Senate Bill 0746

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 746

    By Senator Grant

    13-388-99                                               See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to title insurance; amending

  3         ss. 624.509, 626.841, 626.8411, 626.9541,

  4         627.7711, 627.777, 627.7773, 627.7776, 627.780,

  5         627.783, 627.7831, 627.784, 627.7841, 627.7842,

  6         627.7845, 627.786, 627.791, and 627.792, F.S.;

  7         revising and clarifying application of

  8         provisions relating to title insurance agents,

  9         policies, premiums, rates, contracts, charges,

10         and practices; amending s. 627.7711, F.S.;

11         revising definitions; amending s. 627.782,

12         F.S.; providing a limitation on payment of

13         portions of premiums for primary title

14         services; providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 624.509, Florida

19  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

20         624.509  Premium tax; rate and computation.--

21         (1)  In addition to the license taxes provided for in

22  this chapter, each insurer shall also annually, and on or

23  before March 1 in each year, except as to wet marine and

24  transportation insurance taxed under s. 624.510, pay to the

25  Department of Revenue a tax on insurance premiums, risk

26  premiums for title insurance, or assessments, including

27  membership fees and policy fees and gross deposits received

28  from subscribers to reciprocal or interinsurance agreements,

29  and on annuity premiums or considerations, received during the

30  preceding calendar year, the amounts thereof to be determined

31  as set forth in this section, to wit:


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  1         (a)  An amount equal to 1.75 percent of the gross

  2  amount of such receipts on account of life and health

  3  insurance policies covering persons resident in this state and

  4  on account of all other types of policies and contracts

  5  (except annuity policies or contracts taxable under paragraph

  6  (b)) covering property, subjects, or risks located, resident,

  7  or to be performed in this state, omitting premiums on

  8  reinsurance accepted, and less return premiums or assessments,

  9  but without deductions:

10         1.  For reinsurance ceded to other insurers;

11         2.  For moneys paid upon surrender of policies or

12  certificates for cash surrender value;

13         3.  For discounts or refunds for direct or prompt

14  payment of premiums or assessments; and

15         4.  On account of dividends of any nature or amount

16  paid and credited or allowed to holders of insurance policies;

17  certificates; or surety, indemnity, reciprocal, or

18  interinsurance contracts or agreements; and

19         (b)  An amount equal to 1 percent of the gross receipts

20  on annuity policies or contracts paid by holders thereof in

21  this state.

22         Section 2.  Section 626.841, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         626.841  Definitions.--The term:

25         (1)  "Title insurance agent" means a person appointed

26  in writing by a title insurer to issue and countersign

27  commitments or binders, commitments, policies of title

28  insurance, or guarantees of title in its behalf.

29         (2)  "Title insurance agency" means an insurance agency

30  under which title insurance agents and other employees

31  determine insurability in accordance with underwriting rules


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  1  and standards prescribed by the title insurer represented by

  2  the agency, and issue and countersign commitments binders,

  3  commitments of title insurance, endorsements, or policies

  4  guarantees of title insurance, on behalf of the appointing

  5  title insurer. The term does not include a title insurer.

  6         Section 3.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

  7  626.8411, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to

  8  read:

  9         626.8411  Application of Florida Insurance Code

10  provisions to title insurance agents or agencies.--

11         (2)  The following provisions of part I do not apply to

12  title insurance agents or title insurance agencies:

13         (c)  Section 626.572 626.752, relating to rebating,

14  when allowed exchange of business.

15         Section 4.  Paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of section

16  626.9541, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

17         626.9541  Unfair methods of competition and unfair or

18  deceptive acts or practices defined.--


20  DECEPTIVE ACTS.--The following are defined as unfair methods

21  of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices:

22         (h)  Unlawful Rebates.--

23         1.  Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, or

24  in an applicable filing with the department, knowingly:

25         a.  Permitting, or offering to make, or making, any

26  contract or agreement as to such contract other than as

27  plainly expressed in the insurance contract issued thereon;

28         b.  Paying, allowing, or giving, or offering to pay,

29  allow, or give, directly or indirectly, as inducement to such

30  insurance contract, any unlawful rebate of premiums payable on

31  the contract, any special favor or advantage in the dividends


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  1  or other benefits thereon, or any valuable consideration or

  2  inducement whatever not specified in the contract;

  3         c.  Giving, selling, or purchasing, or offering to

  4  give, sell, or purchase, as inducement to such insurance

  5  contract or in connection therewith, any stocks, bonds, or

  6  other securities of any insurance company or other

  7  corporation, association, or partnership, or any dividends or

  8  profits accrued thereon, or anything of value whatsoever not

  9  specified in the insurance contract.

