House Bill 0815c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999              CS/HB 815

        By the Committee on Transportation and Representatives
    Futch, Ball, Posey, Goode and Effman

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Space

  3         Transportation Planning Act; providing a short

  4         title; amending s. 330.30, F.S.; exempting

  5         certain spaceports from a provision of law

  6         relating to the approval of airport sites and

  7         the licensing of airports; amending s. 331.303,

  8         F.S.; revising definitions with respect to the

  9         Spaceport Florida Authority Act; amending s.

10         331.304, F.S.; revising the boundaries of

11         spaceport territory; amending s. 331.305, F.S.;

12         revising language with respect to the powers of

13         the Spaceport Florida Authority; amending s.

14         331.308, F.S.; revising language with respect

15         to the board of supervisors; amending s.

16         331.329, F.S.; revising language with respect

17         to changing boundary lines for spaceports;

18         amending s. 331.331, F.S.; removing a

19         limitation on the issuance of certain revenue

20         bonds; amending s. 331.360, F.S.; providing for

21         the development of a spaceport master plan;

22         amending s. 332.001, F.S.; directing the

23         Department of Transportation to promote and

24         develop aerospace transportation facilities;

25         amending s. 332.004, F.S.; providing

26         definitions; amending s. 332.006, F.S.;

27         providing for the duties and responsibilities

28         of the Department of Transportation with

29         respect to aerospace development; amending s.

30         332.007, F.S.; providing for the administration

31         and financing of aerospace programs and


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  1         projects; creating s. 332.009, F.S.; providing

  2         limitation on the application of chapter 332,

  3         F.S.; amending s. 334.03, F.S.; redefining the

  4         term "transportation facility"; amending s.

  5         339.155, F.S.; revising a provision of law

  6         governing transportation planning to include

  7         reference to spaceport master plans; amending

  8         s. 339.175, F.S.; including reference to

  9         spaceports and aerospace development with

10         respect to metropolitan planning organizations;

11         amending s. 196.012, F.S.; including reference

12         to spaceports; amending s. 334.27, F.S.;

13         including reference to the Florida Spaceport

14         Authority; providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Short title--This act may be cited as the

19  "Florida Space Transportation Planning Act."

20         Section 2.  Paragraph (g) is added to subsection (3) of

21  section 330.30, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, to read:

22         330.30  Approval of airport sites and licensing of

23  airports; fees.--

24         (3)  EXEMPTIONS.--The provisions of this section do not

25  apply to:

26         (g)  A spaceport as defined in s. 331.303(19) that has

27  been licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration.

28         Section 3.  Subsection (16) of section 331.303, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended to read:

30         331.303  Definitions.--



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  1         (16)  "Project" means any development, improvement,

  2  property, launch, utility, facility, system, works, road,

  3  sidewalk, enterprise, service, or convenience, which may

  4  include coordination with Enterprise Florida, Inc. the Florida

  5  High Technology and Industry Council, the Board of Regents,

  6  the Florida Space Institute, and the Florida Space Grant

  7  Consortium Space Research Foundation; any rocket, capsule,

  8  module, launch facility, assembly facility, operations or

  9  control facility, tracking facility, administrative facility,

10  or any other type of space-related transportation vehicle,

11  station, or facility; any type of equipment or instrument to

12  be used or useful in connection with any of the foregoing; any

13  type of intellectual property and intellectual property

14  protection in connection with any of the foregoing including,

15  without limitation, any patent, copyright, trademark, and

16  service mark for, among other things, computer software; any

17  water, wastewater, gas, or electric utility system, plant, or

18  distribution or collection system; any small business

19  incubator initiative, including any startup aerospace company,

20  research and development company, research and development

21  facility, storage facility, and consulting service; or any

22  tourism initiative, including any space experience attraction,

23  space-launch-related activity, and space museum sponsored or

24  promoted by the authority.

25         Section 4.  Section 331.304, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         331.304  Spaceport territory.--The following property

28  shall constitute spaceport territory:

29         (1)  Certain real property located in Brevard County

30  that is included within the 1998 boundaries of Patrick Air



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  1  Force Base, Cape Canaveral Air Station, John F. Kennedy Space

  2  Center with the following boundaries:

  3         (a)  Northern boundary--Latitude 28°32'30" North.

  4         (b)  Eastern boundary--The mean high water line of the

  5  shore along the Atlantic Ocean.

  6         (c)  Western boundary--Cape Road (State Road 401).

  7         (d)  Southern boundary--Latitude 28°26' North.

  8         (2)  Certain real property located in Gulf County with

  9  the following boundaries:

10         (a)  Northern boundary--Latitude 29°40'45" North from

11  longitude 85°20' West in a westerly direction to the mean high

12  water line of the Gulf of Mexico.

13         (b)  Eastern boundary--Longitude 85°20' West.

14         (c)  Western boundary--The mean high water line of the

15  shore along the Gulf of Mexico.

16         (d)  Southern boundary--The mean high water line of the

17  shore along the Gulf of Mexico.

18         (3)  Certain real property located in Santa Rosa,

19  Okaloosa, and Walton Counties that is included within the 1997

20  boundaries of Eglin Air Force Base.

21         (4)  Certain real property within Dade County that is

22  included within the 1997 boundaries of the Homestead Air

23  Reserve Base.

24         Section 5.  Subsections (1), (4), (12), (21), and (24)

25  of section 331.305, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

26         331.305  Powers of the authority.--The authority shall

27  have the power to:

28         (1)  Exercise all powers granted to corporations under

29  the Florida Business General Corporation Act, chapter 607.

30         (4)  Review and make recommendations with respect to a

31  strategy to guide and facilitate the future of space-related


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  1  educational and commercial development.  The authority shall

  2  in coordination with the Federal Government, private industry,

  3  and Florida universities develop a business plan which shall

  4  address the expansion of Spaceport Florida locations, space

  5  launch capacity, spaceport projects, and complementary

  6  activities, which shall include, but not be limited to, a

  7  detailed analysis of:

  8         (a)  The authority and the commercial space industry.

  9         (b)  Products, services description--potential,

10  technologies, skills.

11         (c)  Market research and evaluation--customers,

12  competition, economics.

13         (d)  Marketing plan and strategy.

14         (e)  Design and development plan--tasks, difficulties,

15  costs.

