House Bill 0677

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 677

        By Representative Greenstein

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to emergency medical services;

  3         amending ss. 401.35 and 401.45, F.S.; providing

  4         for rules of the Department of Health

  5         authorizing emergency medical technicians and

  6         paramedics to honor information relating to a

  7         do-not-resuscitate order encoded on a patient's

  8         driver license or identification card; creating

  9         s. 401.50, F.S.; directing the Agency for

10         Health Care Administration and the Department

11         of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to develop

12         and implement a program to register

13         do-not-resuscitate orders as part of the driver

14         license and identification card process;

15         providing for encoding information on the

16         driver license or identification card;

17         providing for funding; providing for

18         maintenance of an electronic registry;

19         providing for rules; providing a funding

20         restriction; providing an effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Subsection (4) of section 401.35, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         401.35  Rules.--The department shall adopt rules

27  necessary to carry out the purposes of this part.

28         (4)  The rules must establish circumstances and

29  procedures under which emergency medical technicians and

30  paramedics may honor orders by the patient's physician not to

31  resuscitate or information relating to a do-not-resuscitate


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 677


  1  order encoded on a patient's driver license or identification

  2  card, and the documentation and reporting requirements for

  3  handling such requests.

  4         Section 2.  Subsection (3) of section 401.45, Florida

  5  Statutes, is amended to read:

  6         401.45  Denial of emergency treatment; civil

  7  liability.--

  8         (3)(a)  Resuscitation or life-prolonging techniques may

  9  be withheld or withdrawn from a patient by an emergency

10  medical technician or paramedic if evidence of an order not to

11  resuscitate by the patient's physician or a driver license or

12  identification card issued to the patient by the Department of

13  Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles and encoded with information

14  relating to a do-not-resuscitate order is presented to the

15  emergency medical technician or paramedic in a manner provided

16  by rule of the department.

17         (b)  Any licensee, physician, medical director, or

18  emergency medical technician or paramedic who acts under the

19  direction of a medical director is not subject to criminal

20  prosecution or civil liability, and has not engaged in

21  negligent or unprofessional conduct, as a result of the

22  withholding or withdrawal of resuscitation or life-prolonging

23  techniques from a patient pursuant to this subsection and

24  rules adopted by the department.

25         Section 3.  Section 401.50, Florida Statutes, is

26  created to read:

27         401.50  Do-not-resuscitate orders as part of driver

28  license or identification card process.--

29         (1)  The Agency for Health Care Administration and the

30  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall develop

31  and implement a program allowing persons to register


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 677


  1  do-not-resuscitate orders as a part of the process of issuing

  2  identification cards and issuing and renewing driver licenses.

  3  A registration card distributed by the Department of Highway

  4  Safety and Motor Vehicles shall include such information and

  5  documentation relating to the do-not-resuscitate order as may

  6  be deemed necessary by that department.  The Department of

  7  Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall also develop and

  8  implement a program to identify persons registering

  9  do-not-resuscitate orders, which program shall include

10  notations on identification cards, driver licenses, and driver

11  records or such other methods as the department may develop.

12  This program shall include, after an individual has completed

13  a registration card, encoding "DNR" or "Do Not Resuscitate" on

14  the front of the driver license or identification card to

15  indicate the existence of information and documentation

16  relating to a do-not-resuscitate order.  The Agency for Health

17  Care Administration shall provide the necessary supplies and

18  forms through funds appropriated from general revenue.  The

19  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall provide

20  the necessary recordkeeping system through funds appropriated

21  from general revenue.  The Department of Highway Safety and

22  Motor Vehicles and the Agency for Health Care Administration

23  shall incur no liability in connection with the performance of

24  any acts authorized herein.

25         (2)  The Agency for Health Care Administration and the

26  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall develop

27  and implement a do-not-resuscitate order registry which shall

28  record, through electronic means, do-not-resuscitate order

29  documents submitted through the driver license and

30  identification card program.  The registry shall be maintained

31  in a manner which will allow, through electronic and


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 677


  1  telephonic methods, immediate access to information relating

  2  to do-not-resuscitate order documents, 24 hours a day, 7 days

  3  a week. Emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and other

  4  parties identified by the agency by rule shall be allowed

  5  access through coded means to the information stored in the

  6  registry.

  7         (3)  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

  8  Vehicles, after consultation with and concurrence by the

  9  Agency for Health Care Administration, shall adopt rules to

10  implement the provisions of this section according to the

11  provisions of chapter 120.

12         (4)  Funds expended by the Agency for Health Care

13  Administration to carry out the intent of this section shall

14  not be taken from any funds appropriated for patient care.

15         Section 4.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1999.


17            *****************************************

18                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Directs the Agency for Health Care Administration and the
20    Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to
      develop and implement a program to register
21    do-not-resuscitate orders as part of the process of
      issuing driver licenses and identification cards.
22    Provides for the encoding of information relating to such
      orders on the license or card. Provides for maintenance
23    of an electronic registry providing for the recording,
      maintenance, and retrieval of do-not-resuscitate order
24    documents. Provides for rules. Provides for funding from
      general revenue, except that agency funds appropriated
25    for patient care may not be used to fund the act.
      Provides for rules of the Department of Health
26    authorizing emergency medical technicians and paramedics
      to honor do-not-resuscitate order information encoded on
27    a patient's driver license or identification card.