10         2.  Nothing in paragraph (g) or subparagraph 1. of this

11  paragraph shall be construed as including within the

12  definition of discrimination or unlawful rebates:

13         a.  In the case of any contract of life insurance or

14  life annuity, paying bonuses to all policyholders or otherwise

15  abating their premiums in whole or in part out of surplus

16  accumulated from nonparticipating insurance; provided that any

17  such bonuses or abatement of premiums is fair and equitable to

18  all policyholders and for the best interests of the company

19  and its policyholders.

20         b.  In the case of life insurance policies issued on

21  the industrial debit plan, making allowance to policyholders

22  who have continuously for a specified period made premium

23  payments directly to an office of the insurer in an amount

24  which fairly represents the saving in collection expenses.

25         c.  Readjustment of the rate of premium for a group

26  insurance policy based on the loss or expense thereunder, at

27  the end of the first or any subsequent policy year of

28  insurance thereunder, which may be made retroactive only for

29  such policy year.

30         d.  Issuance of life insurance policies or annuity

31  contracts at rates less than the usual rates of premiums for


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  1  such policies or contracts, as group insurance or employee

  2  insurance as defined in this code.

  3         e.  Issuing life or disability insurance policies on a

  4  salary savings, bank draft, preauthorized check, payroll

  5  deduction, or other similar plan at a reduced rate reasonably

  6  related to the savings made by the use of such plan.

  7         3.a.  No title insurer, or any member, employee,

  8  attorney, agent, agency, or solicitor thereof, shall pay,

  9  allow, or give, or offer to pay, allow, or give, directly or

10  indirectly, as inducement to title insurance, or after such

11  insurance has been effected, any unlawful rebate or abatement

12  of the agent's, agency's, or title insurer's share of the

13  premium or any charge for related title services below the

14  cost for providing such services, or provide charge made

15  incident to the issuance of such insurance, any special favor

16  or advantage, or any monetary consideration or inducement

17  whatever.  The words "charge made incident to the issuance of

18  such insurance" shall be construed to encompass underwriting

19  premium, agent's commission, abstracting charges, title

20  examination fee, and closing charges; however, Nothing herein

21  contained shall preclude an abatement in an attorney's fee

22  charged for legal services rendered incident to the issuance

23  of such insurance.

24         b.  Nothing in this subparagraph shall be construed as

25  prohibiting the payment of fees to attorneys at law duly

26  licensed to practice law in the courts of this state, for

27  professional services in the actual examination of title to

28  real property as a condition to the issuance of title

29  insurance, or as prohibiting the payment of earned portions of

30  the premium commissions to duly appointed agents or agencies



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  1  who actually perform services for the title insurer issue the

  2  policy of title insurance for the underwriting company.

  3         c.  No insured named in a policy, or any other person

  4  directly or indirectly connected with the transaction

  5  involving the issuance of such policy, including, but not

  6  limited to, any mortgage broker, real estate broker, builder,

  7  or attorney, any employee, agent, agency, representative, or

  8  solicitor thereof, or any other person whatsoever, shall

  9  knowingly receive or accept, directly or indirectly, any

10  unlawful rebate or abatement of said charge, or any monetary

11  consideration or inducement, other than as set forth in

12  sub-subparagraph b.

13         Section 5.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section

14  627.7711, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

15         627.7711  Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:

16         (1)(a)  "Related title services" means services

17  performed by a title insurer or title insurance agent or

18  agency, in the agent's or agency's capacity as such,

19  including, but not limited to, preparing or obtaining a title

20  search, examining title information, preparing documents

21  necessary to close the transaction, conducting the closing, or

22  handling the disbursing of funds related to the closing in a

23  real estate closing transaction in which a title insurance

24  binder, commitment, or policy is to be issued.  The risk

25  premium, together with the charge for related title services,

26  constitutes the regular title insurance premium.

27         (b)  "Primary title services" means determining

28  insurability in accordance with sound underwriting practices

29  based upon evaluation of a reasonable search and examination

30  of the title, determination and clearance of underwriting

31  objections and requirements to eliminate risk, preparation and


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  1  issuance of a title insurance commitment setting forth the

  2  requirements to insure, and preparation and issuance of the

  3  policy.

