CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Bill No. HB 289
Amendment No.
Senate House
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11 Senator Burt moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 3, between lines 24 and 25,
16 insert:
18 (a) Any county may levy a discretionary sales surtax
19 of .05 percent or 1 percent pursuant to an ordinance approved
20 by an extraordinary vote of the county governing authority or
21 approved by a majority vote of the county governing authority
22 and conditioned to take effect upon approval by a majority
23 vote of the electors of the county voting in a referendum. As
24 used in this subsection, the term "local law enforcement
25 agency" means a Sheriff's Office or any municipal police
26 department that possesses law enforcement responsibilities and
27 which has jurisdictional boundaries that are totally within a
28 single county.
29 (b) The proceeds and interest of the surtax may be
30 used for the operation, equipment, administration, and
31 maintenance of the local law enforcement agencies specified in
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Bill No. HB 289
Amendment No.
1 the ordinance approved by the county governing authority.
2 (c) A municipality within the county that operates a
3 municipal police department or contracts with another local
4 law enforcement agency for such services may receive a portion
5 of the proceeds of the surtax, if the governing body of the
6 municipality approves a resolution in support of the county
7 ordinance and which requests to receive a portion of the
8 surtax proceeds. The resolution must be approved and
9 transmitted to the county governing authority prior to any
10 referendum, but no later than 30 days after the county surtax
11 ordinance is approved. If the surtax requires approval in a
12 referendum, the governing body of the municipality must
13 approve the resolution by a simple majority. If the surtax is
14 approved solely by an extraordinary majority of the county
15 governing authority, the governing body of the municipality
16 must approve the resolution by an extraordinary majority. The
17 proceeds and interest from the surtax shall be distributed as
18 provided in s. 212.055(e)2.
19 (d) If the ordinance is conditioned upon a referendum,
20 the proposal to adopt the local law enforcement surtax shall
21 be placed on the ballot in accordance with law at a time to be
22 set at the discretion of the county governing authority. The
23 referendum question on the ballot shall include a brief and
24 general description of the local law enforcement services to
25 be funded by the surtax and the statement must conform to the
26 requirements of s. 101.161 and be placed on the ballot by the
27 county governing authority. The following question shall be
28 placed on the ballot:
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Bill No. HB 289
Amendment No.
1 (e) Proceeds from the surtax shall be:
2 1. Deposited by the county in a special fund, set
3 aside from other county funds, to be used only for the
4 operation, equipment, administration, and maintenance of the
5 local law enforcement agencies specified by the ordinance.
6 2. If the proceeds are to be distributed to one or
7 more municipalities, the amount of the proceeds remitted to
8 each municipality shall be pursuant to s. 218.62(3), with the
9 remainder remitted to the Sheriff's Office of the county.
10 (f) The surtax may not be levied beyond the time
11 established in the ordinance, or, if the ordinance does not
12 limit the period of the levy, for more than 12 years. The levy
13 may be extended only by approval by an extraordinary majority
14 vote, of the county governing authority or by a majority of
15 the electors of the county voting in a referendum on the
16 surtax.
17 (g) Counties and municipalities may not use the surtax
18 proceeds to supplant or replace user fees or to reduce ad
19 valorem taxes necessary to maintain the level of local law
20 enforcement services existing prior to the levy of the surtax.
23 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
24 And the title is amended as follows:
25 On page 1, line 14, after the semicolon
27 insert:
28 providing for the levy of a local law
29 enforcement surtax; providing guidelines and
30 limitations on the levy of the surtax and on
31 the use of proceeds;
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