16         (f)  Manufacturing locations, facilities, and

17  operations plan.

18         (g)  Management organization--roles and

19  responsibilities.

20         (h)  Overall schedule (monthly).

21         (i)  Important risks, assumptions, and problems.

22         (j)  Community impact--economic, human development,

23  community development.

24         (k)  Financial plan (monthly for first year; quarterly

25  for next 3 years).

26         (l)  Proposed authority offering--financing,

27  capitalization, use of funds.


29  A final report containing the recommendations and business

30  plan of the authority shall be completed and submitted prior

31  to the 1990 Regular Session of the Legislature, along with any


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  1  proposed statutory changes and related legislative budget

  2  requests required to implement the business plan, to the

  3  Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the

  4  House of Representatives, the minority leader of the Senate,

  5  and the minority leader of the House of Representatives.

  6         (12)  Own, acquire, construct, reconstruct, equip,

  7  operate, maintain, extend, and improve electric power plants,

  8  transmission lines and related facilities, gas mains and

  9  facilities of any nature for the production or distribution of

10  natural gas, transmission lines and related facilities and

11  plants and facilities for the generation and transmission of

12  power through traditional and new and experimental sources of

13  power and energy; purchase electric power, natural gas, and

14  other sources of power for distribution within any spaceport

15  territory; develop and operate water and sewer systems and

16  waste collection and disposal consistent with chapter 88-130,

17  Laws of Florida; and develop and operate such new and

18  experimental public utilities, including, but not limited to,

19  centrally distributed heating and air-conditioning facilities

20  and services, closed-circuit television systems, and computer

21  services and facilities, as the board may from time to time

22  determine.  However, the authority shall not construct any

23  system, work, project, or utility authorized to be constructed

24  under this paragraph in the event that a system, work,

25  project, or utility of a similar character is being actually

26  operated by a municipality or private company in the

27  municipality or territory adjacent thereto, unless such

28  municipality or private company consents to such construction.

29         (21)  Issue revenue bonds, assessment bonds, or any

30  other bonds or obligations authorized by the provisions of

31  this act or any other law, or any combination of the


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  1  foregoing, and pay all or part of the cost of the acquisition,

  2  construction, reconstruction, extension, repair, improvement,

  3  or maintenance of any project or combination of projects,

  4  including payloads and space flight hardware, and equipment

  5  for research, development, and educational activities, to

  6  provide for any facility, service, or other activity of the

  7  authority, and provide for the retirement or refunding of any

  8  bonds or obligations of the authority, or for any combination

  9  of the foregoing purposes. Until December 31, 1994, bonds,

10  other than conduit bonds, issued under the authority contained

11  in this act shall not exceed a total of $500 million and must

12  first be approved by a majority of the members of the Governor

13  and Cabinet.  The authority must provide 14 days' notice to

14  the presiding officers and appropriations chairs of both

15  houses of the Legislature prior to presenting a bond proposal

16  to the Governor and Cabinet.  If either presiding officer or

17  appropriations chair objects to the bonding proposal within

18  the 14-day-notice period, the bond issuance may be approved

19  only by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Governor

20  and Cabinet.

21         (24)  Exercise the right and power of eminent domain in

22  spaceport territory as defined in s. 331.304.  In exercising

23  such power, the authority shall comply with the procedures and

24  requirements of chapters 73 and 74.

25         Section 6.  Section 331.308, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         331.308  Board of supervisors.--

28         (1)  There is created within the Spaceport Florida

29  Authority a board of supervisors consisting of seven regular

30  members, who shall be appointed by the Governor, and two ex

31  officio voting members, one of whom shall be a state senator


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  1  selected by the President of the Senate and one of whom shall

  2  be a state representative selected by the Speaker of the House

  3  of Representatives, all of whom shall be subject to

  4  confirmation by the Senate at the next regular session of the

  5  Legislature.  Each of the regular board members must be a

  6  resident of the state and must have experience in the

  7  aerospace or commercial space industry or in finance or have

  8  other significant relevant experience.  One regular member

  9  shall represent organized labor interests and one regular

10  member shall represent minority interests. In addition to the

11  regular members, there shall be two ex officio voting members,

12  one of whom shall be a member of the Senate, appointed by the

13  President of the Senate, and one of whom shall be a member of

14  the House of Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the

15  House of Representatives.

16         (2)  Initially, the Governor shall appoint four regular

17  members for terms of 3 years or until successors are appointed

18  and qualified and three regular members for terms of 4 years

19  or until successors are appointed and qualified.  Thereafter,

20  Each regular such member shall serve a term of 4 years or

21  until a successor is appointed and qualified.  The term of

22  each such member shall be construed to commence on the date of

23  appointment and to terminate on June 30 of the year of the end

24  of the term.  The terms for such members initially appointed

25  shall be construed to include the time between initial

26  appointment and June 30, 1992, for those appointed for 3-year

27  terms, and June 30, 1993, for those appointed for 4-year

28  terms.  No such member shall be allowed to serve an initial

29  3-year term or fill any vacancy for the remainder of a term

30  for less than 4 years. Appointment to the board does shall not



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  1  preclude a any such member from holding any other private or

  2  public position.

  3         (3)  The ex officio nonvoting members shall serve on

  4  the board for 2-year terms.

  5         (4)  Any vacancy on the board shall be filled for the

  6  balance of the unexpired term.

  7         (5)  Initial appointments shall be made no later than

  8  60 days after this act takes effect.

  9         (5)(6)  The board shall hold its initial meeting no

10  later than 20 days after the members have been appointed.  At

11  its initial meeting, or as soon thereafter as is practicable,

12  The board shall appoint an executive director.  Meetings shall

13  be held quarterly or more frequently at the call of the chair.

14  A majority of the regular members of the board shall

15  constitute a quorum, and a majority vote of such members

16  present is necessary for any action taken by the board.

17         (6)(7)  The Governor may has the authority to remove

18  from the board any regular member in the manner and for cause

19  as defined by the laws of this state and applicable to

20  situations that which may arise before the board.  Unless

21  excused by the chair of the board, a regular member's absence

22  from two or more consecutive board meetings creates a vacancy

23  in the office to which the member was appointed.

