House Bill 0287e1

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                                        CS/HB 287, First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to pharmacy practice; providing

  3         a short title; amending s. 465.003, F.S.;

  4         defining the term "data communication device";

  5         revising the definition of the term "practice

  6         of the profession of pharmacy"; amending s.

  7         465.015, F.S.; providing penalties for

  8         unauthorized use of pharmacy records when

  9         transmitted through a data communication

10         device; conforming cross-references; amending

11         ss. 465.014, 465.0196, 468.812; amending s.

12         465.016, F.S.; authorizing the redispensing of

13         unused or returned unit-dose medication by

14         correctional facilities under certain

15         conditions; providing that using or releasing a

16         patient's records except as authorized by

17         chapter 455 or chapter 465, F.S., constitutes a

18         ground for disciplinary action against a

19         pharmacist, for which there are penalties;

20         amending s. 465.017, F.S.; providing additional

21         persons to whom and entities to which records

22         relating to the filling of prescriptions and

23         the dispensing of medicinal drugs that are

24         maintained by a pharmacy may be furnished;

25         specifying authorized uses of patient records

26         by pharmacy owners; providing restrictions on

27         such records when transmitted through a data

28         communication device; clarifying the use of

29         records for research; restricting the use of

30         records for compliance services; amending ss.

31         465.014, 465.015, 465.0196, 468.812, and


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  1         499.003, F.S.; correcting cross references, to

  2         conform; amending s. 499.012, F.S.; redefining

  3         the term "wholesale distribution," relating to

  4         the distribution of prescription drugs, to

  5         provide for the exclusion of certain

  6         activities; providing effective dates.


  8  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


10         Section 1.  This act may be cited as the "Pharmacy

11  Patient Privacy Act of 1999."

12         Section 2.  Subsection (12) of section 465.003, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended, subsections (4) through (14) of said

14  section are renumbered as subsections (5) through (15),

15  respectively, and a new subsection (4) is added to said

16  section, to read:

17         465.003  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the

18  term:

19         (4)  "Data communication device" means an electronic

20  device that receives electronic information from one source

21  and transmits or routes it to another, including, but not

22  limited to, any such bridge, router, switch, or gateway.

23         (13)(12)  "Practice of the profession of pharmacy"

24  includes compounding, dispensing, and consulting concerning

25  contents, therapeutic values, and uses of any medicinal drug;

26  and consulting concerning therapeutic values and interactions

27  of patent or proprietary preparations, whether pursuant to

28  prescriptions or in the absence and entirely independent of

29  such prescriptions or orders; and other pharmaceutical

30  services. For purposes of this subsection, "other

31  pharmaceutical services" means the monitoring of the patient's


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  1  drug therapy and assisting the patient in the management of

  2  his or her drug therapy, and includes review of the patient's

  3  drug therapy and communication with the patient's prescribing

  4  health care provider as licensed under chapter 458, chapter

  5  459, chapter 461, or chapter 466, or similar statutory

  6  provision in another jurisdiction, or such provider's agent or

  7  such other persons as specifically authorized by the patient,

  8  regarding the drug therapy. However, nothing in this

  9  subsection may be interpreted to permit an alteration of a

10  prescriber's directions, the diagnosis or treatment of any

11  disease, the initiation of any drug therapy, the practice of

12  medicine, or the practice of osteopathic medicine, unless

13  otherwise permitted by law. "Practice of the profession of

14  pharmacy" The phrase also includes any other act, service,

15  operation, research, or transaction incidental to, or forming

16  a part of, any of the foregoing acts, requiring, involving, or

17  employing the science or art of any branch of the

18  pharmaceutical profession, study, or training, and shall

19  expressly permit a pharmacist to transmit information from

20  persons authorized to prescribe medicinal drugs to their

21  patients.

22         Section 3.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

23  465.015, Florida Statutes, is amended, and a new subsection

24  (4) is added to that section and present subsection (4) of

25  that section is amended and renumbered as subsection (5), to

26  read:

27         465.015 Violations and penalties.--

28         (2)  It is unlawful for any person:

29         (c)  To sell or dispense drugs as defined in s.

