House Bill 9061

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9061

        By Representative Wasserman Schultz

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution declaring May 1999 as "Stroke

  3         Awareness Month."


  5         WHEREAS, the National Stroke Association is dedicated

  6  to helping people in Florida cope with stroke through its

  7  network of support groups, through its Road Ahead Program, a

  8  community outreach program, and through educational and

  9  referral programs, and

10         WHEREAS, the National Stroke Association in Florida

11  wishes to reach out to all residents of the state who have

12  been or might in the future be affected by stroke, the number

13  one cause of adult disability, and

14         WHEREAS, the National Stroke Association's initiative

15  will dramatically elevate public understanding of the

16  importance of learning stroke warning signs, and taking

17  immediate action if they occur, and will assist in the

18  identification of large numbers of individuals with previously

19  undetected or uncontrolled stroke risk factors, especially

20  hypertension and atrial fibrillation, and

21         WHEREAS, the initiative should further result in large

22  numbers of individuals taking action to reduce their stroke

23  risk and a substantial decrease in the incidence of stroke in

24  the state, NOW, THEREFORE,


26  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

27  Florida:


29         That the House of Representatives of the State of

30  Florida hereby proclaims May 1999 as "Stroke Awareness Month"

31  in Florida.