24         Section 7.  Subsections (3) and (4) of section 331.329,

25  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

26         331.329  Changing boundary lines; annexation and

27  exclusion of lands; creation of municipalities within the

28  geographical limits of any spaceport territory; limitations on

29  the furnishing of services within annexed areas.--

30         (3)  In the event that the geographical limits of any

31  spaceport territory as set forth in s. 331.304 are revised so


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  1  as to include within any spaceport territory any areas not

  2  presently contained within any spaceport territory, the

  3  authority shall not engage in the business of furnishing

  4  electric power for sale in such annexed area, unless the

  5  authority shall offer to purchase from any person who is at

  6  the time engaged in the business of making, generating, or

  7  distributing electricity for sale within such annexed area,

  8  such portion of its electric plant and property suitable and

  9  used for such business in connection therewith as lies within

10  the limits of such annexed area, in a manner consistent with

11  law.

12         (3)(4)  The authority shall designate new launch pads

13  outside the present designated spaceport territories by

14  statutory amendment of s. 331.304.

15         Section 8.  Subsection (1) of section 331.331, Florida

16  Statutes, is amended to read:

17         331.331  Revenue bonds.--

18         (1)  Revenue bonds issued by the authority shall not be

19  deemed revenue bonds issued by the state or its agencies for

20  purposes of s. 11, Art. VII of the State Constitution and ss.

21  215.57-215.83.  However, until December 31, 1994, the power of

22  the authority to issue revenue bonds shall be limited as

23  provided in s. 331.305.  The authority shall include in its

24  annual report to the Governor and Legislature, as provided in

25  s. 331.310, a summary of the status of existing and proposed

26  bonding projects.

27         Section 9.  Section 331.360, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         331.360  Joint project agreement or assistance.--

30         (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the

31  Department of Transportation may enter into a joint project


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  1  agreement with, or otherwise assist, the Spaceport Florida

  2  Authority as necessary to effectuate the provisions of this

  3  chapter and may allocate funds for such purposes in its 5-year

  4  work program.  However, the department may not fund the

  5  administrative or operational costs of the authority.

  6         (2)  The authority shall develop a spaceport master

  7  plan for expansion and modernization of space transportation

  8  facilities within spaceport territories as defined in s.

  9  331.303(22). The plan shall contain recommended projects to

10  meet current and future commercial, national, and state space

11  transportation requirements, and identify appropriate funding

12  levels and sources. The authority shall submit the plan to any

13  appropriate M.P.O. for review of intermodal impacts. The

14  authority shall submit the spaceport master plan to the

15  Department of Transportation for inclusion within the

16  department's 5-year work program of qualifying aerospace

17  discretionary capacity improvement under ss. 332.001-332.007.

18  The plan shall include recommendations on appropriate sources

19  of revenue that may be developed to contribute to the State

20  Transportation Trust Fund.

21         Section 10.  Section 332.001, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         332.001  Aviation and aerospace; powers and duties of

24  the Department of Transportation.--

25         (1)  It shall be the duty, function, and responsibility

26  of the Department of Transportation to plan airport systems in

27  this state.  In carrying out this duty and responsibility, the

28  department may assist and advise, cooperate, and coordinate

29  with the federal, state, local, or private organizations and

30  individuals in planning such systems of airports.



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  1         (2)  It shall be the duty, function, and responsibility

  2  of the Department of Transportation to promote the further

  3  development and improvement of air routes, airport facilities,

  4  and landing fields and protect their approaches and to

  5  stimulate the development of aviation commerce and air

  6  facilities. In carrying out this duty and responsibility, the

  7  department may advise and cooperate with municipalities,

  8  counties, regional authorities, state agencies, appropriate

  9  federal agencies, and interested private individuals and

10  groups.

11         (3)  It shall be the duty, function, and responsibility

12  of the Department of Transportation to promote the further

13  development and improvement of aerospace transportation

14  facilities, to address intermodal requirements and impacts of

15  the launch ranges, spaceports, and other aerospace

16  transportation facilities, to assist in the development of

17  joint-use facilities and technology that support aviation and

18  aerospace operations, and to promote cooperative efforts

19  between federal and state government entities to improve space

20  transportation capacity and efficiency. In carrying out this

21  duty and responsibility, the department may assist and advise,

22  cooperate, and coordinate with federal, state, local, or

23  private organizations and individuals.

24         Section 11.  Section 332.004, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         332.004  Definitions of terms used in ss.

27  332.003-332.007.--As used in ss. 332.003-332.007, the term:

28         (1)  "Aerospace" means the science and art of space

29  flight and includes, but is not limited to, transportation to

30  and from orbital and suborbital locations by expendable launch

31  vehicles, sounding rockets, the space transportation system,


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  1  and other reusable launch vehicles; the operation,

  2  construction, repair, or maintenance of spacecraft, spacecraft

  3  engines, and accessories; the design, establishment,

  4  construction, extension, operation, improvement, repair, or

  5  maintenance of spaceports or other space tracking facilities;

  6  and instruction in space flight or ground subjects pertaining

  7  thereto.

  8         (2)  "Aerospace discretionary capacity improvement

  9  projects" means capacity improvements which enhance space

10  transportation capacity at spaceports which have had one or

11  more orbital or suborbital flights during the previous

12  calendar year or have an agreement in writing for installation

13  of one or more regularly scheduled orbital or suborbital

14  flights upon the commitment of funds for stipulated spaceport

15  capital improvements.

16         (3)  "Aircraft" means any motor vehicle or contrivance

17  now known, or hereafter invented, which is used or designed

18  for navigation of or flight in the air, except a parachute or

19  other contrivance designed for such navigation but used

20  primarily as safety equipment.

21         (4)(1)  "Airport" means any area of land or water, or

22  any manmade object or facility located therein, which is used,

23  or intended for public use, for the landing and takeoff of

24  aircraft, and any appurtenant areas which are used, or

25  intended for public use, for airport buildings or other

26  airport facilities or rights-of-way.

27         (5)(2)  "Airport hazard" means any structure or object

28  of natural growth located on or in the vicinity of a

29  public-use airport, or any use of land near such airport,

30  which obstructs or causes an obstruction to the airspace

31  required for the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off


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  1  at such airport or is otherwise hazardous to landing or taking

  2  off at such airport.

