CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 908

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Laurent moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment 

14         On page 7, line 9, through

15            page 9, line 12, delete those lines


17  and insert:

18         (c)  Twenty-three and seventy-five one-hundredths

19  percent to the Department of Community Affairs for use by the

20  Florida Communities Trust for the purposes of part III of

21  chapter 380, grants to local governments or nonprofit

22  environmental organizations that are tax exempt under s.

23  501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code for the

24  acquisition of community-based projects, urban open spaces,

25  parks, and greenways to implement local government

26  comprehensive plans, and grants for fixed capital outlay to

27  construct facilities associated with public outdoor recreation

28  or open space projects. Of this 25 percent, 75 percent shall

29  be matched by local governments on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

30  At least 10 percent and not more than 20 percent of the

31  allocation may be used for natural-resource-based capital

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 908

    Amendment No.    

 1  improvements, including projects to improve public access, on

 2  lands acquired for conservation or recreation. The Legislature

 3  intends that the Florida Communities Trust emphasize funding

 4  projects in low-income or otherwise disadvantaged communities.

 5  Thirty percent of the total allocation provided to the trust

 6  shall be used in Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, but

 7  one-half of that amount shall be used in localities in which

 8  the project site is located in built-up commercial,

 9  industrial, or mixed-use areas and functions to intersperse

10  congested urban core areas with open spaces. Local governments

11  may use federal grants or loans, private donations, or

12  environmental mitigation funds, including environmental

13  mitigation funds required pursuant to s. 338.250, for any part

14  or all of any local match required for acquisitions funded

15  through the Florida Communities Trust. Any lands purchased by

16  nonprofit organizations using funds allocated under this

17  paragraph must provide for such lands to remain permanently in

18  public use through a reversion of title to local or state

19  government, conservation easement, or other appropriate

20  mechanism.

21         (d)  Two and nine-tenths percent to the Fish and

22  Wildlife Conservation Commission for the purchase of

23  inholdings, connections, and contiguous additions to lands

24  managed by the commission which are important to the

25  conservation of fish and wildlife. In developing its

26  recommendations for acquisition under this paragraph, priority

27  must be given to the purchase of inholdings.

28         (e)  Two and nine-tenths percent to the Department of

29  Environmental Protection for the purchase of inholdings,

30  connections, and contiguous additions to state parks. As used

31  in this paragraph, the term "state park" means all real

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 908

    Amendment No.    

 1  property in the state under the jurisdiction, or which may

 2  come under the jurisdiction, of the Division of Recreation and

 3  Parks of the Department of Environmental Protection. In

 4  developing its recommendations for acquisition under this

 5  paragraph, priority must be given to the purchase of

 6  inholdings.

 7         (f)  Two and nine-tenths percent to the Division of

 8  Forestry of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer

 9  Services to fund the acquisition of state forest inholdings,

10  connections, and contiguous additions pursuant to s. 589.07.

11  In developing its recommendations for acquisition under this

12  paragraph, priority must be given to the purchase of

13  inholdings.

14         (g)  Two and fifty-five one-hundredths percent to the

15  Department of Environmental Protection for the Florida

16  Greenways and Trails Program to acquire greenways and trails

17  or systems of greenways and trails pursuant to chapter 260,

18  including, but not limited to, abandoned railroad

19  rights-of-way, lands to connect trail segments purchased by

20  local governments through the Florida Communities Trust or

21  other means into a recreational trail system, and lands for











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