Senate Bill 0920

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 920

    By Senator Kirkpatrick


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to postsecondary education;

  3         providing definitions; creating the Florida

  4         Affordable College Trust; providing duties of

  5         the State Treasurer relating to the trust;

  6         authorizing certain rules and procedures;

  7         requiring certain responsibilities relating to

  8         investments; requiring counsel; requiring a

  9         financial report; providing for exemption from

10         taxation; prohibiting certain limitations to

11         and alterations of the trust; precluding

12         agreements with the trust from providing

13         guarantees relating to admissions and levels of

14         payment to certain institutions; requiring

15         compliance with certain laws and rules;

16         creating an advisory committee; providing for

17         appointment of members; authorizing a

18         direct-support organization; providing for a

19         board of directors; providing for transfer of

20         certain assets and renegotiation of contracts

21         under the Florida Prepaid College Program;

22         amending s. 222.22, F.S.; exempting property in

23         the Florida Affordable College Trust from

24         certain claims of creditors; amending s.

25         240.552, F.S.; transferring responsibilities

26         relating to the Florida Prepaid Tuition

27         Scholarship Program; amending s. 732.402, F.S.;

28         providing that contracts with the Florida

29         Affordable College Trust are exempt from

30         certain creditors with respect to deceased

31         persons; repealing s. 240.551, F.S., relating


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  1         to the Florida Prepaid College Program;

  2         providing an effective date.


  4  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  6         Section 1.    As used in sections 1 through 10 of this

  7  act, the term:

  8         (1)  "Depositor" means a person who makes a deposit,

  9  payment, contribution, or gift to the trust as authorized in a

10  participation agreement.

11         (2)  "Designated beneficiary" means:

12         (a)  A resident of this state who was originally

13  designated in the participation agreement;

14         (b)  A person who was subsequently designated and who

15  is a family member as defined in s. 2032A(e)(2) of the

16  Internal Revenue Code; or

17         (c)  A person who receives a scholarship from interests

18  in the trust purchased by a state or local government or an

19  organization that is described in section 240.552, Florida

20  Statutes, provided that the organization also meets the

21  requirements of s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


23  The term also applies to any other person enrolled in the

24  trust who is a qualified beneficiary under the definition in

25  s. 529 of the Internal Revenue Code.

26         (3)  "Eligible educational institution" means a

27  postsecondary educational institution that qualifies under s.

28  529 of the Internal Revenue Code.

29         (4)  "Treasurer" means the executive officer designated

30  as state treasurer by chapter 18, Florida Statutes.



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  1         (5)  "Internal Revenue Code" means the Internal Revenue

  2  Code of 1986 or, if it is amended, any subsequent

  3  corresponding internal revenue code of the United States.

  4         (6)  "Participation agreement" means an agreement

  5  between the trust and depositors for participation in a

  6  savings plan for a designated beneficiary.

  7         (7)  "Qualified postsecondary education expenses" means

  8  fees, including tuition or matriculation fees, local fees, and

  9  fees for residence and board in the amount typically required

10  for on-campus accommodation; books; supplies; and equipment

11  required for the enrollment or attendance of a designated

12  beneficiary at an eligible educational institution, including

13  undergraduate and graduate schools, and any other

14  postsecondary education expenses that may be permitted by s.

15  529 of the Internal Revenue Code.

16         (8)  "Trust" means the Florida Affordable College

17  Trust.

18         Section 2.  (1)  The Florida Affordable College Trust

19  is established to promote and enhance the ability of the

20  residents of this state to obtain the benefits of higher

21  education. The trust is an instrumentality of the state and

22  shall perform the governmental functions required by this act.

23  The trust shall receive and hold all payments and deposits or

24  contributions intended for its use, as well as gifts,

25  bequests, and endowments or federal, state or local grants,

26  and any other public or private source of funds, and all

27  interest earned upon those funds, until funds are disbursed in

28  accordance with this act.

