Senate Bill 0082c1
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Florida Senate - 1999 CS for SB 82
By the Committee on Transportation and Senators Brown-Waite
and Latvala
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to road and bridge designation;
3 codesignating a portion of State Road 54 in
4 Pasco County as the "State Trooper James Crooks
5 Highway"; directing the Department of
6 Transportation to erect suitable signs;
7 designating the Florida Highway Patrol
8 substation on State Road 52 in Land O'Lakes as
9 the "State Trooper James Crooks Substation";
10 directing the Department of Highway Safety to
11 erect suitable markers; directing the
12 Department of Transportation to erect two
13 additional markers for the "Purple Heart
14 Highway" on State Road 54; designating a
15 portion of Southwest 87th Avenue from Coral Way
16 to Bird Road in Miami-Dade County as the "Saint
17 Marcellin Champagnat Way"; directing the
18 Department of Transportation to erect suitable
19 markers; designating a portion of Highway 20
20 lying west of the Apalachicola River Bridge in
21 Calhoun County to the Bay County line on the
22 west as the "Fuller Warren Parkway"; directing
23 the Department of Transportation to erect
24 suitable markers; designating a portion of U.S.
25 Highway 98 in Franklin County as the "Camp
26 Gordon Johnston Memorial Highway"; directing
27 the Department of Transportation to erect
28 suitable markers; designating a specified
29 bridge in Fort Lauderdale the "E. Clay Shaw,
30 Jr., Bridge"; designating a specified portion
31 of highway in Fort Lauderdale the "Commodore
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Florida Senate - 1999 CS for SB 82
1 Brook Memorial Causeway"; directing the
2 Department of Transportation to erect suitable
3 markers; designating a portion of U.S. Highway
4 90 in Jefferson and Leon counties as a part of
5 the "Florida Arts Trail"; directing the
6 Department of Transportation to erect suitable
7 signs; designating a portion of State Road 9
8 from 58th Street to County Line Road as the
9 "Carrie P. Meek Boulevard"; directing the
10 Department of Transportation to erect suitable
11 markers; naming the Destin Bridge at East Pass
12 the "William T. Marler Bridge"; directing the
13 Department of Transportation to erect suitable
14 markers; designating U.S. Highway 27 as the
15 "Claude Pepper Memorial Highway"; directing the
16 Department of Transportation to erect suitable
17 markers; providing an effective date.
19 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21 Section 1. (1)(a) That portion of State Road 54 in
22 Pasco County, currently designated as the "Purple Heart
23 Highway," 1 mile east and 1 mile west of the intersection of
24 State Road 54 and I-75 is hereby codesignated as the "State
25 Trooper James Crooks Highway."
26 (b) The Department of Transportation is directed to
27 erect suitable markers designating the "State Trooper James
28 Crooks Highway" as described in paragraph (a).
29 (2)(a) The Florida Highway Patrol substation on State
30 Road 52 in Land O'Lakes is hereby designated as the "State
31 Trooper James Crooks Substation."
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Florida Senate - 1999 CS for SB 82
1 (b) The Department of Highway Safety is directed to
2 erect suitable markers designating the "State Trooper James
3 Crooks Substation" as described in paragraph (a).
4 (3) The Department of Transportation is directed to
5 erect two additional markers for the "Purple Heart Highway" on
6 State Road 54.
7 Section 2. (1) That portion of Highway 20 lying west
8 of the Apalachicola River Bridge in Calhoun County to the Bay
9 County line on the west is designated as the "Fuller Warren
10 Parkway."
11 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to
12 erect suitable markers designating the "Fuller Warren
13 Parkway."
14 Section 3. (1) Southwest 87th Avenue from Coral Way
15 to Bird Road in Miami-Dade County is designated as the "Saint
16 Marcellin Champagnat Way."
17 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to
18 erect suitable markers designating the "Saint Marcellin
19 Champagnat Way."
20 Section 4. (1) That portion of U.S. Highway 98 in
21 Franklin County between the Tillie Miller Bridge in Carrabelle
22 and the Ochlockonee Bay Bridge is hereby designated as the
23 "Camp Gordon Johnston Memorial Highway."
