House Bill 0903e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                        CS/HB 903, First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Employee Health Care

  3         Access Act; amending s. 627.6699, F.S.;

  4         revising a definition; revising and updating

  5         provisions requiring small employer carriers to

  6         offer and issue certain health benefit plans;

  7         providing additional restrictions on premium

  8         rates for certain health benefit plans;

  9         providing an effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Paragraph (n) of subsection (3), paragraph

14  (c) of subsection (5) and paragraphs (b) and (d) of subsection

15  (6) of section 627.6699, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement,

16  are amended to read:

17         627.6699  Employee Health Care Access Act.--

18         (3)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:

19         (n)  "Modified community rating" means a method used to

20  develop carrier premiums which spreads financial risk across a

21  large population and allows adjustments for age, gender,

22  family composition, tobacco usage, and geographic area as

23  determined under paragraph (5)(j), claims experience, health

24  status, or duration of coverage as permitted under

25  subparagraph (6)(b)5. and administrative and acquisition

26  expenses as permitted under subparagraph (6)(b)6 (5)(k).


28         (c)  Every small employer carrier must, as a condition

29  of transacting business in this state:

30         1.  Beginning July January 1, 1999 1994, offer and

31  issue all small employer health benefit plans on a


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                                        CS/HB 903, First Engrossed

  1  guaranteed-issue basis to every eligible small employer, with

  2  2 3 to 50 eligible employees, that elects to be covered under

  3  such plan, agrees to make the required premium payments, and

  4  satisfies the other provisions of the plan. A rider for

  5  additional or increased benefits may be medically underwritten

  6  and may only be added to the standard health benefit plan.

  7  The increased rate charged for the additional or increased

  8  benefit must be rated in accordance with this section.

  9         2.  Beginning August 1, 1999 April 15, 1994, offer and

10  issue basic and standard small employer health benefit plans

11  on a guaranteed-issue basis, during a 31-day open enrollment

12  period of August 1 through August 31 of each year, to every

13  eligible small employer, with less than one or two eligible

14  employees, which small employer is not formed primarily for

15  the purposes of buying health insurance, which elects to be

16  covered under such plan, agrees to make the required premium

17  payments, and satisfies the other provisions of the plan.

18  Coverage provided pursuant to this subparagraph shall begin on

19  October 1 of the same year as the date of enrollment, unless

20  the small employer carrier and the small employer mutually

21  agree to a different date. A rider for additional or increased

22  benefits may be medically underwritten and may only be added

23  to the standard health benefit plan.  The increased rate

24  charged for the additional or increased benefit must be rated

25  in accordance with this section. For purposes of this

26  subparagraph, a person, his or her spouse, and his or her

27  dependent children shall constitute a single eligible employee

28  if such person and spouse are employed by the same small

29  employer.

30         3.  Offer to eligible small employers the standard and

31  basic health benefit plans.


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                                        CS/HB 903, First Engrossed


  2  This paragraph subparagraph does not limit a carrier's ability

  3  to offer other health benefit plans to small employers if the

  4  standard and basic health benefit plans are offered and

  5  rejected.


  7         (b)  For all small employer health benefit plans that

  8  are subject to this section and are issued by small employer

  9  carriers on or after January 1, 1994, premium rates for health

10  benefit plans subject to this section are subject to the

11  following:

12         1.  Small employer carriers must use a modified

13  community rating methodology in which the premium for each

14  small employer must be determined solely on the basis of the

15  eligible employee's and eligible dependent's gender, age,

16  family composition, tobacco use, or geographic area as

17  determined under paragraph (5)(j) and in which the premium may

18  be adjusted as permittted by subparagraphs 6. and 7 (5)(k).

19         2.  Rating factors related to age, gender, family

20  composition, tobacco use, or geographic location may be

21  developed by each carrier to reflect the carrier's experience.

22  The factors used by carriers are subject to department review

23  and approval.

24         3.  Small employer carriers may not modify the rate for

25  a small employer for 12 months from the initial issue date or

26  renewal date, unless the composition of the group changes or

27  benefits are changed.

28         4.  Carriers participating in the alliance program, in

29  accordance with ss. 408.700-408.707, may apply a different

30  community rate to business written in that program.



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                                        CS/HB 903, First Engrossed

  1         5.  Any adjustments in rates for claims experience,

  2  health status, and duration of coverage may not be charged to

  3  individual employees or dependents. For a small employer's

  4  policy, such adjustments may not result in a rate for the

  5  small employer which deviates more than 15 percent from the

  6  carrier's approved rate. Any such adjustment must be applied

  7  uniformly to the rates charged for all employees and

  8  dependents of the small employer. A small employer carrier may

  9  make an adjustment to a small employer's renewal premium, not

10  to exceed 10 percent annually, due to the claims experience,

11  health status, or duration of coverage of the employees or

12  dependents of the small employer. A small employer carrier may

13  not make an adjustment which exceeds 5 percent to a small

14  employer's renewal premium due to health status. Semiannually,

15  small group carriers shall report information on forms adopted

16  by rules by the department to enable the department to monitor

17  the relationship of aggregate adjusted premiums actually

18  charged policyholders by each carrier to the premiums that

19  would have been charged by application of the carrier's

20  approved modified community rates. If the aggregate premium

21  resulting from the application of such adjustment exceeds the

22  premium that would have been charged by application of the

23  approved modified community rate by 5 percent for the current

24  reporting period, the carrier shall limit the application of

25  such adjustments to only minus adjustments beginning not more

26  than 60 days after the report is sent to the department. For

27  any subsequent reporting period, if the total aggregate

28  adjusted premium actually charged does not exceed by 5 percent

29  the premium that would have been charged by application of the

30  approved modified community rate, the carrier may apply both

31  plus and minus adjustments.


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                                        CS/HB 903, First Engrossed

  1         6.  A small employer carrier may provide a credit to a

  2  small employer's premium based on administrative and

  3  acquisition expense differences resulting from the size of the

  4  group. Group size administrative and acquisition expense

  5  factors may be developed by each carrier to reflect the

  6  carrier's experience and are subject to department review and

  7  approval.

  8         7.  A small employer carrier rating methodology may

  9  include separate rating categories for one dependent child,

10  for two dependent children, and three or more dependent

11  children for family coverage of employees having a spouse and

12  dependent children or employees having dependent children

13  only. A small employer carrier may have fewer, but not

14  greater, numbers of categories for dependent children than

15  those specified in this subparagraph.

16         8.  Small employer carriers may not use a composite

17  rating methodology to rate a small employer with fewer than 10

18  employees. For the purposes of this subparagraph a "composite

19  rating methodology" means a rating methodology that averages

20  the impact of the rating factors for age and gender in the

21  premiums charged to all of the employees of a small employer.

22         (d)  Notwithstanding s. 627.401(2), this section and

23  ss. 627.410 and 627.411 apply to any health benefit plan

24  provided by a small employer carrier that is an insurer, and

25  this section and s. 641.31 apply to any health benefit

26  provided by a small employer carrier that is a health

27  maintenance organization, that provides coverage to one or

28  more employees of a small employer regardless of where the

29  policy, certificate, or contract is issued or delivered, if

30  the health benefit plan covers employees or their covered

31  dependents who are residents of this state.


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                                        CS/HB 903, First Engrossed

  1         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.






