  3         (6)(3)  "Airport master planning" means the

  4  development, for planning purposes, of information and

  5  guidance to determine the extent, type, and nature of

  6  development needed at a specific airport.

  7         (7)(4)  "Airport or aviation development project" or

  8  "development project" means any activity associated with the

  9  design, construction, purchase, improvement, or repair of a

10  public-use airport or portion thereof, including, but not

11  limited to: the purchase of equipment; the acquisition of

12  land, including land required as a condition of a federal,

13  state, or local permit or agreement for environmental

14  mitigation; the removal, lowering, relocation, marking, and

15  lighting of airport hazards; the installation of navigation

16  aids used by aircraft in landing at or taking off from a

17  public airport; the installation of safety equipment required

18  by rule or regulation for certification of the airport under

19  s. 612 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, and amendments

20  thereto; and the improvement of access to the airport by road

21  or rail system which is on airport property and which is

22  consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with the approved

23  local government comprehensive plan of the units of local

24  government in which the airport is located.

25         (8)(5)  "Airport or aviation discretionary capacity

26  improvement projects" or "discretionary capacity improvement

27  projects" means capacity improvements which are consistent, to

28  the maximum extent feasible, with the approved local

29  government comprehensive plans of the units of local

30  government in which the airport is located, and which enhance

31  intercontinental capacity at airports which:


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  1         (a)  Are international airports with United States

  2  Customs Service;

  3         (b)  Had one or more regularly scheduled

  4  intercontinental flights during the previous calendar year or

  5  have an agreement in writing for installation of one or more

  6  regularly scheduled intercontinental flights upon the

  7  commitment of funds for stipulated airport capital

  8  improvements; and

  9         (c)  Have available or planned public ground

10  transportation between the airport and other major

11  transportation facilities.

12         (9)  "Aviation" means the science and art of flight and

13  includes, but is not limited to, transportation by aircraft;

14  the operation, construction, repair, or maintenance of

15  aircraft, aircraft power plants, and accessories, including

16  the repair, packing, and maintenance of parachutes; the

17  design, establishment, construction, extension, operation,

18  improvement, repair, or maintenance of airports or other air

19  navigation facilities; and instruction in flying or ground

20  subjects pertaining thereto.

21         (10)(6)  "Aviation and aerospace system planning" means

22  the development of comprehensive aviation and aerospace plans

23  designed to achieve and facilitate the establishment of a

24  statewide, integrated aviation aerospace system in order to

25  meet the current and future aviation and aerospace needs of

26  this state.

27         (11)(7)  "Eligible agency" means a political

28  subdivision of the state or an authority which owns or seeks

29  to develop a public-use airport.




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  1         (12)(8)  "Federal aid" means funds made available from

  2  the Federal Government for the accomplishment of airport or

  3  aviation development projects.

  4         (13)(9)  "Florida airport system" means all existing

  5  public-use airports that are owned and operated within the

  6  state and those public-use airports which will be developed

  7  and made operational in the future.

  8         (14)(10)  "Landing area" means that area used or

  9  intended to be used for the landing, takeoff, or surface

10  maneuvering of an aircraft.

11         (15)(11)  "Planning agency" means any agency authorized

12  by the laws of the state or by a political subdivision to

13  engage in area planning for the areas in which assistance

14  under this act is contemplated.

15         (16)(12)  "Project" means a project for the

16  accomplishment of airport or aviation development or airport

17  master planning.

18         (17)(13)  "Project cost" means any cost involved in

19  accomplishing a project.

20         (18)(14)  "Public-use airport" means any publicly owned

21  airport which is used or to be used for public purposes.

22         (19)  "Spaceport" shall have the same meaning as

23  defined in s. 331.303(19).

24         (20)(15)  "Sponsor" means any eligible agency which,

25  either individually or jointly with one or more eligible

26  agencies, submits to the department an application for

27  financial assistance for an airport development project in

28  accordance with this act, or the Spaceport Florida Authority

29  for the submission of a spaceport development project.

30         Section 12.  Section 332.006, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         332.006  Duties and responsibilities of the Department

  2  of Transportation.--The Department of Transportation shall,

  3  within the resources provided pursuant to chapter 216:

  4         (1)  Provide coordination and assistance for the

  5  development of a viable aviation and aerospace system in this

  6  state. To support the system, a statewide aviation and

  7  aerospace system plan shall be developed and periodically

  8  updated which summarizes 5-year, 10-year, and 20-year airport,

  9  and aviation, and aerospace needs within the state.  The

10  statewide aviation and aerospace system plan shall be

11  consistent with the goals of the Florida Transportation Plan

12  developed pursuant to s. 339.155. The statewide aviation and

13  aerospace system plan shall not preempt local airport master

14  plans adopted in compliance with federal and state

15  requirements or spaceport master plans adopted by the

16  Spaceport Florida Authority.

17         (2)  Advise and assist the Governor in all aviation and

18  aerospace matters.

19         (3)(a)  Upon request, assist airport sponsors, both

20  financially and technically, in airport master planning.

21         (b)  Upon request, assist the Spaceport Florida

22  Authority, both financially and technically in spaceport

23  planning.

24         (4)  Upon request, provide financial and technical

25  assistance to public agencies which operate public-use

26  airports or spaceports by making department personnel and

27  department-owned facilities and equipment available on a

28  cost-reimbursement basis to such agencies for special needs of

29  limited duration.  The requirement relating to reimbursement

30  of personnel costs may be waived by the department in those



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  1  cases in which the assistance provided by its personnel was of

  2  a limited nature or duration.

  3         (5)  Participate in research and development programs

  4  relating to airports and aerospace.

  5         (6)  Administer department participation in the program

  6  of aviation, aerospace, and airport grants as provided for in

  7  ss. 332.003-332.007.

  8         (7)  Develop, promote, and distribute supporting

  9  information and educational services.

10         (8)  Encourage the maximum allocation of federal funds

11  to local airport and spaceport projects in this state.

12         (9)  Support the development of land located within the

13  boundaries of airports and spaceports for the purpose of

14  industrial or other uses compatible with airport and spaceport

15  operations with the objective of assisting airports and

16  spaceports in this state to become fiscally self-supporting.

17  Such assistance may include providing state moneys on a

18  matching basis to airport sponsors and the Spaceport Florida

19  Authority for capital improvements, including, but not limited

20  to, fixed-base operation facilities, parking areas, industrial

21  park utility systems, and road and rail transportation systems

22  which are on airport property.