  4         (2)  "Risk Premium" means the charge, as specified by

  5  rule of the department, that is made by a title insurer for a

  6  title insurance policy, including the charge for performance

  7  of primary title services by a title insurer or title

  8  insurance agent or agency, and incurring the risks incident to

  9  such policy the assumption of the risk, under the several

10  classifications of title insurance contracts and forms, and

11  upon which charge a premium tax is paid under s. 624.509.  As

12  used in this part or in any other law, with respect to title

13  insurance, the words "premium" does or "risk premium" mean

14  only the risk premium as defined in this section and do not

15  include a commission any other charge incidental to title

16  insurance.

17         Section 6.  Section 627.777, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         627.777  Approval of forms.--A title insurer may not

20  issue or agree to issue any form of title insurance binder,

21  title insurance commitment, preliminary report, title

22  insurance policy, other contract of title insurance, or

23  related form until it is filed with and approved by the

24  department.  The department may not disapprove a title

25  guarantee or policy form on the ground that it has on it a

26  blank form for an attorney's opinion on the title.

27         Section 7.  Section 627.7773, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         627.7773  Accounting and auditing of forms by title

30  insurers.--



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  1         (1)  Each title insurer authorized to do business in

  2  this state shall, at least once during each calendar year,

  3  require of each of its title insurance agents or agencies

  4  accountings of all outstanding forms in the agent's or

  5  agency's possession of the types that are specified in s.

  6  627.777.

  7         (2)  If the department has reason to believe that an

  8  audit of outstanding forms should be required of any title

  9  insurer as to a title insurance agent or agency, the

10  department may require the title insurer to make a special

11  audit of the forms.  The title insurer shall complete the

12  audit not later than 60 days after the request is received

13  from the department, and shall report the results of the

14  special audit to the department no later than 90 days after

15  the request is received.

16         Section 8.  Section 627.7776, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         627.7776  Furnishing of supplies; civil liability.--

19         (1)  A title insurer may not furnish to any person any

20  blank forms, applications, stationery, or other supplies to be

21  used in soliciting, negotiating, or effecting contracts of

22  title insurance on its behalf until that person has received

23  from the insurer a contract to act as a title insurance agent

24  or agency and has been licensed by the department, if required

25  by s. 626.8417.

26         (2)  A title insurer or title insurance agent or agency

27  that furnishes any supplies to a person not authorized by the

28  title insurer as provided in subsection (1) is subject to

29  civil liability to any insured of the title insurer to the

30  same extent and in the same manner as if the person had been



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  1  appointed or authorized by the title insurer to act in its

  2  behalf.

  3         Section 9.  Section 627.780, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         627.780  Illegal dealings in risk premium.--

  6         (1)  A person may not knowingly quote, charge, accept,

  7  collect, or receive a risk premium for title insurance other

  8  than the risk premium adopted by the department.

  9         (2)  A title insurer may not knowingly accept, collect,

10  or receive any sum as risk premium for title insurance, if the

11  title insurance is not then provided or is not to be provided,

12  subject to acceptance of the risk, in due course, unless the

13  title insurer promptly enters the sum on its books of account

14  as premium collected in advance.

15         Section 10.  Section 627.782, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         627.782  Adoption of rates.--

18         (1)  Subject to the rating provisions of this code, the

19  department must adopt a rule specifying the risk premium to be

20  charged in this state by title insurers for the respective

21  types of title insurance contracts and, for policies issued

22  through agents or agencies, the percentage of such premium

23  required to be retained by the title insurer which shall and

24  services incident thereto.  The department may, by rule,

25  establish limitations on such reasonable charges made in

26  addition to the risk premium based upon the expenses

27  associated with the services rendered and other relevant

28  factors. The department must also adopt rules incident to the

29  applicability of the risk premium, including the percentage or

30  amount of the risk premium required to be maintained by the

31  title insurer, and related rules to ensure that the amounts


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  1  required to be maintained by the insurer are not be less than

  2  30 percent of the risk premium for policies sold by agents.

  3  However, in a transaction subject to the Real Estate

  4  Settlement Procedures Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C. 2601 et seq., as

  5  amended from time to time, no portion of the premium

  6  attributable to providing a primary title service shall be

  7  paid to or retained by any person who does not actually

  8  perform or is not liable for the performance of such service.

  9         (2)  In adopting premium rates, the department must

10  give due consideration to the following:

11         (a)  The title insurers' loss experience and

12  prospective loss experience under insured closing protection

13  service letters, search and examination services, and policy

14  liabilities.

