House Bill 0745

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 745

        By Representative Lacasa

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to citrus canker disease;

  3         amending s. 581.184, F.S.; requiring the

  4         Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

  5         to adopt specified rules relating to the

  6         eradication of citrus canker disease; amending

  7         s. 602.025, F.S.; revising legislative intent

  8         of ch. 602, F.S.; amending s. 602.035, F.S.;

  9         revising the schedule of compensation for

10         citrus nursery plants destroyed by citrus

11         canker disease to include specified claimants;

12         amending s. 602.055, F.S.; revising provisions

13         with respect to the deadline for filing of

14         required release of claims; amending s.

15         602.065, F.S.; providing for notification to

16         specified claimants; providing an effective

17         date.


19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


21         Section 1.  Section 581.184, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         581.184  Promulgation of rules; citrus canker

24  eradication; voluntary destruction agreements.--

25         (1)  In addition to the powers and duties set forth

26  under this chapter the department is directed to adopt rules

27  specifying facts and circumstances that, if present, would

28  require the destruction of plants for purposes of eradicating,

29  controlling, or preventing the dissemination of citrus canker

30  disease in the state.  In addition, the department is directed

31  to adopt rules regarding the conditions under which citrus


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 745


  1  plants can be grown, moved, and planted in this state as may

  2  be necessary for the eradication, control, or prevention of

  3  the dissemination of citrus canker.  Such rules shall be in

  4  effect for any period during which, in the judgment of the

  5  Commissioner of Agriculture, there is the threat of the spread

  6  of citrus canker disease in the state.  Such rules may provide

  7  for the conduct of any activity regulated by such rules

  8  subject to an agreement by persons wishing to engage in such

  9  activity to voluntarily destroy, at their own expense, citrus

10  plants declared by the department to be imminently dangerous

11  by reason of being infected or infested with citrus canker or

12  exposed to infection and likely to communicate same.  The

13  terms of such agreement may also require the destruction of

14  healthy plants under specified conditions.  Any such

15  destruction shall be done after reasonable notice in a manner

16  pursuant to and under conditions set forth in the agreement.

17  Such agreements may include releases and waivers of liability

18  and may require the agreement of other persons.

19         (2)  In addition to those rules adopted pursuant to

20  subsection (1), the department is directed to adopt rules

21  which require:

22         (a)  That all property owners within a citrus canker

23  quarantine area be provided with general information on the

24  eradication program's policies and procedures by registered

25  mail.

26         (b)  That all affected property owners be informed, by

27  registered mail, of any impending search of their property for

28  citrus canker disease 10 days prior to the search.

29         (c)  That all affected property owners be informed, by

30  registered mail, 10 days in advance of any visit for the



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 745


  1  purposes of testing, marking, and/or destruction of a citrus

  2  tree.

  3         (d)  Criminal background checks of all subcontracted

  4  employees involved in the citrus canker eradication program.

  5         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

  6  602.025, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         602.025  Legislative findings and intent.--

  8         (2)  It is the intent of the Legislature, through the

  9  adoption of this act, to:

10         (a)  Apply this act to all claimants, including, but

11  not limited to, those who have filed lawsuits prior to June

12  20, 1989, involving compensation for destruction of citrus

13  nursery plants as a result of the Citrus Canker Eradication

14  Program begun in 1984, except those in which there is a final

15  order as to damages, attorney's fees, or costs, from which no

16  appeal has been taken; and those claimants whose claims arose

17  on or after January 1, 1995, as described in s. 602.035(5).

18         Section 3.  The introductory paragraph and subsection

19  (4) of section 602.035, Florida Statutes, are amended, and

20  subsection (5) is added to said section, to read:

21         602.035  Schedule of compensation.--The categories of

22  citrus nursery plants set out in subsections (1)-(4) below

23  were established by the Citrus Canker Indemnity Group.  The

24  definitions and descriptions in the 1984 report of the Citrus

25  Canker Indemnity Group shall apply to the categories in this

26  act. The tree survival factors represent the average

27  percentage of original planted trees reaching sale after

28  allowances for culling or death.

