House Bill 0297

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 297

        By Representative Villalobos

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to empowerment zones; creating

  3         s. 290.0501, F.S.; creating the "Florida

  4         Empowerment Zone Act"; providing definitions

  5         and intent; providing for program

  6         administration by the Department of Community

  7         Affairs; providing for annual funding;

  8         providing requirements for eligibility;

  9         providing for powers of the department to

10         implement the program; providing an

11         appropriation; providing an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Section 290.0501, Florida Statutes, is

16  created to read:

17         290.0501  Florida Empowerment Zone Program.--

18         (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the

19  "Florida Empowerment Zone Act."

20         (2)  DEFINITIONS.--For purposes of this section:

21         (a)  "Department" means the Department of Community

22  Affairs.

23         (b)  "Federal Empowerment Zone Program" means the

24  empowerment zone program passed by the United States Congress

25  and codified at 29 U.S.C. s. 1391 et seq.

26         (c)  "Nominated area" means an area nominated for

27  participation in the Federal Empowerment Zone Program.

28         (3)  LEGISLATIVE INTENT.--The Legislature recognizes

29  that it is in the best interest of the citizens of this state

30  that the state create economic opportunity in poverty-stricken

31  areas and rebuild such areas by empowering the people and


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 297


  1  communities within these areas to create jobs and

  2  opportunities. The United States Congress, in 1997, provided

  3  that an additional 20 areas may be designated as federal

  4  empowerment zones by January 1, 1999, and, as such, be

  5  eligible for federal funding and under the Federal Empowerment

  6  Zone Program. The Legislature seeks to promote Florida local

  7  governments in submitting the strongest possible proposals

  8  under the Federal Empowerment Zone Program, by establishing a

  9  companion state empowerment zone program.

10         (4)  ADMINISTRATION.--There is hereby created an

11  economic development program to be known as the Florida

12  Empowerment Zone Program. The program shall operate for 10

13  years and, except as otherwise provided by law, shall be

14  administered by the Department of Community Affairs in

15  conjunction with the Federal Empowerment Zone Program.

16         (5)  FUNDING.--Beginning in fiscal year 1999-2000, the

17  Legislature shall appropriate funds on an annual basis for 10

18  years to implement this section. Such funds shall be

19  distributed by the department to any local government within

20  the state that has applied for and has been awarded the

21  federal empowerment zone designation pursuant to 26 U.S.C. s.

22  1391(g). Such funds shall be used for the benefit of the

23  nominated area and shall be contingent upon the local

24  government receiving federal matching funds under the Federal

25  Empowerment Zone Program and meeting the local match

26  requirements imposed by the federal program regulations.

27         (6)  GENERAL POWERS OF DEPARTMENT.--The department

28  shall have all the powers necessary or appropriate to carry

29  out the purposes and provisions of the program, including the

30  power to adopt and enforce rules not inconsistent with this

31  section for the administration of the program funds.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 297


  1         Section 2.  There is hereby appropriated from the

  2  General Revenue Fund to the Department of Community Affairs

  3  for fiscal year 1999-2000 the sum of $5 million to carry out

  4  the purposes of s. 290.0501, Florida Statutes, as created by

  5  this act.

  6         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1 of the

  7  year in which enacted.


  9            *****************************************

10                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the Florida Empowerment Zone Program, to be
12    administered by the Department of Community Affairs in
      conjunction with the Federal Empowerment Zone Program, to
13    provide funds to local governments for creation of
      economic opportunities in poverty-stricken areas of the
14    state. Provides for annual funding for a 10-year period.
      Provides an appropriation for fiscal year 1999-2000.
















