Senate Bill 0908c2

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    Florida Senate - 1999                     CS for CS for SB 908

    By the Committees on Fiscal Policy, Natural Resources and
    Senators Latvala, Laurent, Carlton, Saunders, Kirkpatrick and


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Forever Program;

  3         creating s. 259.202, F.S.; creating the Florida

  4         Forever Act; providing legislative findings;

  5         prohibiting the use of certain funds in the

  6         Conservation and Recreation Lands and Water

  7         Management Lands Trust Funds for land

  8         acquisition; providing for the proceeds of bond

  9         sales to be deposited into the Florida Forever

10         Trust Fund; providing for the distribution and

11         use of funds; providing project criteria for

12         land acquisition under the Florida Forever

13         Program; requiring increased priority for the

14         acquisition of lands providing protection of

15         certain threatened or endangered species;

16         providing procedures for determining the

17         priority of projects; establishing procedures

18         for the disposition of lands; authorizing

19         alternate uses of acquired lands; providing a

20         limitation on alternate uses; encouraging and

21         requiring the use of alternatives to fee simple

22         acquisition of lands; requiring increased

23         priority for a project if matching funds are

24         available; requiring increased priority if the

25         project is priced below appraised value;

26         amending s. 201.15, F.S.; authorizing the use

27         of revenues for the debt service on bonds;

28         revising the distribution of proceeds from the

29         excise tax on documents; creating s. 215.618,

30         F.S.; providing for the issuance of Florida

31         Forever bonds; providing limitations; providing


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  1         procedures and legislative intent; amending s.

  2         253.027, F.S.; providing for the reservation of

  3         funds; revising the criteria for expenditures

  4         for archaeological property to include lands on

  5         the acquisition list for the Florida Forever

  6         Program; amending s. 253.034, F.S., relating to

  7         uses of state-owned lands; authorizing

  8         additional uses of state lands under specified

  9         circumstances; conforming cross-references to

10         changes made by the act; conforming provisions;

11         amending s. 259.032, F.S.; authorizing the

12         Florida Forever Commission to allocate funds

13         for land acquisition; emphasizing protection of

14         endangered and threatened species; conforming a

15         cross-reference; conforming provisions;

16         requiring the adoption of a management plan

17         within a specified period after the acquisition

18         of a parcel under the Florida Forever Program;

19         providing a restriction on funding for an

20         agency with overdue management plans; providing

21         a formula and funding source for funding

22         management, maintenance, capital improvements,

23         and payments in lieu of taxes; providing funds

24         for the control of exotic species; providing

25         funds for lake restoration from the State Game

26         Trust Fund; specifying eligible lands;

27         providing for the distribution of funds;

28         revising the criteria and eligibility for

29         payments in lieu of taxes; limiting the total

30         consecutive years of such payments; providing

31         for the deletion of certain property from an


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  1         acquisition list; deleting obsolete provisions;

  2         amending s. 259.035, F.S.; revising the

  3         membership of the Land Acquisition and

  4         Management Advisory Council and renaming the

  5         council as the Florida Forever Commission;

  6         revising its duties; requiring the development

  7         of goals and a report; amending s. 259.036,

  8         F.S.; conforming provisions; providing a

  9         cross-reference; amending s. 338.250, F.S.;

10         providing for certain mitigation funds to be

11         used in coordination with funds from the

12         Florida Forever Trust Fund; amending s. 373.59,

13         F.S.; requiring a report to the Florida Forever

14         Commission; providing a process for releasing

15         funds for water resource development and land

16         acquisition projects; deleting provisions

17         authorizing the use of specified funds for debt

18         service on bonds issued pursuant to s. 373.584,

19         F.S.; requiring payment of debt service before

20         other uses of funds; providing due dates for

21         required management plans; revising the

22         criteria and eligibility for payments in lieu

23         of taxes; requiring that payments by made in

24         consecutive years; amending s. 380.503, F.S.;

25         providing definitions; amending s. 380.504,

26         F.S.; revising the membership of the governing

27         body of the Florida Communities Trust within

28         the Department of Community Affairs; conforming

29         outdated provisions; amending s. 380.507, F.S.;

30         authorizing the development of rules; amending

31         ss. 420.5092, 420.9073, F.S., relating to


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  1         affordable housing programs; conforming

  2         cross-references to changes made by the act;

  3         repealing s. 373.584, F.S., relating to revenue

  4         bonds; providing that the repeal of s. 373.584,

  5         F.S., does not impair the validity of certain

  6         bonds outstanding on the effective date of the

  7         act; requiring reinstitution of payments in

  8         lieu of taxes in specified circumstances;

  9         providing an educational program; providing an

10         effective date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Section 259.202, Florida Statutes, is

15  created to read:

16         259.202  Florida Forever Act.--

17         (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the

18  "Florida Forever Act."

19         (2)  LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.--The Legislature finds and

20  declares that:

21         (a)  The continued growth in the state's population

22  contributes to degradation of water resources, destruction of

23  wildlife habitats, loss of recreation space, and diminishment

24  of wetlands and forests and requires that additional sources

25  of water be available in the future.

26         (b)  The Preservation 2000 Program provided tremendous

27  financial resources for purchasing environmentally significant

28  lands to protect those lands from imminent development,

29  thereby assuring present and future generations access to

30  important open spaces and recreation and conservation lands.



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  1         (c)  It is the Legislature's intent to change the focus

  2  and direction of the state's major land acquisition programs

  3  and to extend funding and bonding capabilities so that future

  4  generations may enjoy the natural resources of Florida

  5  forever.

  6         (d)  Although the Florida Forever Program authorizes

  7  the continued purchase of lands and interests in lands of the

  8  type acquired through the Preservation 2000 Program, the

  9  Florida Forever Program will focus on priority needs of the

10  state for acquiring parcels to restore and preserve water

11  quality, facilitate ecosystem management, water resource

12  development, the implementation of surfacewater improvement

13  and management plans, and the provision of green space and

14  recreation opportunities.

15         (e)  To ensure sufficient funding for land management,

16  payments in lieu of taxes, and related activities, revenues

17  from documentary stamp tax proceeds deposited into the Water

18  Management Lands Trust Fund and the Conservation and

19  Recreation Lands Trust Fund may not be used for land

20  acquisition, although such funds may be used for

21  preacquisition ancillary costs, such as costs of title work,

22  appraisal fees, cost of environmental audits, survey costs, or

23  other related expenses. The Legislature intends that the

24  Florida Forever Program supplant the acquisition programs

25  formerly authorized under ss. 259.032 and 373.59. The

26  Legislature shall review, by July 1, 2005, the need for funds

27  to be available for land acquisition from the Water Management

28  Lands Trust Fund after 2010, and take appropriate action to

29  provide funding to meet anticipated needs.

30         (3)  DISTRIBUTION OF BOND PROCEEDS.--Proceeds of bonds

31  issued under s. 375.051, less the costs of issuance, the costs


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  1  of funding reserve accounts, and other costs incurred with

  2  respect to the bonds, shall be deposited into the Florida

  3  Forever Trust Fund created by s. 375.046. The Department of

  4  Environmental Protection shall distribute the bond proceeds as

  5  follows:

  6         (a)  Thirty-five percent to the Florida Forever

  7  Commission, created pursuant to s. 259.2021, for the purchase

  8  of public lands described in s. 259.032, pursuant to the

  9  requirements of chapter 259. In the acquisition of lands

10  pursuant to this paragraph, priority shall be given to

11  acquisitions that, when combined with previous acquisitions,

12  will form more complete patterns of protection for natural

13  areas and functioning ecosystems. All lands acquired under

14  this paragraph shall be managed pursuant to s. 253.034(1), and

15  may be used for water resource development projects if such

16  projects are not inconsistent with s. 253.034(1). Water

17  resource development projects may include aquifer storage and

18  recovery facilities, surface water reservoirs, and other

19  alternative water resource development activities. As provided

20  in this paragraph, permittable water resource development

21  projects may be allowed only if:  the minimum flows and levels

22  have been established for those waters potentially affected by

23  the project; the project complies with all conditions for the

24  issuance of permits under part II of chapter 373; and the

25  project is consistent with the regional water supply plan of

26  the water management district.

27         (b)  Thirty percent to the Department of Environmental

28  Protection for the purchase of water management lands pursuant

29  to s. 373.59, to be distributed among the water management

30  districts as provided in s. 373.59(8). Funds received by each

31  district may also be used for:  acquisition of lands necessary


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  1  to implement surfacewater improvement and management plans

  2  approved in accordance with s. 373.456 which exist on July 1,

  3  2000; water resource development; or acquisition of lands

  4  necessary to implement ecosystem restoration projects. Of this

  5  thirty percent, at least one-third must be used for water

  6  resource development projects. The South Florida Water

  7  Management District must use at least 20 percent of its annual

  8  allocation for Everglades restoration activities.

  9         (c)  Twenty-five percent to the Department of Community

10  Affairs for use by the Florida Communities Trust for the

11  purposes of part III of chapter 380, grants to local

12  governments or nonprofit environmental organizations that are

13  tax exempt under s. 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal

14  Revenue Code for the acquisition of community-based projects,

15  urban open spaces, parks, and greenways to implement local

16  government comprehensive plans, and grants for fixed capital

17  outlay to construct facilities associated with public outdoor

18  recreation or open space projects. Of this 25 percent, 75

19  percent shall be matched by local governments on a

20  dollar-for-dollar basis. At least 10 percent and not more than

21  20 percent of the allocation may be used for

22  natural-resource-based capital improvements, including

23  projects to improve public access, on lands acquired for

24  conservation or recreation. The Legislature intends that the

25  Florida Communities Trust emphasize funding projects in

26  low-income or otherwise disadvantaged communities. Thirty

27  percent of the total allocation provided to the trust shall be

28  used in Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, but one-half

29  of that amount shall be used in localities in which the

30  project site is located in built-up commercial, industrial, or

31  mixed-use areas and functions to intersperse congested urban


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  1  core areas with open spaces. From funds allocated to the

  2  trust, no less than 5 percent shall be used to acquire lands

  3  for recreational trail systems, provided that in the event

  4  these funds are not needed for such projects, they will be

  5  available for other trust projects. Local governments may use

  6  federal grants or loans, private donations, or environmental

  7  mitigation funds, including environmental mitigation funds

  8  required pursuant to s. 338.250, for any part or all of any

  9  local match required for acquisitions funded through the

10  Florida Communities Trust. Any lands purchased by nonprofit

11  organizations using funds allocated under this paragraph must

12  provide for such lands to remain permanently in public use

13  through a reversion of title to local or state government,

14  conservation easement, or other appropriate mechanism.

15         (d)  Two and nine-tenths percent to the Fish and

16  Wildlife Conservation Commission for the purchase of

17  inholdings, connections, and contiguous additions to lands

18  managed by the commission which are important to the

19  conservation of fish and wildlife. In developing its

20  recommendations for acquisition under this paragraph, priority

21  must be given to the purchase of inholdings.

22         (e)  Two and nine-tenths percent to the Department of

23  Environmental Protection for the purchase of inholdings,

24  connections, and contiguous additions to state parks. As used

25  in this paragraph, the term "state park" means all real

26  property in the state under the jurisdiction, or which may

27  come under the jurisdiction, of the Division of Recreation and

28  Parks of the Department of Environmental Protection. In

29  developing its recommendations for acquisition under this

30  paragraph, priority must be given to the purchase of

31  inholdings.


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  1         (f)  Two and nine-tenths percent to the Division of

  2  Forestry of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer

  3  Services to fund the acquisition of state forest inholdings,

  4  connections, and contiguous additions pursuant to s. 589.07.

  5  In developing its recommendations for acquisition under this

  6  paragraph, priority must be given to the purchase of

  7  inholdings.

  8         (g)  One and three-tenths percent to the Department of

  9  Environmental Protection for the Florida Greenways and Trails

10  Program to acquire greenways and trails or systems of

11  greenways and trails pursuant to chapter 260, including, but

12  not limited to, abandoned railroad rights-of-way and lands for

13  the Florida National Scenic Trail, and to construct associated

14  fixed capital outlay projects.


16  Up to 10 percent of the funds allocated pursuant to paragraphs

17  (a), (b), and (d)-(g) may be used for fixed capital outlay

18  projects for improvements on lands acquired for conservation

19  or recreation.


21  Title to lands purchased by a water management district shall

22  be vested in the water management district. Except for lands

23  acquired by nonprofit environmental organizations, title to

24  lands purchased with funds from the Florida Communities Trust

25  may be vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal

26  Improvement Trust Fund or the acquiring local government.

27  Title to all other lands acquired with Florida Forever funds

28  shall be vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal

29  Improvement Trust Fund.

30         (4)  PROJECT CRITERIA.--



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  1         (a)  Except for acquisitions in which a significant

  2  portion of the land serves to preserve important archeological

  3  or historical sites on the habitat of threatened or endangered

  4  species, proceeds of bonds issued under the Florida Forever

  5  Program and distributed pursuant to paragraphs (3)(a) and (b)

  6  shall be spent only on projects and acquisitions that meet at

  7  least three of the following criteria, as determined pursuant

  8  to paragraphs (b) and (c):

  9         1.  A significant portion of the land in the project is

10  in imminent danger of being developed, losing significant

11  natural attributes, or being subdivided, which will result in

12  multiple ownership of the land and may make acquisition more

13  costly or less likely to be accomplished;

14         2.  Compelling evidence exists that the land is likely

15  to be developed during the next 12 months, or appraisals made

16  during the past 5 years indicate an escalation in land value

17  at an average rate that exceeds the average rate of interest

18  likely to be paid on the bonds;

19         3.  A significant portion of the land in the project

20  serves to protect or recharge ground water and protects other

21  valuable natural resources or provides space for

22  natural-resource-based recreation;

23         4.  The project can be purchased at 80 percent of

24  appraised value or less;

25         5.  A significant portion of the land in the project

26  serves as habitat for endangered, threatened, or rare species;

27  serves to protect natural communities that are listed by the

28  Florida Natural Areas Inventory as critically imperiled,

29  imperiled, or rare, or as excellent quality occurrences of

30  natural communities; or will assist implementation of a state

31  or federal species recovery plan;


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  1         6.  A significant portion of the land serves to

  2  preserve important archeological or historical sites;

  3         7.  The acquisition is needed to implement a

  4  surfacewater improvement and management plan in effect on July

  5  1, 2000;

  6         8.  The project will assist in water resource

  7  development to meet the needs of humans and natural systems

  8  anticipated in 2020;

  9         9.  The project will assist in ecosystem restoration;

10         10.  The acquisition will implement an element from a

11  plan developed by an ecosystem management team;

12         11.  The project will significantly promote attainment

13  of Class III water quality or higher;

14         12.  The project will significantly reduce the

15  pollution of surface water or groundwater;

16         13.  The project is appropriate and needed for an

17  aquifer storage and recovery project, surfacewater reservoir,

18  or an alternative water resource development project;

19         14.  The project will improve or maintain water quality

20  in a waterbody designated as an Outstanding Florida Water;

21         15.  The acquisition has been identified by the Fish

22  and Wildlife Conservation Commission as part of a strategic

23  habitat conservation area;

24         16.  The project will establish or expand a greenway or

25  recreational trail system; or

26         17.  A significant portion of the land preserves the

27  inventory of community open-space or the project preserves

28  endangered open-spaces from development.