29         (2)  The trust is not a governmental agency and the

30  amounts on deposit in the trust do not constitute property of

31  the state. Amounts on deposit in the trust may not be


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  1  commingled with state funds, and the state has no claim to or

  2  against or interest in those funds. Any contract or other

  3  obligation of the trust is not a debt or obligation of the

  4  state, and the state has no obligation to any designated

  5  beneficiary or any other person on account of the trust. All

  6  amounts obligated to be paid from the trust are limited to

  7  amounts available for the obligation on deposit in the trust.

  8  The amounts on deposit in the trust may be disbursed only in

  9  accordance with the provisions of sections 1 through 10 of

10  this act. The trust shall continue in existence as long as it

11  holds any deposits or has any obligations and until its

12  existence is terminated by law, and, upon termination of the

13  trust, any unclaimed assets of the trust must return to the

14  state.

15         (c)  The treasurer shall receive, maintain, administer,

16  invest, and disburse the trust funds. The trust may receive

17  deposits by cash or check only. A depositor or designated

18  beneficiary may not direct the investment of any contributions

19  or amounts held in the trust except by choosing one of the

20  specific fund options provided by the trust.

21         Section 3.  On behalf of the trust and for purposes of

22  the trust, the treasurer may:

23         (1)  Receive and invest moneys in the trust in any

24  instruments, obligations, securities, or property, in

25  accordance with section 4 of this act.

26         (2)  Establish consistent terms for each participation

27  agreement, bulk deposit, coupon or installment payments,

28  including:

29         (a)  The method of payment into the trust by payroll

30  deduction or transfer from bank accounts.



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  1         (b)  The termination, withdrawal, or transfer of

  2  payments under the trust, including transfers to or from a

  3  qualified tuition program established by another state under

  4  s. 529 of the Internal Revenue Code.

  5         (c)  Penalties for distributions not used or made in

  6  accordance with s. 529(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

  7         (d)  The conditions under which one designated

  8  beneficiary may be substituted for another in a participation

  9  agreement.

10         (e)  Any charges or fees in connection with the

11  administration of the trust.

12         (3)  Enter into contractual agreements and pay for

13  contracted services from the gains and earnings of the trust.

14  Services that may be conducted through these contractual

15  agreements include, but are not limited to: legal

16  representation, actuarial consulting, accounting, maintenance

17  and custodial services, advice and counsel, management,

18  administration, advertising, marketing, and consulting.

19         (4)  Procure insurance in connection with property,

20  assets, or activities of the trust, deposits into the trust,

21  or contributions to the trust.

22         (5)  Apply for, accept, and expend gifts, grants, or

23  donations from public or private sources to enable the trust

24  to carry out its objectives.

25         (6)  Adopt rules for the conduct of trust activities.

26         (7)  Sue and be sued.

27         (8)  Establish one or more funds within the trust and

28  maintain separate accounts for each designated beneficiary.

29         (9)  Take any other action that is necessary to carry

30  out the purposes of the trust and incidental to the duties

31  imposed on the treasurer by sections 1 through 10 of this act.


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  1         Section 4.  The treasurer shall invest the amounts on

  2  deposit in the trust with care, prudence, and discretion so as

  3  to achieve the objectives of the trust. The treasurer shall

  4  give due consideration to rate of return, risk, term or

  5  maturity, diversification of the total portfolio within the

  6  trust, liquidity, the projected disbursements and

  7  expenditures, and the expected payments, deposits,

  8  contributions, and gifts to be received. The treasurer may not

  9  require the trust to invest directly in obligations of the

10  state or any political subdivision of the state or in any

11  investment or other fund administered by the treasurer. The

12  assets of the trust must be continuously invested and

13  reinvested in a manner consistent with the objectives of the

14  trust until disbursed for qualified educational expenses,

15  expended on expenses incurred by operations of the trust, or

16  refunded to the depositor or designated beneficiary on the

17  conditions provided in the participation agreement.

18         Section 5.  The treasurer shall obtain written advice

19  of counsel or written advice from the Securities Exchange

20  Commission to ensure that the trust and the offering of

21  participation in the trust are not subject to federal

22  securities laws.

23         Section 6.  Annually, on or before October 15, the

24  treasurer shall submit a financial report to the Governor on

25  the operations of the trust, including the receipts,

26  disbursements, assets, investments, liabilities, and

27  administrative costs of the trust for the previous fiscal

28  year. The treasurer shall also submit such a report to the

29  Florida Affordable College Trust Advisory Committee

30  established in section 11 of this act, and shall make the

31  report available to each depositor and designated beneficiary.