30  465.003(8)(7) without first being furnished with a

31  prescription.


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  1         (4)  It is unlawful for records maintained by a

  2  pharmacy relating to the filling of prescriptions and the

  3  dispensing of medicinal drugs, if transmitted through a data

  4  communication device not under the control or ownership of a

  5  pharmacy or affiliated company or not directly between a

  6  pharmacy and a treating practitioner, to be accessed, used, or

  7  maintained by the operator or owner of the data communication

  8  device unless specifically authorized by s. 465.017.

  9         (5)(4)  Any person who violates any provision of

10  subsection (1), or subsection (3), or subsection (4) is guilty

11  of a misdemeanor or the first degree, punishable as provided

12  in s. 775.082, or s. 775.083. Any person who violates any

13  provision of subsection (2) is guilty of a felony of the third

14  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or

15  s. 775.084. In any warrant, information, or indictment, it

16  shall not be necessary to negative any exceptions, and the

17  burden of any exception shall be upon the defendant.

18         Section 4.  Effective upon this act becoming a law,

19  paragraph (l) of subsection (1) of section 465.016, Florida

20  Statutes, is amended to read:

21         465.016  Disciplinary actions.--

22         (1)  The following acts shall be grounds for

23  disciplinary action set forth in this section:

24         (l)  Placing in the stock of any pharmacy any part of

25  any prescription compounded or dispensed which is returned by

26  a patient; however, in a hospital, nursing home, correctional

27  facility, or extended care facility in which unit-dose

28  medication is dispensed to inpatients, each dose being

29  individually sealed and the individual unit dose or unit-dose

30  system labeled with the name of the drug, dosage strength,

31  manufacturer's control number, and expiration date, if any,


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  1  the unused unit dose of medication may be returned to the

  2  pharmacy for redispensing.  Each pharmacist shall maintain

  3  appropriate records for any unused or returned medicinal

  4  drugs.

  5         Section 5.  Paragraph (q) is added to subsection (1) of

  6  section 465.016, Florida Statutes, to read:

  7         465.016  Disciplinary actions.--

  8         (1)  The following acts shall be grounds for

  9  disciplinary action set forth in this section:

10         (q)  Using or releasing a patient's records except as

11  authorized by this chapter and chapter 455.

12         Section 6.  Subsection (2) of section 465.017, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended and new subsections (3) and (4) of said

14  section are added to read:

15         465.017  Authority to inspect.--

16         (2)  Except as permitted by this chapter, and chapters

17  406, 409, 455, 499, and 893, records maintained by in a

18  pharmacy relating to the filling of prescriptions and the

19  dispensing of medicinal drugs shall not be furnished, except

20  upon the written authorization of the patient, to any person

21  other than to the patient for whom the drugs were dispensed,

22  or her or his legal representative, or to the department

23  pursuant to existing law, or, in the event that the patient is

24  incapacitated or unable to request such said records, her or

25  his spouse; to the department pursuant to law; to health care

26  practitioners and pharmacists consulting with or dispensing to

27  the patient, including physicians who are part of independent

28  practice associations, physician hospital organizations, or

29  other such organized provider groups; or to insurance carriers

30  or other payors authorized by the patient to receive such

31  records. For purposes of this section, the pharmacy


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  1  permitholder shall be considered the custodian of records

  2  maintained in a pharmacy. The pharmacy owner may use such

  3  records in the aggregate without patient identification data,

  4  regardless of where such records are held, for purposes

  5  reasonably related to the business and practice of pharmacy

  6  except upon the written authorization of such patient.  Such

  7  records may be furnished in any civil or criminal proceeding,

  8  upon the issuance of a subpoena from a court of competent

  9  jurisdiction and proper notice to the patient or her or his

10  legal representative by the party seeking such records.  Such

11  records or any part thereof, if transmitted through a data

12  communication device not under the control or ownership of a

13  pharmacy or affiliated company or not directly between a

14  pharmacy and a treating practitioner, may not be accessed,

15  used, or maintained by the operator or owner of the data

16  communication device unless specifically authorized by this

17  section.  It is the intent of this subsection to allow the use

18  and sharing of such records to improve patient care, provided

19  the pharmacist acts in the best interests of her or his

20  patient.  Nothing in this subsection may be construed to

21  authorize or expand solicitation or marketing to patients or

22  potential patients in any manner not otherwise specifically

23  authorized by law.