30  Increased priority shall be given to acquisitions that, in

31  addition to meeting at least three of the criteria under


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  1  subparagraphs 1. through 17., will also provide long-term

  2  protection for threatened or endangered species designated G-1

  3  or G-2 by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, and especially

  4  for those areas that are special locations for breeding and

  5  reproduction.

  6         (b)  Each year that bonds are to be issued under the

  7  Florida Forever Program, the Florida Forever Commission shall

  8  review that year's approved land acquisition priority list and

  9  shall, by the first board meeting in February, present to the

10  Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, for

11  its consideration and approval, a listing of projects on the

12  priority list which, except for projects to preserve important

13  archeological or historical sites or the habitat of threatened

14  or endangered species, meet three or more of the criteria

15  specified in paragraph (a). The board may remove projects from

16  the list, but may not add projects. The list may be amended to

17  include eligible projects that can be acquired at 85 percent

18  of appraised value or less if such properties become available

19  at a later date. In any county in which the total ad valorem

20  tax exemptions due to government ownership exceed 20 percent

21  of the county's total market value valuation, the Florida

22  Forever Commission must consult with the county commission to

23  obtain its recommendation regarding any proposed acquisition.

24  In such a circumstance, a project may not be included on an

25  acquisition list unless it is approved by an extraordinary

26  vote of a majority plus one. If a county's total ad valorem

27  tax exemptions due to government ownership exceed 37 percent

28  of the county's total market value valuation, an affirmative

29  vote of the county commission is required before a project may

30  be included on an acquisition list.



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  1         (c)1.  Each year that bonds are to be issued under the

  2  Florida Forever Program, each water management district shall

  3  propose a list of water resource development projects for

  4  consideration and approval by its governing board. Such lists

  5  shall include proposals made by local governments within the

  6  district. The total value of the list must comprise at least

  7  one-third of the district's Florida Forever allocation.

  8         2.  Each year that bonds are to be issued under the

  9  Florida Forever Program, each water management district

10  governing board shall review the lands on its current year's

11  land acquisition 5-year plan and  shall, by January 15, adopt

12  a listing of projects from the plan which, except for projects

13  to preserve important archeological or historical sites or

14  habitat of threatened or endangered species, meet three or

15  more of the criteria specified in paragraph (a). The lists

16  must be presented to the Florida Forever Commission for its

17  consideration and approval by its first meeting in February.

18  The commission may remove projects from the lists and may

19  reprioritize the lists, but may not add projects. The lists

20  may be amended to include projects that can be acquired at 85

21  percent of appraised value or less if such properties become

22  available at a later date. In any county in which the total ad

23  valorem tax exemptions due to government ownership exceed 20

24  percent of the county's total market value valuation, the

25  governing board must consult with the county commission to

26  obtain its recommendation regarding any proposed acquisition.

27  In such a circumstance, a project may not be included on an

28  acquisition list unless it is approved by an extraordinary

29  vote of a majority plus one. If a county's total ad valorem

30  tax exemptions due to government ownership exceed 37 percent

31  of the county's total market value valuation, an affirmative


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  1  vote of the county commission is required before a project may

  2  be included on an acquisition list.

  3         (d)  In acquiring any coastal lands, the following

  4  additional criteria must be considered:

  5         1.  The value of acquiring coastal high-hazard parcels,

  6  consistent with hazard mitigation and postdisaster

  7  redevelopment policies, in order to minimize the risk to life

  8  and property and reduce the need for future disaster

  9  assistance.

10         2.  The value of acquiring beachfront parcels,

11  irrespective of size, to provide public access and

12  recreational opportunities in highly developed urban areas.

13         3.  The value of acquiring identified parcels the

14  development of which would adversely affect coastal resources.


16  When a nonprofit environmental organization that is tax exempt

17  under s. 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code

18  sells land to the state, such land at the time of the sale

19  shall be deemed to meet three or more of the criteria listed

20  in paragraph (a) if such land meets three or more of the

21  criteria at the time the organization purchases it.

22         (e)  Listings of projects compiled pursuant to

23  paragraphs (b) and (c) may be revised to include projects on

24  the state's land acquisition priority list or in a water

25  management district's 5-year plan which come under the

26  criteria in paragraph (a) after the dates specified in

27  paragraph (b) or paragraph (c).

28         (f)  The Legislature finds that the Preservation 2000

29  Program has provided financial resources that have enabled the

30  acquisition of significant natural areas for public ownership

31  during the program's existence. In implementing the Florida


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  1  Forever Program, agencies that receive funds are encouraged to

  2  coordinate their expenditures more effectively so that future

  3  acquisitions, when combined with previous acquisitions, will

  4  form more complete patterns of protection for natural areas

  5  and functioning ecosystems.

  6         (g)  The Legislature intends that, in implementing the

  7  Florida Forever Program, agencies emphasize the completion of

  8  projects in which one or more parcels have already been

  9  acquired and the acquisition of lands that contain ecological

10  resources that are unrepresented or underrepresented on lands

11  currently in public ownership.

12         (h)  An assessment of appropriate management strategies

13  for property acquired under the Florida Forever Program should

14  be completed early in the acquisition process and should

15  emphasize the development of a management prospectus that

16  details management goals for the property, if appropriate; a

17  timetable for implementing the various stages of management

18  and for providing access to the public, if applicable;

19  provisions for protecting existing infrastructure and for

20  ensuring the security of the project upon acquisition; the

21  anticipated costs of management and projected sources of

22  revenue; and other information required under s.

23  259.032(9)(b)1.

24         (5)  DISPOSITION OF LANDS.--

25         (a)  Any lands acquired pursuant to paragraph (3)(a),

26  paragraph (3)(c), paragraph (3)(d), paragraph (3)(e),

27  paragraph (3)(f), or paragraph (3)(g) and titled in the name

28  of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust

29  Fund may be disposed of by the board in accordance with the

30  procedures set forth in s. 253.034(6), and lands acquired

31  pursuant to paragraph (3)(b) may be disposed of by the owning


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  1  water management district in accordance with the procedures

  2  set forth in ss. 373.056 and 373.089 if such disposition also

  3  satisfies the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c).

  4         (b)  Land acquired for conservation purposes may be

  5  disposed of only after the Board of Trustees of the Internal

  6  Improvement Trust Fund or, in the case of water management

  7  district lands, by the owning water management district

  8  governing board, makes a determination that preservation of

  9  the land is no longer necessary for conservation purposes and

10  only upon a two-thirds vote of the appropriate governing

11  board. Following a determination by the governing board that

12  the land is no longer needed for conservation purposes, the

13  governing board must also make a determination that the land

14  is of no further benefit to the public, as required by s.

15  253.034(6), or determined to be surplus under s. 373.089. Any

16  lands eligible for disposal under these procedures also may be

17  exchanged for other lands described in the same paragraph of

18  subsection (3).

19         (c)  Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) and (b), such

20  disposition of land may not be made if the disposition would

21  have the effect of causing all or any portion of the interest

22  on any revenue bonds issued to fund the Florida Preservation

23  2000 Act or the Florida Forever Act to lose their exclusion

24  from gross income for purposes of federal income taxation. Any

25  revenue derived from the disposal of such lands may not be

26  used for any purpose except for deposit into the Florida

27  Forever Trust Fund and used for land acquisition.


29         (a)  The Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement

30  Trust Fund, or, in the case of water management district

31  lands, the owning water management district, may authorize the


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  1  granting of a lease, easement, or license for the use of any

  2  lands acquired pursuant to subsection (3), for any

  3  governmental use permitted by s. 17, Art. IX of the State

  4  Constitution of 1885, as adopted by s. 9(a), Art. XII or s.

  5  11(e), Art. VII of the State Constitution, and any other

  6  incidental public or private use that is determined by the

  7  board or the owning water management district to be compatible

  8  with the purposes for which such lands were acquired.

  9         (b)  Any existing lease, easement, or license acquired

10  for incidental public or private use on, under, or across any

11  lands acquired pursuant to subsection (3) is presumed to be

12  compatible with the purposes for which such lands were

13  acquired.

14         (c)  Notwithstanding paragraph (a), the Department of

15  Environmental Protection, another appropriate state agency, or

16  a water management district may not enter into such lease,

17  easement, or license if the granting of such lease, easement,

18  or license would adversely affect the exclusion of the

19  interest on any revenue bonds issued to fund the acquisition

20  of the affected lands from gross income for federal income tax

21  purposes, as described in s. 375.045(4).

22         (7)  PLAN FOR DISPOSAL AND USE OF LANDS.--The Board of

23  Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund may adopt a

24  plan for a specific geographic area which authorizes the

25  disposal and use of lands acquired pursuant to subsection (3)

26  and which meets the requirements of subsections (6) and (7).


28         (a)  The Legislature finds that, with increasing

29  pressures on the natural areas of this state, the state must

30  develop creative techniques to maximize the use of acquisition

31  and management moneys. The Legislature also finds that the


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  1  state's environmental land-buying agencies should be

  2  encouraged to augment their traditional, fee simple

  3  acquisition programs by using alternatives to fee simple

  4  acquisition techniques. The Legislature also finds that using

  5  alternatives to fee simple acquisition by public land-buying

  6  agencies will achieve the following public policy goals:

  7         1.  Allow more lands to be brought under public

  8  protection for preservation, conservation, and recreational

  9  purposes at less expense using public funds.

10         2.  Retain, on local government tax rolls, some portion

11  of or interest in lands that are under public protection.

12         3.  Reduce long-term management costs by allowing

13  private property owners to continue acting as stewards of the

14  land, where appropriate.


16  Therefore, it is the intent of the Legislature that public

17  land-buying agencies develop programs to pursue alternatives

18  to fee simple acquisition and educate private landowners about

19  such alternatives and the benefits of such alternatives. It

20  also is the intent of the Legislature that the department and

21  the water management districts spend a portion of their shares

22  of Florida Forever bond proceeds to purchase eligible

23  properties using alternatives to fee simple acquisition.

24  Finally, it is the intent of the Legislature that public

25  agencies acquire lands in fee simple for public access and

26  recreational activities. Lands protected using alternatives to

27  fee simple acquisition techniques may not be accessible to the

28  public unless such access is negotiated with and agreed to by

29  the private landowners who retain interests in the lands.

30         (b)  The Florida Forever Commission and the water

31  management districts shall identify, within their acquisition


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  1  plans, those projects that require a full fee simple interest

  2  to achieve the public policy goals, along with the reasons why

  3  full title is determined to be necessary. The commission and

  4  the water management districts may use alternatives to fee

  5  simple acquisition to bring the remaining projects in their

  6  acquisition plans under public protection. As used in this

  7  subsection, the term "alternatives to fee simple acquisition"

  8  includes, but is not limited to:  the purchase of development

  9  rights; conservation easements; flowage easements; the

10  purchase of timber rights, mineral rights, or hunting rights;

11  the purchase of agricultural interests or silvicultural

12  interests; land protection agreements; fee simple acquisitions

13  with reservations; or any other acquisition technique that

14  achieves the public policy goals listed in paragraph (a). It

15  is presumed that a private landowner retains the full range of

16  uses for all the rights or interests in the landowner's land

17  which are not specifically acquired by the public agency. Life

18  estates and fee simple acquisitions with leaseback provisions

19  qualify as alternatives to fee simple acquisition under this

20  subsection, and the department and the districts are

21  encouraged to use such techniques where appropriate. The

22  commission shall analyze existing stewardship programs and

23  recommend new private-land-management incentives and funding

24  sources to assist private landowners in keeping their land in

25  private ownership and implementing sound environmental

26  stewardship practices, including, but not limited to,

27  potential forms of local, state, and federal tax relief,

28  including inheritance taxes; long-term management and use

29  agreements; technical assistance; mitigation agreements;

30  whole-farm planning; and multi-agency cooperative stewardship

31  initiatives, including federal, state, and local programs.


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  1         (c)  The Department of Environmental Protection and

  2  each water management district shall implement initiatives to

  3  use alternatives to fee simple acquisition and educate private

  4  landowners about such alternatives. These initiatives must

  5  include at least two acquisitions each year by the department

  6  and each water management district which use alternatives to

  7  fee simple acquisition.

  8         (d)  The Legislature finds that the lack of direct

  9  sales comparison information has served as an impediment to

10  successfully implementing alternatives to fee simple

11  acquisition. It is the intent of the Legislature that, in the

12  absence of direct comparable sales information, appraisals of

13  alternatives to fee simple acquisitions be based on the

14  difference between the full fee simple valuation and the value

15  of the interests remaining with the seller after acquisition.

16         (e)  The public agency that has been assigned

17  management responsibility shall inspect and monitor any

18  less-than-fee-simple interest according to the terms of the

19  purchase agreement relating to such interest.


21  AVAILABLE.--Projects that are otherwise eligible for

22  acquisition under this section and for which matching funds

23  from local governments or other sources are available shall be

24  given increased priority.


26  VALUE.--Acquisition projects that are otherwise eligible for

27  acquisition under this section and for which the seller will

28  accept a price below the appraised value shall be given

29  increased priority.