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  1         Section 7.  The property of the trust and the earnings

  2  on the trust are exempt from taxation by the state or by any

  3  political subdivision of the state.

  4         Section 8.  The state pledges to depositors, to

  5  designated beneficiaries, and to any party who enters into

  6  contracts with the trust that the state will not limit or

  7  alter the rights vested in the trust or contract with the

  8  trust by sections 1 through 10 of this act until all

  9  obligations are fully met and discharged and all contracts are

10  fully performed on the part of the trust. The state may limit

11  or alter the trust only if adequate provision is made by law

12  for the protection of depositors and designated beneficiaries

13  under the obligations of the trust and for the protection of

14  parties who entered into contracts with the trust. The trust,

15  on behalf of the state, may include this pledge and

16  undertaking for the state in participation agreements and

17  other obligations or contracts.

18         Section 9.  A participation agreement with the trust

19  does not constitute an agreement, pledge, promise, or

20  guarantee of any person's admission to or continued enrollment

21  in an eligible institution in the state or any other

22  postsecondary educational institution. A participation

23  agreement does not guarantee that the amount generated by

24  investment in the trust will be adequate to fully fund the

25  educational expenses for a designated beneficiary at any

26  eligible educational institution.

27         Section 10.  The treasurer shall take any action

28  necessary to ensure that the trust complies with all

29  applicable requirements of federal and state laws, rules, and

30  regulations to the extent necessary for the trust to

31  constitute a qualified state tuition program and to ensure


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  1  that the trust is exempt from taxation under s. 529 of the

  2  Internal Revenue Code.

  3         Section 11.  (1)  There is established the Florida

  4  Affordable College Trust Advisory Committee. Committee members

  5  include:

  6         (a)  The State Treasurer;

  7         (b)  The Commissioner of Education;

  8         (c)  The Chancellor of the Board of Regents;

  9         (d)  The Executive Director of the State Board of

10  Community Colleges;

11         (e)  The Executive Director of the Postsecondary

12  Education Planning Commission;

13         (f)  The chairpersons of the committees of the Florida

14  Senate and the House of Representatives having oversight of

15  matters relating to educational finance, revenue, and bonding,

16  or their designees;

17         (g)  A student financial aid officer from a public

18  postsecondary educational institution, appointed by the Board

19  of Regents for an initial term of 2 years, to be replaced by

20  such an officer appointed by the State Board of Community

21  Colleges for the following term, which will be for 4 years.

22  Subsequent appointments will be to 4-year terms and will

23  rotate between the two boards;

24         (h)  A finance officer at a public postsecondary

25  educational institution appointed by the State Board of

26  Community Colleges for an initial term of 3 years, to be

27  replaced by such an officer appointed by the Board of Regents

28  for the following term, which will be for 4 years. Subsequent

29  appointments will be to 4-year terms and will rotate between

30  the two boards;



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  1         (i)  A student financial aid officer employed by an

  2  independent postsecondary educational institution that is

  3  eligible for the Florida Resident Access Grant as provided in

  4  section 240.605, Florida Statutes, to be appointed by the

  5  Postsecondary Education Planning Commission to an initial term

  6  of 2 years, with subsequent appointments to 4-year terms;

  7         (j)  A finance officer employed by an independent

  8  postsecondary educational institution that is eligible for the

  9  Florida Resident Access Grant as provided in section 240.605,

10  Florida Statutes, to be appointed by the Postsecondary

11  Education Planning Commission for an initial term of 3 years,

12  with subsequent appointments to 4-year terms;

13         (k)  A finance officer employed by a nonpublic

14  postsecondary educational institution that is licensed by the

15  State Board of Nonpublic Career Education or that is under the

16  jurisdiction of the State Board of Independent Colleges and

17  Universities, to be appointed by the Postsecondary Education

18  Planning Commission to an initial 2-year term, with subsequent

19  appointments to 4-year terms;

20         (2)  Members of the council shall serve without

21  compensation but may be reimbursed for travel and per diem

22  expenses in accordance with section 112.061, Florida Statutes.

