Senate Bill 0350
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 1999 SB 350
By the Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to public employees; creating
3 s. 110.1315, F.S.; requiring that the
4 Department of Management Services contract with
5 a private vendor for an alternative retirement
6 program for temporary and seasonal state
7 employees; providing contract requirements;
8 providing for the use of unobligated payroll
9 contributions by state agencies; providing for
10 oversight of the program; requiring the private
11 vendor to indemnify the state and participating
12 employees from certain adverse tax
13 consequences; providing an effective date.
15 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17 Section 1. Section 110.1315, Florida Statutes, is
18 created to read:
19 110.1315 Alternative benefits; other-personal-services
20 employees.--The Department of Management Services shall
21 contract for the implementation of an alternative retirement
22 income security program for eligible part-time and seasonal
23 employees of the state which is funded from appropriations for
24 other personal services. The contract must provide for a
25 private vendor to administer the program and the program must
26 provide retirement benefits that are equivalent to or better
27 than the retirement benefits provided under federal law.
28 Subject to annual legislative appropriation, unobligated
29 employer payroll contributions may be retained by the
30 employing agency and used for performance or productivity
31 improvements in fulfilling its approved strategic plan or
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 1999 SB 350
1 performance budget, for supplemental contributions or
2 enhancements to the program, or for improvements to the agency
3 or its workforce which have been collectively bargained. The
4 department shall develop a request for proposals and solicit
5 qualified vendors to compete for the award of the contract.
6 The proposal may require that the vendor provide market risk
7 or volatility ratings from recognized rating agencies for each
8 of its investment products. The department shall provide for a
9 system of continuous quality assurance oversight to ensure
10 that program objectives are achieved and that the program is
11 prudently managed. The successful vendor shall indemnify the
12 state, its agencies, and participating employees from any
13 adverse tax consequences if the program is in violation of the
14 Social Security Act or the Internal Revenue Code.
15 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.
17 *****************************************
19 Requires the Department of Management Services to develop
a request for proposals and contract with a private
20 vendor for an alternative retirement program for
temporary and seasonal state employees. Requires that the
21 program benefits equal or exceed the benefits provided
under federal law. Provides requirements for oversight of
22 the retirement program. Requires that the private vendor
indemnify the state, its agencies, and participating
23 employees from adverse tax consequences if the program
violates federal law.