30         Section 2.  Section 201.15, Florida Statutes, 1998

31  Supplement, is amended to read:


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  1         201.15  Distribution of taxes collected.--All taxes

  2  collected under this chapter shall be distributed as follows

  3  and shall be subject to the service charge imposed in s.

  4  215.20(1), except that such service charge shall not be levied

  5  against any portion of taxes pledged to debt service on bonds

  6  to the extent that the amount of the service charge is

  7  required to pay any amounts relating to the bonds and shall be

  8  distributed as follows:

  9         (1)  Sixty-two and sixty-three hundredths percent of

10  the remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be used

11  for the following purposes:

12         (a)  Amounts Subject to the maximum amount limitations

13  set forth in this paragraph, an amount as shall be necessary

14  to pay the debt service on, or fund debt service reserve

15  funds, rebate obligations, or other amounts payable with

16  respect to Preservation 2000 bonds issued pursuant to s.

17  375.051 and Florida Forever bonds issued pursuant to s.

18  215.618 bonds issued pursuant to s. 375.051 and payable from

19  moneys transferred to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund pursuant

20  to this paragraph shall be paid into the State Treasury to the

21  credit of the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to be used for such

22  purposes. The amount transferred to the Land Acquisition Trust

23  Fund for such purposes shall not exceed $600 million in any

24  fiscal year $90 million in fiscal year 1992-1993, $120 million

25  in fiscal year 1993-1994, $150 million in fiscal year

26  1994-1995, $180 million in fiscal year 1995-1996, $210 million

27  in fiscal year 1996-1997, $240 million in fiscal year

28  1997-1998, $270 million in fiscal year 1998-1999, and $300

29  million in fiscal year 1999-2000 and thereafter. Debt service

30  on Florida Forever bonds, excluding refunding bonds, shall not

31  exceed $30 million in fiscal year 2000-2001; $60 million in


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  1  fiscal year 2001-2002; $90 million in fiscal year 2002-2003;

  2  $120 million in fiscal year 2003-2004; $150 million in fiscal

  3  year 2004-2005; $180 million in fiscal year 2005-2006; $210

  4  million in fiscal year 2006-2007; $240 million in fiscal year

  5  2007-2008; $270 million in fiscal year 2008-2009; and $300

  6  million in fiscal year 2009-2010 and thereafter. Except for

  7  bonds issued to refund previously issued bonds, no individual

  8  series of bonds may be issued pursuant to this paragraph

  9  unless such bonds and the first year's debt service for such

10  bonds is specifically appropriated in the General

11  Appropriations Act. The Preservation 2000 bonds and Florida

12  Forever bonds shall be equally and ratably secured by moneys

13  distributable to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund pursuant to

14  this section, except to the extent specifically provided

15  otherwise by the documents authorizing the issuance of the

16  bonds. No moneys transferred to the Land Acquisition Trust

17  Fund pursuant to this paragraph, or earnings thereon, shall be

18  used or made available to pay debt service on the Save Our

19  Coast revenue bonds.

20         (b)  The remainder of the moneys distributed under this

21  subsection, after the required payment under paragraph (a),

22  shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the

23  Land Acquisition Trust Fund and may be used for any purpose

24  for which funds deposited in the Land Acquisition Trust Fund

25  may lawfully be used. Payments made under this paragraph shall

26  continue until the cumulative amount credited to the Land

27  Acquisition Trust Fund for the fiscal year under this

28  paragraph and paragraph (2)(b) equals 70 percent of the

29  current official forecast for distributions of taxes collected

30  under this chapter pursuant to subsection (2). As used in this

31  paragraph, the term "current official forecast" means the most


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  1  recent forecast as determined by the Revenue Estimating

  2  Conference. If the current official forecast for a fiscal year

  3  changes after payments under this paragraph have ended during

  4  that fiscal year, no further payments are required under this

  5  paragraph during the fiscal year.

  6         (c)  The remainder of the moneys distributed under this

  7  subsection, after the required payments under paragraphs (a)

  8  and (b), shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit

  9  of the General Revenue Fund of the state to be used and

10  expended for the purposes for which the General Revenue Fund

11  was created and exists by law or to the Ecosystem Management

12  and Restoration Trust Fund as provided in subsection (9)(8).

13         (2)  Seven and fifty-six hundredths percent of the

14  remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be used for

15  the following purposes:

16         (a)  Beginning in the month following the final payment

17  for a fiscal year under paragraph (1)(b), available moneys

18  shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the

19  General Revenue Fund of the state to be used and expended for

20  the purposes for which the General Revenue Fund was created

21  and exists by law or to the Ecosystem Management and

22  Restoration Trust Fund as provided in subsection (9)(8).

23  Payments made under this paragraph shall continue until the

24  cumulative amount credited to the General Revenue Fund for the

25  fiscal year under this paragraph equals the cumulative

26  payments made under paragraph (1)(b) for the same fiscal year.

27         (b)  The remainder of the moneys distributed under this

28  subsection shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit

29  of the Land Acquisition Trust Fund. Sums deposited in the fund

30  pursuant to this subsection may be used for any purpose for



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  1  which funds deposited in the Land Acquisition Trust Fund may

  2  lawfully be used.

  3         (3)  One and ninety-four hundredths percent of the

  4  remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be paid

  5  into the State Treasury to the credit of the Land Acquisition

  6  Trust Fund. Moneys deposited in the trust fund pursuant to

  7  this section shall be used for the following purposes:

  8         (a)  Sixty percent of the moneys shall be used to

  9  acquire coastal lands or to pay debt service on bonds issued

10  to acquire coastal lands; and

11         (b)  Forty percent of the moneys shall be used to

12  develop and manage lands acquired with moneys from the Land

13  Acquisition Trust Fund.

14         (4)  Three Five and eighty-four hundredths percent of

15  the remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be paid

16  into the State Treasury to the credit of the Water Management

17  Lands Trust Fund. Sums deposited in that fund may be used for

18  any purpose authorized in s. 373.59, except for the

19  acquisition of land.

20         (5)  Five and eighty-four hundredths percent of the

21  remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be paid

22  into the State Treasury to the credit of the Conservation and

23  Recreation Lands Trust Fund to carry out the purposes set

24  forth in s. 259.032 except for the acquisition of land. Of

25  this 5.84 percent, 0.7 percent shall be transferred to the

26  State Game Trust Fund and used for land management activities.

27  An additional 0.5 percent shall be transferred to the Aquatic

28  Plant Control Trust Fund and used pursuant to s. 369.22, and

29  0.5 percent shall be transferred to the State Game Trust Fund

30  and used for lake restoration. These moneys are in addition to

31  moneys received pursuant to s. 259.032(11).


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  1         (6)  Two percent of the remaining taxes collected under

  2  this chapter shall be paid into the State Treasury to the

  3  credit of the Surface Water Improvement and Management Trust

  4  Fund and shall be used by the water management districts for

  5  fixed capital outlay projects, including stormwater management

  6  facilities, for implementing surfacewater improvement and

  7  management plans in effect on July 1, 2000 and shall be

  8  allocated to the districts pursuant to the General

  9  Appropriations Act each fiscal year after considering priority

10  lists to be prepared by each district. Any unallocated funds

11  not provided for in the General Appropriations Act but for

12  which spending authority is provided in the General

13  Appropriations Act shall be released by the Secretary of

14  Environmental Protection based upon the population size of the

15  districts and following receipt of a resolution adopted by the

16  district's governing board which identifies the project and

17  certifies that the project is on the district's priority list.

18         (7)(6)  Seven and fifty-three hundredths percent of the

19  remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be paid

20  into the State Treasury to the credit of the State Housing

21  Trust Fund and shall be used as follows:

22         (a)  Half of that amount shall be used for the purposes

23  for which the State Housing Trust Fund was created and exists

24  by law.

25         (b)  Half of that amount shall be paid into the State

26  Treasury to the credit of the Local Government Housing Trust

27  Fund and shall be used for the purposes for which the Local

28  Government Housing Trust Fund was created and exists by law.

29         (8)(7)  Eight and sixty-six hundredths percent of the

30  remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be paid



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  1  into the State Treasury to the credit of the State Housing

  2  Trust Fund and shall be used as follows:

  3         (a)  Twelve and one-half percent of that amount shall

  4  be deposited into the State Housing Trust Fund and be expended

  5  by the Department of Community Affairs and by the Florida

  6  Housing Finance Agency for the purposes for which the State

  7  Housing Trust Fund was created and exists by law.

  8         (b)  Eighty-seven and one-half percent of that amount

  9  shall be distributed to the Local Government Housing Trust

10  Fund and shall be used for the purposes for which the Local

11  Government Housing Trust Fund was created and exists by law.

12  Funds from this category may also be used to provide for state

13  and local services to assist the homeless.

14         (9)(8)  From the moneys specified in paragraphs (1)(c)

15  and (2)(a) and prior to deposit of any moneys into the General

16  Revenue Fund, $10 million shall be paid into the State

17  Treasury to the credit of the Ecosystem Management and

18  Restoration Trust Fund in fiscal year 1998-1999, $20 million

19  in fiscal year 1999-2000, and $30 million in fiscal year

20  2000-2001 and each fiscal year thereafter, to be used for the

21  preservation and repair of the state's beaches as provided in

22  ss. 161.091-161.212.

23         (10)(9)  The Department of Revenue may use the payments

24  credited to trust funds pursuant to paragraphs (1)(b) and

25  (2)(b) and subsections (3), (4), (5), (7) (6), and (8) (7) to

26  pay the costs of the collection and enforcement of the tax

27  levied by this chapter. The percentage of such costs which may

28  be assessed against a trust fund is a ratio, the numerator of

29  which is payments credited to that trust fund under this

30  section and the denominator of which is the sum of payments



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  1  made under paragraphs (1)(b) and (2)(b) and subsections (3),

  2  (4), (5), (7) (6), and (8) (7).

  3         Section 3.  Section 215.618, Florida Statutes, is

  4  created to read:

  5         215.618  Bonds for acquisition and improvement of land,

  6  water areas, and related property interests and resources.--

  7         (1)  The issuance of Florida Forever bonds to finance

  8  or refinance the cost of acquisition and improvement of land,

  9  water areas, and related property interests and resources for

10  the purposes of conservation, outdoor recreation, water

11  resource development, restoration of natural systems and

12  historic preservation, is authorized pursuant to s. 11(e),

13  Art. VII of the State Constitution. Florida Forever bonds may

14  also be issued to refund Preservation 2000 bonds issued

15  pursuant to s. 375.051. The duration of Florida Forever bonds

16  issued may not exceed 20 annual maturities. Preservation 2000

17  bonds and Florida Forever bonds shall be equally and ratably

18  secured by moneys distributable to the Land Acquisition Trust

19  Fund pursuant to s. 201.15(1)(a), except to the extent

20  specifically provided otherwise by the documents authorizing

21  the issuance of bonds.

22         (2)  The state does covenant with the holders of

23  Florida Forever bonds and Preservation 2000 bonds that it will

24  not take any action that will materially and adversely affect

25  the rights of such holders as long as such bonds are

26  outstanding, including, but not limited to, a reduction in the

27  portion of documentary stamp taxes distributable to the Land

28  Acquisition Trust Fund for payment of debt service on

29  Preservation 2000 bonds or Florida Forever bonds.

30         (3)  Bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be

31  payable from taxes distributable to the Land Acquisition Trust


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  1  Fund pursuant to s. 201.15(1)(a). Bonds issued pursuant to

  2  this section shall not constitute a general obligation of or a

  3  pledge of the full faith and credit of the State of Florida.

  4         (4)  The Department of Environmental Protection shall

  5  request the Division of Bond Finance to issue the Florida

  6  Forever bonds authorized by this section. The Division of Bond

  7  Finance shall issue such bonds pursuant to the State Bond Act.

  8         (5)  The proceeds from the sale of bonds issued

  9  pursuant to this section, less the costs of issuance, the

10  costs of funding reserve accounts, and other costs with

11  respect to the bonds, shall be deposited into the Florida

12  Forever Trust Fund. The bond proceeds deposited into the

13  Florida Forever Trust Fund shall be distributed by the

14  Department of Environmental Protection as provided in s.

15  259.202.

16         (6)  The Legislature intends, at the appropriate time,

17  to re-create the Land Acquisition Trust Fund, which shall be

18  continued beyond the termination of bonding authority provided

19  for in s. 9(a)(1), Art. XII of the State Constitution,

20  pursuant to the authority provided by s. 11(e), Art. VII of

21  the State Constitution and shall be continued for so long as

22  Preservation 2000 bonds or Florida Forever bonds are

23  outstanding and secured by taxes distributable thereto.

24         (7)  There shall be no sale, disposition, lease,

25  easement, license, or other use of any land, water areas, or

26  related property interests acquired or improved with proceeds

27  of Florida Forever bonds which would cause all or any portion

28  of the interest of such bonds to be included in gross income

29  for federal income tax purposes.

30         (8)  The initial series of Florida Forever bonds shall

31  be validated in addition to any other bonds required to be


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  1  validated pursuant to s. 215.82. Any complaint for validation

  2  of bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be filed only

  3  in the circuit court of the county where the seat of state

  4  government is situated, the notice required to be published by

  5  s. 75.06 shall be published only in the county where the

  6  complaint is filed, and the complaint and order of the circuit

  7  court shall be served only on the state attorney of the

  8  circuit in which the action is pending.

  9         Section 4.  Subsection (4) and paragraph (a) of

10  subsection (5) of section 253.027, Florida Statutes, are

11  amended to read:

12         253.027  Emergency archaeological property

13  acquisition.--


15  $2 million shall be reserved annually segregated in an account

16  within the Florida Forever Conservation and Recreation Lands

17  Trust Fund for the purpose of emergency archaeological

18  acquisition for fiscal year 1988-1989, and each year

19  thereafter. Any portion of that amount the account not spent

20  or obligated by the end of the third quarter of the fiscal

21  year may be used for acquisitions pursuant to s. 259.202(3)(a)

22  spent for other purposes specified in s. 259.032, upon

23  approval of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement

24  Trust Fund.

25         (5)  ACCOUNT EXPENDITURES.--

26         (a)  No moneys shall be spent for the acquisition of

27  any property, including title works, appraisal fees, and

28  survey costs, unless:

29         1.  The property is an archaeological property of major

30  statewide significance.



