House Bill 0911

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 911

        By Representative Sanderson

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to federally funded services

  3         for children; amending s. 409.26731, F.S.;

  4         authorizing the Department of Children and

  5         Family Services to annually certify local funds

  6         for state match for services to children under

  7         the supervision of or in the custody of the

  8         department; providing an effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Section 409.26731, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         409.26731  Certification of local funds as state match

15  for federally funded services; federal waivers.--In order to

16  implement Specific Appropriations 330 and 334 through 352 of

17  the 1997-1998 General Appropriations Act, The Department of

18  Children and Family Services is authorized to annually certify

19  local funds not to exceed $5 million as state match for

20  children's mental health services funded by Medicaid in excess

21  of the amount of state general revenue matching funds

22  appropriated for such services through the 1997-1998 General

23  Appropriations Act. The department is also authorized to

24  annually certify local funds not to exceed $5 million as state

25  match for eligible Title IV-E services for children under the

26  supervision or and custody of the state in excess of the

27  amount of state general revenue matching funds appropriated

28  for such services by the 1997-1998 General Appropriations Act

29  in Specific Appropriations 334 through 352. Federal Medicaid

30  or Title IV-E funds provided to the state as federal financial

31  participation consequent to certified local matching funds


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                 HB 911


  1  shall automatically be passed through to the local

  2  jurisdiction that provided the certified local match. All of

  3  the provisions of this section are based upon federal approval

  4  of the provisions as specifically limited in this section and

  5  shall not become effective if any further modifications are

  6  required of the state. The Agency for Health Care

  7  Administration is authorized to apply for federal waivers to

  8  modify the state Medicaid plan to include optional Medicaid

  9  in-home and therapeutic services for Medicaid-eligible

10  children if the state match for such services is provided by

11  local funds certified by the department as state match. Such

12  services shall be available only in communities that provide

13  the certified match.

14         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

15  law.


17            *****************************************

18                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Authorizes the Department of Children and Family Services
20    to annually certify local funds for state match for
      certain federally funded services for children who are
21    either under the supervision of or in the custody of the
      department. Current law provides such funding pursuant to
22    a specific appropriation and only for children who are
      both under the supervision of and in the custody of the
23    department.








