CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HB 751 & others

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Frankel and Wilson offered the following:


13         Amendment 

14         On page 16, line 24 through page 23, line 22 of the

15  bill,

16  remove from the bill:  all of said lines


18  and insert in lieu thereof:

19         Section 2.  Section 229.0537, Florida Statutes, is

20  created to read:

21         229.0537  Opportunity Scholarship Program.--

22         (1)  FINDINGS AND INTENT.--This section represents a

23  covenant between the state and the citizens of Florida that

24  all children will have the opportunity to attend schools that

25  can meet their educational needs and in which they can gain

26  the knowledge and skills required to graduate from high school

27  and be prepared for postsecondary education, technical

28  education, or the world of work. The Legislature recognizes

29  that the voters of the State of Florida, in the November 1998

30  general election, amended Article IX, Section 1, of the

31  Florida Constitution so as to make education a paramount duty


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HB 751 & others

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  of the state. The Legislature finds that the new

 2  constitutional requirements to provide a high quality

 3  education mandate that no student be compelled, against the

 4  wishes of the student's parent or guardian, to remain in a

 5  school found by the state to be failing for 2 years in any

 6  4-year period. It is therefore the intent of the Legislature

 7  that parents and guardians be given the opportunity for their

 8  children to attend a public school that is performing

 9  satisfactorily; or, if the parent or guardian so chooses, it

10  is the intent of the Legislature to make state funds available

11  in order to apply the equivalent of the public education funds

12  generated by their child, in accordance with paragraph (6)(a),

13  to the cost of tuition in an eligible private school.

14  Eligibility of a private school shall include the control and

15  accountability requirements as delineated in subsection (4).


17  school student's parent or guardian may request and receive

18  from the state an opportunity scholarship for the child to

19  enroll in and attend a private school in accordance with the

20  provisions of this section if:

21         (a)  By assigned school attendance area or by special

22  assignment, the student has spent the prior school year in

23  attendance at a public school that has been designated

24  pursuant to s. 229.57 as performance grade category "F,"

25  failing to make adequate progress, and that has had 2 school

26  years of such low performance in any 4-year period, and the

27  student's attendance occurred during a school year in which

28  such designation was in effect; or the parent or guardian of a

29  student who has been in attendance elsewhere in the public

30  school system or who is entering kindergarten or first grade

31  has been notified that the student has been assigned to such


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HB 751 & others

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  school for the next school year;

 2         (b)  The student is a Florida resident; and

 3         (c)  The parent or guardian has obtained acceptance for

 4  admission of the student to a private school eligible for the

 5  program pursuant to subsection (4), and has notified the

 6  Department of Education and the school district of the request

 7  for an opportunity scholarship no later than July 1 of the

 8  first year in which the student intends to use the

 9  scholarship.


11  For purposes of continuity of educational choice, the

12  opportunity to continue attending a private school shall

13  remain in force until the student graduates from high school

14  or reenters the public school system. However, at any time

15  upon reasonable notice to the Department of Education and the

16  school district, the student's parent or guardian may remove

17  the student from the private school and place the student in a

18  public school, as provided in subparagraph (3)(a)2.


20         (a)  A school district shall, for each student enrolled

21  in or assigned to a school that has been designated as

22  performance grade category "F" for 2 school years in any

23  4-year period:

24         1.  Timely notify the parent or guardian of the student

25  as soon as such designation is made of all options available

26  pursuant to this section; and

27         2.  Offer that student's parent or guardian an

28  opportunity to enroll the student in the public school within

29  the district closest to the student's residence that has been

30  designated by the state pursuant to s. 229.57 as a school

31  performing higher than that in which the student is currently


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HB 751 & others

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  enrolled or to which the student has been assigned, but not

 2  less than performance grade category "C." The parent or

 3  guardian is not required to accept this offer in lieu of

 4  requesting a state opportunity scholarship to a private

 5  school. The opportunity to continue attending a higher

 6  performing public school shall remain in force until the

 7  student graduates from high school.

 8         (b)  The parent or guardian of a student enrolled in or

 9  assigned to a school that has been designated performance

10  grade category "F" for 2 school years in any 4-year period may

11  choose as an alternative to enroll the student in and

12  transport the student to a higher performing public school

13  that has available space in an adjacent school district, and

14  that school district shall accept the student and report the

15  student for purposes of the district's funding pursuant to the

16  Florida Education Finance Program.

17         (c)  Students with special needs who are eligible to

18  receive services from the state or school district under

19  federal or state law, and who participate in this program,

20  remain eligible to receive services from the state or school

21  district as provided by federal or state law.

