CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB's 366 & 382 and SB 708

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Cowin moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment 

14         On page 11, line 28, through

15            page 13, line 5, delete those lines


17  and insert:


19         (a)  School readiness coalitions.--

20         1.  Each school readiness coalition shall serve a

21  geographic area with a population of at least 20,000 children,

22  ages birth to 5 years. The partnership may grant an exemption

23  from this requirement if a proposal demonstrates that meeting

24  this requirement would constitute a hardship.

25         2.  Each coalition shall have not less than 16 nor more

26  than 30 members and such members must include the following:

27         a.  A Department of Children and Family Services

28  district administrator.

29         b.  A district superintendent of schools.

30         c.  A regional workforce development board chair or

31  director, where applicable.

    3:35 PM   02/27/99                              s0366c2b-11j01

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB's 366 & 382 and SB 708

    Amendment No.    

 1         d.  A county health department director or his or her

 2  designee.

 3         e.  A Children's Services Council or Juvenile Welfare

 4  Board chair or executive director, if applicable.

 5         f.  A child care licensing agency head.

 6         g.  Two members appointed by a Department of Children

 7  and Family Services district administrator.

 8         h.  Two members appointed by a board of county

 9  commissioners.

10         i.  Two members appointed by a district school board.

11         j.  A central child care agency administrator.

12         k.  A Head Start director.

13         l.  A representative of private child care providers.

14         m.  A representative of faith-based child care

15  providers.


17  These appointed members shall appoint not less than five nor

18  more than seven members from the private sector so that 30

19  percent of the coalition members are from the private sector.

20  None of the private sector representatives who constitute this

21  30 percent of coalition membership or their families may earn

22  an income from the early education and child care industry.

23         3.  No member of a coalition may appoint a designee to

24  act in his or her place. A member may send a representative to

25  coalition meetings, but that representative will have no

26  voting privileges.

27         4.  The school readiness coalition shall replace the

28  district interagency coordinating council required under s.

29  230.2305.



    3:35 PM   02/27/99                              s0366c2b-11j01