29         (4)  The average tree survival factors used in

30  subsections (1)-(4) this section were taken from staff paper

31  number 281 published in June 1985 by the Food and Resource


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 745


  1  Economic Department of the Institute of Food and Agricultural

  2  Sciences at the University of Florida.

  3         (5)  The Legislature establishes the following values

  4  to provide presumptive full and fair compensation for citrus

  5  trees destroyed due to exposure to or infestation by citrus

  6  canker disease on or after January 1, 1995, and located on

  7  private residential property.

  8         (a)  For trees greater than 25 gallons in size.....$500

  9         (b)  For trees between 10 and 25 gallons in size...$200

10         (c)  For trees between 2 and 10 gallons in size....$100

11         (d)  For trees less than 2 gallons in size, a one-time

12  $100 compensation, regardless of the amount of trees lost.


14  Property owners asserting a claim under this subsection shall

15  provide evidence of the size of the citrus tree destroyed by

16  providing photographs, videotape, receipts, or any applicable

17  surveys with their application for compensation.

18         Section 4.  Subsection (6) of section 602.055, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         602.055  Office of Citrus Canker Claims established;

21  duties.--

22         (6)  All claimants, except those claimants described in

23  s. 602.035(5), shall have until midnight of June 30, 1993, to

24  file the release required by this section.  Any release

25  postmarked after that time shall be void, and no claim shall

26  be paid.  All payments on the claims shall be completed by

27  August 2, 1993.  Such payments may be made in accordance with

28  s. 602.025(2)(e), to the extent that funds are appropriated

29  for that purpose.

30         Section 5.  Paragraph (c) is added to subsection (2) of

31  section 602.065, Florida Statutes, to read:


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 745


  1         602.065  Citrus canker claims; procedures.--

  2         (2)(a)  For all claimants whose claims arose prior to

  3  June 20, 1989, notification required in subsection (1) shall

  4  be sent by registered mail to each claimant at the address

  5  provided in the immediate final order.  In addition,

  6  notification for the purpose of s. 602.095(2) shall be deemed

  7  to have been made upon publication of a general notice to all

  8  such claimants in a newspaper of general circulation during

  9  each week for 2 consecutive weeks in those counties in which

10  citrus nursery plants were destroyed.

11         (b)  For all claimants whose claims arise on or after

12  June 20, 1989, notification required in subsection (1) for the

13  purpose of s. 602.095(2) shall be deemed to have been made

14  when such notification is sent by registered mail to each

15  claimant at the address provided in the immediate final order

16  or in the citrus tree destruction report.

17         (c)  For all claimants whose claims arise on or after

18  January 1, 1995, notification required in subsection (1) for

19  the purpose of s. 602.095(2) shall be deemed to have been made

20  when such notification is sent by registered mail to each

21  claimant.

22         Section 6.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

23  law.










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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 745


  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      With respect to he control and eradication of citrus
  4    canker disease within the state, directs the Department
      of Agriculture and Consumer Services to adopt rules which
  5    require:
           1.  That all property owners within a citrus canker
  6    quarantine area be provided with general information on
      the eradication program's policies and procedures by
  7    registered mail.
           2.  That all affected property owners be informed,
  8    by registered mail, of any impending search of their
      property for citrus canker disease 10 days prior to the
  9    search.
           3.  That all affected property owners be informed,
10    by registered mail, 10 days in advance of any visit for
      the purposes of testing, marking, and/or destruction of a
11    citrus tree.
           4.  Criminal background checks of all subcontracted
12    employees involved in the citrus canker eradication

14    Revises legislative intent of ch. 602, F.S., to expand
      the application of the chapter to citrus trees destroyed
15    by citrus canker disease on or after January 1, 1995,
      located on private residential property. Revises the
16    schedule of compensation for citrus nursery plants
      destroyed by citrus canker disease to include those
17    claimants whose claims arose on or after January 1, 1995.
      Provides for specified notification to such claimants.