23         (3)  The advisory committee shall meet at least

24  annually. The State Treasurer shall convene the meetings of

25  the committee.

26         (4)  Within 6 months after the date of the trust's

27  annual report, the State Treasurer and the Commissioner of

28  Education shall jointly submit to the Legislature a report

29  evaluating the Florida Affordable College Trust and making

30  recommendations, if any, for improvements in the program.



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    Florida Senate - 1999                                   SB 920

  1         Section 12.  The Florida Affordable College Trust may

  2  establish a direct-support organization that is:

  3         (1)  A Florida corporation not for profit, which is

  4  incorporated under chapter 617, Florida Statutes, and approved

  5  by the Secretary of State.

  6         (2)  Organized and operated exclusively to receive,

  7  hold, invest, and administer property and to make expenditures

  8  to or for the benefit of the program.

  9         (3)  An organization that the fund's advisory committee

10  has reviewed and certified to be operating in a manner

11  consistent with the goals of the fund. Unless so certified,

12  the organization may not use the name of the fund.

13         (4)  Subject to an annual postaudit by an independent

14  certified public accountant as provided in rules of the fund.

15  The annual audit shall be submitted to the State Board of

16  Administration and Auditor General for review. The State Board

17  of Administration and Auditor General may require and receive

18  from the organization or its independent auditor any detail or

19  supplemental data relative to the operation of the

20  organization.

21         (5)  The Treasurer shall serve as director of the

22  direct-support organization and shall name four other persons

23  to serve as directors of the organization. The directors shall

24  serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for travel

25  and per diem expenses in accordance with section 112.061,

26  Florida Statutes.

27         Section 13.  Effective July 1, 2000, a qualified

28  beneficiary under the Florida Prepaid College Program pursuant

29  to s. 240.551, Florida Statutes, is eligible to become a

30  designated beneficiary under the Florida Affordable College

31  Trust. During the 1999-2000 school year, the board of


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  1  directors of the Florida Affordable College Trust shall work

  2  with the Florida Prepaid College Board to contact and

  3  renegotiate the contracts of all qualified beneficiaries of

  4  the Prepaid College Program. On July 1, 2000, all assets under

  5  the control of the Prepaid College Board and Program shall be

  6  transferred to the Florida Affordable College Trust, with the

  7  following options for qualified beneficiaries:

  8         (1)  A qualified beneficiary who, in May, 2000, is 5 or

  9  more years from high school graduation may:

10         (a)  Transfer into the Florida Affordable College Trust

11  the full amount paid into the program on his or her behalf,

12  plus interest calculated at a rate that corresponds at least

13  to the prevailing interest rates for savings accounts provided

14  by banks and savings and loan associations; or

15         (b)  Receive a refund of the amount paid in and an

16  additional amount equivalent to the amount of interest

17  calculated at a rate that corresponds at least to the

18  prevailing interest rates for savings accounts provided by

19  banks and savings and loan associations.

20         (2)  A qualified beneficiary who, in May, 2000, is

21  enrolled in an eligible postsecondary educational institution

22  under the Florida Prepaid College Program, or who is within 5

23  years of graduation from high school, may choose one of the

24  following options:

25         (a)  Continue to exercise the complete benefits for

26  which he or she has contracted. By July 1, 2000, the contract

27  must be renegotiated so that the full amount paid on behalf of

28  the designated beneficiary is transferred to the Florida

29  Affordable College Trust for fiscal management. On that date,

30  the trust shall assume legal responsibility for carrying out

31  the functions required of the Florida Prepaid College Board


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  1  under the original contract, and the state shall retain the

  2  responsibility to assure that the contract covers the full

  3  costs of tuition and any other benefits guaranteed under the

  4  contract.

  5         (b)  Transfer into the Florida Affordable College Trust

  6  the full amount paid into the program on his or her behalf,

  7  plus interest. Interest shall be calculated at a rate that

  8  corresponds at least to the prevailing interest rates for

  9  savings accounts provided by banks and savings and loan

10  associations.