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  1         2.  The structures, artifacts, or relics, or their

  2  historic significance, will be irretrievably lost if the state

  3  cannot acquire the property.

  4         3.  The site is presently on an acquisition list for

  5  the Conservation and Recreation Lands or for Florida Forever

  6  lands, acquisition list or complies with the criteria for

  7  inclusion on any such the list but has yet to be included on

  8  the list.

  9         4.  No other source of immediate funding is available

10  to purchase or otherwise protect the property.

11         5.  The site is not otherwise protected by local,

12  state, or federal laws.

13         6.  The acquisition is not inconsistent with the state

14  comprehensive plan and the state land acquisition program.

15         Section 5.  Subsections (3), (4), (5), (6), and (8) of

16  section 253.034, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, are

17  amended, present subsection (9) is redesignated as subsection

18  (10), and a new subsection (9) is added to that section, to

19  read:

20         253.034  State-owned lands; uses.--

21         (3)  In recognition that recreational trails purchased

22  with rails-to-trails funds pursuant to s. 259.101(3)(g) or s.

23  259.202(3)(g) have had historic transportation uses and that

24  their linear character may extend many miles, the Legislature

25  intends that when the necessity arises to serve public needs,

26  after balancing the need to protect trail users from

27  collisions with automobiles and a preference for the use of

28  overpasses and underpasses to the greatest extent feasible and

29  practical, transportation uses shall be allowed to cross

30  recreational trails purchased pursuant to s. 259.101(3)(g) or

31  s. 259.202(3)(g). When these crossings are needed, the


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  1  location and design should consider and mitigate the impact on

  2  humans and environmental resources, and the value of the land

  3  shall be paid based on fair market value.

  4         (4)  No management agreement, lease, or other

  5  instrument authorizing the use of lands owned by the Board of

  6  Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund shall be

  7  executed for a period greater than is necessary to provide for

  8  the reasonable use of the land for the existing or planned

  9  life cycle or amortization of the improvements, except that an

10  easement in perpetuity may be granted by the Board of Trustees

11  of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund if the improvement is a

12  transportation facility. An agency managing or leasing

13  state-owned lands from the Board of Trustees of the Internal

14  Improvement Trust Fund may not sublease such lands without

15  prior review by the division and by the Florida Forever

16  Commission Land Acquisition and Management Advisory Council

17  created in s. 259.035 and approval by the board. The Florida

18  Forever Commission Land Acquisition and Management Advisory

19  Council is not required to review subleases of parcels which

20  are less than 160 acres in size.

21         (5)  Each state agency managing lands owned by the

22  Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund shall

23  submit to the Division of State Lands a land management plan

24  at least every 5 years in a form and manner prescribed by rule

25  by the board.  All management plans, whether for single-use or

26  multiple-use properties, shall specifically describe how the

27  managing agency plans to identify, locate, protect and

28  preserve, or otherwise use fragile nonrenewable resources,

29  such as archaeological and historic sites, as well as other

30  fragile resources, including endangered plant and animal

31  species, and provide for the conservation of soil and water


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  1  resources and for the control and prevention of soil erosion.

  2  Land management plans submitted by an agency shall include

  3  reference to appropriate statutory authority for such use or

  4  uses and shall conform to the appropriate policies and

  5  guidelines of the state land management plan. All land

  6  management plans for parcels larger than 1,000 acres shall

  7  contain an analysis of the multiple-use potential of the

  8  parcel, which analysis shall include the potential of the

  9  parcel to generate revenues to enhance the management of the

10  parcel.  Additionally, the land management plan shall contain

11  an analysis of the potential use of private land managers to

12  facilitate the restoration or management of these lands.  In

13  those cases where a newly acquired property has a valid

14  conservation plan, the plan shall be used to guide management

15  of the property until a formal land management plan is

16  completed.

17         (a)  The Division of State Lands shall make available

18  to the public a copy of each land management plan for parcels

19  which exceed 160 acres in size. The commission council shall

20  review each plan for compliance with the requirements of this

21  subsection and with the requirements of the rules established

22  by the board pursuant to this subsection.  The commission

23  council shall also consider the propriety of the

24  recommendations of the managing agency with regard to the

25  future use of the property, the protection of fragile or

26  nonrenewable resources, the potential for alternative or

27  multiple uses not recognized by the managing agency, and the

28  possibility of disposal of the property by the board. After

29  its review, the commission council shall submit the plan,

30  along with its recommendations and comments, to the board. The

31  commission council shall specifically recommend to the board


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  1  whether to approve the plan as submitted, approve the plan

  2  with modifications, or reject the plan.

  3         (b)  The Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement

  4  Trust Fund shall consider the land management plan submitted

  5  by each state agency and the recommendations of the commission

  6  council and the Division of State Lands and shall approve the

  7  plan with or without modification or reject such plan.  The

  8  use or possession of any such lands which is not in accordance

  9  with an approved land management plan is subject to

10  termination by the board.

11         (6)  The Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement

12  Trust Fund shall determine which lands, the title to which is

13  vested in the board, are of no benefit to the public and shall

14  dispose of such lands pursuant to law.

15         (a)  At least every 5 years, in a form and manner

16  prescribed by rule by the board, each state agency shall

17  indicate to the board those lands which the agency manages

18  which are not being used for the purpose for which they were

19  originally leased. Such lands shall be reviewed by the

20  commission council for its recommendation as to whether such

21  lands should be disposed of by the board.

22         (b)  Lands owned by the board which are not actively

23  managed by any state agency or for which a land management

24  plan has not been completed pursuant to subsection (4) shall

25  be reviewed by the commission council for its recommendation

26  as to whether such lands should be disposed of by the board.

27         (c)  In reviewing lands owned by the board pursuant to

28  paragraphs (a) and (b), the commission council shall consider

29  whether such lands would be more appropriately owned or

30  managed by the county or other unit of local government in

31  which the land is located.  The commission council shall


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  1  recommend to the board whether a sale, lease, or other

  2  conveyance to a local government would be in the best

  3  interests of the state and local government. The provisions of

  4  this paragraph in no way limit the provisions of ss. 253.111

  5  and 253.115.

  6         (d)  After reviewing the recommendations of the

  7  commission council, the board shall determine whether lands

  8  identified in paragraphs (a) and (b) are to be held for other

  9  public purposes or whether such lands are of no benefit to the

10  public.  The board may require an agency to release its

11  interest in such lands.  Lands determined to be of no benefit

12  to the public shall be disposed of pursuant to law.  Each

13  fiscal year, up to $500,000 of the proceeds from the disposal

14  of such lands shall be placed in the Internal Improvement

15  Trust Fund to be used to pay the costs of any administration,

16  appraisal, management, conservation, protection, sales, or

17  real estate sales services; any such proceeds in excess of

18  $500,000 shall be placed in the Conservation and Recreation

19  Lands Trust Fund.

20         (e)  The sale of filled, formerly submerged land that

21  does not exceed 5 acres in area is not subject to review by

22  the commission council.

23         (8)  Land management plans required to be submitted by

24  the Department of Corrections or the Department of Education

25  shall not be subject to the commission council review

26  provisions described in subsection (5).  Management plans

27  filed by these agencies shall be made available to the public

28  for a period of 90 days at the administrative offices of the

29  parcel or project affected by the management plan and at the

30  Tallahassee offices of each agency. Any plans not objected to

31  during the public comment period shall be deemed approved.


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  1  Any plans for which an objection is filed shall be submitted

  2  to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust

  3  Fund for consideration. The Board of Trustees of the Internal

  4  Improvement Trust Fund shall approve the plan with or without

  5  modification, or reject the plan.  The use or possession of

  6  any such lands which is not in accordance with an approved

  7  land management plan is subject to termination by the board.

  8         (9)  The following additional uses of lands acquired by

  9  the state pursuant to the Florida Forever Program and other

10  state-funded land purchase programs shall be authorized if

11  they meet the criteria specified in paragraphs (a) through

12  (e):  water resource development projects, water supply

13  development projects, stormwater management projects, linear

14  facilities, and sustainable agriculture and forestry. For

15  purposes of this provision, linear facilities shall not

16  include petroleum product pipelines, paved roads, rail

17  corridors, or other facilities for motorized vehicles not

18  serving a use designated in the management plan or ancillary

19  to the uses described above. However, the policy adopted by

20  the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund

21  on January 23, 1996, relating to linear facilities shall

22  govern transportation uses. The uses described above are

23  authorized:

24         (a)  Where not inconsistent with the management plan

25  for such lands;

26         (b)  Where compatible with the natural ecosystem and

27  resource values of such lands;

28         (c)  Where the proposed use is appropriately located on

29  such lands;




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  1         (d)  Where the using entity reasonably compensates the

  2  title holder for such use based upon an appropriate measure of

  3  value; and

  4         (e)  Where the use provides a public benefit.


  6  Money received from the use of state lands pursuant to this

  7  section shall be returned to the managing agency in accordance

  8  with the provisions of s. 259.032(11)(d).

  9         Section 6.  Subsections (3), (8), and (10), paragraph

10  (b) of subsection (9), paragraphs (b), (c), and (f) of

11  subsection (11), and subsections (12), (13), (14), (15), and

12  (16) of section 259.032, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement,

13  are amended to read:

14         259.032  Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund;

15  purpose.--

16         (3)  The Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Board of

17  Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, may allocate

18  moneys from the Florida Forever Trust Fund in any one year to

19  acquire the fee or any lesser interest in lands for the

20  following public purposes:

21         (a)  To conserve and protect environmentally unique and

22  irreplaceable lands that contain native, relatively unaltered

23  flora and fauna representing a natural area unique to, or

24  scarce within, a region of this state or a larger geographic

25  area;

26         (b)  To conserve and protect lands within designated

27  areas of critical state concern, if the proposed acquisition

28  relates to the natural resource protection purposes of the

29  designation;

30         (c)  To conserve and protect native species habitat or

31  endangered or threatened species, emphasizing long-term


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  1  protection for endangered or threatened species designated G-1

  2  or G-2 by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, and especially

  3  those areas that are special locations for breeding and

  4  reproduction;

  5         (d)  To conserve, protect, manage, or restore important

  6  ecosystems, landscapes, and forests, if the protection and

  7  conservation of such lands is necessary to enhance or protect

  8  significant surface water, groundwater, coastal, recreational,

  9  timber, or fish or wildlife resources which cannot otherwise

10  be accomplished through local and state regulatory programs;

11         (e)  To provide areas, including recreational trails,

12  for natural resource based recreation and other outdoor

13  recreation on any part of any site compatible with

14  conservation purposes;

15         (f)  To preserve significant archaeological or historic

16  sites; or

17         (g)  To conserve urban open spaces suitable for

18  greenways or outdoor recreation which are compatible with

19  conservation purposes.

20         (8)  Lands to be considered for purchase under this

21  section are subject to the selection procedures of s. 259.035

22  and related rules and shall be acquired in accordance with

23  acquisition procedures for state lands provided for in s.

24  259.041, except as otherwise provided by the Legislature. An

25  inholding, connection, or an addition to a project selected

26  for purchase pursuant to this chapter or s. 259.035 is not

27  subject to the selection procedures of s. 259.035 if the

28  estimated value of such inholding or addition does not exceed

29  $500,000. When at least 90 percent of the acreage of a project

30  has been purchased pursuant to this chapter or s. 259.035, the

31  project may be removed from the list and the remaining acreage


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  1  may continue to be purchased. Moneys from the fund may be used

  2  for title work, appraisal fees, environmental audits, and

  3  survey costs related to acquisition expenses for lands to be

  4  acquired, donated, or exchanged which qualify under the

  5  categories of this section, at the discretion of the board.

  6  When the Legislature has authorized the Department of

  7  Environmental Protection to condemn a specific parcel of land

  8  and such parcel has already been approved for acquisition

  9  under this section, the land may be acquired in accordance

10  with the provisions of chapter 73 or chapter 74, and the fund

11  may be used to pay the condemnation award and all costs,

12  including a reasonable attorney's fee, associated with

13  condemnation.

14         (9)

15         (b)1.  Concurrent with its adoption of the annual

16  Florida Forever Conservation and Recreational Lands list of

17  acquisition projects pursuant to s. 259.202(4)(b) s. 259.035,

18  the board of trustees shall adopt a management prospectus for

19  each project. The management prospectus shall delineate: the

20  management goals for the property; the conditions that will

21  affect the intensity of management; an estimate of the

22  revenue-generating potential of the property, if appropriate;

23  a timetable for implementing the various stages of management

24  and for providing access to the public, if applicable;

25  provisions for protecting existing infrastructure and for

26  ensuring the security of the project upon acquisition; the

27  anticipated costs of management and projected sources of

28  revenue, including legislative appropriations, to fund

29  management needs; recommendations as to how many employees

30  will be needed to manage the property; and recommendations as

31  to whether local governments, volunteer groups, the former


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  1  landowner, or other interested parties can be involved in the

  2  management.

  3         2.  Concurrent with the approval of the acquisition

  4  contract pursuant to s. 259.041(3)(c) for any interest in

  5  lands, the board of trustees shall designate an agency or

  6  agencies to manage such lands and shall evaluate and amend, as

  7  appropriate, the management policy statement for the project

  8  as provided by s. 259.035, consistent with the purposes for

  9  which the lands are acquired. For any fee simple acquisition

10  of a parcel which is or will be leased back for agricultural

11  purposes, or any acquisition of a less-than-fee interest in

12  land that is or will be used for agricultural purposes, the

13  Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund shall

14  first consider having a soil and water conservation district,

15  created pursuant to chapter 582, manage and monitor such

16  interests.

17         3.  State agencies designated to manage lands acquired

18  under this chapter may contract with local governments and

19  soil and water conservation districts to assist in management

20  activities, including the responsibility of being the lead

21  land manager.  Such land management contracts may include a

22  provision for the transfer of management funding to the local

23  government or soil and water conservation district from the

24  Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund in an amount

25  adequate for the local government or soil and water

26  conservation district to perform its contractual land

27  management responsibilities and proportionate to its

28  responsibilities, and which otherwise would have been expended

29  by the state agency to manage the property.