23         Section 13.  Section 332.007, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         332.007  Administration and financing of aviation, and

26  airport, and aerospace programs and projects; state plan.--

27         (1)  Federal funding of individual local airport

28  projects shall continue to be wholly between the local airport

29  sponsors and the appropriate federal agencies; however, the

30  Department of Transportation is authorized to receive federal



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  1  grants for statewide projects when no local sponsor is

  2  available.

  3         (2)(a)  The Department of Transportation shall prepare

  4  and continuously update an aviation, and airport, and

  5  aerospace work program in accordance with subsections (6), and

  6  (7), and (8) based on a collection of the local sponsors'

  7  proposed projects to be included in the work program of the

  8  department developed pursuant to s. 339.135. The airport work

  9  program shall separately identify development projects and

10  discretionary capacity improvement projects.

11         (b)  The aviation and airport work program shall be

12  consistent with the statewide aviation and aerospace system

13  plan and, to the maximum extent feasible, consistent with

14  approved local government comprehensive plans.  Projects

15  involving funds administered by the department to be

16  undertaken and implemented by the airport sponsor shall be

17  included in the aviation and airport work program.

18         (3)  Assistance pursuant to the provisions of this

19  section shall only be provided for projects which are included

20  in the department's adopted work program developed pursuant to

21  s. 339.135.

22         (4)(a)  The annual legislative budget request for

23  aviation and airport development projects shall be based on

24  the funding required for development projects in the aviation,

25  and airport, and aerospace work program.  The department shall

26  provide priority funding in support of the planning, design,

27  and construction of proposed projects by local sponsors, with

28  special emphasis on projects for runways and taxiways,

29  including the painting and marking of runways and taxiways,

30  lighting, other related airside activities, and airport access

31  transportation facility projects on airport property.


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  1         (b)  Projects which provide for construction of an

  2  automatic weather observation station are eligible for the use

  3  of funds provided for herein.

  4         (c)  No single airport shall secure airport or aviation

  5  development project funds in excess of 25 percent of the total

  6  airport or aviation development project funds available in any

  7  given budget year.  However, any airport which receives

  8  discretionary capacity improvement project funds in a given

  9  fiscal year shall not receive greater than 10 percent of total

10  aviation and airport development project funds appropriated in

11  that fiscal year.

12         (d)  Unless prohibited by the appropriations act or

13  general legislation, the department may transfer funds for an

14  airport and aviation development project to other airport and

15  aviation development projects to maximize the aviation

16  services or federal aid available to this state.

17         (5)  Only those projects or programs provided for in

18  this act that will contribute to the implementation of the

19  state aviation and aerospace system plan, that are consistent

20  with and will contribute to the implementation of any airport

21  or spaceport master plan or layout plan, and that are

22  consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with the approved

23  local government comprehensive plans of the units of

24  government in which the airport or spaceport is located are

25  eligible for the expenditure of state funds in accordance with

26  fund participation rates and priorities established herein.

27         (6)  Subject to the availability of appropriated funds,

28  the department may participate in the capital cost of eligible

29  public airport and aviation development projects in accordance

30  with the following rates, unless otherwise provided in the



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  1  General Appropriations Act or the substantive bill

  2  implementing the General Appropriations Act:

  3         (a)  The department may fund up to 50 percent of the

  4  portion of eligible project costs which are not funded by the

  5  Federal Government, except that the department may initially

  6  fund up to 75 percent of the cost of land acquisition for a

  7  new airport or for the expansion of an existing airport which

  8  is owned and operated by a municipality, a county, or an

  9  authority, and shall be reimbursed to the normal statutory

10  project share when federal funds become available or within 10

11  years after the date of acquisition, whichever is earlier.

12  Due to federal budgeting constraints, the department may also

13  initially fund the federal portion of eligible project costs

14  subject to:

15         1.  The department receiving adequate assurance from

16  the Federal Government or local sponsor that this amount will

17  be reimbursed to the department; and

18         2.  The department having adequate funds in the work

19  program to fund the project.


21  Such projects must be contained in the Federal Government's

22  Airport Capital Improvement Program, and the Federal

23  Government must fund, or have funded, the first year of the

24  project.

25         (b)  The department may retroactively reimburse cities,

26  counties, or airport authorities up to 50 percent of the

27  nonfederal share for land acquisition when such land is needed

28  for airport safety, expansion, tall structure control, clear

29  zone protection, or noise impact reduction. No land purchased

30  prior to July 1, 1990, or purchased prior to executing the



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  1  required department agreements shall be eligible for

  2  reimbursement.

  3         (c)  When federal funds are not available, the

  4  department may fund up to 80 percent of master planning and

  5  eligible aviation development projects at publicly owned,

  6  publicly operated airports. Such funding is limited to

  7  airports that have no scheduled commercial service.

  8         (d)  The department is authorized to fund up to 100

  9  percent of the cost of an eligible project that is statewide

10  in scope or that involves more than one county where no other

11  governmental entity or appropriate jurisdiction exists.

12         (7)  Subject to the availability of appropriated funds

13  in addition to aviation fuel tax revenues, the department may

14  participate in the capital cost of eligible public airport and

15  aviation discretionary capacity improvement projects.  The

16  annual legislative budget request shall be based on the

17  funding required for discretionary capacity improvement

18  projects in the aviation, and airport, and aerospace work

19  program.

20         (a)  The department shall provide priority funding in

21  support of:

22         1.  Land acquisition which provides additional capacity

23  at the qualifying international airport or at that airport's

24  supplemental air carrier airport.

25         2.  Runway and taxiway projects that add capacity or

26  are necessary to accommodate technological changes in the

27  aviation industry.

28         3.  Airport access transportation projects that improve

29  direct airport access and are approved by the airport sponsor.

30         4.  International terminal projects that increase

31  international gate capacity.


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  1         (b)  No single airport shall secure discretionary

  2  capacity improvement project funds in excess of 50 percent of

  3  the total discretionary capacity improvement project funds

  4  available in any given budget year.

  5         (c)  Unless prohibited by the General Appropriations

  6  Act or by law, the department may transfer funds within each

  7  category of the airport and aviation discretionary capacity

  8  improvement program to maximize the aviation services or

  9  federal aid available to this state.