24         (3)  Nothing in subsection (2) may be construed to

25  prohibit a pharmacy permit holder from providing to a

26  researcher records maintained by the pharmacy relating to the

27  filling of prescriptions and the dispensing of medicinal drugs

28  on behalf a patient who is a participant in a research project

29  or clinical investigation supervised by an institutional

30  review board, consistent with the informed consent

31  requirements of 21 CFR 50 and 45 CFR 56.


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  1         (4)  Nothing in subsection (2) may be construed to

  2  prohibit a pharmacy permit holder from providing records

  3  maintained by the pharmacy relating to the filling of

  4  prescriptions and the dispensing of medicinal drugs to

  5  entities performing compliance services, provided that the

  6  patients are given the opportunity to either enroll or

  7  disenroll from the compliance service program. For purposes of

  8  this subsection, compliance service programs do not include

  9  direct marketing of any pharmaceutical product to the patients

10  involved in the program.

11         Section 7.  Section 465.014, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         465.014  Pharmacy technician.--No person other than a

14  licensed pharmacist or pharmacy intern may engage in the

15  practice of the profession of pharmacy, except that a licensed

16  pharmacist may delegate to nonlicensed pharmacy technicians

17  those duties, tasks, and functions which do not fall within

18  the purview of s. 465.003(13)(12).  All such delegated acts

19  shall be performed under the direct supervision of a licensed

20  pharmacist who shall be responsible for all such acts

21  performed by persons under his or her supervision.  A pharmacy

22  technician, under the supervision of a pharmacist, may

23  initiate or receive communications with a practitioner or his

24  or her agent, on behalf of a patient, regarding refill

25  authorization requests.  No licensed pharmacist shall

26  supervise more than one pharmacy technician unless otherwise

27  permitted by the guidelines adopted by the board. The board

28  shall establish guidelines to be followed by licensees or

29  permittees in determining the circumstances under which a

30  licensed pharmacist may supervise more than one but not more

31  than three pharmacy technicians.


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  1         Section 8.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

  2  465.015, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         465.015  Violations and penalties.--

  4         (2)  It is unlawful for any person:

  5         (c)  To sell or dispense drugs as defined in s.

  6  465.003(8)(7) without first being furnished with a

  7  prescription.

  8         Section 9.  Section 465.0196, Florida Statutes, is

  9  amended to read:

10         465.0196  Special pharmacy permits.--Any person

11  desiring a permit to operate a pharmacy which does not fall

12  within the definitions set forth in s. 465.003(11)(10)(a)1.,

13  2., and 3. shall apply to the department for a special

14  pharmacy permit.  If the board certifies that the application

15  complies with the applicable laws and rules of the board

16  governing the practice of the profession of pharmacy, the

17  department shall issue the permit.  No permit shall be issued

18  unless a licensed pharmacist is designated to undertake the

19  professional supervision of the compounding and dispensing of

20  all drugs dispensed by the pharmacy.  The licensed pharmacist

21  shall be responsible for maintaining all drug records and for

22  providing for the security of the area in the facility in

23  which the compounding, storing, and dispensing of medicinal

24  drugs occurs.  The permittee shall notify the department

25  within 10 days of any change of the licensed pharmacist

26  responsible for such duties.