30         4.  Immediately following the acquisition of any

31  interest in lands under this chapter, the Department of


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  1  Environmental Protection, acting on behalf of the board of

  2  trustees, may issue to the lead managing entity an interim

  3  assignment letter to be effective until the execution of a

  4  formal lease.

  5         (10)  State, regional, or local governmental agencies

  6  or private entities designated to manage lands under this

  7  section shall develop and adopt, with the approval of the

  8  board of trustees, an individual management plan for each

  9  project designed to conserve and protect such lands and their

10  associated natural resources. Private sector involvement in

11  management plan development may be used to expedite the

12  planning process. Beginning fiscal year 1998-1999, individual

13  management plans required by s. 253.034(5) s. 253.034(4) shall

14  be developed with input from an advisory group.  Members of

15  this advisory group shall include, at a minimum,

16  representatives of the lead land managing agency, comanaging

17  entities, local private property owners, the appropriate soil

18  and water conservation district, a local conservation

19  organization, and a local elected official.  The advisory

20  group shall conduct at least one public hearing within the

21  county in which the parcel or project is located.  Notice of

22  such public hearing shall be posted on the parcel or project

23  designated for management, advertised in a paper of general

24  circulation, and announced at a scheduled meeting of the local

25  governing body before the actual public hearing.  The

26  management prospectus required pursuant to paragraph (9)(b)

27  shall be available to the public for a period of 30 days prior

28  to the public hearing.  Once a plan is adopted, the managing

29  agency or entity shall update the plan at least every 5 years

30  in a form and manner prescribed by rule of the board of

31  trustees. Such plans may include transfers of leasehold


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  1  interests to appropriate conservation organizations designated

  2  by the Florida Forever Commission Land Management Advisory

  3  Council for uses consistent with the purposes of the

  4  organizations and the protection, preservation, and proper

  5  management of the lands and their resources. Volunteer

  6  management assistance is encouraged, including, but not

  7  limited to, assistance by youths participating in programs

  8  sponsored by state or local agencies, by volunteers sponsored

  9  by environmental or civic organizations, and by individuals

10  participating in programs for committed delinquents and

11  adults. For each project for which lands are acquired after

12  July 1, 1995, an individual management plan shall be adopted

13  and in place no later than 1 year after the essential parcel

14  or parcels identified in the annual Florida Forever report or

15  Conservation and Recreation Lands report prepared pursuant to

16  s. 259.035(2)(a) have been acquired. Beginning in fiscal year

17  1998-1999, the Department of Environmental Protection shall

18  distribute only 75 percent of the acquisition funds to which a

19  budget entity or water management district would otherwise be

20  entitled from the Florida Forever Trust Fund or the

21  Preservation 2000 Trust Fund to any budget entity or any water

22  management district that has more than one-third of its

23  management plans overdue.

24         (a)  Individual management plans shall conform to the

25  appropriate policies and guidelines of the state land

26  management plan and shall include, but not be limited to:

27         1.  A statement of the purpose for which the lands were

28  acquired, the projected use or uses as defined in s. 253.034,

29  and the statutory authority for such use or uses.

30         2.  Key management activities necessary to preserve and

31  protect natural resources and restore habitat, and for


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  1  controlling the spread of nonnative plants and animals, and

  2  for prescribed fire and other appropriate resource management

  3  activities.

  4         3.  A specific description of how the managing agency

  5  plans to identify, locate, protect, and preserve, or otherwise

  6  use fragile, nonrenewable natural and cultural resources.

  7         4.  A priority schedule for conducting management

  8  activities, based on the purposes for which the lands were

  9  acquired.

10         5.  A cost estimate for conducting priority management

11  activities, to include recommendations for cost-effective

12  methods of accomplishing those activities.

13         6.  A cost estimate for conducting other management

14  activities which would enhance the natural resource value or

15  public recreation value for which the lands were acquired. The

16  cost estimate shall include recommendations for cost-effective

17  methods of accomplishing those activities.

18         7.  A determination of the public uses that would be

19  consistent with the purposes for which the lands were

20  acquired.

21         (b)  The Division of State Lands shall submit a copy of

22  each individual management plan for parcels which exceed 160

23  acres in size to each member of the Florida Forever Commission

24  Land Management Advisory Council. The commission council

25  shall, within 60 days after receiving a plan from the

26  division, review each plan for compliance with the

27  requirements of this subsection and with the requirements of

28  the rules established by the board pursuant to this

29  subsection. The commission council shall also consider the

30  propriety of the recommendations of the managing agency with

31  regard to the future use or protection of the property. After


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  1  its review, the commission council shall submit the plan,

  2  along with its recommendations and comments, to the board of

  3  trustees. The commission council shall specifically recommend

  4  to the board of trustees whether to approve the plan as

  5  submitted, approve the plan with modifications, or reject the

  6  plan.

  7         (c)  The board of trustees shall consider the

  8  individual management plan submitted by each state agency and

  9  the recommendations of the Florida Forever Commission Land

10  Management Advisory Council and the Division of State Lands

11  and shall approve the plan with or without modification or

12  reject such plan. The use or possession of any lands owned by

13  the board of trustees which is not in accordance with an

14  approved individual management plan is subject to termination

15  by the board of trustees.


17  By July 1 of each year, each governmental agency, including

18  the water management districts, and each private entity

19  designated to manage lands shall report to the Secretary of

20  Environmental Protection on the progress of funding, staffing,

21  and resource management of every project for which the agency

22  or entity is responsible.

23         (11)

24         (b)  An amount equal up to 1.5 percent of the

25  cumulative total of funds ever deposited into the Florida

26  Preservation 2000 Trust Fund and the Florida Forever Trust

27  Fund shall be made available from the Conservation and

28  Recreation Lands Trust Fund for the purposes of management,

29  maintenance, and capital improvements, and for associated

30  contractual services, for lands acquired pursuant to previous

31  programs for the acquisition of lands for conservation and


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  1  recreation, including state forests, and lands acquired

  2  pursuant to this section and ss. s. 259.101 and 259.202 to

  3  which title is vested in the board of trustees. Of this

  4  amount, $250,000 shall be transferred annually to the Plant

  5  Industry Trust Fund within the Department of Agriculture and

  6  Consumer Services for the purpose of implementing the

  7  Endangered or Threatened Native Flora Conservation Grants

  8  Program pursuant to s. 581.185(11). Each agency with

  9  management responsibilities shall annually request from the

10  Legislature funds sufficient to fulfill such responsibilities.

11  Capital improvements shall include, but need not be limited

12  to, perimeter fencing, signs, firelanes, access roads and

13  trails, and minimal public accommodations, such as primitive

14  campsites, garbage receptacles, and toilets.

15         (c)  In requesting funds provided for in paragraph (b)

16  for long-term management of all acquisitions pursuant to this

17  chapter and for associated contractual services, the managing

18  agencies shall recognize the following categories of land

19  management needs:

20         1.  Lands that which are low-need tracts, requiring

21  basic resource management and protection, such as state

22  reserves, state preserves, state forests, and wildlife

23  management areas.  These lands generally are open to the

24  public but have no more than minimum facilities development.

25         2.  Lands that which are moderate-need tracts,

26  requiring more than basic resource management and protection,

27  such as state parks and state recreation areas.  These lands

28  generally have extra restoration or protection needs, higher

29  concentrations of public use, or more highly developed

30  facilities.



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  1         3.  Lands that which are high-need tracts, with

  2  identified needs requiring unique site-specific resource

  3  management and protection. These lands generally are sites

  4  with historic significance, unique natural features, or very

  5  high intensity public use, or sites that require extra funds

  6  to stabilize or protect resources.


  8  In evaluating the management funding needs of lands based on

  9  the above categories, the lead land managing agencies shall

10  include in their considerations the impacts of, and needs

11  created or addressed by, multiple-use management strategies.

12         (f)  The department shall set long-range and annual

13  goals for the control and removal of nonnative, upland,

14  invasive plant species on public lands.  Such goals shall

15  differentiate between aquatic plant species and upland plant

16  species.  In setting such goals, the department may rank, in

17  order of adverse impact, species that which impede or destroy

18  the functioning of natural systems. Notwithstanding paragraph

19  (a), up to one-fourth of the funds provided for in paragraph

20  (b) shall be used by the agencies receiving those funds

21  reserved for control and removal of nonnative, upland,

22  invasive species on public lands.

23         (12)(a)  Beginning in fiscal year 1994-1995, not more

24  than 3.75 percent of the Conservation and Recreation Lands

25  Trust Fund shall be made available annually to the department

26  for payment in lieu of taxes to qualifying counties, school

27  districts, cities, and local governments as defined in

28  paragraph (b) for all actual tax losses incurred as a result

29  of board of trustees acquisitions for state agencies under the

30  Florida Preservation 2000 Program and Florida Forever Program

31  during any year. Reserved funds not used for payments in lieu


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  1  of taxes in any year shall revert to the Florida Forever Trust

  2  Fund to be used for land acquisition in accordance with the

  3  provisions of this section.

  4         (b)  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be available:

  5         1.  To counties which levy an  ad valorem tax of at

  6  least 8.25 mills or the amount of the tax loss from all

  7  completed Preservation 2000 and Florida Forever acquisitions

  8  in the county exceeds 0.01 percent of the county's total

  9  taxable value, and have a population of 75,000 or less.

10         2.  To counties with a population of less than 100,000

11  which contain all or a portion of an area of critical state

12  concern designated pursuant to chapter 380 and to local

13  governments within such counties.

14         3.  Beginning in the 2000-2001 fiscal year and

15  thereafter, to school boards in counties with a population of

16  75,000 or less which do not contain all or a portion of an

17  area of critical state concern designated under chapter 380

18  and which levy the maximum millage under s. 236.25(1) and levy

19  at least 1 mill pursuant to s. 236.25(2).

20         4.  Notwithstanding the limitations of paragraph (a),

21  to Glades County, where a privately owned and operated prison

22  leased to the state has recently been opened and where

23  privately owned and operated juvenile justice facilities

24  leased to the state have recently been constructed and opened,

25  in an amount that offsets the loss of property tax revenues,

26  which funds have already been appropriated and allocated for

27  the purpose of reimbursing amounts equal to ad valorem taxes.

28         3.  For the 1997-1998 fiscal year only, and

29  Notwithstanding the limitations of paragraph (a), to Glades

30  County, where a privately owned and operated prison leased to

31  the state has been opened within the last 2 years for which no


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  1  other state moneys have been allocated to the county to offset

  2  ad valorem revenues. This subparagraph expires July 1, 1998.


  4  For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "local

  5  government" includes municipalities, the county school board,

  6  mosquito control districts, and any other local government

  7  entity that which levies ad valorem taxes, with the exception

  8  of a water management district.

  9         (c)  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be available to any

10  city which has a population of 10,000 or less and which levies

11  an ad valorem tax of at least 8.25 mills or the amount of the

12  tax loss from all completed Preservation 2000 acquisitions in

13  the city exceeds 0.01 percent of the city's total taxable

14  value.

15         (d)  If insufficient funds are not sufficient available

16  in any year to make full payments to all qualifying counties,

17  school districts, cities, and local governments, such

18  counties, school districts, cities, and local governments

19  shall receive a pro rata share of the moneys available.

20         (e)  The payment amount shall be based on the average

21  amount of actual taxes paid on the property for the 3 years

22  preceding acquisition, except that, for purchases completed

23  after July 1, 2000, the payment amount to school boards in

24  counties with a population of 75,000 or less which do not

25  contain all or a portion of an area of critical state concern

26  designated under chapter 380 shall be calculated based solely

27  on the value of the millage levied under s. 236.25(1) and (2).

28  Applications for payment in lieu of taxes shall be made no

29  later than January 31 of the year following acquisition. No

30  payment in lieu of taxes shall be made for properties which

31  were exempt from ad valorem taxation for the year immediately


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  1  preceding acquisition.  If property which was subject to ad

  2  valorem taxation was acquired by a tax-exempt entity for

  3  ultimate conveyance to the state under this chapter, payment

  4  in lieu of taxes shall be made for such property based upon

  5  the average amount of taxes paid on the property for the 3

  6  years prior to its being removed from the tax rolls. The

  7  department shall certify to the Department of Revenue those

  8  properties that may be eligible under this provision.  Payment

  9  in lieu of taxes shall be limited to a total of 10 consecutive

10  years of annual payments, beginning the year a local

11  government becomes eligible. The Legislature intends that once

12  a governmental entity has been determined eligible for a

13  payment, the entity shall receive 10 consecutive annual

14  payments for each tax loss, and no further eligibility

15  determination shall be made during the period of payment for

16  each tax loss. However, no governmental entity shall receive

17  more than 10 payments for each tax loss.

18         (f)  Payment in lieu of taxes pursuant to this

19  paragraph shall be made annually to qualifying counties,

20  school districts, cities, and local governments after

21  certification by the Department of Revenue that the amounts

22  applied for are reasonably appropriate, based on the amount of

23  actual taxes paid on the eligible property, and after the

24  Department of Environmental Protection has provided supporting

25  documents to the Comptroller and has requested that payment be

26  made in accordance with the requirements of this section.

27         (g)  If the board of trustees conveys to a local

28  government title to any land owned by the board, any payments

29  in lieu of taxes on the land made to the local government

30  shall be discontinued as of the date of the conveyance.



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  1         (13)  Moneys credited to the fund each year which are

  2  not used for management, maintenance, or capital improvements

  3  pursuant to subsection (11); for payment in lieu of taxes

  4  pursuant to subsection (12); or for the purposes of subsection

  5  (5) shall continue to be available for such purposes the

  6  acquisition of land pursuant to this section.

  7         (14)  The board of trustees may adopt rules to further

  8  define the categories of land for acquisition under this

  9  chapter.

10         (15)  For fiscal year 1998-1999 only, moneys credited

11  to the fund may be appropriated to provide grants to qualified

12  local governmental entities pursuant to the provisions of s.

13  375.075. This subsection is repealed on July 1, 1999.

14         (15)(16)  Within 180 days after receiving a certified

15  letter from the owner of a property on the Conservation and

16  Recreation Lands list or the Florida Forever list objecting to

17  the property being included in an acquisition project, where

18  such property is a project or part of a project which has not

19  been listed for purchase in the current year's land

20  acquisition work plan, the board of trustees shall delete the

21  property from the list or from the boundary of an acquisition

22  project on the list.