10         (d)  The department may fund up to 50 percent of the

11  portion of eligible project costs which are not funded by the

12  Federal Government except that the department may initially

13  fund up to 75 percent of the cost of land acquisition for a

14  new airport or for the expansion of an existing airport which

15  is owned and operated by a municipality, a county, or an

16  authority, and shall be reimbursed to the normal statutory

17  project share when federal funds become available or within 10

18  years after the date of acquisition, whichever is earlier.

19         (8)  Subject to the availability of appropriated funds,

20  the department may participate in the capital cost of eligible

21  aerospace discretionary capacity improvement projects. The

22  annual legislative budget request shall be based on the

23  funding required for aerospace discretionary capacity

24  improvement projects in the aviation, airport, and aerospace

25  work program.

26         Section 14.  Section 332.009, Florida Statutes, is

27  created to read:

28         332.009  Limitation on operation of chapter.--Nothing

29  in this chapter shall be construed to authorize expenditure of

30  aviation fuel tax revenues on space transportation projects.



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  1  Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit the

  2  department's authority under s. 331.360.

  3         Section 15.  Subsection (31) of section 334.03, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         334.03  Definitions.--When used in the Florida

  6  Transportation Code, the term:

  7         (31)  "Transportation facility" means any means for the

  8  transportation of people or and property from place to place

  9  which is constructed, operated, or maintained in whole or in

10  part from public funds. The term includes the property or

11  property rights, both real and personal, which have been or

12  may be established by public bodies for the transportation of

13  people or and property from place to place.

14         Section 16.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section

15  339.155, Florida Statutes, is amended, paragraphs (w) and (x)

16  of subsection (2) are redesignated as paragraphs (x) and (y),

17  respectively, and a new paragraph (w) is added to subsection

18  (2) of said section, to read:

19         339.155  Transportation planning.--The department shall

20  develop and annually update a statewide transportation plan,

21  to be known as the Florida Transportation Plan.  The plan

22  shall be designed so as to be easily read and understood by

23  the general public.

24         (2)  DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA.--The Florida Transportation

25  Plan shall consider the needs of the entire state

26  transportation system, examine the use of all modes of

27  transportation to effectively and efficiently meet such needs,

28  and provide for the interconnection of all types of modes in a

29  comprehensive intermodal transportation system.  In developing

30  the Florida Transportation Plan, the department shall consider

31  the following:


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  1         (d)  International border crossings and access to

  2  ports, airports, spaceports, intermodal transportation

  3  facilities, major freight distribution routes, national parks,

  4  recreation and scenic areas, monuments and historic sites, and

  5  military installations.

  6         (w)  The spaceport master plan approved by the

  7  Spaceport Florida Authority.

  8         Section 17.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2), paragraph

  9  (b) of subsection (5), paragraph (a) of subsection (6),

10  paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (7), and paragraph (a) of

11  subsection (9) of section 339.175, Florida Statutes, 1998

12  Supplement, are amended to read:

13         339.175  Metropolitan planning organization.--It is the

14  intent of the Legislature to encourage and promote the

15  development of transportation systems embracing various modes

16  of transportation in a manner that will maximize the mobility

17  of people and goods within and through urbanized areas of this

18  state and minimize, to the maximum extent feasible, and

19  together with applicable regulatory government agencies,

20  transportation-related fuel consumption and air pollution.  To

21  accomplish these objectives, metropolitan planning

22  organizations, referred to in this section as M.P.O.'s, shall

23  develop, in cooperation with the state, transportation plans

24  and programs for metropolitan areas. Such plans and programs

25  must provide for the development of transportation facilities

26  that will function as an intermodal transportation system for

27  the metropolitan area.  The process for developing such plans

28  and programs shall be continuing, cooperative, and

29  comprehensive, to the degree appropriate, based on the

30  complexity of the transportation problems.

31         (2)  VOTING MEMBERSHIP.--


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  1         (a)  The voting membership of an M.P.O. shall consist

  2  of not fewer than 5 or more than 19 apportioned members, the

  3  exact number to be determined on an equitable

  4  geographic-population ratio basis by the Governor, based on an

  5  agreement among the affected units of general-purpose local

  6  government as required by federal rules and regulations. The

  7  Governor, in accordance with 23 U.S.C. s. 134, as amended by

  8  the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991,

  9  may also provide for M.P.O. members who represent

10  municipalities to alternate with representatives from other

11  municipalities within the designated urban area that do not

12  have members on the M.P.O. County commission members shall

13  compose not less than one-third of the M.P.O. membership,

14  except for an M.P.O. with more than 15 members located in a

15  county with a five-member county commission or an M.P.O. with

16  19 members located in a county with no more than 6 county

17  commissioners, in which case county commission members may

18  compose less than one-third percent of the M.P.O. membership,

19  but all county commissioners must be members. All voting

20  members shall be elected officials of general-purpose

21  governments, except that an M.P.O. may include, as part of its

22  apportioned voting members, a member of a statutorily

23  authorized planning board, or an official of an agency that

24  operates or administers a major mode of transportation, or an

25  official of the Spaceport Florida Authority.  In metropolitan

26  areas in which authorities or other agencies have been, or may

27  be, created by law to perform transportation functions that

28  are not under the jurisdiction of a general-purpose local

29  government represented on the M.P.O., they shall be provided

30  voting membership on the M.P.O.  The county commission shall

31  compose not less than 20 percent of the M.P.O. membership if


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  1  an official of an agency that operates or administers a major

  2  mode of transportation has been appointed to an M.P.O.

  3         (5)  POWERS, DUTIES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES.--The powers,

  4  privileges, and authority of an M.P.O. are those specified in

  5  this section or incorporated in an interlocal agreement

  6  authorized under s. 163.01.  Each M.P.O. shall perform all

  7  acts required by federal or state laws or rules, now and

  8  subsequently applicable, which are necessary to qualify for

  9  federal aid. It is the intent of this section that each M.P.O.

10  shall be involved in the planning and programming of

11  transportation facilities, including, but not limited to,

12  airports, intercity and high-speed rail lines, seaports, and

13  intermodal facilities, to the extent permitted by state or

14  federal law.

