House Bill 9131

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HR 9131

        By Representative Feeney

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution recognizing 1999 as Sprint's

  3         100-year anniversary.


  5         WHEREAS, Sprint began in 1899 as Brown Telephone

  6  Company in Abilene, Kansas, and

  7         WHEREAS, in 100 years, Sprint has grown into a global

  8  telecommunications company at the forefront in integrating

  9  local, long distance, wireless, and data communications, and

10         WHEREAS, while Sprint has grown up, it has never grown

11  away from its local, hometown roots, and

12         WHEREAS, today, Sprint provides local service to more

13  than 7 million customers in 3,000 communities in 18 states,

14  and

15         WHEREAS, Sprint has a rich history dating back to the

16  beginnings of telephony in Florida 100 years ago, and

17         WHEREAS, Sprint serves more than 2 million Florida

18  residents, and

19         WHEREAS, Sprint offers Florida residents an extensive

20  menu of telecommunications products and services, and

21         WHEREAS, Sprint is a solid partner and a consistent and

22  generous supporter of Florida's economic, educational, and

23  charitable programs, NOW, THEREFORE.


25  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

26  Florida:


28  That the House of Representatives hereby recognizes 1999 as

29  Sprint's 100th Anniversary Year and recognizes the

30  contributions Sprint has made to the telecommunications

31  industry, to the communities it serves, and to its customers.
