House Bill 9039

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9039

        By Representatives Sobel, Sanderson, Gottlieb, Rayson,
    Ryan, Pruitt, Jones, Starks, Greenstein, C. Smith, Effman,
    Henriquez, Wilson, Cosgrove, Kelly, L. Miller, Morroni,
    Bitner, Wasserman Schultz and Ritter

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution designating March 24, 1999, as Joe

  3         DiMaggio Day in the State of Florida.


  5         WHEREAS, on Monday, March 8, 1999, Joe DiMaggio,

  6  considered by many to be the greatest baseball player who ever

  7  lived, passed away, and

  8         WHEREAS, people across the United States and throughout

  9  the State of Florida are mourning the loss of this legendary

10  American athlete who represented the epitome of athletic

11  excellence and grace, and

12         WHEREAS, born on November 25, 1914, to Italian

13  immigrant parents, Joe DiMaggio climbed his way to the top of

14  America's pastime in a career characterized by a constant

15  demonstration of his undying love for the sport, and

16         WHEREAS, following a remarkable 13-year career with the

17  New York Yankees in which he led his team to ten American

18  League pennants and nine World Series Championships, Joe

19  DiMaggio was inducted into the Major League Baseball Hall of

20  Fame in 1955, and

21         WHEREAS, both on and off the playing field, Joe

22  DiMaggio was a man of quiet self-possession with a strong

23  sense of privacy, and

24         WHEREAS, Joe DiMaggio sacrificed some of the privacy he

25  so greatly valued to help ensure that children from all over

26  the country were able to receive proper health care when he

27  undertook the support of the operation of children's hospitals

28  across the nation, and

29         WHEREAS, in 1992, Joe DiMaggio lent his name to

30  Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood, Florida, where the



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9039


  1  Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital was created to care for

  2  thousands of children battling numerous forms of illness, and

  3         WHEREAS, Joe DiMaggio enriched the community in which

  4  he lived through his fundraising and support of various

  5  nonprofit agencies, and

  6         WHEREAS, it is with a deep sense of loss and sadness

  7  that the City of Hollywood marks the passing of Joe DiMaggio,

  8  and

  9         WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Hollywood and the

10  State of Florida join the rest of the nation in acknowledging

11  the unique legacy of this great American athlete and gentleman

12  and honoring his memory as they commemorate the passing of Joe

13  DiMaggio, NOW, THEREFORE,


15  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

16  Florida:


18         That the House of Representatives of the State of

19  Florida hereby designates March 17, 1999, as Joe DiMaggio Day

20  in the State of Florida.

21         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

22  be transmitted to the family of Joe DiMaggio as a tangible

23  token of the sentiments expressed herein.