15         (b)  In developing the long-range transportation plan

16  and the transportation improvement program required under

17  paragraph (a), each M.P.O. must, at a minimum, consider:

18         1.  The preservation of existing transportation

19  facilities and, where practical, ways to meet transportation

20  needs by using existing facilities more efficiently;

21         2.  The consistency of transportation planning with

22  applicable federal, state, and local energy conservation

23  programs, goals, and objectives;

24         3.  The need to relieve congestion and prevent

25  congestion from occurring where it does not yet occur;

26         4.  The likely effect of transportation policy

27  decisions on land use and development and the consistency of

28  transportation plans and programs with all applicable

29  short-term and long-term land use and development plans;

30         5.  The programming of transportation enhancement

31  activities as required by federal law;


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  1         6.  The effect of all transportation projects to be

  2  undertaken in the metropolitan area, without regard to whether

  3  such projects are publicly funded;

  4         7.  The provision of access to seaports, airports,

  5  spaceports, intermodal transportation facilities, major

  6  freight distribution routes, national and state parks,

  7  recreation areas, monuments and historic sites, and military

  8  installations;

  9         8.  The need for roads within the metropolitan area to

10  efficiently connect with roads outside the metropolitan area;

11         9.  The transportation needs identified through the use

12  of transportation management systems required by federal or

13  state law;

14         10.  The preservation of rights-of-way for construction

15  of future transportation projects, including the

16  identification of unused rights-of-way that may be needed for

17  future transportation corridors and the identification of

18  corridors for which action is most needed to prevent

19  destruction or loss;

20         11.  Any available methods to enhance the efficient

21  movement of freight;

22         12.  The use of life-cycle costs in the design and

23  engineering of bridges, tunnels, or pavement;

24         13.  The overall social, economic, energy, and

25  environmental effects of transportation decisions;

26         14.  Any available methods to expand or enhance transit

27  services and increase the use of such services; and

28         15.  The possible allocation of capital investments to

29  increase security for transit systems.

30         (6)  LONG-RANGE PLAN.--Each M.P.O. must develop a

31  long-range transportation plan that addresses at least a


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  1  20-year planning horizon. The plan must include both

  2  long-range and short-range strategies and must comply with all

  3  other state and federal requirements. The long-range plan must

  4  be consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with future

  5  land use elements and the goals, objectives, and policies of

  6  the approved local government comprehensive plans of the units

  7  of local government located within the jurisdiction of the

  8  M.P.O. The approved long-range plan must be considered by

  9  local governments in the development of the transportation

10  elements in local government comprehensive plans and any

11  amendments thereto. The long-range plan must, at a minimum:

12         (a)  Identify transportation facilities, including, but

13  not limited to, major roadways, airports, seaports,

14  spaceports, commuter rail systems, transit systems, and

15  intermodal or multimodal terminals that will function as an

16  integrated metropolitan transportation system.  The long-range

17  plan must give emphasis to those transportation facilities

18  that serve national, statewide, or regional functions, and

19  must consider the goals and objectives identified in the

20  Florida Transportation Plan as provided in s. 339.155.


22  In the development of its long-range plan, each M.P.O. must

23  provide affected public agencies, representatives of

24  transportation agency employees, private providers of

25  transportation, other interested parties, and members of the

26  general public with a reasonable opportunity to comment on the

27  long-range plan. The long-range plan must be approved by the

28  M.P.O.


30  shall, in cooperation with the state and affected public

31  transportation operators, develop a transportation improvement


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  1  program for the area within the jurisdiction of the M.P.O.  In

  2  the development of the transportation improvement program,

  3  each M.P.O. must provide affected public transit agencies,

  4  representatives of transportation agency employees, private

  5  providers of transportation, other interested parties, and

  6  members of the general public with a reasonable opportunity to

  7  comment on the transportation improvement program.

  8         (a)  Each M.P.O. is responsible for developing,

  9  annually, a list of project priorities and a transportation

10  improvement program. The transportation improvement program

11  will be used to initiate federally aided transportation

12  facilities and improvements as well as other transportation

13  facilities and improvements including transit, rail, aviation,

14  aerospace, and port facilities to be funded from the State

15  Transportation Trust Fund within its metropolitan area in

16  accordance with existing and subsequent federal and state laws

17  and rules and regulations related thereto.  The transportation

18  improvement program shall be consistent, to the maximum extent

19  feasible, with the approved local government comprehensive

20  plans of the units of local government whose boundaries are

21  within the metropolitan area of the M.P.O.

22         (c)  The transportation improvement program must, at a

23  minimum:

24         1.  Include projects and project phases to be funded

25  with state or federal funds within the time period of the

26  transportation improvement program and which are recommended

27  for advancement during the next fiscal year and 4 subsequent

28  fiscal years.  Such projects and project phases must be

29  consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with the approved

30  local government comprehensive plans of the units of local

31  government located within the jurisdiction of the M.P.O.  For


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  1  informational purposes, the transportation improvement program

  2  shall also include a list of projects to be funded from local

  3  or private revenues.

  4         2.  Include projects within the metropolitan area which

  5  are proposed for funding under 23 U.S.C. s. 134 of the Federal

  6  Transit Act and which are consistent with the long-range plan

  7  developed under subsection (6).

  8         3.  Provide a financial plan that demonstrates how the

  9  transportation improvement program can be implemented;

10  indicates the resources, both public and private, that are

11  reasonably expected to be available to accomplish the program;

12  and recommends any innovative financing techniques that may be

13  used to fund needed projects and programs.  Such techniques

14  may include the assessment of tolls, the use of value capture

15  financing, or the use of congestion pricing.  The

16  transportation improvement program may include a project or

17  project phase only if full funding can reasonably be

18  anticipated to be available for the project or project phase

19  within the time period contemplated for completion of the

20  project or project phase.

21         4.  Group projects and project phases of similar

22  urgency and anticipated staging into appropriate staging

23  periods.

24         5.  Indicate how the transportation improvement program

25  relates to the long-range plan developed under subsection (6),

26  including providing examples of specific projects or project

27  phases that further the goals and policies of the long-range

28  plan.

29         6.  Indicate whether any project or project phase is

30  inconsistent with an approved comprehensive plan of a unit of

31  local government located within the jurisdiction of the M.P.O.