27         Section 10.  Subsection (3) of section 468.812, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         468.812  Exemptions from licensure.--

30         (3)  The provisions of this act relating to orthotics

31  or pedorthics do not apply to any licensed pharmacist or to


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  1  any person acting under the supervision of a licensed

  2  pharmacist.  The practice of orthotics or pedorthics by a

  3  pharmacist or any of the pharmacist's employees acting under

  4  the supervision of a pharmacist shall be construed to be

  5  within the meaning of the term "practice of the profession of

  6  pharmacy" as set forth in s. 465.003(13)(12), and shall be

  7  subject to regulation in the same manner as any other pharmacy

  8  practice.  The Board of Pharmacy shall develop rules regarding

  9  the practice of orthotics and pedorthics by a pharmacist.  Any

10  pharmacist or person under the supervision of a pharmacist

11  engaged in the practice of orthotics or pedorthics shall not

12  be precluded from continuing that practice pending adoption of

13  these rules.

14         Section 11.  Subsection (19) of section 499.003,

15  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

16         499.003  Definitions of terms used in ss.

17  499.001-499.081.--As used in ss. 499.001-499.081, the term:

18         (19)  "Legend drug," "prescription drug," or "medicinal

19  drug" means any drug, including, but not limited to, finished

20  dosage forms, or active ingredients subject to, defined by, or

21  described by s. 503(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic

22  Act or s. 465.003(8)(7), s. 499.007(12), or s. 499.0122(1)(b)

23  or (c).

24         Section 12.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and

25  subsection (5) of section 499.012, Florida Statutes, 1998

26  Supplement, are amended to read:

27         499.012  Wholesale distribution; definitions; permits;

28  general requirements.--

29         (1)  As used in this section, the term:




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  1         (a)  "Wholesale distribution" means distribution of

  2  prescription drugs to persons other than a consumer or

  3  patient, but does not include:

  4         1.  Any of the following activities, which is not a

  5  violation of s. 499.005(21) if such activity is conducted in

  6  accordance with s. 499.014:

  7         a.  The purchase or other acquisition by a hospital or

  8  other health care entity that is a member of a group

  9  purchasing organization of a prescription drug for its own use

10  from the group purchasing organization or from other hospitals

11  or health care entities that are members of that organization.

12         b.  The sale, purchase, or trade of a prescription drug

13  or an offer to sell, purchase, or trade a prescription drug by

14  a charitable organization described in s. 501(c)(3) of the

15  Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and revised, to a

16  nonprofit affiliate of the organization to the extent

17  otherwise permitted by law.

18         c.  The sale, purchase, or trade of a prescription drug

19  or an offer to sell, purchase, or trade a prescription drug

20  among hospitals or other health care entities that are under

21  common control. For purposes of this section, "common control"

22  means the power to direct or cause the direction of the

23  management and policies of a person or an organization,

24  whether by ownership of stock, by voting rights, by contract,

25  or otherwise.

26         d.  The sale, purchase, trade, or other transfer of a

27  prescription drug from or for any federal, state, or local

28  government agency or any entity eligible to purchase

29  prescription drugs at public health services prices pursuant

30  to s. 602 of Pub. L. No. 102-585 to a contract provider or its



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  1  subcontractor for eligible patients of the agency or entity

  2  under the following conditions:

  3         (I)  The agency or entity must obtain written

  4  authorization for the sale, purchase, trade, or other transfer

  5  of a prescription drug under this sub-subparagraph from the

  6  Secretary of Health or his or her designee.

  7         (II)  The contract provider or subcontractor must be

  8  authorized by law to administer or dispense prescription

  9  drugs.

10         (III)  In the case of a subcontractor, the agency or

11  entity must be a party to and execute the subcontract.

12         (IV)  A contract provider or subcontractor must

13  maintain separate and apart from other prescription drug

14  inventory any prescription drugs of the agency or entity in

15  its possession.

