House Bill 9089

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9089

        By Representative J. Miller

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution commemorating the 60th Anniversary

  3         of the founding of Escambia River Electric

  4         Cooperative.


  6         WHEREAS, 1999 marks the 60th Anniversary of the

  7  founding of Escambia River Electric Cooperative, and

  8         WHEREAS, the cooperative has a long and successful

  9  history of providing electric power to rural residents of

10  Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties, and

11         WHEREAS, the great achievements of the cooperative can

12  be measured by the long strides these counties have made in

13  the area of economic development, and

14         WHEREAS, this 60th Anniversary observance also presents

15  an opportunity to honor the memory and contributions of the

16  early founders, employees, and trustees who have worked

17  tirelessly to make this cooperative a leader among its peers,



20  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

21  Florida:


23         That the Florida House of Representatives highly

24  commends Escambia River Electric Cooperative, its board of

25  trustees, and its employees for 60 years of excellent service

26  to its consumers.

27         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

28  be presented to the Escambia River Electric Cooperative as a

29  tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.


