Senate Bill 0602

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 602

    By the Committee on Fiscal Policy


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act terminating specified trust funds and

  3         fund accounts within the State University

  4         System; providing for disposition of balances

  5         in and revenues of such trust funds and fund

  6         accounts; prescribing procedures for the

  7         termination of such trust funds and fund

  8         accounts; providing an effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  (1)  The following trust funds and fund

13  accounts within the State University System are terminated:

14         (a)  The Hurricane Andrew Recovery and Rebuilding Trust

15  Fund, FLAIR number 49-2-205.

16         (b)  The University of Florida, J. Hillis Miller Health

17  Center/Jacksonville Trust Fund, FLAIR number 49-2-768.

18         (c)  The University of Florida, Health Center Liability

19  Insurance Trust Fund, FLAIR number 49-2-444.

20         (d)  The University of South Florida Medical Center

21  Professional Medical Liability Self-Insurance Trust Fund,

22  FLAIR number 49-2-477.

23         (e)  The Hurricane Andrew Disaster Relief Trust Fund,

24  FLAIR number 49-2-200.

25         (f)  The University of Florida Institute of Food and

26  Agricultural Sciences Student Fee Trust Fund, FLAIR number

27  49-2-407. The current balance remaining in, and all revenues

28  of, the trust fund shall be transferred to the Education and

29  General Student and Other Fees Trust Fund.

30         (g)  The University of Florida Health Center Student

31  Fees Trust Fund, FLAIR number 49-2-409. The current balance


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 602

  1  remaining in, and all revenues of, the trust fund shall be

  2  transferred to the Education and General Student and Other

  3  Fees Trust Fund.

  4         (2)  Unless otherwise provided, all current balances

  5  remaining in, and all revenues of, the trust funds terminated

  6  by this act shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund.

  7         (3)  For each trust fund and fund account terminated by

  8  this act, the agency or branch that administers the trust fund

  9  or fund account shall pay any outstanding debts and

10  obligations of the terminated fund or account as soon as

11  practicable, and the Comptroller shall close out and remove

12  the terminated fund or account from the various state

13  accounting systems using generally accepted accounting

14  principles concerning warrants outstanding, assets, and

15  liabilities.

16         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.


18            *****************************************

19                          SENATE SUMMARY

20    Terminates various trust funds and fund accounts within
      the State University System.










