CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 312, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senators Scott and Rossin moved the following amendment to

12  amendment (661825):


14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

15         On page 1, line 17, through

16            page 3, line 10, delete those lines


18  insert:

19         Section 1.  Paragraphs (e) and (f) of subsection (1) of

20  section 626.321, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, are

21  amended to read:

22         626.321  Limited licenses.--

23         (1)  The department shall issue to a qualified

24  individual, or a qualified individual or entity under

25  paragraphs (c), (d), and (e), a license as agent authorized to

26  transact a limited class of business in any of the following

27  categories:

28         (e)  Credit life or disability insurance.--License

29  covering only credit life or disability insurance.  The

30  license may be issued only to an individual employed by a life

31  or health insurer as an officer or other salaried or

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 1  commissioned representative, or to an individual employed by

 2  or associated with a lending or financing institution or

 3  creditor, and may authorize the sale of such insurance only

 4  with respect to borrowers or debtors of such lending or

 5  financing institution or creditor.  However, only the

 6  individual or entity whose tax identification number is used

 7  in receiving or is credited with receiving the commission from

 8  the sale of such insurance shall be the licensed agent of the

 9  insurer.  No individual while so licensed shall hold a license

10  as an agent or solicitor as to any other or additional kind or

11  class of life or health insurance coverage.  An entity other

12  than a lending or financial institution defined in s. 626.988

13  holding a limited license under this paragraph shall also be

14  authorized to sell credit property insurance. An entity

15  applying for a license under this section:

16         1.  Is required to submit only one application for a

17  license under s. 626.171.

18         2.  Is required to obtain a license for each office,

19  branch office, or place of business making use of the entity's

20  business name by applying to the department for the license on

21  a simplified form developed by rule of the department for this

22  purpose.

23         3.  Is not required to pay any additional application

24  fees for a license issued to the offices or places of business

25  referenced in subsection (2), but is required to pay the

26  license fee as prescribed in s. 624.501, be appointed under s.

27  626.112, and pay the prescribed appointment fee under s.

28  624.501. The license obtained under this paragraph shall be

29  posted at the business location for which it was issued so as

30  to be readily visible to prospective purchasers of such

31  coverage.

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 312, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1         (f)  Credit insurance.--License covering only credit

 2  insurance, as such insurance is defined in s. 624.605(1)(i),

 3  and no individual or entity so licensed shall, during the same

 4  period, hold a license as an agent or solicitor as to any

 5  other or additional kind of life or health insurance with the

 6  exception of credit life or disability insurance as defined in

 7  paragraph (e). The same licensing provisions as outlined in

 8  paragraph (e) apply to entities licensed as credit insurance

 9  agents under this paragraph.

10         Section 2.  Subsection (1) of section 626.989, Florida

11  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

12         626.989  Division of Insurance Fraud; definition;

13  investigative, subpoena powers; protection from civil

14  liability; reports to division; division investigator's power

15  to execute warrants and make arrests.--

16         (1)  For the purposes of this section, a person commits

17  a "fraudulent insurance act" if the person knowingly and with

18  intent to defraud presents, causes to be presented, or

19  prepares with knowledge or belief that it will be presented,

20  to or by an insurer, self-insurer, self-insurance fund,

21  servicing corporation, purported insurer, broker, or any agent

22  thereof, any written statement as part of, or in support of,

23  an application for the issuance of, or the rating of, any

24  insurance policy, or a claim for payment or other benefit

25  pursuant to any insurance policy, which the person knows to

26  contain materially false information concerning any fact

27  material thereto or if the person conceals, for the purpose of

28  misleading another, information concerning any fact material

29  thereto. For the purposes of this section, the term "insurer"

30  also includes any health maintenance organization and the term

31  "insurance policy" also includes a health maintenance

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    Bill No. CS for SB 312, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  organization subscriber contract.

 2         Section 3.  Section 626.9892, Florida Statutes, is

 3  created to read:

 4         626.9892  Anti-Fraud Reward Program; reporting of

 5  insurance fraud.--

 6         (1)  The Anti-Fraud Reward Program is hereby

 7  established within the department, to be funded from the

 8  Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.

 9         (2)  The department may pay rewards of up to $25,000 to

10  persons providing information leading to the arrest and

11  conviction of persons committing complex or organized crimes

12  investigated by the Division of Insurance Fraud arising from

13  violations of s. 440.105, s. 624.15, s. 626.9541, s. 626.989,

14  or s. 817.234.

15         (3)  Only a single reward amount may be paid by the

16  department for claims arising out of the same transaction or

17  occurrence, regardless of the number of persons arrested and

18  convicted and the number of persons submitting claims for the

19  reward.  The reward may be disbursed among more than one

20  person in amounts determined by the department.