23         Section 7.  Section 259.035, Florida Statutes, 1998

24  Supplement, is amended to read:

25         259.035  Advisory council; powers and duties.--

26         (1)  There is created a Florida Forever Commission Land

27  Acquisition and Management Advisory Council to be composed of

28  the secretary and a designee of the department, the director

29  of the Division of Forestry of the Department of Agriculture

30  and Consumer Services, the executive director of the Game and

31  Fresh Water Fish Commission, the director of the Division of


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  1  Historical Resources of the Department of State, and the

  2  secretary of the Department of Community Affairs, or their

  3  respective designees, in addition, the Governor shall appoint

  4  four members of the commission, one of which shall be the

  5  chairman. Each member appointed by the Governor must reside in

  6  a different water management district. No person shall be

  7  appointed to the commission who in the 24 months preceding his

  8  or her term on the commission has been a lobbyist as defined

  9  in s. 112.3148 for an entity whose interests may be affected

10  by projects approved by the commission. The chairmanship of

11  the council shall rotate annually in the foregoing order. The

12  commission council shall hold periodic meetings at the request

13  of the chair. The department shall provide primary staff

14  support to the commission council and shall ensure that

15  commission council meetings are electronically recorded. Such

16  recordings shall be preserved pursuant to chapters 119 and

17  257. The department has authority to adopt rules pursuant to

18  ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this

19  section.

20         (2)  The commission is directed to establish goals to

21  guide its expenditures by February 15, 2001. The goals must be

22  designed to produce specific, measurable results within a

23  specified period of time. The commission shall give priority

24  to projects which appear likely to implement its goals. The

25  commission shall evaluate its success in attaining its goals

26  and report its findings to the Governor, the President of the

27  Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by

28  July 1, 2004.

29         (3)(2)(a)  The commission council shall, by the time of

30  the first board meeting of the board of trustees in February

31  of each year, establish or update a list of acquisition


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  1  projects to be funded from the Florida Forever Trust Fund and

  2  selected for purchase pursuant to this chapter. The commission

  3  may also propose eligible acquisition projects to the board of

  4  trustees at any time if the projects can be acquired at a

  5  price at least 15 percent below appraised value. In scoring

  6  potential projects for inclusion on the acquisition list, the

  7  commission council shall give greater consideration to

  8  projects that can serve as corridors between lands already in

  9  public ownership or under management for conservation and

10  recreational purposes.  Acquisition projects shall be ranked,

11  in order of priority, individually as a single group or

12  individually within 7 up to 10 separate groups, which must

13  include substantially complete projects, mega-multiparcels

14  projects, less-than-fee projects, priority projects,

15  negotiations impasse, projects providing long-term protection

16  for threatened or endangered species, and bargain or shared

17  projects. The commission council shall submit to the board of

18  trustees, together with its list of acquisition projects, a

19  Florida Forever Conservation and Recreation Lands report. For

20  each project on an acquisition list, the commission council

21  shall include in its report the stated purpose for acquiring

22  the project, an identification of the essential parcel or

23  parcels within the project without which the project cannot be

24  properly managed, an identification of those projects or

25  parcels within projects which should be acquired in fee simple

26  or in other than fee simple, an explanation of the reasons why

27  the commission council selected a particular acquisition

28  technique, a management policy statement for the project, a

29  management prospectus pursuant to s. 259.032(9)(b), an

30  estimate of land value based on county tax assessed values, a

31  map delineating project boundaries, a brief description of the


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  1  important natural and cultural resources to be protected,

  2  preacquisition planning and budgeting, coordination with other

  3  public and nonprofit public-lands acquisition programs, a

  4  preliminary statement of the extent and nature of public use,

  5  an interim management budget, and designation of a management

  6  agency or agencies. The Department of Environmental Protection

  7  shall prepare the information required by this section for

  8  each acquisition project selected for purchase pursuant to

  9  this chapter. In addition, the department shall prepare, by

10  July 1 of each year, an acquisition work plan for each project

11  on the acquisition list for which funds will be available for

12  acquisition during the fiscal year. The work plan need not

13  disclose any information that is required by this chapter or

14  chapter 253 to remain confidential.

15         (b)  An affirmative vote of six four members of the

16  commission council shall be required in order to place a

17  proposed project on a list. Each list shall contain at least

18  twice the number of projects in terms of estimated cost as

19  there are anticipated funds for purchase. The anticipated cost

20  of each project shall include proposed costs for development

21  of the lands necessary to meet the public purpose for which

22  such lands are to be purchased.

23         (c)  All proposals for acquisition projects pursuant to

24  this chapter shall be developed and adopted by the commission

25  council. The commission council shall consider and evaluate in

26  writing the merits and demerits of each project that is

27  proposed for acquisition and shall ensure that each proposed

28  acquisition project will meet a stated public purpose for the

29  preservation of environmentally endangered lands, for the

30  development of outdoor recreation lands, or as provided in s.

31  259.032(3) or s. 259.202(4), and shall determine whether each


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  1  acquisition project conforms with the comprehensive plan

  2  developed pursuant to s. 259.04(1)(a), the comprehensive

  3  outdoor recreation and conservation plan developed pursuant to

  4  s. 375.021, and the state lands management plan adopted

  5  pursuant to s. 253.03(7). Copies of a written report

  6  describing each project proposed for acquisition shall be

  7  submitted to the board of trustees. The commission council

  8  shall consider and include in each project description its

  9  assessment of a project's ecological value, vulnerability,

10  endangerment, ownership pattern, utilization, location, and

11  cost and other pertinent factors in determining whether to

12  recommend a project for state purchase.

13         (4)(3)  Members of the commission council shall serve

14  without compensation but shall be entitled to receive

15  reimbursement by their respective agencies for per diem and

16  travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as

17  provided in s. 112.061.

18         Section 8.  Subsection (2) of section 259.036, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         259.036  Management review teams.--

21         (2)  The land management review team shall review

22  select parcels of managed land prior to the date the managing

23  agency is required to submit its 5-year land management plan

24  update.  A copy of the review shall be provided to the

25  managing agency, the Division of State Lands, and the Florida

26  Forever Commission Land Acquisition and Management Advisory

27  Council.  The managing agency shall consider the findings and

28  recommendations of the land management review team in

29  finalizing the required 5-year update of its management plan.

30         Section 9.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

31  338.250, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:


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  1         338.250  Central Florida Beltway Mitigation.--

  2         (2)  Environmental mitigation required as a result of

  3  construction of the beltway, or portions thereof, shall be

  4  satisfied in the following manner:

  5         (a)  For those projects which the Department of

  6  Transportation is authorized to construct, funds for

  7  environmental mitigation shall be deposited in the Central

  8  Florida Beltway Trust Fund created within the department at

  9  the time bonds for the specific project are sold. If a road

10  building authority other than the department is authorized to

11  construct the project, funds for environmental mitigation

12  shall be deposited in a mitigation fund account established in

13  the construction fund for the bond issues. Said account shall

14  be established at the time bond proceeds are deposited into

15  the construction fund for the specific project. These funds

16  shall be provided from bond proceeds, and the use of such

17  funds from bond proceeds for mitigation shall be deemed a

18  public purpose.  The amount to be provided for mitigation for

19  the Eastern Beltway in Seminole County shall be up to $4

20  million, the amount to be provided for mitigation for the

21  Western Beltway shall be up to $30.5 million, the amount to be

22  provided for mitigation for the Southern Connector shall be up

23  to $14.28 million, the amount to be provided for mitigation

24  for the Turnpike/Southern Connector Interchange shall be up to

25  $1.46 million, and the amount to be provided for mitigation

26  for the Southern Connector Extension shall be in proportion to

27  the amount provided for the Southern Connector based upon the

28  amount of wetlands displaced.  To the extent allowed by law,

29  the interest on said funds as earned, after deposit into the

30  Central Florida Beltway Trust Fund, or in a mitigation fund

31  account shall accrue and be paid to the agency responsible for


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  1  the construction of the appropriate project. Where feasible,

  2  mitigation funds shall be used in coordination with funds from

  3  the Florida Forever Trust Fund, the Conservation and

  4  Recreation Lands Trust Fund, the Save Our Rivers Land

  5  Acquisition Program, or from other appropriate sources.

  6         Section 10.  Section 373.59, Florida Statutes, 1998

  7  Supplement, is amended to read:

  8         373.59  Water Management Lands Trust Fund.--

  9         (1)  There is established within the Department of

10  Environmental Protection the Water Management Lands Trust Fund

11  to be used as a nonlapsing fund for the purposes of this

12  section. The moneys in this fund are hereby continually

13  appropriated for the purposes of land acquisition, management,

14  maintenance, capital improvements, payments in lieu of taxes,

15  and administration of the fund in accordance with the

16  provisions of this section.

17         (2)(a)  By January 15 of each year, each district shall

18  file with the Legislature, the Florida Forever Commission, and

19  the Secretary of Environmental Protection a report of

20  acquisition activity together with modifications or additions

21  to its 5-year plan of acquisition.  Included in the report

22  shall be an identification of those lands which require a full

23  fee simple interest to achieve water management goals and

24  those lands which can be acquired using alternatives to fee

25  simple acquisition techniques and still achieve such goals.

26  In their evaluation of which lands would be appropriate for

27  acquisition through alternatives to fee simple, district staff

28  shall consider criteria including, but not limited to,

29  acquisition costs, the net present value of future land

30  management costs, the net present value of ad valorem revenue

31  loss to the local government, and the potential for revenue


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  1  generated from activities compatible with acquisition

  2  objectives. The report shall also include a description of

  3  land management activity. Expenditure of moneys from the Water

  4  Management Lands Trust Fund shall be limited to the costs for

  5  acquisition, management, maintenance, and capital improvements

  6  of lands included within the 5-year plan as filed by each

  7  district and to the department's costs of administration of

  8  the fund. The department's costs of administration shall be

  9  charged proportionally against each district's allocation

10  using the formula provided in subsection (7). However, no

11  acquisition of lands shall occur without a public hearing

12  similar to those held pursuant to the provisions set forth in

13  s. 120.54. In the annual update of its 5-year plan for

14  acquisition, each district shall identify lands needed to

15  protect or recharge groundwater and shall establish a plan for

16  their acquisition as necessary to protect potable water

17  supplies. Lands which serve to protect or recharge groundwater

18  identified pursuant to this paragraph shall also serve to

19  protect other valuable natural resources or provide space for

20  natural resource based recreation.

21         (b)  Moneys from the fund shall be used for continued

22  acquisition, management, maintenance, and capital improvements

23  of the following lands and lands set forth in the 5-year land

24  acquisition plan of the district:

25         1.  By South Florida Water Management District--lands

26  in the water conservation areas and areas adversely affected

27  by raising water levels of Lake Okeechobee in accordance with

28  present regulation schedules, and the Savannahs Wetland area

29  in Martin County and St. Lucie County.

30         2.  By Southwest Florida Water Management

31  District--lands in the Four River Basins areas, including


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  1  Green Swamp, Upper Hillsborough and Cypress Creek, Anclote

  2  Water Storage Lands (Starkey), Withlacoochee and Hillsborough

  3  riverine corridors, and Sawgrass Lake addition.

  4         3.  By St. Johns River Water Management

  5  District--Seminole Ranch, Latt Maxey and Evans properties in

  6  the upper St. Johns River Basin.

  7         4.  By Suwannee River Water Management District--lands

  8  in Suwannee River Valley.

  9         5.  By Northwest Florida Water Management

10  District--lands in the Choctawhatchee and Apalachicola River

11  Valleys.

12         (3)  Each district shall remove the property of an

13  unwilling seller from its plan of acquisition at the next

14  scheduled update of the plan, if in receipt of a request to do

15  so by the property owner.

16         (4)(a)  Moneys from the Florida Forever Water

17  Management Lands Trust Fund shall be used for acquiring the

18  fee or other interest in lands necessary for water management,

19  water supply, and the conservation and protection of water

20  resources, except that such moneys shall not be used for the

21  acquisition of rights-of-way for canals or pipelines.  Such

22  Moneys from the Water Management Lands Trust Fund shall also

23  be used for management, maintenance, and capital improvements.

24  Interests in real property acquired by the districts under

25  this section may be used for permittable water resource

26  development and water supply development purposes under the

27  following conditions: the minimum flows and levels of priority

28  water bodies on such lands have been established; the project

29  complies with all conditions for issuance of a permit under

30  part II of this chapter; and the project is compatible with

31  the purposes for which the land was acquired.  Lands acquired


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  1  pursuant to this section with moneys from the fund shall be

  2  managed and maintained in an environmentally acceptable manner

  3  and, to the extent practicable, in such a way as to restore

  4  and protect their natural state and condition.

  5         (b)  The Secretary of Environmental Protection shall

  6  release moneys from the Water Management Lands Trust Fund to a

  7  district for preacquisition costs for projects approved by the

  8  Florida Forever Commission within 30 days after receipt of a

  9  resolution adopted by the district's governing board which

10  identifies and justifies any such preacquisition costs

11  necessary for the purchase of any lands listed in the

12  district's 5-year plan. The district shall return to the

13  department any funds not used for the purposes stated in the

14  resolution, and the department shall deposit the unused funds

15  into the Water Management Lands Trust Fund.

16         (c)  The Secretary of Environmental Protection shall

17  release acquisition moneys from the Florida Forever Water

18  Management Lands Trust Fund to a district for a project

19  approved by the commission following receipt of a resolution

20  adopted by the governing board identifying the lands being

21  acquired and certifying that such acquisition is consistent

22  with the plan of acquisition and other provisions of this act.

23  The governing board shall also provide to the Secretary of

24  Environmental Protection a copy of all certified appraisals

25  used to determine the value of the land to be purchased. Each

26  parcel to be acquired must have at least one appraisal. Two

27  appraisals are required when the estimated value of the parcel

28  exceeds $500,000. However, when both appraisals exceed

29  $500,000 and differ significantly, a third appraisal may be

30  obtained. If the purchase price is greater than the appraisal

31  price, the governing board shall submit written justification


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  1  for the increased price. The Secretary of Environmental

  2  Protection may withhold moneys for any purchase that is not

  3  consistent with the 5-year plan or the intent of this act or

  4  that is in excess of appraised value. The governing board may

  5  appeal any denial to the Land and Water Adjudicatory

  6  Commission pursuant to s. 373.114.

  7         (d)  The Secretary of Environmental Protection shall

  8  release moneys from the Florida Forever Trust Fund to a

  9  district for a water resource development project following

10  receipt of a resolution adopted by the governing board

11  identifying the project and certifying its approval by the

12  commission.