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  1  If a project is inconsistent with an affected comprehensive

  2  plan, the M.P.O. must provide justification for including the

  3  project in the transportation improvement program.

  4         7.  Indicate how the improvements are consistent, to

  5  the maximum extent feasible, with affected seaport, and

  6  airport, and spaceport master plans and with public transit

  7  development plans of the units of local government located

  8  within the jurisdiction of the M.P.O.

  9         (9)  AGREEMENTS.--

10         (a)  Each M.P.O. shall execute the following written

11  agreements, which shall be reviewed, and updated as necessary,

12  every 5 years:

13         1.  An agreement with the department clearly

14  establishing the cooperative relationship essential to

15  accomplish the transportation planning requirements of state

16  and federal law.

17         2.  An agreement with the metropolitan and regional

18  intergovernmental coordination and review agencies serving the

19  metropolitan areas, specifying the means by which activities

20  will be coordinated and how transportation planning and

21  programming will be part of the comprehensive planned

22  development of the area.

23         3.  An agreement with operators of public

24  transportation systems, including transit systems, commuter

25  rail systems, airports, and seaports, and spaceports,

26  describing the means by which activities will be coordinated

27  and specifying how public transit, commuter rail, aviation,

28  and seaport, and aerospace planning and programming will be

29  part of the comprehensive planned development of the

30  metropolitan area.



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  1         Section 18.  Subsection (6) of section 196.012, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         196.012  Definitions.--For the purpose of this chapter,

  4  the following terms are defined as follows, except where the

  5  context clearly indicates otherwise:

  6         (6)  Governmental, municipal, or public purpose or

  7  function shall be deemed to be served or performed when the

  8  lessee under any leasehold interest created in property of the

  9  United States, the state or any of its political subdivisions,

10  or any municipality, agency, special district, authority, or

11  other public body corporate of the state is demonstrated to

12  perform a function or serve a governmental purpose which could

13  properly be performed or served by an appropriate governmental

14  unit or which is demonstrated to perform a function or serve a

15  purpose which would otherwise be a valid subject for the

16  allocation of public funds. For purposes of the preceding

17  sentence, an activity undertaken by a lessee which is

18  permitted under the terms of its lease of real property

19  designated as an aviation area on an airport layout plan which

20  has been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration and

21  which real property is used for the administration, operation,

22  business offices and activities related specifically thereto

23  in connection with the conduct of an aircraft full service

24  fixed base operation which provides goods and services to the

25  general aviation public in the promotion of air commerce shall

26  be deemed an activity which serves a governmental, municipal,

27  or public purpose or function. Any activity undertaken by a

28  lessee which is permitted under the terms of its lease of real

29  property designated as a public airport as defined in s.

30  332.004(18)(14) by municipalities, agencies, special

31  districts, authorities, or other public bodies corporate and


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  1  public bodies politic of the state, a spaceport as defined in

  2  s. 331.303(19), or which is located in a deepwater port

  3  identified in s. 403.021(9)(b) and owned by one of the

  4  foregoing governmental units, subject to a leasehold or other

  5  possessory interest of a nongovernmental lessee that is deemed

  6  to perform an aviation or airport or aerospace or maritime or

  7  port purpose or operation shall be deemed an activity that

  8  serves a governmental, municipal, or public purpose. The use

  9  by a lessee, licensee, or management company of real property

10  or a portion thereof as a convention center, visitor center,

11  sports facility with permanent seating, concert hall, arena,

12  stadium, park, or beach is deemed a use that serves a

13  governmental, municipal, or public purpose or function when

14  access to the property is open to the general public with or

15  without a charge for admission. If property deeded to a

16  municipality by the United States is subject to a requirement

17  that the Federal Government, through a schedule established by

18  the Secretary of the Interior, determine that the property is

19  being maintained for public historic preservation, park, or

20  recreational purposes and if those conditions are not met the

21  property will revert back to the Federal Government, then such

22  property shall be deemed to serve a municipal or public

23  purpose. The term "governmental purpose" also includes a

24  direct use of property on federal lands in connection with the

25  Federal Government's Space Exploration Program or the

26  Spaceport Florida Authority. Real property and tangible

27  personal property owned by the Federal Government or the

28  Spaceport Florida Authority and used for defense and space

29  exploration purposes or which is put to a use in support

30  thereof shall be deemed to perform an essential national

31  governmental purpose and shall be exempt. "Owned by the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999              CS/HB 815


  1  lessee" as used in this chapter does not include personal

  2  property, buildings, or other real property improvements used

  3  for the administration, operation, business offices and

  4  activities related specifically thereto in connection with the

  5  conduct of an aircraft full service fixed based operation

  6  which provides goods and services to the general aviation

  7  public in the promotion of air commerce provided that the real

  8  property is designated as an aviation area on an airport

  9  layout plan approved by the Federal Aviation Administration.

10  For purposes of determination of "ownership," buildings and

11  other real property improvements which will revert to the

12  airport authority or other governmental unit upon expiration

13  of the term of the lease shall be deemed "owned" by the

14  governmental unit and not the lessee. Providing two-way

15  telecommunications services to the public for hire by the use

16  of a telecommunications facility, as defined in s. 364.02(13),

17  and for which a certificate is required under chapter 364 does

18  not constitute an exempt use for purposes of s. 196.199,

19  unless the telecommunications services are provided by the

20  operator of a public-use airport, as defined in s. 332.004,

21  for the operator's provision of telecommunications services

22  for the airport or its tenants, concessionaires, or licensees,

23  or unless the telecommunications services are provided by a

24  public hospital.  However, property that is being used to

25  provide such telecommunications services on or before October

26  1, 1997, shall remain exempt, but such exemption expires

27  October 1, 2004.

28         Section 19.  Subsection (1) of section 334.27, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended to read:




CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999              CS/HB 815


  1         334.27  Governmental transportation entities; property

  2  acquired for transportation purposes; limitation on soil or

  3  groundwater contamination liability.--

  4         (1)  For the purposes of this section, the term

  5  "governmental transportation entity" means the department; an

  6  authority created pursuant to chapter 343, chapter 348, or

  7  chapter 349; airports as defined in s. 332.004(18)(14); a port

  8  enumerated in s. 311.09(1); the Spaceport Florida Authority

  9  created in chapter 331; a county; or a municipality.

10         Section 20.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.





