11         (c)  Receive a refund of the amount paid on his or her

12  behalf and an additional amount equivalent to the amount of

13  interest calculated at a rate that corresponds at least to the

14  prevailing interest rates for savings accounts provided by

15  banks and savings and loan associations.

16         Section 14.  Subsection (1) of section 222.22, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         222.22  Exemption of moneys in the Florida Affordable

19  College Trust, Prepaid Postsecondary Education Expense Trust

20  Fund, and in a Medical Savings Account from legal process.--

21         (1)  Moneys paid into or out of the Florida Affordable

22  College Trust or the Florida Prepaid College Trust Fund by or

23  on behalf of a purchaser or designated qualified beneficiary

24  pursuant to a an advance payment contract made under s.

25  240.551 or sections 1 through 10 of this act, which contract

26  has not been terminated, are not liable to attachment,

27  garnishment, or legal process in the state in favor of any

28  creditor of the purchaser or beneficiary of such advance

29  payment contract.

30         Section 15.  Section 240.552, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         240.552  Florida Affordable College Prepaid Tuition

  2  Scholarship Program.--The Florida Affordable College Prepaid

  3  Tuition Scholarship Program is hereby established with the

  4  intent to provide economically disadvantaged youth with

  5  prepaid postsecondary tuition scholarships through the Florida

  6  Affordable College Trust.  The direct-support organization

  7  established pursuant to section 12 of this act s. 240.551

  8  shall administer the program with the assistance and

  9  cooperation of the Department of Education to achieve the

10  following objectives:

11         (1)  Provide an incentive for economically

12  disadvantaged youth to improve school attendance and academic

13  performance in order to graduate and pursue a postsecondary

14  education.

15         (2)  Obtain the commitment and involvement of private

16  sector entities by virtue of funding matches with a ratio of

17  50 percent provided by the private sector and 50 percent

18  provided by the state.

19         (3)  Purchase postsecondary prepaid tuition

20  scholarships through contract with the Florida Affordable

21  College Trust for students certified by the Department of

22  Education to the direct-support organization who meet minimum

23  economic and school requirements and remain drug free and

24  crime free.

25         (a)  For the purpose of this subsection, "drug free"

26  means not being convicted of, or adjudicated delinquent for,

27  any violation of chapter 893 after being designated a

28  recipient of a Florida prepaid tuition scholarship.

29         (b)  For the purpose of this subsection, "crime free"

30  means not being convicted of, or adjudicated delinquent for,

31  any felony or first degree misdemeanor as defined in ss.


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  1  775.08 and 775.081 after being designated a recipient of a

  2  Florida Affordable College prepaid tuition Scholarship.

  3         Section 16.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

  4  732.402, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         732.402  Exempt property.--

  6         (2)  Exempt property shall consist of:

  7         (c)  Florida Prepaid College Program Contracts

  8  purchased pursuant to s. 240.551 and sections 1 through 10 of

  9  this act.

10         Section 17.  Effective July 1, 2000, section 240.551,

11  Florida Statutes, is repealed.

12         Section 18.  Except as otherwise provided, this act

13  shall take effect July 1, 1999.


15            *****************************************

16                          SENATE SUMMARY

17    Creates the Florida Affordable College Trust. Provides
      the State Treasurer with duties relating to the trust.
18    Authorizes certain rules and procedures. Provides
      responsibilities relating to investments. Requires
19    counsel. Requires a financial report. Provides for
      exemption from taxation. Prohibits certain limitations to
20    and alterations of the trust. Precludes agreements with
      the trust from providing guarantees related to admissions
21    and levels of payment to certain institutions. Creates an
      advisory committee and provides for the appointment of
22    committee members. Authorizes a direct-support
      organization. Provides for a board of directors. Provides
23    for the transfer of certain assets and for the
      renegotiation of contracts under the Florida Prepaid
24    College Program. Exempts property in the Florida
      Affordable College Trust from certain claims of
25    creditors. Transfers responsibilities relating to the
      Florida Prepaid Tuition Scholarship Program. Provides
26    that contracts with the Florida Affordable College Trust
      are exempt from certain creditors with respect to
27    deceased persons. Repeals s. 240.551, F.S., relating to
      the Florida Prepaid College Program.