15         (b)  A reasonable margin for underwriting profit and

16  contingencies, including contingent liability under s.

17  627.7865, sufficient to allow title insurers, and agents, and

18  agencies to earn a rate of return on their capital that will

19  attract and retain adequate capital investment in the title

20  insurance business and maintain the title insurance delivery

21  system.

22         (c)  Past expenses and prospective expenses for

23  administration and handling of risks.

24         (d)  Liability for defalcation.

25         (e)  Other relevant factors.

26         (3)  Rates may be grouped by classification or schedule

27  and may differ as to class of risk assumed.

28         (4)  Rates may not be excessive, inadequate, or

29  unfairly discriminatory.

30         (5)  The risk premium applies to each $100 of insurance

31  issued to an insured.


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  1         (6)  The risk premium rates apply throughout this

  2  state.

  3         (7)  The department shall, in accordance with the

  4  standards provided in subsection (2), review the risk premium

  5  and the related title services rate as needed, but not less

  6  frequently than once every 3 years, and shall, based upon the

  7  review required by this subsection, revise the risk premium

  8  and the related title services rate if the results of the

  9  review so warrant.

10         (8)  The department may, by rule, require licensees

11  under this part to annually submit statistical information,

12  including loss and expense data, as the department determines

13  to be necessary to analyze risk premium and related title

14  services rates, retention rates, and the condition of the

15  title insurance industry.

16         Section 11.  Section 627.783, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         627.783  Rate deviation.--

19         (1)  A title insurer may petition the department for an

20  order authorizing a specific deviation from the adopted risk

21  premium, and a title insurer or title insurance agent may

22  petition the department for an order authorizing and

23  permitting a specific deviation above the reasonable charge

24  for other services rendered specified in s. 627.782(1).  The

25  petition shall be in writing and sworn to and shall set forth

26  allegations of fact upon which the petitioner will rely,

27  including the petitioner's reasons for requesting the

28  deviation.  Any authorized title insurer, or agent, or agency

29  may join in the petition for like authority to deviate or may

30  file a separate petition praying for like authority or



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  1  opposing the deviation. The department shall rule on all such

  2  petitions simultaneously.

  3         (2)  If, in the judgment of the department, the

  4  requested deviation is not justified, the department may enter

  5  an order denying the petition.  An order granting a petition

  6  constitutes an amendment to the adopted risk premium as to the

  7  petitioners named in the order, and is subject to s. 627.782.

  8         Section 12.  Section 627.7831, Florida Statutes, is

  9  amended to read:

10         627.7831  Title binders and Commitments; charges;

11  collection.--

12         (1)  When a title insurance binder or a commitment to

13  insure a title or risk is issued at the request of the insured

14  or the insured's representative, or agent, or agency, a

15  portion of the risk premium must be charged for the binder or

16  commitment when issued. The portion of the risk premium

17  charged for the binder or commitment must be credited to the

18  risk premium due upon issuance of the title insurance policy.

19         (2)  The amount charged under subsection (1) must be

20  collected no later than the date of the closing or 12 months

21  after the date of the commitment or binder, whichever occurs

22  earlier, or another date agreed to in writing at the time of

23  issuance of the binder or commitment.

24         (3)  This section does not apply to a transaction

25  involving a residential property.

26         Section 13.  Section 627.784, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         627.784  Casualty title insurance prohibited.--A title

29  insurance policy or guarantee of title may not be issued

30  without regard with disregard to the possible existence of

31  adverse matters or defects of title.


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  1         Section 14.  Section 627.7841, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         627.7841  Insurance against adverse matters or defects

  4  in the title.--If a title insurer issuing a binder,

  5  commitment, policy of title insurance, or guarantee of title

  6  upon an estate, lien, or interest in property located in this

  7  state through its officers, employees, or agents, or agencies

  8  disburses settlement or closing funds, the title insurer shall

  9  insure against the possible existence of adverse matters or

10  defects in the title which are recorded during the period of

11  time between the effective date of the binder or commitment

12  and the date of recording of the document creating the estate

13  or interest to be insured, except as to matters of which the

14  insured has knowledge.