21         (4)  The department shall adopt rules which set forth

22  the application and approval process, including the criteria

23  against which claims shall be evaluated, the basis for

24  determining specific reward amounts, and the manner in which

25  rewards shall be disbursed. Applications for rewards

26  authorized by this section must be made pursuant to rules

27  established by the department.

28         (5)  Determinations by the department to grant or deny

29  a reward under this section shall not be considered agency

30  action subject to review under s. 120.569 or s. 120.57.

31         Section 4.  Section 641.3915, Florida Statutes, is

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 1  created to read:

 2         641.3915  Health maintenance organization anti-fraud

 3  plans and investigative units.--Each authorized health

 4  maintenance organization and applicant for a certificate of

 5  authority shall comply with the provisions of ss. 626.989 and

 6  626.9891 as though such organization or applicant were an

 7  authorized insurer. For purposes of this section, the

 8  reference to the year 1996 in s. 626.9891 means the year 2000

 9  and the reference to the year 1995 means the year 1999.

10         Section 5.  Paragraph (h) of subsection (2) of section

11  775.15, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

12         775.15  Time limitations.--

13         (2)  Except as otherwise provided in this section,

14  prosecutions for other offenses are subject to the following

15  periods of limitation:

16         (h)  A prosecution for a felony violation of s. 440.105

17  and s. 817.234 must be commenced within 5 years after the

18  violation is committed.

19         Section 6.  Subsections (1), (2), (3), (4), and (10) of

20  section 817.234, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, are

21  amended, and subsections (11) and (12) are added to said

22  section, to read:

23         817.234  False and fraudulent insurance claims.--

24         (1)(a)  A person commits insurance fraud punishable as

25  provided in subsection (11) if that Any person who, with the

26  intent to injure, defraud, or deceive any insurer:

27         1.  Presents or causes to be presented any written or

28  oral statement as part of, or in support of, a claim for

29  payment or other benefit pursuant to an insurance policy or a

30  health maintenance organization subscriber or provider

31  contract, knowing that such statement contains any false,

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    Bill No. CS for SB 312, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  incomplete, or misleading information concerning any fact or

 2  thing material to such claim;

 3         2.  Prepares or makes any written or oral statement

 4  that is intended to be presented to any insurer in connection

 5  with, or in support of, any claim for payment or other benefit

 6  pursuant to an insurance policy or a health maintenance

 7  organization subscriber or provider contract, knowing that

 8  such statement contains any false, incomplete, or misleading

 9  information concerning any fact or thing material to such

10  claim; or

11         3.a.  Knowingly presents, causes to be presented, or

12  prepares or makes with knowledge or belief that it will be

13  presented to any insurer, purported insurer, servicing

14  corporation, insurance broker, or insurance agent, or any

15  employee or agent thereof, any false, incomplete, or

16  misleading information or written or oral statement as part

17  of, or in support of, an application for the issuance of, or

18  the rating of, any insurance policy, or a health maintenance

19  organization subscriber or provider contract; or

20         b.  Who knowingly conceals information concerning any

21  fact material to such application,


23  commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided

24  in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

25         (b)  All claims and application forms shall contain a

26  statement that is approved by the Department of Insurance that

27  clearly states in substance the following: "Any person who

28  knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud, or deceive any

29  insurer files a statement of claim or an application

30  containing any false, incomplete, or misleading information is

31  guilty of a felony of the third degree."  This paragraph shall

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    Bill No. CS for SB 312, 2nd Eng.

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 1  not apply to reinsurance contracts, reinsurance agreements, or

 2  reinsurance claims transactions. The changes in this paragraph

 3  relating to applications shall take effect on March 1, 1996.

 4         (2)  Any physician licensed under chapter 458,

 5  osteopathic physician licensed under chapter 459, chiropractic

 6  physician licensed under chapter 460, or other practitioner

 7  licensed under the laws of this state who knowingly and

 8  willfully assists, conspires with, or urges any insured party

 9  to fraudulently violate any of the provisions of this section

10  or part XI of chapter 627, or any person who, due to such

11  assistance, conspiracy, or urging by said physician,

12  osteopathic physician, chiropractic physician, or

13  practitioner, knowingly and willfully benefits from the

14  proceeds derived from the use of such fraud, commits insurance

15  fraud is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as

16  provided in subsection (11) s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.

17  775.084. In the event that a physician, osteopathic physician,

18  chiropractic physician, or practitioner is adjudicated guilty

19  of a violation of this section, the Board of Medicine as set

20  forth in chapter 458, the Board of Osteopathic Medicine as set

21  forth in chapter 459, the Board of Chiropractic Medicine as

22  set forth in chapter 460, or other appropriate licensing

23  authority shall hold an administrative hearing to consider the

24  imposition of administrative sanctions as provided by law

25  against said physician, osteopathic physician, chiropractic

26  physician, or practitioner.

