuit court by any

29  unsuccessful candidate for such office or nomination thereto,

30  or by any taxpayer, respectively.



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  1         (2)  Such contestant shall file a complaint, together

  2  with the fees prescribed in chapter 28, with the clerk of the

  3  circuit court within 10 days after midnight of the date the

  4  last county canvassing board empowered to canvass the returns

  5  certifies the results of the election being contested or

  6  within 5 days after midnight of the date the last county

  7  canvassing board empowered to canvass the returns certifies

  8  the results of that particular election following a protest

  9  pursuant to s. 102.166(1), whichever occurs later. adjourns,

10  and

11         (3)  The complaint shall set forth the grounds on which

12  the contestant intends to establish his or her right to such

13  office or set aside the result of the election on a submitted

14  referendum. The grounds for contesting an election under this

15  section are:

16         (a)  Misconduct, fraud, or corruption on the part of

17  any election official or any member of the canvassing board

18  sufficient to change or place in doubt the result of the

19  election.

20         (b)  Ineligibility of the successful candidate for the

21  nomination or office in dispute at the time of the election.

22         (c)  Receipt of a number of illegal votes or rejection

23  of a number of legal votes sufficient to change or place in

24  doubt the result of the election.

25         (d)  Proof that any elector, election official, or

26  canvassing board member was given or offered a bribe or reward

27  in money, property, or any other thing of value for the

28  purpose of procuring the successful candidate's nomination or

29  election or determining the result on any question submitted

30  by referendum.



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  1         (e)  Any other cause or allegation which, if sustained,

  2  would show that a person other than the successful candidate

  3  was the person duly nominated or elected to the office in

  4  question or that the outcome of the election on a question

  5  submitted by referendum was contrary to the result declared by

  6  the canvassing board or election board.

  7         (4)  The canvassing board or election board shall be

  8  the proper party defendant, and the successful candidate shall

  9  be an indispensable party to any action brought to contest the

10  election or nomination of a candidate.

11         (5)  A statement of the grounds of contest may not be

12  rejected, nor the proceedings dismissed, by the court for any

13  want of form if the grounds of contest provided in the

14  statement are sufficient to clearly inform the defendant of

15  the particular proceeding or cause for which the nomination or

16  election is contested.

17         (6)  A copy of the complaint shall be served upon the

18  defendant and any other person named therein in the same

19  manner as in other civil cases under the laws of this state.

20  Within 10 days after the complaint has been served, the

21  defendant must file an answer admitting or denying the

22  allegations on which the contestant relies or stating that the

23  defendant has no knowledge or information concerning the

24  allegations, which shall be deemed a denial of the

25  allegations, and must state any other defenses, in law or

26  fact, on which the defendant relies. If an answer is not filed

27  within the time prescribed, the defendant may not be granted a

28  hearing in court to assert any claim or objection that is

29  required by this subsection to be stated in an answer.

30         (7)  Any candidate or elector presenting such a contest

31  to a circuit judge is entitled to an immediate hearing.


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  1  However, the court in its discretion may limit the time to be

  2  consumed in taking testimony, with a view therein to the

  3  circumstances of the matter and to the proximity of any

  4  succeeding primary or other election.

  5         (8)  The circuit judge to whom the contest is presented

  6  may fashion such orders as he or she deems necessary to ensure

  7  that each allegation in the complaint is investigated,

  8  examined, or checked, to prevent or correct any alleged wrong,

  9  and to provide any relief appropriate under such

10  circumstances.

11         Section 4.  Section 102.171, Florida Statutes, is

12  created to read:

13         102.171  Contest of election to Legislature.--The

14  jurisdiction to hear any contest of the election of a member

15  to either house of the Legislature is vested in the applicable

16  house, as each house, pursuant to s. 2, Art. III of the State

17  Constitution, is the sole judge of the qualifications,

18  elections, and returns of its members. Therefore, the

19  certification of election of any person to the office of

20  member of either house of the Legislature may only be

21  contested in the applicable house by an unsuccessful candidate

22  for such office, in accordance with the rules of that house.

23  This section does not apply to any contest of the nomination

24  of any person for the office of member of either house of the

25  Legislature at any primary or special primary election in

26  which only those qualified electors who are registered members

27  of the political party holding such primary election may vote,

28  but it does apply to the nomination of any person for such an

29  office at any primary or special primary election in which all

30  qualified electors, regardless of party affiliation, may vote

31  as provided for in s. 5(b), Art. VI of the State Constitution.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 281


  1         Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.


  3            *****************************************

  4                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises provisions with respect to the timeframes for
  6    filing election protests and requests for manual
      recounts. Eliminates protests of election returns in
  7    circuit court, and deletes the provision prescribing the
      form of the protest of election returns to circuit judge,
  8    to conform. Revises the timeframe for filing a contest of
      election. Specifies the grounds authorized for contesting
  9    an election, and specifies conditions under which a
      statement of the grounds of contest may not be rejected
10    or dismissed for want of form. Provides for service of
      the complaint upon the defendant and any other person
11    named therein, and provides a timeframe for filing an
      answer or response thereto. Specifies that the contestant
12    is entitled to an immediate hearing, and authorizes the
      circuit judge to fashion any orders necessary to
13    investigate, examine, or check each allegation, prevent
      or correct any wrong, and provide any relief appropriate
14    under the circumstances. Codifies that jurisdiction to
      hear a contest of the election of a member to either
15    house of the Legislature is vested in the applicable
      house in accordance with its rules, and provides
16    applicability to certain primary elections. See bill for