24 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to
25 erect suitable markers designating the "Camp Gordon Johnston
26 Memorial Highway" as described in subsection (1).
27 Section 5. (1) The bridge crossing the Intracoastal
28 Waterway on State Road A1A/Southeast 17th Street in Fort
29 Lauderdale is designated the "E. Clay Shaw, Jr., Bridge," and
30 that portion of State Road A1A/Southeast 17th Street in Fort
31 Lauderdale between Harbor Heights Drive and Seabreeze
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Florida Senate - 1999 CS for SB 82
1 Boulevard is designated the "Commodore Brook Memorial
2 Causeway."
3 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to
4 erect appropriate markers designating the "E. Clay Shaw, Jr.,
5 Bridge" and the "Commodore Brook Memorial Causeway."
6 Section 6. (1) That portion of U.S. Highway 90 in
7 Jefferson and Leon counties between Tallahassee and Monticello
8 is designated as part of the "Florida Arts Trail."
9 (2) The Department of Transportation shall erect
10 suitable markers designating the "Florida Arts Trail."
11 Section 7. (1) State Road 9 from NW 58th Street to
12 County Line Road is designated as the "Carrie P. Meek
13 Boulevard."
14 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to
15 erect suitable markers designating the "Carrie P. Meek
16 Boulevard."
17 Section 8. (1) The Destin Bridge at East Pass is
18 designated the "William T. Marler Bridge."
19 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to
20 erect suitable markers bearing the designation made by this
21 act.
22 Section 9. (1) U.S. Highway 27 within the State of
23 Florida is designated the "Claude Pepper Memorial Highway."
24 (2) The Department of Transportation shall erect
25 suitable markers designating the "Claude Pepper Memorial
26 Highway." Because of the length of the highway designated
27 under this section, the department may determine appropriate
28 intervals along U.S. Highway 27 for the location of markers so
29 as to inform the public of the designation.
30 Section 10. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
31 law.
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Florida Senate - 1999 CS for SB 82
2 SB 82
4 That portion of State Road 54 in Pasco County, currently
designated as the "Purple Heart Highway," 1 mile east and 1
5 mile west of the intersection of State Road 54 and I-75 as the
"State Trooper James Crooks Memorial Highway."
The Florida Highway Patrol substation on State Road 52 in Land
7 O' Lakes as the "State Trooper James Crooks Substation."
8 That portion of Highway 20 lying west of the Apalachicola
River Bridge in Calhoun County to the Bay County Line on the
9 west as the "Fuller Warren Parkway."
10 Southwest 87th Avenue from Coral Way to Bird Road in
Miami-Dade County as the "Saint Marcellin Champagnat Way."
That portion of U.S. Highway 98 in Franklin County between the
12 Tillie Miller Bridge in Carrabelle and the Ochlockonee Bay
Bridge as the "Camp Gordon Johnston Memorial Highway."
The bridge crossing the Intracoastal Waterway on State Road
14 A1A/Southeast 17th Street in Fort Lauderdale as the "E Clay
Shaw, Jr., Bridge."
That portion of State Road A1A/Southeast 17th Street Fort
16 Lauderdale between Harbor Heights Drive and Seabreeze
Boulevard as the "Commodore Brook Memorial Causeway."
That portion of U.S. Highway 90 in Jefferson and Leon Counties
18 between Tallahassee and Monticello as part of the "Florida
Arts Trail."
State Road 9 from NW 58th Street to County Line Road as the
20 "Carrie P. Meek Boulevard."
21 The Destin Bridge at East Pass as the "William T. Marler
U.S. Highway 27 within the State of Florida as the "Claude
23 Pepper Memorial Highway."
24 Directs the Department of Transportation and Department of
Highway Safety to erect suitable markers.