CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    590-140AX-38                       Bill No. CS/HB 751 & others

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Boyd offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 56, between lines 21 and 22


16  insert:

17         Section 10.  There is created the Florida Center on A+

18  Schools.

19         (1)  The center shall:

20         (a)  Serve as an advisory body to oversee the

21  implementation of this act.

22         (b)  Provide the Commissioner of Education and each

23  school superintendent with an avenue to access current

24  knowledge and research on the use of educational assessment to

25  improve student performance.

26         (c)  Assist the commissioner to develop a comprehensive

27  evaluation of the success of school improvement efforts,

28  especially improvement of schools designated in performance

29  grade categories "D," making less than satisfactory progress,

30  and "F," failing to make adequate progress.

31         (d)  Analyze the characteristics of schools designated


    File original & 9 copies    03/22/99
    hbd0002                     02:18 pm         00751-0010-285899

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    590-140AX-38                       Bill No. CS/HB 751 & others

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  in performance grade category "A," making excellent progress,

 2  and identify those characteristics that may be disseminated to

 3  other schools.

 4         (e)  Conduct and report research findings that will

 5  improve the collection of data to report student gains in

 6  achievement, as provided in this act.

 7         (2)  To carry out its responsibilities, the center may:

 8         (a)  Employ an executive director and staff as

 9  authorized in an appropriations act.

10         (b)  Conduct meetings and adopt rules necessary for its

11  own governance.

12         (c)  Conduct or contract for research, and disseminate

13  the results of research, that, in the opinion of the center

14  and with the agreement of the commissioner, will contribute to

15  the success of this act.

16         (d)  Involve the expertise of public and independent

17  universities, colleges, and community colleges in carrying out

18  its duties.

19         (e)  Perform other such duties as may be required by

20  the state system of public education for its improvement.

21         (3)  The center shall consist of the following members:

22         (a)  The Commissioner of Education, or his or her

23  designee, who shall serve as ex offico member and chair.

24         (b)  Five members representing the business community

25  appointed by the Governor.

26         (c)  Five members appointed by the President of the

27  Senate. Such members shall include a teacher, two parents of

28  children enrolled in Florida public schools, a dean of a

29  college of education within the state, and a principal of a

30  school designated as performance grade category "A."

31         (d)  Five members appointed by the Speaker of the House


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    hbd0002                     02:18 pm         00751-0010-285899

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    590-140AX-38                       Bill No. CS/HB 751 & others

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  of Representatives. Such members shall include one parent of a

 2  child enrolled in a Florida public school, a high school

 3  principal, and three school board members from a small, a

 4  medium, and a large district.

 5         (e)  Seven members appointed by the Commissioner of

 6  Education. Such members shall include the superintendent of a

 7  district with a school designated as performance grade

 8  category "F," a chamber of commerce representative, a

 9  school-based researcher/evaluator, a principal of an

10  elementary school, a principal of a middle school, and two

11  parents of children enrolled in Florida public schools.



14  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

15  And the title is amended as follows:

16         On page 3, line 12 after the semicolon,


18  insert:

19         creating the Florida Center on A+ Schools;

20         providing powers, duties, and membership of the

21         center;












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    hbd0002                     02:18 pm         00751-0010-285899