13         (e)(d)  The Secretary of Environmental Protection shall

14  release to the districts moneys from the Water Management

15  Lands Trust Fund for management, maintenance, and capital

16  improvements following receipt of a resolution and request

17  adopted by the governing board which specifies the designated

18  managing agency, specific management activities, public use,

19  estimated annual operating costs, and other acceptable

20  documentation to justify release of moneys.

21         (5)  Water management land acquisition costs shall

22  include payments to owners and costs and fees associated with

23  such acquisition.

24         (6)  No funds may be used pursuant to this section

25  until necessary debt service obligations are provided for any

26  bonds issued pursuant to s. 373.584 before the repeal of that

27  section.

28         (6)  If a district issues revenue bonds or notes under

29  s. 373.584, the district may pledge its share of the moneys in

30  the Water Management Lands Trust Fund as security for such

31  bonds or notes. The Department of Environmental Protection


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  1  shall pay moneys from the trust fund to a district or its

  2  designee sufficient to pay the debt service, as it becomes

  3  due, on the outstanding bonds and notes of the district;

  4  however, such payments shall not exceed the district's

  5  cumulative portion of the trust fund. However, any moneys

  6  remaining after payment of the amount due on the debt service

  7  shall be released to the district pursuant to subsection (3).

  8         (7)  Any unused portion of a district's share of the

  9  Water Management Lands Trust Fund fund shall accumulate in the

10  trust fund to the credit of that district.  Interest earned on

11  such portion shall also accumulate to the credit of that

12  district to be used for land acquisition, management,

13  maintenance, and capital improvements as provided in this

14  section.  The total moneys over the life of the fund available

15  to any district under this section shall not be reduced except

16  by resolution of the district governing board stating that the

17  need for the moneys no longer exists.

18         (8)  Moneys from the Water Management Lands Trust Fund

19  shall be allocated to the five water management districts in

20  the following percentages:

21         (a)  Thirty percent to the South Florida Water

22  Management District.

23         (b)  Twenty-five percent to the Southwest Florida Water

24  Management District.

25         (c)  Twenty-five percent to the St. Johns River Water

26  Management District.

27         (d)  Ten percent to the Suwannee River Water Management

28  District.

29         (e)  Ten percent to the Northwest Florida Water

30  Management District.



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  1         (9)  Each district may use its allocation under

  2  subsection (8) for management, maintenance, and capital

  3  improvements. Capital improvements shall include, but need not

  4  be limited to, perimeter fencing, signs, firelanes, control of

  5  invasive exotic species, controlled burning, habitat inventory

  6  and restoration, law enforcement, access roads and trails, and

  7  minimal public accommodations, such as primitive campsites,

  8  garbage receptacles, and toilets.

  9         (10)  Moneys in the Water Management Lands Trust Fund

10  fund not needed to meet current obligations incurred under

11  this section shall be transferred to the State Board of

12  Administration, to the credit of the fund, to be invested in

13  the manner provided by law.  Interest received on such

14  investments shall be credited to the fund.

15         (11)  Lands acquired for the purposes enumerated in

16  this section shall also be used for general public

17  recreational purposes.  General public recreational purposes

18  shall include, but not be limited to, fishing, hunting,

19  horseback riding, swimming, camping, hiking, canoeing,

20  boating, diving, birding, sailing, jogging, and other related

21  outdoor activities to the maximum extent possible considering

22  the environmental sensitivity and suitability of those lands.

23  These public lands shall be evaluated for their resource value

24  for the purpose of establishing which parcels, in whole or in

25  part, annually or seasonally, would be conducive to general

26  public recreational purposes. Such findings must shall be

27  included in management plans, which must be are developed for

28  such public lands within 1 year after acquisition and updated

29  at least every 5 years.  These lands shall be made available

30  to the public for these purposes, unless the district

31  governing board can demonstrate that such activities would be


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  1  incompatible with the purposes for which these lands were

  2  acquired. For any fee simple acquisition of a parcel which is

  3  or will be leased back for agricultural purposes, or for any

  4  acquisition of a less-than-fee interest in land that is or

  5  will be used for agricultural purposes, the district governing

  6  board shall first consider having a soil and water

  7  conservation district created pursuant to chapter 582 manage

  8  and monitor such interest.

  9         (12)  A district may dispose of land acquired under

10  this section, pursuant to s. 373.056 or s. 373.089. Revenues

11  derived from the disposition of lands acquired with funds from

12  the Preservation 2000 or Florida Forever programs must be used

13  to acquire other lands eligible for acquisition pursuant to

14  those programs. However, Revenue derived from the such

15  disposal of other lands may not be used for any purpose

16  specified except the purchase of other lands meeting the

17  criteria specified in this section or payment of debt service

18  on revenue bonds or notes issued under s. 373.584, as provided

19  in this section.

20         (13)  No moneys generated pursuant to this act may be

21  applied or expended subsequent to July 1, 1985, to reimburse

22  any district for prior expenditures for land acquisition from

23  ad valorem taxes or other funds other than its share of the

24  funds provided herein or to refund or refinance outstanding

25  debt payable solely from ad valorem taxes or other funds other

26  than its share of the funds provided herein.

27         (14)(a)  Funds from the Water Management Lands Trust

28  Fund shall be available Beginning in fiscal year 1992-1993,

29  not more than one-fourth of the land management funds provided

30  for in subsections (1) and (9) in any year shall be reserved

31  annually by a governing board, during the development of its


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  1  annual operating budget, for payment in lieu of taxes to

  2  qualifying counties, school districts, cities, and local

  3  governments, as defined in paragraph (b), for actual ad

  4  valorem tax losses incurred as a result of lands purchased

  5  with funds allocated pursuant to paragraph (b) and ss s.

  6  259.101(3)(b) and 259.202(3)(c). In addition, the Northwest

  7  Florida Water Management District, the South Florida Water

  8  Management District, the Southwest Florida Water Management

  9  District, the St. Johns River Water Management District, and

10  the Suwannee River Water Management District shall pay to

11  qualifying counties payments in lieu of taxes for district

12  lands acquired with funds allocated pursuant to subsection

13  (8). Reserved funds that are not used for payment in lieu of

14  taxes in any year shall revert to the fund to be used for

15  management purposes or land acquisition in accordance with

16  this section.

17         (b)  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be available:

18         1.  To counties for each year in which the levy of ad

19  valorem tax is at least 8.25 mills or the amount of the tax

20  loss from all completed Preservation 2000 or Florida Forever

21  acquisitions in the county exceeds 0.01 percent of the

22  county's total taxable value, and the population is 75,000 or

23  less. and

24         2.  To counties with a population of less than 100,000

25  which contain all or a portion of an area of critical state

26  concern designated pursuant to chapter 380, and to local

27  governments within such counties.

28         3.  Beginning in the 2000-2001 fiscal year, to school

29  boards in counties with a population of 75,000 or less which

30  do not contain all or a portion of an area of critical state

31  concern designated under chapter 380 and which levy the


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  1  maximum millage under s. 236.25(1) and levy at least 1 mill

  2  pursuant to s. 236.25(2).


  4  As used in this paragraph, the term "local government"

  5  includes municipalities, the county school board, mosquito

  6  control districts, and any other local government entity that

  7  levies ad valorem taxes, with the exception of a water

  8  management district.

  9         (c)  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be available to any

10  city that has a population of 10,000 or less and that levies

11  an ad valorem tax of at least 8.25 mills or the amount of the

12  tax loss from all completed Preservation 2000 acquisitions in

13  the city which exceeds 0.01 percent of the city's total

14  taxable value.

15         (d)(c)  If insufficient funds are not sufficient

16  available in any year to make full payments to all qualifying

17  counties, school districts, cities, and local governments,

18  such counties, school districts, cities, and local governments

19  shall receive a pro rata share of the moneys available.

20         (e)(d)  The payment amount shall be based on the

21  average amount of actual taxes paid on the property for the 3

22  years immediately preceding acquisition, except that, for

23  purchases completed after July 1, 2000, the payment amount to

24  school boards in counties with a population of 75,000 or less

25  which do not contain all or a portion of an area of critical

26  state concern designated under chapter 380 shall be calculated

27  based solely on the value of the millage levied under s.

28  236.25(1) and (2). For lands purchased prior to July 1, 1992,

29  applications for payment in lieu of taxes shall be made to the

30  districts by January 1, 1993. For lands purchased after July

31  1, 1992, applications for payment in lieu of taxes shall be


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  1  made no later than January 31 of the year following

  2  acquisition.  No payment in lieu of taxes shall be made for

  3  properties that which were exempt from ad valorem taxation for

  4  the year immediately preceding acquisition.  Payment in lieu

  5  of taxes shall be limited to a period of 10 consecutive years

  6  of annual payments. The Legislature intends that once a

  7  governmental entity has been determined eligible for a

  8  payment, the entity shall receive 10 consecutive annual

  9  payments for each tax loss, and no further eligibility

10  determination shall be made within the period of payment for

11  each tax loss. However, no governmental entity shall receive

12  more than 10 payments for each tax loss.

13         (f)(e)  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be made within

14  30 days after: certification by the Department of Revenue that

15  the amounts applied for are appropriate, certification by the

16  Department of Environmental Protection that funds are

17  available, and completion of any fund transfers to the

18  district. The governing board may reduce the amount of a

19  payment in lieu of taxes to any county, school district, city,

20  or local government by the amount of other payments, grants,

21  or in-kind services provided to that governmental entity

22  county by the district during the year. The amount of any

23  reduction in payments shall remain in the Water Management

24  Lands Trust Fund for purposes provided by law.

25         (g)(f)  If a district governing board conveys to a

26  local government title to any land owned by the board, any

27  payments in lieu of taxes on the land made to the local

28  government shall be discontinued as of the date of the

29  conveyance.

30         (15)  Each district is encouraged to use volunteers to

31  provide land management and other services.  Volunteers shall


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  1  be covered by liability protection and workers' compensation

  2  in the same manner as district employees, unless waived in

  3  writing by such volunteers or unless such volunteers otherwise

  4  provide equivalent insurance.

  5         (16)  Each water management district is authorized and

  6  encouraged to enter into cooperative land management

  7  agreements with state agencies or local governments to provide

  8  for the coordinated and cost-effective management of lands to

  9  which the water management districts, the Board of Trustees of

10  the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, or local governments hold

11  title. Any such cooperative land management agreement must be

12  consistent with any applicable laws governing land use,

13  management duties, and responsibilities and procedures of each

14  cooperating entity. Each cooperating entity is authorized to

15  expend such funds as are made available to it for land

16  management on any such lands included in a cooperative land

17  management agreement.

18         (17)  Notwithstanding any provision of this section to

19  the contrary and for the 1998-1999 fiscal year only, the

20  governing board of a water management district may request,

21  and the Secretary of Environmental Protection shall release

22  upon such request, moneys allocated to the districts pursuant

23  to subsection (8) for the purpose of carrying out the

24  provisions of ss. 373.451-373.4595. No funds may be used

25  pursuant to this subsection until necessary debt service

26  obligations and requirements for payments in lieu of taxes

27  that may be required pursuant to this section are provided

28  for. This subsection is repealed on July 1, 1999.

29         Section 11.  Subsections (16) and (17) are added to

30  section 380.503, Florida Statutes, to read:



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  1         380.503  Definitions.--As used in ss. 380.501-380.515,

  2  unless the context indicates a different meaning or intent:

  3         (16)  "Metropolitan" means a population area consisting

  4  of a central city; adjacent cities and smaller surrounding

  5  communities; or a major urban area and its environs.

  6         (17)  "Urban area" means an area of or for development

  7  characterized by social, economic, and institutional

  8  activities that are predominantly based on the manufacture,

  9  production, distribution, or provision of goods and services,

10  in a setting that typically includes residential and

11  nonresidential development uses other than those

12  characteristic of rural areas.

13         Section 12.  Subsection (1) of section 380.504, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         380.504  Florida Communities Trust; creation;

16  membership; expenses.--

17         (1)  There is created within the Department of

18  Community Affairs a nonregulatory state agency and

19  instrumentality, which shall be a public body corporate and

20  politic, known as the "Florida Communities Trust." The

21  governing body of the trust shall consist of:

22         (a)  The Secretary of Community Affairs, and the

23  Secretary of Environmental Protection, and the director of the

24  Division of Historical Resources in the Department of State;

25  and

26         (b)  Four Three public members whom the Governor shall

27  appoint, subject to Senate confirmation.


29  The Governor shall appoint a former elected official of a

30  county local government, a former elected official of a

31  metropolitan municipal government, a representative of a


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  1  nonprofit organization as defined in this part, and a

  2  representative of the development industry. The Secretary of

  3  Community Affairs may designate his or her assistant secretary

  4  or the director of the Division of Community Resource Planning

  5  and Management to serve in his or her absence. The Secretary

  6  of Environmental Protection may appoint his or her deputy

  7  secretary assistant executive director, the deputy assistant

  8  director for Land Resources, the director of the Division of

  9  State Lands, or the director of the Division of Recreation and

10  Parks to serve in his or her absence. The Secretary of

11  Community Affairs shall be the chair of the governing body of

12  the trust. The Governor shall make his or her appointments

13  upon the expiration of any current terms or within 60 days

14  after the effective date of the resignation of any member.

15         Section 13.  Section 380.505, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         380.505  Meetings; quorum; voting.--The powers of the

18  trust shall be vested in its governing body members.  The

19  governing body may delegate such powers to department staff as

20  it deems necessary. Four Three members of the governing body

21  shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its

22  business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes.

23  However, the governing body may take action only upon an

24  affirmative vote of at least four three members.  The

25  governing body shall meet at least quarterly, and may meet

26  more often at the call of the chair or upon an affirmative

27  vote of three members.