27         (3)  Any attorney who knowingly and willfully assists,

28  conspires with, or urges any claimant to fraudulently violate

29  any of the provisions of this section or part XI of chapter

30  627, or any person who, due to such assistance, conspiracy, or

31  urging on such attorney's part, knowingly and willfully

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    Bill No. CS for SB 312, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1  benefits from the proceeds derived from the use of such fraud,

 2  commits insurance fraud a felony of the third degree,

 3  punishable as provided in subsection (11) s. 775.082, s.

 4  775.083, or s. 775.084.

 5         (4)  Any No person or governmental unit licensed under

 6  chapter 395 to maintain or operate a hospital, and any no

 7  administrator or employee of any such hospital, who shall

 8  knowingly and willfully allows allow the use of the facilities

 9  of said hospital by an insured party in a scheme or conspiracy

10  to fraudulently violate any of the provisions of this section

11  or part XI of chapter 627.  Any hospital administrator or

12  employee who violates this subsection commits insurance fraud

13  a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in

14  subsection (11) s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.  Any

15  adjudication of guilt for a violation of this subsection, or

16  the use of business practices demonstrating a pattern

17  indicating that the spirit of the law set forth in this

18  section or part XI of chapter 627 is not being followed, shall

19  be grounds for suspension or revocation of the license to

20  operate the hospital or the imposition of an administrative

21  penalty of up to $5,000 by the licensing agency, as set forth

22  in chapter 395.

23         (10)  As used in this section, the term "insurer" means

24  any insurer, health maintenance organization, self-insurer,

25  self-insurance fund, or other similar entity or person

26  regulated under chapter 440 or chapter 641 or by the

27  Department of Insurance under the Florida Insurance Code.

28         (11)  If the value of any property involved in a

29  violation of this section:

30         (a)  Is less than $20,000, the offender commits a

31  felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.

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 1  775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

 2         (b)  Is $20,000 or more, but less than $100,000, the

 3  offender commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as

 4  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

 5         (c)  Is $100,000 or more, the offender commits a felony

 6  of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.

 7  775.083, or s. 775.084.

 8         (12)  As used in this section:

 9         (a)  "Property" means property as defined in s.

10  812.012.

11         (b)  "Value" means value as defined in s. 812.012.

12         Section 7.  Subsection (4) of section 817.505, Florida

13  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

14         817.505  Patient brokering prohibited; exceptions;

15  penalties.--

16         (4)  Any person, including an officer, partner, agent,

17  attorney, or other representative of a firm, joint venture,

18  partnership, business trust, syndicate, corporation, or other

19  business entity, who violates any provision of this section

20  commits:

21         (a)  A misdemeanor of the first degree for a first

22  violation, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or by a fine

23  not to exceed $5,000, or both.

24         (b)  a felony of the third degree for a second or

25  subsequent violation, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.

26  775.083, or s. 775.084 or by a fine not to exceed $10,000, or

27  both.

28         Section 8.  For the purpose of incorporating the

29  amendment to subsection (4) of section 817.505, Florida

30  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, in a reference thereto, subsection

31  (3) of section 455.657, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to

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 1  read:

 2         455.657  Kickbacks prohibited.--

 3         (3)  Violations of this section shall be considered

 4  patient brokering and shall be punishable as provided in s.

 5  817.505.

 6         Section 9.  The sum of $250,000 is hereby appropriated

 7  from the Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund in a

 8  nonoperating category for state fiscal year 1999-2000 for the

 9  purpose of implementing the reward program under s. 626.9892,

10  Florida Statutes, as created by this act.


12  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)



15  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

16  And the title is amended as follows:

17         On page 3, lines  19-31 delete those lines


19  and insert:

20         An act relating to insurance; amending s.

21         626.321, F.S.; providing requirements for

22         limited licenses for credit life or disability

23         insurance and credit insurance; amending s.

24         626.989, F.S.; defining the terms "insurer" and

25         "insurance policy" for purposes of determining

26         insurance fraud; creating s. 626.9892, F.S.;

27         establishing the Anti-Fraud Reward Program in

28         the department; providing for rewards under

29         certain circumstances; requiring the department

30         to adopt rules to implement the program;

31         exempting review of department decisions

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 312, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No.    

 1         relating to rewards; creating s. 641.3915,

 2         F.S.; requiring certain health maintenance

 3         organizations to comply with insurer anti-fraud

 4         requirements; providing construction; amending

 5         s. 775.15, F.S.; extending the statute of

 6         limitations for certain insurance fraud

 7         violations; amending s. 817.234, F.S.;

 8         specifying a schedule of criminal penalties for

 9         committing insurance fraud; providing

10         definitions; providing application to health

11         maintenance organizations and contracts;

12         amending s. 817.505, F.S.; revising a penalty

13         for patient brokering; reenacting s.

14         455.657(3), F.S., relating to kickbacks, to

15         incorporate changes; providing an

16         appropriation; amending
















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