15         Section 15.  Subsection (2) of section 627.7842,

16  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

17         627.7842  Policy exceptions.--

18         (2)  The title insurer, or agent, or agency issuing the

19  title policy may except from coverage the items specified in

20  subsection (1) if the title insurer, or agent, or agency has

21  knowledge of facts requiring the exceptions, notwithstanding

22  the survey or affidavits, if the insurer, or agent, or agency

23  discloses such facts to the proposed insured.

24         Section 16.  Section 627.7845, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         627.7845  Determination of insurability required;

27  preservation of evidence of title search and examination.--

28         (1)  A title insurer may not issue a title insurance

29  binder, commitment, endorsement, title insurance policy, or

30  guarantee of title until the title insurer has caused to be

31  conducted a reasonable search and examination of the title and


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  1  of such other information as may be necessary, and has caused

  2  to be made a determination of insurability of title, including

  3  endorsement coverages, in accordance with sound underwriting

  4  practices.

  5         (2)  The title insurer shall cause the evidence of the

  6  reasonable search and examination of the title to be preserved

  7  and retained in its files or in the files of its title

  8  insurance agent or agency for a period of not less than 7

  9  years after the title insurance binder, commitment, title

10  insurance policy, or guarantee of title was issued.  The title

11  insurer or agent or agency must produce the evidence required

12  to be maintained by this subsection at its offices upon the

13  demand of the department. Instead of retaining the original

14  evidence, the title insurer or the title insurance agent or

15  agency may, in the regular course of business, establish a

16  system under which all or part of the evidence is recorded,

17  copied, or reproduced by any photographic, photostatic,

18  microfilm, microcard, miniature photographic, or other process

19  which accurately reproduces or forms a durable medium for

20  reproducing the original.

21         (3)  The title insurer or its agent or agency must

22  maintain a record of the actual risk premium and related title

23  service charges made for issuance of the policy and any

24  endorsements in its files for a period of not less than 7

25  years.  The title insurer, or agent, or agency must produce

26  the record at its office upon demand of the department.

27         (4)  This section does not apply to an insurer assuming

28  no primary liability in a contract of reinsurance or to an

29  insurer acting as a coinsurer if any other coinsuring insurer

30  has complied with this section.



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  1         Section 17.  Subsection (3) of section 627.786, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         627.786  Transaction of title insurance and any other

  4  kind of insurance prohibited.--

  5         (3)  Subsection (1) does not preclude a title insurer

  6  from providing instruments to any prospective insured, in the

  7  form and content approved by the department, under which the

  8  title insurer assumes liability for loss due to the fraud of,

  9  dishonesty of, misappropriation of funds by, or failure to

10  comply with written closing instructions by, its contract

11  agents, agencies, or approved attorneys in connection with a

12  real property transaction for which the title insurer is to

13  issue a title insurance policy or guarantee of title.

14         Section 18.  Section 627.791, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         627.791  Penalties against title insurers for

17  violations by persons or entities not licensed.--A title

18  insurer is subject to the penalties in ss. 624.418(2) and

19  624.4211 for any violation of a lawful order or rule of the

20  department, or for any violation of this code, committed by:

21         (1)  A person, firm, association, corporation,

22  cooperative, joint-stock company, or other legal entity not

23  licensed under this part when issuing and countersigning

24  binders, commitments or, policies of title insurance, or

25  guarantees of title on behalf of the title insurer.

26         (2)  An attorney when issuing and countersigning

27  binders, commitments or, policies of title insurance, or

28  guarantees of title on behalf of the title insurer.

29         Section 19.  Section 627.792, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:



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  1         627.792  Liability of title insurers for defalcation by

  2  title insurance agents or agencies.--A title insurer is liable

  3  for the defalcation, conversion, or misappropriation by a

  4  licensed title insurance agent or agency of funds held in

  5  trust by the agent or agency pursuant to s. 626.8473.  If the

  6  agent or agency is an agent or agency for licensed by two or

  7  more title insurers, any liability shall be borne by the title

  8  insurer upon which a title insurance binder, commitment or,

  9  policy, or title guarantee was issued prior to the illegal

10  act.  If no binder, commitment or, policy, or guarantee was

11  issued, each title insurer represented by the agent or agency

12  at the time of the illegal act shares in the liability in the

13  same proportion that the premium remitted to it by the agent

14  or agency during the 1-year period before the illegal act

15  bears to the total premium remitted to all title insurers by

16  the agent or agency during the same time period.

17         Section 20.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.


19            *****************************************

20                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

21    Generally revises and clarifies provisions relating to
      title insurance agents, policies, premiums, rates,
22    contracts, charges, and practices.