22         (d)  If for any reason a qualified private school is

23  not available for the student or if the parent or guardian

24  chooses to request that the student be enrolled in the higher

25  performing public school, rather than choosing to request the

26  state opportunity scholarship, transportation costs to the

27  higher performing public school shall be the responsibility of

28  the school district. The district may utilize state

29  categorical transportation funds or state-appropriated public

30  school choice incentive funds for this purpose.

31         (4)  PRIVATE SCHOOL ELIGIBILITY.--To be eligible to


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HB 751 & others

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  participate in the opportunity scholarship program, a private

 2  school must be a Florida private school, may be sectarian or

 3  nonsectarian, and must:

 4         (a)  Notify the Department of Education and the school

 5  district in whose service area the school is located of its

 6  intent to participate in the program under this section by May

 7  1 of the school year preceding the school year in which it

 8  intends to participate. The notice shall specify the grade

 9  levels and services that the private school has available for

10  the opportunity scholarship program.

11         (b)  Comply with the antidiscrimination provisions of

12  42 U.S.C. section 2000d.

13         (c)  Meet state and local health and safety laws and

14  codes.

15         (d)  Determine, on an entirely random and

16  religious-neutral basis, which opportunity scholarship

17  students to accept; however, the private school may give

18  preference in accepting applications to siblings of students

19  who have already been accepted on a random and

20  religious-neutral basis.

21         (e)  Be subject to instruction, curriculum, and

22  attendance criteria adopted by an appropriate non-public

23  school accrediting body.  The school shall furnish the parent

24  or guardian with a school profile that includes student

25  performance information.  Upon the acceptance of an

26  opportunity scholarship, all students shall participate in the

27  student assessment program pursuant to s. 229.57.  For the

28  purposes of s. 229.57 the private school shall be considered a

29  public school.

30         (f)  Comply with all state statutes relating to private

31  schools.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HB 751 & others

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (g)  Accept as full tuition and fees the amount

 2  provided by the state for each student.

 3         (h)  Agree not to compel any student attending the

 4  private school on an opportunity scholarship to profess a

 5  specific ideological belief, to pray, or to worship.

 6         (i)  Ensure that the student participating in the

 7  opportunity scholarship program takes all statewide

 8  assessments required pursuant to s. 229.57. Students

 9  participating in the opportunity scholarship program may take

10  such tests at a location and at a time provided by the school

11  district.


13         (a)  Any student participating in the opportunity

14  scholarship program must remain in attendance throughout the

15  school year, unless excused by the school for illness or other

16  good cause, and must comply fully with the school's code of

17  conduct.

18         (b)  The parent or guardian of each student

19  participating in the opportunity scholarship program must

20  comply fully with the private school's parental involvement

21  requirements, unless excused by the school for illness or

22  other good cause.


24         (a)1.  The maximum opportunity scholarship granted for

25  an eligible student shall be a calculated amount equivalent to

26  the base student allocation multiplied by the weighted cost

27  factor for the educational program provided for the student in

28  the district multiplied by the district cost differential. In

29  addition, the calculated amount shall include the per student

30  share of instructional materials funding, technology funding,

31  and other categorical funds as provided for this purpose in


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HB 751 & others

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  the General Appropriations Act.  The amount of the opportunity

 2  scholarship shall be the calculated amount or the amount of

 3  the private school's tuition and fees, whichever is less.

 4  Fees eligible shall include textbook fees, lab fees, and other

 5  fees related to instruction, including transportation.  The

 6  district shall report all students who are attending a private

 7  school under this program.  The students attending private

 8  schools on opportunity scholarships shall be reported

 9  separately from those students reported for purposes of the

10  Florida Education Finance Program.

11         2.  Following annual notification on July 1 of the

12  number of participants, the Department of Education shall

13  transfer from each school district's appropriated funds the

14  calculated amount from the Florida Education Finance Program

15  and authorized categorical accounts to a separate account for

16  the Opportunity Scholarship Program for quarterly disbursement

17  to the parents or guardians of participating students.

18         (b)  Upon proper documentation, the Comptroller shall

19  make opportunity scholarship payments in four equal amounts no

20  later than August 1, November 1, February 1, and April 1 of

21  each academic year in which the opportunity scholarship is in

22  force. The initial payment shall be made after verification of

23  admission acceptance. Subsequent payments shall be made upon

24  verification of continued enrollment and attendance at the

25  private school. Payment must be by individual warrant made

26  payable to the student's parent or guardian. The warrant shall

27  be sent directly to the eligible private school chosen by the

28  parent or guardian and the parent or guardian shall

29  restrictively endorse the warrant to the private school.

30         (7)  LIABILITY.--No liability shall arise on the part

31  of the state based on any grant or use of an opportunity


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                       Bill No. CS/HB 751 & others

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  scholarship.

 2         (8)  RULES.--The State Board of Education may adopt

 3  rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the

 4  provisions of this section. Rules shall include penalties for

 5  noncompliance with subsections (3) and (5).




























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