28         Section 14.  Subsection (11) of section 380.507,

29  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:




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  1         380.507  Powers of the trust.--The trust shall have all

  2  the powers necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes

  3  and provisions of this part, including:

  4         (11)  To make rules necessary to carry out the purposes

  5  of this part and to exercise any power granted in this part,

  6  pursuant to the provisions of chapter 120. The trust shall

  7  adopt rules governing the acquisition of lands by local

  8  governments or the trust using proceeds from the Preservation

  9  2000 Trust Fund and the Florida Forever Trust Fund consistent

10  with the intent expressed in the Florida Forever Act. Such

11  rules must include, but are not limited to, procedures for

12  appraisals and confidentiality consistent with ss.

13  125.355(1)(a) and (b) and 166.045(1)(a) and (b), a method of

14  determining a maximum purchase price, and procedures to assure

15  that the land is acquired in a voluntarily negotiated

16  transaction, surveyed, conveyed with marketable title, and

17  examined for hazardous materials contamination. Land

18  acquisition procedures of a local land authority created

19  pursuant to s. 380.0663 or s. 380.0677 shall be used for the

20  land acquisition programs described by s. 259.101(3)(c) if

21  within areas of critical state concern designated pursuant to

22  s. 380.05, subject to approval of the trust.

23         Section 15.  Subsections (5) and (6) of section

24  420.5092, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

25         420.5092  Florida Affordable Housing Guarantee

26  Program.--

27         (5)  Pursuant to s. 16, Art. VII of the State

28  Constitution, the corporation may issue, in accordance with s.

29  420.509, revenue bonds of the corporation to establish the

30  guarantee fund.  Such revenue bonds shall be primarily payable

31  from and secured by annual debt service reserves, from


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  1  interest earned on funds on deposit in the guarantee fund,

  2  from fees, charges, and reimbursements established by the

  3  corporation for the issuance of affordable housing guarantees,

  4  and from any other revenue sources received by the corporation

  5  and deposited by the corporation into the guarantee fund for

  6  the issuance of affordable housing guarantees.  To the extent

  7  such primary revenue sources are considered insufficient by

  8  the corporation, pursuant to the certification provided in

  9  subsection (6), to fully fund the annual debt service reserve,

10  the certified deficiency in such reserve shall be additionally

11  payable from the first proceeds of the documentary stamp tax

12  moneys deposited into the State Housing Trust Fund pursuant to

13  s. 201.15(7)(a) and (8)(a) s. 201.15(6)(a) and (7)(a) during

14  the ensuing state fiscal year.

15         (6)(a)  If the primary revenue sources to be used for

16  repayment of revenue bonds used to establish the guarantee

17  fund are insufficient for such repayment, the annual principal

18  and interest due on each series of revenue bonds shall be

19  payable from funds in the annual debt service reserve.  The

20  corporation shall, before June 1 of each year, perform a

21  financial audit to determine whether at the end of the state

22  fiscal year there will be on deposit in the guarantee fund an

23  annual debt service reserve from interest earned pursuant to

24  the investment of the guarantee fund, fees, charges, and

25  reimbursements received from issued affordable housing

26  guarantees and other revenue sources available to the

27  corporation. Based upon the findings in such guarantee fund

28  financial audit, the corporation shall certify to the

29  Comptroller the amount of any projected deficiency in the

30  annual debt service reserve for any series of outstanding

31  bonds as of the end of the state fiscal year and the amount


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  1  necessary to maintain such annual debt service reserve. Upon

  2  receipt of such certification, the Comptroller shall transfer

  3  to the annual debt service reserve, from the first available

  4  taxes distributed to the State Housing Trust Fund pursuant to

  5  s. 201.15(7)(a) and (8)(a) s. 201.15(6)(a) and (7)(a) during

  6  the ensuing state fiscal year, the amount certified as

  7  necessary to maintain the annual debt service reserve.

  8         (b)  If the claims payment obligations under affordable

  9  housing guarantees from amounts on deposit in the guarantee

10  fund would cause the claims paying rating assigned to the

11  guarantee fund to be less than the third-highest rating

12  classification of any nationally recognized rating service,

13  which classifications being consistent with s. 215.84(3) and

14  rules adopted thereto by the State Board of Administration,

15  the corporation shall certify to the Comptroller the amount of

16  such claims payment obligations. Upon receipt of such

17  certification, the Comptroller shall transfer to the guarantee

18  fund, from the first available taxes distributed to the State

19  Housing Trust Fund pursuant to s. 201.15(7)(a) and (8)(a) s.

20  201.15(6)(a) and (7)(a) during the ensuing state fiscal year,

21  the amount certified as necessary to meet such obligations,

22  such transfer to be subordinate to any transfer referenced in

23  paragraph (a) and not to exceed 50 percent of the amounts

24  distributed to the State Housing Trust Fund pursuant to s.

25  201.15(7)(a) and (8)(a) s. 201.15(6)(a) and (7)(a) during the

26  preceding state fiscal year.

27         Section 16.  Section 420.9073, Florida Statutes, 1998

28  Supplement, is amended to read:

29         420.9073  Local housing distributions.--

30         (1)  Distributions calculated in this section shall be

31  disbursed on a monthly basis by the agency beginning the first


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  1  day of the month after program approval pursuant to s.

  2  420.9072.  Each county's share of the funds to be distributed

  3  from the portion of the funds in the Local Government Housing

  4  Trust Fund received pursuant to s. 201.15(7) s. 201.15(6)

  5  shall be calculated by the agency for each fiscal year as

  6  follows:

  7         (a)  Each county other than a county that has

  8  implemented the provisions of chapter 83-220, Laws of Florida,

  9  as amended by chapters 84-270, 86-152, and 89-252, Laws of

10  Florida, shall receive the guaranteed amount for each fiscal

11  year.

12         (b)  Each county other than a county that has

13  implemented the provisions of chapter 83-220, Laws of Florida,

14  as amended by chapters 84-270, 86-152, and 89-252, Laws of

15  Florida, may receive an additional share calculated as

16  follows:

17         1.  Multiply each county's percentage of the total

18  state population excluding the population of any county that

19  has implemented the provisions of chapter 83-220, Laws of

20  Florida, as amended by chapters 84-270, 86-152, and 89-252,

21  Laws of Florida, by the total funds to be distributed.

22         2.  If the result in subparagraph 1. is less than the

23  guaranteed amount as determined in subsection (3), that

24  county's additional share shall be zero.

25         3.  For each county in which the result in subparagraph

26  1. is greater than the guaranteed amount as determined in

27  subsection (3), the amount calculated in subparagraph 1. shall

28  be reduced by the guaranteed amount.  The result for each such

29  county shall be expressed as a percentage of the amounts so

30  determined for all counties.  Each such county shall receive

31  an additional share equal to such percentage multiplied by the


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  1  total funds received by the Local Government Housing Trust

  2  Fund pursuant to s. 201.15(7) s. 201.15(6) reduced by the

  3  guaranteed amount paid to all counties.

  4         (2)  Effective July 1, 1995, distributions calculated

  5  in this section shall be disbursed on a monthly basis by the

  6  agency beginning the first day of the month after program

  7  approval pursuant to s. 420.9072.  Each county's share of the

  8  funds to be distributed from the portion of the funds in the

  9  Local Government Housing Trust Fund received pursuant to s.

10  201.15(8) s. 201.15(7) shall be calculated by the agency for

11  each fiscal year as follows:

12         (a)  Each county shall receive the guaranteed amount

13  for each fiscal year.

14         (b)  Each county may receive an additional share

15  calculated as follows:

16         1.  Multiply each county's percentage of the total

17  state population, by the total funds to be distributed.

18         2.  If the result in subparagraph 1. is less than the

19  guaranteed amount as determined in subsection (3), that

20  county's additional share shall be zero.

21         3.  For each county in which the result in subparagraph

22  1. is greater than the guaranteed amount, the amount

23  calculated in subparagraph 1. shall be reduced by the

24  guaranteed amount.  The result for each such county shall be

25  expressed as a percentage of the amounts so determined for all

26  counties.  Each such county shall receive an additional share

27  equal to this percentage multiplied by the total funds

28  received by the Local Government Housing Trust Fund pursuant

29  to s. 201.15(8) s. 201.15(7) as reduced by the guaranteed

30  amount paid to all counties.

31         (3)  Calculation of guaranteed amounts:


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  1         (a)  The guaranteed amount under subsection (1) shall

  2  be calculated for each state fiscal year by multiplying

  3  $350,000 by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount

  4  of funds distributed to the Local Government Housing Trust

  5  Fund pursuant to s. 201.15(7) s. 201.15(6) and the denominator

  6  of which is the total amount of funds distributed to the Local

  7  Government Housing Trust Fund pursuant to s. 201.15.

  8         (b)  The guaranteed amount under subsection (2) shall

  9  be calculated for each state fiscal year by multiplying

10  $350,000 by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount

11  of funds distributed to the Local Government Housing Trust

12  Fund pursuant to s. 201.15(8) s. 201.15(7) and the denominator

13  of which is the total amount of funds distributed to the Local

14  Government Housing Trust Fund pursuant to s. 201.15.

15         (4)  Funds distributed pursuant to this section may not

16  be pledged to pay debt service on any bonds.

17         Section 17.  (1)  An educational program to enhance the

18  state's schools, community colleges, and universities, which

19  will foster business, industry, research, and development, is

20  created. This program will integrate into existing curricula

21  the knowledge, skills, and experience that will result in

22  informed decisions, responsible behavior, and constructive

23  actions through project-based learning.

24         (2)  The education program will be based on present and

25  future projects involving ecosystem restoration. The program

26  will include teacher training and curriculum development in

27  all disciplines, with cooperative efforts between schools,

28  colleges, universities, and businesses, to provide practical,

29  hands-on experience and to encourage enrollment in

30  mathematics, engineering, and science, such as Broward

31  County's Saturday-Science Summer Academy, SECME-Southeastern


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  1  Consortium for Minorities in Engineering Program, Miami-Dade

  2  County's Urban Systemic Initiative, and others in rural areas

  3  to be administered through the Commissioner of Education,

  4  school districts, the Board of Regents, and the State Board of

  5  Community Colleges.

  6         (3)  An advisory council appointed by the Governor, the

  7  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

  8  Representatives shall be created and shall consist of members

  9  from all relevant industries, government agencies, and

10  educational components, and from relevant counties. Such

11  advisory council shall make a report with recommendations to

12  the Legislature by December 31, 2000.

13         (4)  No moneys from the Florida Forever Trust Fund will

14  be appropriated to implement this program.

15         Section 18.  Agencies and water management districts

16  receiving funds from the Florida Forever Program shall adopt

17  rules pursuant to chapter 120, Florida Statutes, to implement

18  the program which, at a minimum, establish procedures for

19  evaluating, selecting, and prioritizing proposed acquisitions

20  and water resource development projects.

21         Section 19.  Subsection (3) is added to section

22  375.075, Florida Statutes, to read:

23         375.075  Outdoor recreation; financial assistance to

24  local governments.--

25         (3)  Grants awarded to individual local governments may

26  not exceed $200,000 per year.

27         Section 20.  Section 373.584, Florida Statutes, is

28  repealed.

29         Section 21.  The repeal of section 373.584, Florida

30  Statutes, does not impair the validity of any bonds or



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  1  obligations issued under that section which are outstanding on

  2  July 1, 2000.

  3         Section 22.  If the Department of Environmental

  4  Protection or a water management district has made a payment

  5  in lieu of taxes to a governmental entity and subsequently

  6  suspended such payment, the department or water management

  7  district shall reinstitute appropriate payments and continue

  8  the payments in consecutive years until the governmental

  9  entity has received a total of ten payments for each tax loss.

10         Section 23.  Except for this section and section 22,

11  which shall take effect upon becoming a law, this act shall

12  take effect July 1, 2000.





















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                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                            CS/SB 908


  4  Provisions permitting Florida Forever funds to be used for
    water supply development and SWIM Trust Fund moneys for
  5  wastewater treatment plants have been deleted. Also deleted
    are provisions establishing a Florida Forever Commission
  6  appointed by the Governor to approve Florida Forever
    The bill now authorizes not less than 10 nor more than 20
  8  percent of the FCT's funding to be used for
    natural-resource-based capital improvements, including
  9  projects to improve public access. Thirty percent of the FCT's
    total allocation must be spent in standard metropolitan
10  statistical areas; one-half of that amount must be used in
    localities in which the project site is located in built-up
11  commercial, industrial, or mixed-use areas and functions to
    intersperse congested urban core areas with open spaces.
    The LAMAC is renamed the Florida Forever Commission
13  (commission) and its membership is expanded by four members
    appointed by the Governor, who will also appoint the
14  chairperson. Each appointed member must reside in a different
    water management district (WMD). The commission will continue
15  the LAMAC's current functions, but will also approve land
    acquisition projects proposed by the WMDs. The commission is
16  directed to develop goals to guide its approval process and
    recommend incentives and funding sources to encourage
17  landowners to implement sound stewardship practices.

18  Two new criteria have been added to the criteria for
    acquisition projects, replacing a duplicative provision
19  relating to SWIM plan implementation with provisions
    addressing whether the project is appropriate and needed for
20  an aquifer storage and recovery project, surface water
    reservoir, or alternative water resource development projects;
21  and whether the project preserves the inventory of community
    open space or the project preserves endangered open spaces
22  from development.

23  Projects to preserve archeological or historical sites or the
    habitat of threatened or endangered species are exempted from
24  the need to meet three acquisition criteria.

25  Provisions requiring an extraordinary vote for an acquisition
    in a county in which the total ad valorem tax exemptions due
26  to government ownership exceed 37 percent of the county's
    total market value valuation have been changed to 20 percent;
27  the requirement that a county commission approve an
    acquisition when that percent exceeds 50 percent have been
28  changed to 37 percent. Provisions authorizing the sale of
    Florida Forever bonds and the use of documentary stamp tax
29  proceeds for repayment have been revised to enhance the
    marketability of the bonds, as recommended by the Division of
30  Bond Finance.

31  The bill now requires the annual reservation of $2 million in
    the Florida Forever Trust Fund for emergency archaeological

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  1  acquisitions, authorizes rulemaking, and provides payments in
    lieu of taxes to Glades County to compensate for tax losses
  2  due to the construction of a privately-owned prison facility.





