16         (V)  The contract provider and subcontractor must

17  maintain and produce immediately for inspection all records of

18  movement or transfer of all the prescription drugs belonging

19  to the agency or entity, including, but not limited to, the

20  records of receipt and disposition of prescription drugs. Each

21  contractor and subcontractor dispensing or administering these

22  drugs must maintain and produce records documenting the

23  dispensing or administration. Records that are required to be

24  maintained include, but are not limited to, a perpetual

25  inventory itemizing drugs received and drugs dispensed by

26  prescription number or administered by patient identifier,

27  which must be submitted to the agency or entity quarterly.

28         (VI)  The contract provider or subcontractor may

29  administer or dispense the prescription drugs only to the

30  eligible patients of the agency or entity or must return the

31  prescription drugs for or to the agency or entity.  The


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  1  contract provider or subcontractor must require proof from

  2  each person seeking to fill a prescription or obtain treatment

  3  that the person is an eligible patient of the agency or entity

  4  and must, at a minimum, maintain a copy of this proof as part

  5  of the records of the contractor or subcontractor required

  6  under sub-sub-subparagraph (V).

  7         (VII)  The prescription drugs transferred pursuant to

  8  this sub-subparagraph may not be billed to Medicaid.

  9         (VIII)  In addition to the departmental inspection

10  authority set forth in s. 499.051, the establishment of the

11  contract provider and subcontractor and all records pertaining

12  to prescription drugs subject to this sub-subparagraph shall

13  be subject to inspection by the agency or entity.  All records

14  relating to prescription drugs of a manufacturer under this

15  sub-subparagraph shall be subject to audit by the manufacturer

16  of those drugs, without identifying individual patient

17  information.

18         2.  Any of the following activities, which is not a

19  violation of s. 499.005(21) if such activity is conducted in

20  accordance with rules established by the department:

21         a.  The sale, purchase, or trade of a prescription drug

22  among federal, state, or local government health care entities

23  that are under common control and are authorized to purchase

24  such prescription drug.

25         b.  The sale, purchase, or trade of a prescription drug

26  or an offer to sell, purchase, or trade a prescription drug

27  for emergency medical reasons.; For purposes of this

28  sub-subparagraph subparagraph, the term "emergency medical

29  reasons" includes transfers of prescription drugs by a retail

30  pharmacy to another retail pharmacy to alleviate a temporary

31  shortage.


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  1         c.  The transfer purchase or acquisition of a

  2  prescription drug acquired by a medical director on behalf of

  3  a licensed an emergency medical services provider to that

  4  medical director for use by emergency medical services

  5  provider and its transport vehicles for use in accordance with

  6  the provider's license under providers acting within the scope

  7  of their professional practice pursuant to chapter 401.

  8         d.  The revocation of a sale or the return of a

  9  prescription drug to the person's prescription drug wholesale

10  supplier.

11         e.  The donation of a prescription drug by a health

12  care entity to a charitable organization that has been granted

13  an exemption under s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code

14  of 1986, as amended, and that is authorized to possess

15  prescription drugs.

16         f.  The transfer of a prescription drug by a person

17  authorized to purchase or receive prescription drugs to a

18  person licensed or permitted to handle reverse distributions

19  or destruction under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the

20  person handling the reverse distribution or destruction

21  receives the drug.

22         3.  The dispensing of a prescription drug pursuant to a

23  prescription;

24         3.4.  The distribution of prescription drug samples by

25  manufacturers' representatives or distributors'

26  representatives conducted in accordance with s. 499.028.; or

27         4.5.  The sale, purchase, or trade of blood and blood

28  components intended for transfusion. As used in this

29  subparagraph section, the term "blood" means whole blood

30  collected from a single donor and processed either for

31  transfusion or further manufacturing, and the term "blood


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  1  components" means that part of the blood separated by physical

  2  or mechanical means.

  3         5.  The lawful dispensing of a prescription drug in

  4  accordance with chapter 465.

  5         (5)  The department may adopt rules governing the

  6  recordkeeping, storage, and handling with respect to each of

  7  the distributions of prescription drugs specified in

  8  subparagraphs (1)(a)1.-4.1., 2., 4., and 5.

  9         Section 13.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

10  act shall take effect July 1, 1999.





















